I am proposing a possible Rapture date in this article but I am NOT watching this date … I am watching Jesus! My peace is in watching for Jesus and abiding in His love. Let no one steal your crown of joy … so you will have a smile on your face at the end of the race!
On the morning of April 1st, 2020 I woke up from sleep and God resonated in my spirit the date of 5/20 and that was all. I started to ponder the date, wondering if it was the date of the rapture or an April’s fools joke. I argued with God that this was the wrong date and that the Rapture was most likely to occur on Pentecost, 5/31/2020. I kept this date to myself for a few days and wondered about how to get a confirmation.
Then on 4/4/2020, my wife, Juliana and I watched “My Fair Lady” and in the movie there is a song that announces that May 20th is Eliza Dolittle Day. I had never seen this movie before and I am not sure why I decided to watch the move. We have a list of movies to watch and “My Fair Lady” was one of the movies that Juliana put on the list a few months ago. I’m not sure exactly what motivated me to select this movie, I primarily like action, espionage or comedy movies but I like musicals too.
As we watched the movie, when I heard the date May 20th my jaw dropped, wondering what this could mean but I didn’t say anything to Juliana. Later while in the bed I asked Juliana if any date stood out to her in the movie and she said “yes, May 20th”. She had seen the movie a couple of times before but she didn’t notice the date until she watched it this time. Now when we watch movies subtle things we didn’t notice before now jump out at us. She wondered to herself if the date was chosen by the “Illuminate” to program us for an event but I said that I think the Lord gave me May 20th in a dream as a possible Rapture Date. We got a little excited because we could immediately see some connections to “My Fair Lady” and the Rapture of the Church, “The Bride of Christ”.
The first connection between My Fair Lady and the Bride of Christ is the definition of “fair lady” from the US Dictionary a fair lady is – (with possessive pronoun) a woman who is the object of one’s love or devotion (especially with allusion to chivalrous love); a man’s wife or partner; now somewhat archaic.
Wow, I could stop right there … the Bride of Christ is the object of Christ’s love. That is why Jesus went to the cross, to save us from sin so we could be with Him. “A chivalrous love” – Jesus paid it all, He conquered the sentence of eternal death and separation from God that was upon us because we are born with a sin nature from Adam and Eve. Jesus is our knight in shining armor … He crushed the head of Satan, the serpent, the Great Dragon … there is no greater display of chivalry than this. He has the sword of the word of God that slays His enemy and divides the truth from lies, the light from the dark and the soul from the spirit.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
The world “fair” means “beautiful” to behold. The word Beautiful has a special meaning in the Bible. It is associated with the land “Mt Zion”, where the beautiful city Jerusalem lies (Psalm 87:2–3), the city God loves. Moreover, God loves the “New Jerusalem” that will comes down from Heaven like a Bride adorned for her husband – Jesus (Revelation 21:2 ). By faith Abraham left Babylon to seek this Heavenly city not built with human hands, Beulah land (Isaiah 62:4). When Moses is born, he is called “beautiful” (Exodus 2:2), which his appearance may have been the reason the Pharaoh’s daughter looked upon him and took Moses as her own child, while other Hebrew babies were being drowned in the river.
My FairˈLady (1964) is an American musical based on the play “Pygmalion” by George Bernard Shaw. In the musical Audrey Hepburn plays a poor young woman from London “Eliza Dolittle” who is taught to speak and behave like an upper-class lady by a bad-tempered professor “Henry Higgins”, played by Rex Harrison. The woman is changed from the streets of slavery to the courts of royalty. In comparison, Christ transforms a person from a condemned prisoner of sin to a free person of royalty. But Christ is not like the ill tempered professor but He is more like the loving character of Colonel Pickering. And though Eliza mannerism are transformed by Higgins, perhaps the greater transformation is the character of Higgins by Eliza.
