
Hello Reader,

Look, we live in a fallen world and we are all fallen people … we are sinners who sin.  Everyone has sinned and has disappointed God.  We are all in need of forgiveness from God.  We all need His grace to save us and guide us through this fallen world.  I am no different.  My sins may not be the same as your sin but I am a sinner just like you but perhaps unlike you I am sinner who has been saved by Jesus.  I have been saved from the penalty of my sin by believing in Jesus.  I am trusting Jesus to plead my case for forgiveness of my sin before God based on His righteousness and His work on the cross.  And like John Newton, I can say “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see.”

As a young husband and father, I had a good job and what I thought was a good family life.  It was the happiest time of my life.  However, what I thought was a wonderful life wasn’t so wonderful for my wife because little by little I was focusing more and more on my job and less and less on her and my family. Then one day she said to me “I want a divorce”.  My wife was having an affair with a friend and I didn’t even know it.  I was shocked and devastated.  I was so out of touch with her and my kids, it was the worse thing that ever happened to me.

The real tragedy was not that I was focusing to much on my job or not enough on my wife and family. The real tragedy was that I didn’t know God … I didn’t have a relationship with Him.  I wasn’t reading the Bible, I wasn’t praying, I wasn’t going to church, I wasn’t following God but worst of all I wasn’t leading my family to know God and honor Him.  God had to hit me with a 2×4 of His grace to wake me up to the fact that something was missing in my life … Him!

This is when I started to write but I wasn’t writing about God, I was writing about my hurt feelings.  I wrote letters to try and win my wife back but that didn’t work.  I read a lot of philosophy books and wrote down the keys to happiness but that didn’t work either.  Finally, a black lady from work came to me and said, “God told me you are hurting and He can heal you”.  I didn’t know what to say.  I had seen this lady at work but had never talked to her before.  I didn’t know her but she knew God and she knew God was seeking me.  She told me to read the book of John in the Bible and we could talk about it.  Well, this started my relationship with God … the best thing that ever happened to me.

But in the process of knowing God, I wrote down a lot of things that didn’t make sense to me, a lot of doubting, a lot of ignoring God, rebelling, repenting and coming back to Him.  I’m still a work in progress, all Christians are a work in progress, otherwise we wouldn’t be here, we’d be in Heaven. To think that you have to surrender “all” your desires to God, in order to gain what is truly “best” for you seems too risky, even crazy … or as I say now “praisey”.  It is like you are not able to trust yourself to know what is best for you and actually this is true … or we won’t end up in such a big mess.   This is the root of the problem, we can’t trust our judgement, it’s corrupted by sin.  We must turn from trusting our judgement, to trusting Christ’s righteousness.  The wisest man in the world, Solomon, wrote in Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight (direct your path).”  My Christian friend put it this way, “The truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first”.

I am hope you have a Bible, read it and it will tell you who God is, why He created you and what He created you for.  The world makes sense when you realize this is God’s world.  It was created for His pleasure and your pleasure is only found in a “born again” relationship with God by Grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  Only God knows how to get you through this world and He is happy to do it, if you will call on Him for salvation (click here).  After making a mess of my life, I was glad to be forgiven of my sin, saved by God’s grace and have the Holy Spirit dwelling in me to direct my steps in life.

As for me, I don’t find it easy or enjoyable dying to self and living for Christ, nor am I able to do it all the time but the Lord is good and patient and forgiving.  And even when I am unfaithful, God remains faithful and He will complete the work in me.  Phil 1:6 “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

I serve in a “cross” denominational church on the coast of North Carolina, “Chapel by the Sea“.  My children are married and I am now a Poppy to four wonderful grandchildren.  The Lord is so good to me, He even found me my Maranatha wife through this web site and this very web page!   We were married a few days before the Revelation 12 sign in 2017 and we spend our time watching the signs in the world that point to the fact that Jesus is coming soon and studying God’s word.  I also like to sing and I have written some praise music that I have shared on this site.  I use the handle “Rogersings” to close my articles because it was God’s saving grace that has given me a reason to sing and His grace has overcome my “stage fright” that kept me from singing in public for the first 40 years of my life.  And the emoticon is; the cross over me, my glasses, nose and a smile.

Hey, if you get “blogged” down from all the articles, take a break and listen to the songs on this web site or have a good laugh by reading the Groaners.


A servant of the Lord,  Rogersings  +8^) 

Roger, Emerald Isle, NC 28594


8 thoughts on “-Me-

  1. Hello Rogersings… I really appreciate all the time and research you have put into your website and though there are somethings that are new to my understanding, I think you did a very good job at bringing the possibility of the Rapture happening soon to light.

    I appreciate your “about you” candidity, I am social media phobic as I think too much is said and done with these tools that allows the devil to cause havoc so I keep a way… but that being said I am very open to one on one dialogue.

    Well thanks again, and I’ll look for you in Heaven if I don’t hear from you before then.


    1. Hey Juliana great hearing from you. I completely agree that for the most part social media and the Internet create a distraction and deception that keeps people away from God. And the topic of the rapture is kind of distracting toward the main purpose of the Church, which is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am torn between “keeping silent about the rapture” while I continue to build up the body of Christ and “sounding the alarm” to warn the body of Christ that Jesus is coming for His bride! Thanks for the feedback. I will contact you. Blessings – Rogersings

  2. Funny how so many of us now are ‘not quite ready’ for all this to start. It’s like being in a bad relationship, knowing it, but being aware that it is all we know, and we cling to it. I’m still working through this. All my best to you, Friend.


    1. John, Thank you for you comment. It helps explain the resistance by Christians to the signs of today that are proclaiming the wonderful truth that Jesus is coming for His Bride, the Church. So many Christians are in a “bad” relationship with Jesus, in that they do not have the “passion” that they had at the start. The song from the Righteous Brothers (and Sisters) comes to mind “You’ve lost that loving feeling”. And these are the very words of the Groom to His Bride at such a time as this … “But I have this against you, that you have left your first love” (Revelation 2:4). Bless you brother … I will see you soon. – Roger

      1. Those who love Him will seek Him in Spirit and Truth and the cares of this world will no longer be our main concern… Oh how we look forward to bowing to our Lord and savior and Him receiving us opened armed for a warm embrace.

        Come Maranatha come!

  3. Hi Roger,
    A lot of the stuff you wrote about yourself sounds so familiar to me, except that I did much worse than you, as I was the one who killed my marriage and my family, hurting both my wife and kids. Just as with you, God was so extremely good to me and gave me a new start with a “Maranatha” wife. He has rebuilt my life since and gave me the honor to serve Him in Turkey, which is not the easiest of tasks, but with lots of praise and patience we are marking our way one step at a time.
    Praise God that he created you and inspired you to have this website. I read you article about the question “Entering vs. Inheriting the Kingdom of God” and it helped me a lot to put some dots together. Your text is very deep and concise plus it is well researched.
    Thank you ver much and may God continue to bless you richly!
    PS: In our church here we are very much interested in the topic of the end times and we keep watch all the time.

    1. Brother Oliver, You are an encouragement to me with your comment. My Maranatha wife and I talk about Jesus all day … We watch the signs of the times which point to the Rapture of His Bride, the Born Again Church, prior to the Tribulation! This is our Hope and understanding … We are here, till we hear!.

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