What is Technology? Most people think of technology as some new “stat-of-the-art” device that will make their life easier or better or make them envied by others. Yet, “Technology” at the root of it’s definition is simply creating or using something to solve a problem … its the demonstration of Intelligence. First you have the mental analysis of a issue (the Logistics or problem solving phase) and then you have the application of physical effort in order to achieve something of value that you thought up (the building or solution realization phase). For example digging a ditch around your tent to divert rain water from getting into your tent is a simple example of applied technology … using your brain power and back power to improve your standard of living (not having to sleep in puddle of water).
God is the author of Technology, the Master Programmer and Builder … He created everything in 6 days and declared it “very good” … and we are created in His image. God is our Father …. and Father Knows Best!
God blessed them; and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” – Genesis 1:28
God put in us the desire to multiply upon the earth and to build upon the earth in order to “subdue” the earth, making it subservient to our use … for His glory! Have you ever looked at the way a spider weaves his web in order to catch his prey … this is an example of how God gives the desire and means of technology to His creatures … the first “web designer”! And Moses was the first to receive information downloaded to a tablet. OK, enough with the bad puns but in creation you can see the complexity of design and the complex systems of technology that sustain life. The position of the earth, in it’s orbit relative to the sun and other planets did not occur by change … it is evidence of God’s design and hand of Grace … no other planet supports life or comes close to supporting life.
And the overwhelming proof that evolution is a flawed theory that is not based in science is the discovery of the complex code of life … DNA. It is utterly illogical to think or theorize that billions of pairs of DNA code could “evolve” and line up in perfect order to create life! Not only that but the “proteins like machines” that read the DNA code and make proteins that define the cells of our body are themselves also defined in the DNA code. Both the complex code of DNA that defines the cells and the complex systems that build the cells and support the cells and the means to differentiate the DNA code to determine which cells become an eye cell vs an ear cell (which no man understands or controls) … “all” have to exist at the same time to create life! This is proof of Intelligent Design and an Intelligent Designer, an Awesome Executor of the design, and an All Powerful means to sustains the design … God … the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus was a builder, a carpenter or possibly a stone mason before He began His ministry. Yet, Mary mistakes Jesus for “The Gardener” after His resurrection (a mistake that God uses for His purpose – to glorify His name). Jesus had the profession of being a builder on earth for 30 years, and He has gone to build a “place for us” in Heaven – the New Jerusalem (John 14:3), and He is identified as being the keeper of a Garden after His resurrection. From the first gardener “Adam” who lost the garden because of sin to the last gardener “Jesus” who reclaimed the garden by conquering sin … there are no coincidences with God … Jesus is God in the flesh … and we are to identify with Jesus, by belief in His death, burial and resurrection to pay for our sin and give us eternal life and share in the keeping of the new Garden of Eden!
This information was taken from Google Search
Technology is important because it makes you feel more secure with every area in life for both personal and business reasons. With technology advancing more people are able to have access to supplies such as fresh water and food because technology can help deliver those items to people that otherwise couldn’t get it.
Have you ever wondered about the technology that went into building Noah’s ark? My wife and I traveled to the “Ark Encounter” in Kentucky which features a full-size Noah’s Ark, built according to the dimensions given in the Bible … spanning 510 feet long, 85 feet wide, and 51 feet high. Inside the Ark, are 4 floors of cages for the animals, living quarters for Noah’s 8 family members and plenty of storage for water and food. There is even a creative depiction of a “waste disposal” system on the ark. https://arkencounter.com/blog/2017/05/18/ark-survival-101-animal-care/. In my opinion, I don’t think the complex technical ways the Ark Encounter depicted how they fed and cared for the animals was required because I believe God put the animals into a deep sleep throughout the voyage, just as He compelled the animals to come and board the ark.
“Technology” is really nothing more than applying some God given brain power to lighten the burden of living in this fallen world. And who is the burden bearer? … it is Jesus. He wants us to cast our cares upon Him, to yoke our burdens to Him because His load is light. So you see Technology has the potential to lighten the load for people, giving glory to God or it can be used to make people dependent on man’s technology, giving glory to man. When Technology over shadows the creator of Technology … when the created thing becomes greater than the creator of the thing … when the sacrifice becomes more important the the altar of sacrifice … well then Houston, we have a problem … we have Technology that has gone crazy … Techno-crazy!