The woman’s name is “Eliza Dolittle“. As a Christian we “do little” to earn our Salvation, in fact we do no work of our merit to earn our Salvation, it’s all gift from God. A person DOES have to believe and call upon the name of the Lord to be saved but this is not a work that we can take credit for. We are without excuse in regard to knowing our need for Salvation (Romans 1:20) … yet the understand that a person cannot save himself and must call upon Jesus (Romans 10:9) is a “revelation” from God, a gift of God’s Grace. Knowing what is right and wrong is what it means to be human and each person will stand accountable before God after their death to justify the “free will” choices they have made. If they called upon Jesus before they died as their Savior from sin, they are not condemned and have eternal life with Christ and they are judged at the Bema seats for reward done by faith in Christ on earth. If they have NOT called upon Jesus before they died, then they remain condemned of sin and will stand before the White throne of judgement to be sentenced to eternal punishment in the Lake of Fire with the degree of punishment based on their works of the sin in their body on earth.
that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; – Romans 10:9
Once a person is saved by Grace through faith in Jesus Christ it is the Holy Spirit in the person that begins and completes the good work of transforming us into Christ … you must be “born again”. We are yoked with Jesus, walking together but really He is pulling the load. If we abide in Jesus, then He does the good work in us, transforming us into His image and through us, building His Kingdom in Heaven. The conflict occurs when we “run out ahead” of Jesus, on some crusade trying make a name for Christ by our own strength or the conflict occurs when we “fall behind” Jesus, and we take our eyes off our “first love” and we put them on money in this world, pleasures of the flesh or some illusion of power in this world.
In the movie, Eliza’s name is often pronounced ‘Liza, but Juliana was right, Eliza’s name contains “El” – which means God and her name sound like Elijah – meaning God is YAHWEH!
My analogy is that “My Fair Lady”, Eliza represents the Church, the Bride of Christ. In the movie, Higgins thinks he is making Eliza into a lady by teaching her to speak with a proper English accent and to discuss trivial things in public company like “the rain in Spain lies mainly on the plain“. But at the end she said she learned more about being a lady by the way Colonel Pickering always treated her with respect and love. From a Christian analysis …. Higgins represents the Law and the Colonel represent Grace. In the end Eliza becomes Higgins teacher on how to be kind.
Higgins sees Eliza as disgusting and he sees that changing her speech will allow her to leave her job of selling flowers on the street, to working in a proper flower store. Higgins does understand how the social status in England works and he helps Eliza in order to prove he is right about this issue of class privilege. He takes on the challenge in order to feed his pride, not in order help Eliza rise in her social status. Eliza sees that being a person of “class” will lift her from the streets and she initially comes to Higgins and wants to pay him for her education but Higgins insists on takes her on as a “bet” with Colonel Pickering. After her education is complete, she sees that having a higher social status does not make a person better but she discovers that having a good character and a loving heart toward others is the most important thing.
CS Lewis wrote a book “Surprised by Joy”, where he talks about being an atheist and how he was converted to Christianity because he discovered it was the source of joy he craved. Ironically enough, shortly after writing the book, he fell in love and married a woman named “Joy” in the most unusual tale of a relationship. It started out as an overseas correspondence and the woman had cancer in the United States. CS Lewis brought her to England for treatment and married her so she could benefit from medical treatment as his wife. She was terminally ill and not expected to recover but though the power of prayer and love she did recover and they had many happy years together.
George Bernard Shaw said he was an atheist but unlike CS Lewis there is no indication that George Shaw ever became a believer of Jesus Christ. He saw the hypocrisy in religion and admired Jesus but he didn’t understand why Jesus had to die on the cross. He was a social justice warrior for equal rights, which is why he thinks the highest calling of man to treat one another equally, even if in contempt. And this is what Higgins says to justify himself “He treats everyone with contempt equally”. But Elisa tells him he should appreciate and thank people for who they are and what they do, especially those that help him and especially her efforts to learn to speak like a royal English person!
