I find it sad that most public protests which are done to bring awareness to an injustice in the world and to bring people together to eradicate the injustice are in fact really only advancing a different form of injustice … because they spew hate and commit violence which fuels and advances the agenda of the enemy of man’s soul … Satan. A protester that commits an act of violence out of hate is like a fireman who throw gasoline on a fire … it only causes the fire to grow bigger and bigger until it has burned down your own house. “Hate and Fear” are the fuel that Satan uses to destroy man.
The insidious reasoning of justifying violence is like a child who kills both his parents and then begs for leniency because he is an orphan.
Don’t misunderstand me, I believe in the right to protest and freedom of speech. This is what makes America free and great … and we will remain free and great as long as we allow others to speak and we do our critical thinking to address the root issues of what is causing our grievances … and we “act” to correct that “root issue“. There is so much evil and injustice in this world and it needs to be exposed and it needs to be judged righteously and it needs to be corrected.
Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people – Proverbs 14:34.
This is the root of the issue, America is not righteous because it’s judgments are not righteous … and people are under a strong delusion and don’t understand what is righteous because sin abounds. America judges abortion as good, America judges homosexuality as good and America judges lying and stealing at the highest levels of government and business as acceptable! When man fails to observe the morals of God and fails to enforce the justice of God then people become disillusioned about truth and think they can be their own god, deciding what is right and wrong.
Many people have been brainwashed by the apathy, acceptance and applause of sin to the point where they are drunk on sin … operating under the influence of sin, unconcerned about their irrational behavior and unable understand the price they will have to pay for their actions. They can’t see they are being played by Satan and that he is taking them to the Lake of Fire to suffer eternally with him. And this is the deception of sin that Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden, that they could eat of the fruit of tree of the knowledge of good and evil and decide for themselves what was good and what was evil. Fortunately, Adam and Eve repented of their sin and Jesus covered them in animal skins, like a sacrifice of His own blood and a covering of His righteousness.
The corrupt media cheers on the corrupt leaders who are allowed to profit by the corrupt judges in order to give the corrupt people the corruption that they want! And who do you think is behind this seduction of corruption … well the Nefarious Ones take many forms but ultimately they work for Satan who seeks to steal, kill and destroy your soul.
The Nefarious Ones invented a fake plan-demic virus made us afraid of one another, so we would demand a Central “Global” Government that can track our every move and vaccinate us to keep us healthy (click here for proof). Now the Nefarious Ones have enacted a fake Police incident in order to make us afraid of our local Police authorities so we will demand a Central Big Government Military that will enforce a “new” kind of law and order … one that is based on the color of your skin and your gender preference (see video below). If you do your research you will see that both the Police man and George Floyd were Freemasons, acting out a demonic ritual sacrifice to bring down law and order of America and implement a NWO!
Here’s another ins testing fact, the policeman was on Floyd’ neck for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. 8+4+6 = 18 = 6+6+6 Also 8 = new life and 46 = the chromosomes of man … so perhaps this is a message of new kind of life by the death of your physical body (for instance this could be what the Antichrist promises to those who take the Mark of the Beast “666” and worship him) . Oddly enough this message is similar to the theme of my website “die2live” but I am not saying people can have a new life by dying physically under the knee of a tyrannical person but I am saying that a believer needs to daily die to their sin nature so that they can enjoy the life of Christ that is begun in them after they are “born again”.
The rioter in the streets are being played by the Nefarious Ones, such as George Soros, that want to destroy the freedom of America, the rule of law and order under God and replace it with a law that favors those who are loyal to the State. It’s really a bait and switch because the State tells people that the more you can convince others that you are are victim of society, the greater society, i.e. the “Government”, has to bow to your demands and give you free stuff. The free stuff is the “bait” but the “switch” is that nothing is free and you are really surrendering your life to be ruled over by the State … where there is no freedom.