Thinking and planning to do something a certain way is the definition of “logistics”. Logistics and Technology are kind of like twins … logistics is the planing process of what, why and how to build whereas technology is the actual “thing” that is built and the things that support the building process. God is “logos” … the word (John 1:1). He speaks things things into existence for His purpose, which is logical, orderly and good!
Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light (Genesis 1:3).
Sometimes God both speaks and then makes things.
Then God said, “Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters.” God made the expanse, and separated the waters which were below the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse; and it was so (Genesis 1:6-7).
And sometimes God allows His living power to manifest through His creation, like plants and animals and also He does through us, as we “pro-create” when we bring forth children and we “co-build” when we subdue the earth in His name.
Then God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them”; and it was so (Genesis 1:11).
Yes, God is the Great architect but not He’s no like a mystic force that is to be used by a few to control others like the Freemasons teach but God’s purpose is for man to subdue earth, not rule over one another. We are to love God and love one another, this we can only do if we are “born again” in Jesus Christ and walk by faith in Him and that my friend is the root of the issue … sin has destroyed creation and the order that God planned for it. Satan can only copy cat what God has done and he has a counterfeit creation through Technocracy that does not give life and hope in Christ but brings confusion, deception and death!
Technology that is used to deceive and prevent people from living their live according to God given truths is Satan’s plan, not God’s. Satan can use anything to distract and ruin a person’s life but technology is especially deceptive because in it’s most advanced forms it can appear like signs and wonders from God, evening promising to give eternal life and world peace … and if it possible would deceive the elect.
We often think of advanced Technology as the means of electric wireless communication that allows us to business “online” … yet Technology can be the simple act of stacking two rocks on top of one another to make a place to sit and rest. However, if you don’t choose the right rocks or place them correctly you may be making a place to fall from and be harmed. God revealed His love of order and purpose in technology when He gave Moses the plans for the Tabernacle and the items in the Tabernacle, especially the arc of the covenant (the Mercy Seat of God). Later God gave Solomon plans to build the Temple and others knowledge to execute the plan.
The “Freemasons” think that Technology is some deep, dark secret that needs to be protected by an elite group (them and many other Illuminati groups like them), otherwise “the masses” would have too much power and they could not be “ruled over” by the elite group. The Freemasons are an occult group and those at the highest levels worship Satan … this is where they get their power by being in league with one another in corruption and deception to control people. The Freemasons mislead people to serve them, as though they are serving a “special anointed” purpose, like the Crusade Knights defending sacred territory … but really they are just taking your money while you work the fields.
But not all “masons” are “Freemasons” … as I pointed out Jesus was probably a stone mason, perhaps even working on Roman construction projects. Paul was a tent maker and set the example that you can preach the gospel free of charge while you work for a living. Yet, Paul also taught that a preacher was worthy of a wage and he often enjoyed the hospitality of those he taught. This was the model that Jesus set during His ministry, living off of the hospitality of those who wanted to serve and assist Him.
People can appreciate and understand how the technology of a car and a smart phone has made their life easier. Yet, cars have also malfunctioned and killed people and people have also “texted” on their smart phone while driving, diverting their attention from watching what was happening on the road and controlling the car according so the car became like an out of control weapon!
The point of writing this article is discuss where people are using “Information Technology” – IT – to distract and deceive us so we take our eyes off the road of life and we end up in real life crashes … kind of like the person who is distracted by “texting” while they drive. Technology that is used to distracts and deceives for an evil or “Nefarious purpose” is what I call Techno-crazy.
I just realized that “Techno-crazy” is the name given to a mind numbing type of computer generated music that has a physio-trance beat which is like the trance of “black magic” dancing and Voodoo. The beat of the Techno-crazy music invokes a Techno-Trance … like a drug that renders you incapable of rationalizing your thinking and your actions. The rhythm is like the beat of your heart but it doesn’t provoke a beat that cares for others but it is a beat that drives you to fulfill your selfish pleasures. The chaotic beat and those who dance to it remind me of an ocean of waves, casting up their own shame like foam (Jude 1:13).
