Two Rows – a poem by Dr Shady George in response to the brutal execution of 21 Egyptian Christians by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) in Libya in February 2015.
Two rows of men walked the shore of the sea,
On a day when the world’s tears would run free,
One a row of assassins, who thought they did right,
The other of innocents, true sons of the light,
One holding knives in hands held high,
The other with hands empty, defenseless and tied,
One row of slits to conceal glaring-dead eyes,
The other with living eyes raised to the skies,
One row stood steady, pall-bearers of death,
The other knelt ready, welcoming heaven’s breath,
One row spewed wretched, contemptible threats,
The other spread God-given peace and rest.
So consider the scene my sisters and brothers
And answer the question … who fears the other?
The row in orange, watching paradise open?
Or the row in black, with minds evil and broken?
It is the Muslims who fear the Christians, that is why they kill Christians. They are afraid of the true God and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. They are compelled by the demonic spiritual influence of Satan, whom they serve in the name of Allah, to remove the witness of God’s children from the earth, as if by doing so they can silence the cry of truth that hounds them. And though they may silence the voices of their fellow man they can never silence the cry of their spilled blood! Gen 4:10 “He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood is crying to Me from the ground”.
Those who are deceived by the lies of Islam need salvation in Jesus from their sin. Were it not for God’s grace, I could be as them. Lord deliver those held captive to Islam and set them free!
– Rogersings
These 21 young men left Egypt and went to Libya in order to get a job, to make money to support their families. They understood the risk but with no work in their town and fellow Egyptians doing the same for their families it made sense. The population of the poor farming village of el-Aour in Egypt is about half Muslim, half Christian. Of the 21 men beheaded in Libya, 13 came from el-Aour. Their families considers these men heroes for their family and for their faith, martyrs for Christ. Even the mother of one of the sons is “thankful” to ISIS for taking her son to heaven. She said if she saw the man on the street she would invite him into her house and pray that God would open his eyes to salvation in Jesus Christ and most of the villagers have this same attitude. They are proud of the martyrs and thankful that ISIS left their audio testimony to Jesus on the video which shows their beheading. The toil and suffering for these 21 men is over, they are in a better place, where they have rest and can no longer be harmed.
This mind set is hard to understand for the Western Christian because as a Christian nation we have defended other nations again unjust nations, such as Hitler’s Germany. Because of the religious freedom we enjoy in America it is hard for us to relate to what it is like to be hated and hunted for your faith in Jesus. I sing Christian praise songs church each Sunday without thought of persecution for my faith in Jesus. I also sing at public town festivals and praise God the message of Jesus Christ is appreciated and celebrated in America … at least for now. God has blessed me with a good job and a good church to learn about Him and give Him worship. These Coptic Christians however live in circumstances similar to the circumstances the early Christians faced, when Rome persecuted them for their faith and threw them to the lions. They will receive a martyr reward from Christ and they are in a place where the pain of this world can no longer reach them. I once heard a man say, it is not the death of Christian that makes a person a martyr but they way they live their life as a testimony for Jesus Christ.
I noticed that the Christian influence in Egypt is similar to the Catholic church. I know there are born-again believers in the Catholic church but the leadership of the Catholic church are like Pharisees during the time Jesus walked the earth. They seek to be seen my men and lord their position over others but worst of all they heap upon their congregation doctrines of men that lead people away from the grace and goodness of God. Even so, God is good, all the time and all the time, God is good.
– Rogersings
The time of the Rapture is near. More Christians will be martyred for their faith – USA Christians is yet to be seen – but we pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ to be strong in the Lord and trust God will avenge them one day! Good article dear.