Higgins was brought up rich and thought is was his right to enjoy the good things in life because he was born with a proper British accent! It is a form of bigotry, arrogance and narcissism to think a person’s worth is based on the accent of their tongue. Yet, if a person uses foul language or speak loudly then this is reason to call the person out for debasing the character of man to that of an animal.
At the tower of Babel the tongues of all peoples were changed into 70 nations as judgement from God for ignoring His command to disperse and population the earth. This judgement didn’t make some tongues better than others but it caused the people to divide into groups based on their language because they didn’t understand (or trust) a person who spoke differently than they did. It was a curse so they would stop trusting one another and start trusting God.
There is nothing wrong with communicating with someone who speaks a different language then you do but there is a big problem when you want to communicate a message of humanism … that together you can unite and don’t need God. In fact God reversed the curse of the language barrier at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit came down like a flame upon the heads of the 120 Jews that were gathered together and they spoke in languages they didn’t understand but those who had come from other countries to Jerusalem did understand the language and the message of redemption in Jesus Christ.
According to Geordie Rose of “Kindred AI”, language is a way to use the people around you to get what you want … like promoting a narrative in order to program people for a certain result. According to Geordie if Artificial Intelligence will make you “happy” and give you the result you want then that’s a good thing to embrace (click here). This is a very naive look at man, as though his “happiness” in this world is the key to his satisfaction and fulfilling the purpose for his life. This is actually the temptation from Satan that you can be your own god deciding what is good and evil. It is not experiencing good and evil that fulfills a person’s life but being made holy like God, that is the highest fulfillment. “To know God and Enjoy Him forever” is the purpose of man, this is done through Salvation in Jesus Christ only!
In the original play “Pygmalion”, Shaw was adamant that Higgins and Eliza must never marry. By the end of the play, Eliza has become an independent woman, well up to defending her independence in a battle of words with Higgins. Furthermore, she has come to recognize that Higgins is not a life-giver.
Just You Wait
The song “Just You Wait” declares May 20th as Eliza Dolittle day and has some interesting things in it that can be noted as a reference to the Rapture.
Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait You'll be sorry but your tears 'll be to late You'll be broke and I'll have money Will I help you? Don't be funny Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait Just you wait, 'enry 'iggins, till you're sick And you scream to fetch a doctor double quick I'll be off a second later and go straight to the theatre Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait Ooo 'enry 'iggins Just you wait until we're swimmin' in the sea Ooo 'enry 'iggins And you get a cramp a little ways from me When you yell you're going to drown I'll get dressed and go to town Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins, just you wait One day I'll be famous, I'll be proper and prim Go to St. James so often I will call it St. Jim One evening the king will say, "Oh, Liza, old thing I want all of England your praises to sing" Next week on the twentieth of May I proclaim Liza Doolittle day All the people will celebrate the glory of you And whatever you wish and want I gladly will do "Oh thanks a lot" king says I, in a manner well bred But all I want is 'enry 'iggins 'ead "Done," says the king with a stroke Guard, run and bring in the bloke Then they'll march you, 'enry 'iggins to the wall And the king will tell me, "Liza, sound the call" As they raise their rifles higher, I'll shout "Ready, aim, fire" Oh ho ho, 'enry 'iggins down you'll go 'Enry 'iggins, just you wait
The most obvious thing about this song in relation to the Rapture of the Church is the title of the song “Just You Wait” … we are waiting for Jesus to Rapture His Bride, The Church! Jesus told us to watch and be read for you know not the day that He will come (Matthew 24:42). Also the song talks about going to Saint James so often that you will call it “Saint Jim”. And this is the way every born again person should live their life … they should identify more with their new life in Christ than with their old life of sin.
In the song there is a phrase – One evening the King will say, “I want all of England your praises to sing”. And this is true of King Jesus … He will want the World to sing the praises of His Bride, when She rides in victory with Jesus back to earth after the 7 years of Tribulation. And the Bride of Christ will be royalty in the courts of Heaven. England has a King (Queen) and a throne but Heaven is where King Jesus sits on the throne at the right hand of the Father. And around His throne is 24 thrones where the “elders” sit, representing the Raptured Church in Heaven, the Bride of Christ … right before the seals are opened to begin the Tribulation period.