To repeat what I said earlier, technology that harms man is failed technology because of a bad design or because it has been hijacked by Nefarious people for a Nefarious purpose. For example, good Technology is when you design a hammer to drive a nail into a board with ease and precision in order to build a house … but Techno-crazy is when you design a hammer and it explodes when you hit a nail. And even worse things have gone Techno-crazy when you convince people to use a hammer to hit others over the head and bury them 6 ft under. We live in a world of increasing dependence upon technology and a world where technology is becoming increasingly harmful to us because of a lack of sound oversight about how technology is being applied … and this is primarily because of a Nefarious group of people who own the “data” about the use of technology and they own the “means” (the media) to inform people about technology.
Some people, like the Amish, think technology is evil if it uses a power source like electricity or a gas powered engine. Horse power is OK, as long as the power is provided by real horses. The Amish think of Technology like a boundary or limit that was established by Jesus … if the tool or means of powering the tool was something that Jesus would have used in His day then it’s OK, otherwise it’s not God approved. I have to admit, putting this limit on technology would solve a lot of issues that we are facing today but unfortunately Satan is not concerned about this kind of limit and he will find bad people willing to use science and technology against good people who foolishly want to ignore the benefits and dangers of technology.
But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase.” – Daniel 12:4
As you read the prophecy given to Daniel about the end times … doesn’t it seem that knowledge has increase because of the Internet. Yet, I think the knowledge referred too here is “prophetic” knowledge … a spiritual awakening of many that we are approaching the end times. The meaning that “many will go back and forth” could refer to increased travel that we have today because of technology but I think it may also mean “many opinions” will go back and forth, like through phone calls, emails, blogs and social media.
Now no blacksmith could be found in all the land of Israel, for the Philistines said, “Otherwise the Hebrews will make swords or spears.” – 1 Samuel 13:19
Abandoning technology and allowing your enemies to dictate is use is the kind of foolishness that the Hebrews fell victim too. Because the Jews would not honor God as their ruler, God allowed the Philistines to rule over the Israelite’s for 40 years (Judges 13:1) . Samson followed this 40 year period and he judged the Jews for 20 years, fighting the Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass! Then Eli judged 40 years and Samuel judged for 20 years … and then the people prayed for a king like the other nations and God gave them Saul. When Saul became king only himself and Jonathan his son had a sword (this is because there were no blacksmiths in Israel – 1 Samuel 13:19). So God put the Philistines into confusion and they killed each other and Saul’s army was outfitted with their swords (1 Samuel 14:20).
Note, Saul was 30 years old and reigned for 42 years (1 Samuel 13:1). I added this to show how this is similar to Jesus who ministered for 42 months (3 1/2 years) and the Antichrist who will conquer for 42 months and God who will judge for 42 months (the 7 year Tribulation). And there is also the story of Elisha, who after the Rapture of Elijah, was mocked for taking up the mantel as a prophet by a group of youths telling him to “go up in the Rapture too”. Elisha called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord and God sent 2 “she bears” that mauled 42 of the young men (2 Kings 2:24). I think this story is here to confirm how the two witnesses will minister during the first 42 months of the Tribulation, calling down judgement upon those who mock the Rapture, while the Gentiles trample upon the city of Jerusalem (Revelation 11:1-6).
Of the wars that have been fought, the number one reason for victory was because one side had better technology and means of production than the other side. Of course, God is the exception to this rule … He has a technology that is not of this earth. God parted the Red Sea to allow His people to pass into the promise land and feed them on manna from Heaven. We often get caught up in the fascinating things we are able to do with technology but God will reign down His judgement for the last 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation upon this earth and overcome man’s technology and demonic Spiritual forces. When Jesus returns, He wipes out all those who oppose Him with the sword from His mouth and then He will reign and rule over the earth for 1,000 years with a rod of iron. I don’t know what kind of technology will be used during the Millennium but most likely it will be one that is environmentally friendly and glorifies God.
