Matthew 10:32 “Therefore everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess him before My Father who is in heaven.”
Romans 10:9 “If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.“
Have you decided to follow Jesus? Have you confessed before men that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of your life? If so, make it known to others by entering your name and email address in the “Leave a Reply” area at the bottom of this page. In the Comment field please include your born again birthday, your City and State and the church you attend if that is something you want to share. Also, in the Comment field, it would be an encouragement to others if you would leave a brief testimony of how you came to a saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you are done click “Post Comment”. This will notify me and I will add your name to the list and add your testimony for others to see. Later, if you need to update your information or update your testimony or if you want to have your your name and information removed simply send another “Post Comment” with the information and action required. Note, your email address will not be displayed or given out.
This page was the idea of Pastor Clay. When brothers and sisters in Christ see their name with others that share their faith, it encourages us to fight the good fight of faith together. While you here at the “Die2Live” web site, click on one of the links an enjoy some of the articles, songs and groaners. If you are the Emerald Isle, NC area please come on Sunday to Chapel by the Sea http://www.eichapel.org/site/ for Sunday School with Pastor Robert Kornegay at 9 am and praise and worship with Pastor Clay at 10 am. Also, if you are a guy you are welcome to come and join our men’s fellowship breakfast the last Saturday of every month at 8 am – 9:30. We are watching videos and studying the material from the Stepping Up, A Call to Courageous Manhood ministry.
Submit Date |
Name | City. State | Church | Born Again |
Testimony | Favorite Author |
05/15/2015 | Roger Ricketts | Emerald Isle, NC | Chapel by the Sea | March 1992 | (read) | Dave Hunt |
08/15/2015 | Laura Pittman | Emerald Isle, NC | Chapel by the Sea | June 1974 | (read) | Jay Rouse music |
The Lord finally got my attention when my wife asked for a divorce and my job was eliminated at the same time. My “try to get along with everyone” and “hold it together methodology” had failed me big time and I started searching for some answers to life. A black lady from work came up to me and said the Lord told me you were hurting and that you need Jesus in your life. She told me to read the book of John in the Bible. She said I could have the Holy Spirit in me to comfort me and guide me so I can make decisions that would please God and stand up against the storms of life. I thought about how bad I messed up on my own and one day, at lunch with a couple of other Christians, I asked Jesus to be Lord of my life.
Do you know how to magnetize a piece of steel? You put a magnet on it. And do you know how to increase the magnetic properties of the steel? You keep the magnet on it for a longer amount of time. And this is how it is with Jesus, my desire for Him increases the closer I draw to Him and the longer I walk with Him.
Like the steel analogy. thank you.
Reborn summer 1974. Age 12. I have rededicated my life to him as an adult in 1996. I live in Emerald Isle,, NC and attend EI chapel by the sea