The believe that you are a victim of society because of various reasons and deserve compensation from society based on those reasons is called Intersectionality Sociology which is really just a new way to package the doctrine of Marxism, Communism and Socialism which teaches that the world is in constant economic turmoil between the ruling class (who own capital and the means of production) and the working class (who labor for the ruling class to buy goods and services). According to Marx, the working class will eventually revolt from the unfairness of private ownership of capital to demand ownership be controlled equability by the State. It seems like a good idea that “the State” could run things fairly but unfortunately, “the State” is no better than the state of fallen man which is corrupted by sin. The State therefore is just a means of controlling the people by a Deep State Cabal!
And the Nefarious Ones want to destroy capitalism too because this is based on privately owned capital. The NWO can’t have privately owned capital … they must be in control of everything. And this is why capital is being eroded by the Governments printing money, sending us into debt that is owned by the Central Bank … and the Central Bank is owned the Nefarious Ones who are planning a financial “reset” … which means your money is worthless and you must use a “new” way to buy and sell things. And this is also why small businesses are under attack too from this economic “lock down” because the Big Business are run by the Nefarious Ones who will get to play by the new rules but the small businesses will be destroyed!
Like I said, the world is a stage where Satan does his magic act, using a smoke scene and a bait and switch of the Nefarious One … who convince people they are “special” and deserve some compensation from the Government, making them dependent on the Government … and then they put them under tighter and tighter reigns of Government control … until they must choose to worship the Government or be killed!
The world is being played by Satan and the Nefarious Ones to usher in the Tribulation and the Antichrist but this is not an excuse for following this deception. No one will stand before God and be able to say “The devil made me do it”. Each person is accountable to God for their decision and this is why Christ died for our sin, so we will call upon Jesus for Salvation and we will abide in Him to defeat our enemy, the world, the flesh and the devil.
Even though evil forces tempt us to sin and Nefarious Ones pump us with propaganda that sin is OK, God does not excuse a person or a nation for their sin. America is under the condemnation of sin and we are a disgrace before God because of sin. Now we are acting out in violence because we refuse to repent of our sin! Violence leads to more violence until tyranny takes away the violence and with it our freedom!
America is experiencing the turmoil of civil disobedience because we have disobeyed God’s moral laws and we will not repent of sin and we reject redemption from sin through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ.
I am not a pacifist … I believe in the right to bear arms. However, Jesus told His disciples to take up a sword for self defense against murders and thieves (Luke 22:36) … we are not to start a fight and become murders and thieves. Our promise is that Jesus will return with a sword from His mouth and destroy his enemies when He returns at the end of the Tribulation period to set up His Millennial Kingdom (Revelation 19:15). At this time we are to build Kingdom Citizens by preaching the gospel of Jesus Chris so they become “born again” citizens of Heaven! Jesus did not tell us to take dominion over men or over the earth at this time … we are to preach the gospel so Jesus can take dominion over men and over the earth by ruling in a person’s heart.
The weapon of our battle is not the “sword of man” but the “Sword of the Lord”, the word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit that can convict a person and change their heart to love Jesus and their fellow man. The sword of man is the last resort, when a discussion of reason has failed and you are under attack.
Not in hate or fear
but to Christ draw near
May I be found
and where love abounds
The only good war that is ever fought and won is the war that is won in your heart when you surrender your self to Christ, when you receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Once you are a born again citizen of Heaven you see the world differently and understand that the real fight is against the enemy of our soul … “the world, the flesh and the devil”.
– Rogersings
This is one of the shortest and clearest videos to identify the Nefarious Ones and their agenda!
I Can’t Breathe!
Let’s look at this protest slogan concerning the senseless murder of George Floyd … and see if we can find the real message and agenda of Satan. I watched the coverage of this murder and it was extremely disturbing, not only because of the excessive brutality of the cops but also because of the clueless response of those who stood by and filmed his death. How could the police and the people on the scene not see the distress of this man and come to his rescue! And how come when so many videos of violence are banned on Social Media, this one is promoted?