When He had taken the book, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. – Revelation 5:8
In the song it states that “next week” Eliza will be honored on the twentieth of May. Note, the week before May 20th is May 13th which is the feast of the second Jewish Passover (for those who missed the Passover in the first month). Perhaps this is a reference to the second resurrection … the one for the Bride of Christ! Also the month of May is the time when trees are transformed from their dead looking limbs into the flowers of Spring … and in a similar way a born again person will be transformed from a body dead in sin to a body that never dies! … in the twinkle of an eye at the last trump of God.
May is also the time when wheat is harvested in Israel. There are many parables where believers are called “wheat” that is gathered into the barn while the tares are gathered and burned. This is a time that Jesus spoke of where two would be in the field and one would be taken (in Rapture) and the other left to enter the judgement. Two would be at the mill grinding the wheat, one taken (in the Rapture) and the other left to enter the judgement. And isn’t it interesting that “May Day” is the cry of distress which may represent the distress cry of the start of the Tribulation.
The story of “My Fair Lady” is similar to the story of Purim where Esther is a lowly girl who goes through a transformation and becomes married to the King of Persia. Esther saves the Jews and gets the head of Hammon. Eliza asks for the head of Henry Higgins “who I think represents the Law”. The Law was a tutor to make us see that we cannot met it’s standard. Higgins is a tutor who demands perfection. Jesus fulfilled the Law and the Church is His prize, His Bride! The Law keeps those in bondage who will not receive forgiveness for their sin in Jesus Christ. The Law has been decapitated by the love of Christ.
The father of Eliza is the opposite of Higgins, giving in to every temptation. When he becomes rich he gets fancy clothes and gets married to keep up the appearance of being the person people expect him to be. He doesn’t want to help Eliza with money even though he owes it to her for his good fortune. He represent lasciviousness, a person lost in the sin of the flesh.
A strange thing I noticed that Michael Jackson changed his appearance to look like Eliza … crazy. Even stranger, Michael Jackson daughter “Paris” will star as Jesus in upcoming movie!
Eliza DoLittle Day!
May 20th on the Torah Calendar this is the 26th of the second month “Iyar”, or Ziv (second; literally “Light”). The Jews celebrate “Aliyah of Messiah”. Essentially, this is a day to remember the call for all Jews everywhere in the world to return to Israel to greet the Messiah when He comes! This is an interesting concept … would the Rapture of the Church going to Heaven on this day remind the Jews that they need to return home to Israel?
For generations of religious Jews, aliyah was associated with the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Jews pray for their Messiah to come, who will redeem the land of Israel from the Gentile rule and return world Jewry to the land under a Halachic theocracy (which is the collective body of Jewish religious laws derived from the written and Oral Torah).
On 19-May, 2020 C.E. sundown to 20-May, 2020 C.E. sundown, on the Torah Calendar is the day that Jesus ascended to Heaven!
Mark 16:19-20, Luke 24:50-53, Acts 1:1-14
After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it. – Mark 16:19-20
Do you see how when Jesus ascended to the Throne room in Heaven after 40 days is a model for His Bride, the Church to be taken to the Throne room in Heaven on this day! At the Rapture, the Lord will descend to met us in the air, with a shout and the voice of the arc-angel and the trump sound of God (1 Thessalonians 4:16). In a way, this day is like a Feast of Trumpets followed by 10 “Days of Awe” when the the two witnesses come on the scene!
God fulfilled the first Pentecost by the giving of the Law and the second by the giving of the Holy Spirit and the third Pentecost may be personally fulfilled by Jesus as He receives His Bride!
To these He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the kingdom of God. Acts 1:3
Many say that Jesus’ accession occurred 40 days after Christ’s resurrection but the scripture says it was after His suffering on the cross which was on Passover, April 9th, Good Thursday, then + 40 days = May 19, 2020 from sundown to May 20, 2020 sundown.