The point I am making is that “Technology” is a tool, like money, that can be used for good or evil. Jesus never gave us any messages about the kind of technology we can use and can’t use. Perhaps even in His day there were differences in tools, some had better metals and held their edge better. Jesus was a carpenter or stone mason and used metal tools, yet the Bible tells us the knowledge of metals came through Tubal-cain (Genesis 4:22) which some commentators think means that it was knowledge gained from Fallen Angels? At the last supper Jesus was even told his disciples to sell their clock and buy a sword (Luke 22:36), indicating that it was right and wise to defend their lives and family from robbers and murders. This was not a call to form a army in order to build a Kingdom on earth but a right to self defense, when the police are not there to defend you.
What kind of “technology” did Jesus use to multiply the five loaves and two fishes, and heal all those that came to Him? Correct, it’s the technology of God, it’s the gift of healing from the Holy Spirit but it’s not a technology that can be purchased by mammon or used for man’s gain. In fact when you see preachers, preaching signs and wonders … health and wealth, you better test the Spirit. Jesus preached about a life surrendered to Him … He even told the rich young ruler to sell all he had and follow Him. This kind of teaching that the Church is suppose to set up the Kingdom of God for Jesus on earth so He can take over is the false message of the NAR type church that is growing like a wild fire of deception!
We are to take up our cross and follow Jesus, this means to keep your sin self on the cross, your Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) and let your new Christ “born again” Spirit in you have it’s way. This is a humbling experience to serve others as Christ … He came to serve. Not doing good works so people see your talent but helping others with their needs in order to them about Christ who provides for your needs.
Jesus said to be wise as snakes but gentle as doves. Jesus commended the wise steward, so it is not the technology or tools that are inherently bad but the use of the tool for the purpose. Science is not the enemy of God but science proves that there is an Intelligence creator … an awesome God! Science proves that creation is under the curse of sin and needs redemption. Science and Technology cannot reverse the curse of sin and save man’s soul but it can reduce the burden of the curse (the sweat of labor), feed the poor, save physical lives to the glory of God, to preach Jesus … the two hands of the gospel.
The point of writing this article is warn people that technology can be used for good but as the use of technology increases we become increasingly less thankful and humble toward one another (more selfish) and we become more dependent on technology and more susceptible to being controlled by it and being deceived by someone who does control it! However, we must not let our earthly living interfere with our Heavenly calling.
We become strangers in a strange land here on earth when our heart is set on Jesus.
Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population of the world. Technocracy attempts to solve all the sins of the world by a “so called” scientific method. The main problem is that sin can not be solved by science, only by faith in Jesus Christ but the secondary problem is that the “science and so called facts” are controlled by a “special group of people”, who do not want you breathing “their” air. And the ultimate problem is that even these special people are being deceived by Satan and AI technology that has no regards for humans!
My entire professional career was centered around the advance of computer technology to automate and improve how things are done. Now, that I see the beast Kingdom of AI getting ready to devour us, I am wondering if I will be held liable for what it has become or commended for developing it well and sounding the alarm now. I am very familiar with programming models of business systems and manufacturing systems using Total Quality Leadership (TQL), Kepner-Tregoe problem analysis and the Life Cycle Management. Eward Deming introduced the concept and benefit of constant quality improvement which has defined the manufacturing industry of today. This principles of TQL “do work” for controlling and making quality products but man’s technology was never intended to be used to run the life of man … this can only be done by the free will of man in-conjunction with the sovereign will of God.
However Technocrats don’t believe in God and they think they have the only truth based on “science and technology”, which are things measured and seen. Things such as Philosophy, Politics and Religion have no meaning and neither do morals. Technocracy is really an atheist religion and there is no right and wrong, no rights to freedom of speech or worship … there is only the logic of doing what you are told by the computer which has figured it all out … AI is their God.
We are being rode by the Nefarious Ones like that horse in the movie “True Grit” … but the girl has been bitten by the snake of deception and rushing her at Warp Speed to Big Pharma ain’t gonna help!
Though DNA is obvious proof of Intelligent design, the atheist religion of Technocracy claims DNA evolved from “goo to you by way of the zoo” and needs to continue to evolve until man is merged with the computer and becomes a hybrid … powered on a solar grid.
Technocrats scramble to cover up the truth that masks don’t work, saying you would have to do a scientific study of a group that has masks and a group that doesn’t and see who gets COVID. They use “evidence based medicine”, approved ways to treat disease from a top down Technocrat group of Big Pharma. They don’t want to use the inexpensive cures but want the expensive medicine and vaccines!