The Plan-demonic (stage 1) – “the virus” to cause fear and distancing from one another and testing
Research into viruses is revealing that “DNA/RNA strands” that invades our body are similar to exosomes and extracellular vesicles that the body generates and uses continually for cell communication in the body to regulate functions. I’m not sure it makes much difference to call it a virus or an exosome but the point is that even if a virus is passed and absorbed into a person’s body, in many cases there is no reaction to the virus or a very mild response. Yet, in some people, usually those with weak or compromised immune system, there is a sickness response or even death. In the serious response the body has to react, un-code the virus RNA and generate enough “antibodies” to regulate and stop the effects of the “virus” or exosomes (click here for an article on this topic).
What I find curious, is that “medical science” is not very interested in discovering how to naturally build up a person’s immune system so they are able to overcome a virus (such as taking vitamin C and D and Zinc) instead they are working a “warp speed” with a “warped plan” to develop a vaccine formula that will cause your body to produce antibodies in your blood and they are working on developing a vaccine that will deliver RNA into your body to modify your DNA with the “gene sequence” to make the antibody protein for a specific virus (like COVID-19) … this method by-passes the immune system B cell and T cells which are designed to decode a virus and make antibodies.
I have read quiet a bit about viruses and vaccines and the “science” of Virology needs more scientific method applied to it before we start modifying our DNA with a vaccine thinking we are preventing sickness. Science is based on a demonstrable and repeatable laws of cause and effect but medical science of vaccines is “pseudo science”, it is not demonstrable if it is beneficial to cause the body to make antibodies for diseases that are rarely encountered today. Our body is designed to create the antibodies it needs when it sees the threat of a pathogen (virus) … and there are ways that our body remembers previous threats and pass that along generation to generation, not evolution but “Epigenetics” the process of switching genes on and off.
Essentially, I am using logic and the word of God to deduce that because we are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) that God has built into us the ability to adapt to certain environmental impacts and threats to our body (by our immune system) … yet at the same time we are slowly dying and reducing our lifespan (compared to the Bible patriarchs) because of the increasing environmental threats in the world and because our DNA can deteriorate (loss of information over time which causes birth defects) and because God put a limit to the amount of time of our physically body can exist because of sin … we are dying physically from birth and will die Spiritually unless we are “born again” in Jesus Christ (Genesis 2:17) … flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50).
BTW, wearing a mask is the worst thing you can do for your heath … because you can’t properly breathe with a mask on and most masks are not designed to stop virus particles. Doctors wear a mask in an operating room to prevent the possibility that a droplet from their mouth could infect their patients body that is cut open before them. The concept of quarantine is that a sick and infected should stay away from people or wear masks to prevent spread to a healthy person … but a mask on a healthy person will make a person sick! When you wear a mask you are not able to properly expel your toxic breath and you are not getting enough oxygen to feed your body … you are not protecting yourself from sickness but you are making yourself sick! (click here for more information about the dangers of wearing a mask).
So you see, “I Can’t Breathe” is what happens when you wear a mask also “I Can’t Breathe” is the most severe reaction to the so called Corona virus. When the immune system cannot produce enough antibodies to balance the virus/exosomes and proteins that are flushing the body of toxins … the result is a “cytokine storm” (click here). The cytokine storm is the immune system alarm for diseased cells, like in the lung, to self destruct and this caused the build up of fluid (dead cells) in the lungs which makes it difficult to exchange oxygen into the blood stream, which is the purpose of the lungs. The solution is not a ventilator but try a steam vaporizer and inhale the steam along with Vicks medication or drink hot tea. There is also treatment that many doctors recommend when you first have flu like symptoms … including Zinc and vitamin C and Hdroxychloroquine. Once again, I am not a doctor … this is something I have read about.
And here’s another thing, when you wear a mask you are muzzling your voice in silent agreement to the fake medical science that your Deep State Government and the Nefarious Ones are using to replace your belief in God with a belief in a NWO Government. With a mask on it is harder to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and let someone know you are smiling at them because of the love of God in your heart. Do your due diligence … investigate the science behind the virus theory and speak out if you find errors in the theory.