Acts 1: 9And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. 10And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. 11They also said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.”
In the Bible the number 40 is a time of waiting for “pending” judgement, a time of testing and proving for “repentance and turning to God” or “rebellion and turning from God”. Like the 40 years of testing and wondering in the dessert for the Jews before they entered the promise land. Like the 40 days of rain at the time of the flood of Noah’s time to rid the world of all flesh. And like the 40 days that Jesus fasted and was tested by Satan … yet before this testing period Jesus allowed John to baptize Him and God confirmed with His voice and Spirit that Jesus was His beloved Son and He was well pleased with Him. (Matthew 3:16-17).
Isn’t it provocative that the time of pregnancy is 40 weeks. This is another analogy to the Church because the Child of Revelation 12:1-2 that is “born” and then being snatched up to Heaven represents the Church receiving their resurrected bodies at the Rapture … then the 7 year Tribulation begins.
The start of the “lock down” in America for the COVID-19 virus was around 3/15/2020, on the Ides of March. This is a day when Julius Caesar was assassinated by his senate. And this virus is like an assassination of American Freedom and the America’s economy, a warning to repent. From 3/15 to 5/20 it’s actually 66 days, not 40 days … but we are in a time of warning for people to be saved so they escape the Tribulation!
Then Jonah began to go through the city one day’s walk; and he cried out and said, “Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” – Jonah 3:4
According to the models for the Coronavirus in America, the lifting of restrictions to shelter at home will be lifted around May 20th. This day is the high point on the graph, the hump, like hump day, Wednesday, when the death cases reported world wide will start to decline.
Note, May 21, 2011 is the date of the rapture proclaimed by Harold Camping.
The comet Atlas is arriving in May!
This guy JonXArmy is a prepper … I don’t think he is a Christian. He believes in good “energy”and having good vibrations.
As above so below (occultist saying). New energy in the Heavens means something new on the earth. The comet’s effects can be seen from earth from May 20 – May 31 and it’s closest on May 23. BTW, Pentecost is on May 31st. The comet could block out the Sun for a few days, like 3 days of darkness. The comet is breaking up and pieces could fall to earth like stars described in the book of Revelation.
And his tail swept away a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, so that when she gave birth he might devour her child. – Revelation 12:4
The comet has an orbit of about 4,400-year … this means it went by the earth about the time of the Noah’s Flood in 1656 AM! As of April 12th comet Atlas has broken into 4 pieces … like the 4 horses of the first 4 seals of Revelation (click here). Then again Christopher Green of AMTV thinks the comet is a “Blue Beam” projection by the Deep State to deceive people of an alien invasion from outer space so they can implement AI control over everyone through 5G technology (click here).
Comets have a history of being harbingers of war, pestilence, famine, etc. and are regarded as “bad messengers”, signs in the Heavens. How strange this Comet is C 19 (Atlas ) and we have CV-19 virus invading the world.
This comet comes in over the Big Dipper, which is a constellation with 7 stars and a long handle or tail, like the tail of a Dragon of Revelation 12. The tail throws down the stars from Heaven which is a reference to fallen Angels, who were once known as the Annunaki Gods e under a world controlled by Enlil or Enki. Now they will deceive people as friendly aliens, here to enlighten us. China is the Dragon, they are trying to take over the world, especially the witness of the Christians, the man child.
The comet will continue to face the sun. As it passes earth it’s tail will face the earth. Comet tails are dust and gas. This comet is a weird emerald green. Who knows what’s in that to make it green. This comet’s tail is so wide it is half the size of the sun so could easily blanket the earth if it can reach us.
Solar winds have picked up and are predicted to be strong blowing toward the earth, when comet tail faces earth. There is now a sun spot facing earth. It is small at the moment. Who knows how it will react when the comet gets closer. BTW, this is the first earth facing sunspot in a very long time.
This is a very wonderful article which I believe God was trying to give you insight into how things will be once we are with him.