God made the air we breath and declared it good (Genesis 1:31)! And God breathed a life giving spirit into man (Genesis 2:7). The breathe of God gave Adam a “soul” of eternal existence but because of Adam’s sin, man is born separated from God, without eternal life. It is through belief in Jesus that a person is born again and receives eternal life. Jesus is the proof of resurrected eternal life and He breathed the seal of the Holy Spirit upon His disciples (John 20:22). This is what Jesus meant, when He said you must be born again by the Holy Spirit (John 3:3)! The Holy Spirit is in Greek “pneuma”, Strongs 4151 and in Hebrew “ruach”, Strongs 7307 … it means like air and wind … blowing and going where you cannot see, like the mighty rushing wind that fell upon the 120 at Pentecost (Acts 2:3).
We are not to live in fear of the air we breathe or live in fear of the breath that leaves our mouth or fear the breath from the mouth of another person. God owns the air, not man! And we are to forgive the “trespasses” against us if we get become sick because of the sickness of another. In fact, if we don’t forgive others then God does not forgive us (Matthew 6:14-15). I am not endorsing a Caviler attitude toward sin but I am expressing the reality that breathing air without a mask is the God given way we are to live before God, not in fear of one another. In fact, to die is gain when you love the Lord (Phil 1:21). The real danger is that “I Can’t Breathe” is leading people to believe “I Can’t Think” and “I Can’t Speak”. However, God holds us accountable to think, to speak and to act by faith, not in fear.
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. – 2 Timothy 1:7
The purpose of the Plan-demonic Hoax is to make us fearful of our bodies that God created and make us fearful of one another. The goal is to make us so fearful of dying that we stop living and we stop loving one another. The subtle deception of this hoax is to make us believe that we should be “tested, traced and treated” by the Government to remain health instead of trusting God to keep us healthy by the immune system He built into us. And to believe that a vaccine can give us some kind of better life in this body instead of believing in Jesus Christ who give us eternal life and a promise of a resurrected body!
The Plan-demonic (stage 2) – “the riots” to cause division and more fear and miltary force and tracing
I think it is likely that George Floyd was targeted for this murder sacrifice. I don’t think he was complicit but that he was setup and he was probably given a fake $20 bill based on the fact that the Nefarious Ones knew his habits and they programmed and knew the killer cop would use excessive force on the street. I am even wondering if some 5G technology was used to interrupt Floyd’s breathing of oxygen but I haven’t heard much discussion about this theory.
The purpose of this stage 2 event is that the Government will make it so you can’t breathe unless you do what the Government says! The Government I am talking about is not the Democracy of the Constitution of the United States but the government of the Nefarious Deep State Ones who run the United States behind the curtain. They run the courts, the money supply, commerce and they lobby and seduce and control the elected or “selected” representatives. The “selected” ones work for the DS seducers who bride and line their pockets with money.
I voted for Trump but I do not think he is an enemy of the Deep State but he is working for them as the pacifier of the conservative voice. Trump is like the “good cop” who pretends to side with the criminal against the “bad copy” but he is really on “Team Cop”. The Patriots and many Christians are putting their trust in Trump, instead of in God who is the giver of life and liberty! Trump’s job is to pretend to do something good by making a lot of noise against what is bad. Trump is not a Christian and he is not bringing down anyone in the Deep State because he is part of the deception. Don’t drink the Q-laid!
Consider Ben Carson, who is a doctor in Trump’s administration and could have been called on to expose this fake plandemic … but instead Trump turns to Dr Falsi who shuts down the economy, makes us scared of one another and promotes a fake vaccine that he invested in and is being developed by the eugenicist Gates of Bill. Trump is putting the vaccine on “warped speed” and he plans to send out the military to force vaccinate us all … COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!
The point of the riots is to allow the Government to advance a police state over us. Why was no one arrested or spotted for dropping brick on the sidewalks of America? … because it’s not only funded by George Soros but it is staged and funded by other Deep State Government Nefarious Ones who uses these riot tactics to take down other nations. And Brain dead Biden and the Hellywood elites are bailing out the people who are destroying America … what does this mean? The Deep State Nefarious Ones (DSNO) push the lie of “systemic racism” in America to divide and conquer us from within. Unfortunately, the protesters are “useful idiots” who are being used by the DSNO to bring about their own demise!
This is not really a riot about police brutality of whites towards blacks but a riot of economic frustration between those who have some prosperity because they have a jobs and those that feel disenfranchised because they are unable to get a good job … because it’s the Government’s fault or white man’s repression.
And there are plenty of economic problems in the world and in America and there are real disadvantages that black people have (and others) but main disadvantage is cities where the disadvantaged people live is run to the ground by bad and corrupt leadership (of all colors). Once again, the root issue is bad and corrupt leadership, which is a result of compromised morals and depending upon the Government for handouts instead of depending upon God for a hand up! Don’t you see, the real problem is depending upon the government to give us what we want instead of depending upon God to give us what we need.
The protesters claim to have a message of “love” but really it’s a message of tolerance … we must tolerate the behavior of black criminals, we must tolerate gays, lesbians and pedophiles. We must tolerate and celebrate sin in the name of peace. This is really the message the Antichrist will use, as he builds the new tower of nonsense in defiance of God’s moral law and those who stand up repentance toward sin and faith in Jesus Christ will be seen as the haters who must be removed from the NWO.
The virus made us fearful of some unseen bug in the air so we would all agree to be tested, traced and treated for our health and now the riots are here to make us fearful so the hoodlums are “tattooed, traced and taken down” for our peace and security. The real message is that the “knee of authority” will be put on the “neck of the people” to bring them in line with the agenda of the NWO Government. Ultimately, the NWO Government will tell you who is allowed to breathe and who isn’t.
It is sadly ironic that George Floyd is buying cigarettes that destroy a person’s ability to breathe … while he is being tortured by the cop so he can’t breathe. The coroner report said he died of cardiopulmonary arrest, due to a pre-existing condition and the excessive violence used during the arrest. It was also revealed that George Floyd had corona virus! (click here) … at least the doctors weren’t dumb enough to put that as the cause of death as so many have fraudulently done in order to comply with the CDC guidelines.
BTW, if you do some research you will discover that George Floyd had a Freemason tattoo on his chest, the phoenix bird, order out of chaos. It’s possible that Floyd is alive and this was a false flag, a ritual sacrifice to cause hate and division in America in order to destroy the constitution and implement Martial law, leading to a Globalism of Totalitarian law … a New World Order.
It was God who “breathed” life into man … and this is why Satan wants to use the airway to destroy man. He is the prince of the power of the air. Satan also wants to use a vaccine to destroy man because the life is in the blood … and that takes us to stage 3!
The Plan-demonic (stage 3) – “the vaccine” to promise hope in Govenment survillence and control … eventually the MoB
I think this stage will be rolled out after the Rapture of the Church and I don’t think the initial vaccine is the Mark of the Beast but it will ultimately lead to it. The goal after the start of the Tribulation will be for the Antichrist to get the world under a global monitoring and tracing system … but 3 1/2 years after the Antichrist arrives, in order to buy and sell you must also agree to “worship” … believing he gives eternal life.
And this is the ultimate deception that Satan will promise people, that he can modify your DNA with a “mark” that will give you eternal life. Those that believe in this lie and take the mark and worship Satan will be damned for eternity, unable to be saved.
The 5G Technology has multiple uses … it is the Internet of Things, allowing the devices in the world to monitor and track us and they will be plugged into the AI Matrix Beast that will tell each person what to do. Also at 60 Ghz and with enough power a communication 5G signal and disrupt oxygen so you can’t breathe! However, I think the MoB technology is not from this world like 5G but a demonic spiritual power than can change a person’s DNA so they are no longer human and they cannot be saved! Note, the MoB is not forced on anybody … it will be willfully received by unbelievers who reject Jesus Christ and agree to worship the Antichrist.