The doctors fall in line with Big Pharma and Big Insurance to protect their income stream, yet they know they are administering killing medication and vaccines. They are like Nazi soldiers who say “I’m just doing what I’m told” but they are not innocent in this mass murder. It’s a Health Care Tyranny … a Medical Martial Law. This is a conscientiousness test that individuals must stand up against nonsense and madness!
Technocracy is applying technology to social engineering while Trans-humanism is applying technology to individual engineering. The goal of trans-humanism is to escape death and live forever and also be “all knowing of information”. These are both the lies that Satan told Adam and Eve that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would make them like all knowing like God and that they wouldn’t die. Yet, they did die Spiritually and they started to die physically when they ate the fruit, just as God said.
As we were seeing what tasks needed to be completed for a certain subject, one of those tasks was to do with the UN 17 Global Goals for sustainable development. I was surprised to see this topic stated so blatantly, and it governing what my son was being taught. It is not something that anyone can escape from. These 17 Global Goals are the beast system, hence 17, the beast has 10 horns and 7 heads, Rev 13. This is the covenant made with many on the 23 September 2015. One world religion, One world order, Peace and security in the Middle East, etc. Under these goals is the Dividing of Gods land. The Pope, Obama, The UN, desire a two state solution. They make lies their refuge, and hide themselves under falsehoods, Isaiah 28. Death and Hell is who the covenant is made with, Isaiah 28:15-18. I’m leaving a link to some information on these 17 Global Goals. https://youtu.be/HW76iOQ7qVQ
Knowing something makes you responsible to tell someone else of the pros and cons of what you know. It’s a responsibility to tell others of the danger you see, like being a watchman to report on the signs pointing to the return of Jesus. Yet, if you use knowledge to deceive others and make them your slaves, then you will be judged for your wickedness. Trans-human agenda is wickedness, to usurp God’s design for man to be able to love God and technocracy is wickedness to usurp God’s design for man to be able to love his neighbor.
Matthew 22: 34But when the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered themselves together. 35One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, 36“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37And He said to him, “ ‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ 38“This is the great and foremost commandment. 39“The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ 40“On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”
Trans-humanism can be broken down into NBIC stands for Nano (nano-technology), Bio (bio-technology), Info (information technology) and Cogno (cognitive sciences).
NBIC is taught in many universities and the interest in how to evolve man into Humans 2.0 is a growing and this is a dangerous trend. Creating genetically modified people on a socially engineered planet is like trying to have a conversation and relationship with a pet rock! Man is not made to be modified by man’s idea of perfection but he is created by God for a God’s good purpose. However, man must be “born again” in Jesus Christ to pry for his sin and to be reconciled with God to get back on track with God’s original good purpose and plan.
Ultimately, the Technocrats are planning a Hunger Games type competition to entertain them and bet upon while they watch the “useless eaters” respond to their “social engineering” stimuli.
Addressing the Elephant in the Room … Trump and Netanyahu
Well really I am addressing the “two” Elephant leaders Trump and Netanyahu who many say they are the only two leaders standing up against Globalism. It is true that they denounce Globalism publicly and they do not participate in Davos World Economic Forum but let’s look at “two” specific things that these “two” world leaders do that does, in fact, advance Globalism. As Sgt Joe Friday from Dragnet use to say “just the facts ma’am”.
COVID Compliance!
Very good … so it’s a hoax … but who is holding the WHO accountable? We are living in an Abbott and Costello skit … I guess all we can do is pray and laugh until God intervenes.
As I stated in my previous comment, I think Jan, Amir and Barry are blind to the degree that Trump and Netanyahu are involved in the globalist plan to bring in the NWO. JD seems to be the only one in the group who is awake to the fact that “all” these political leaders are corrupt and are being used to advance the NWO to some extent. I see them so focused on the political unrest and the political leaders that they are ignoring the bigger “shark” of Technocracy (the agenda of COVID) and they are ignoring the fact that Trump and Netanyahu are dividing the land of Israel. Only Jesus!
Dividing of the land of Israel !
I will establish My covenant as an everlasting covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.
Therefore, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘As surely as I live, I will bring down upon his head My oath that he despised and My covenant that he broke.
Page 45-46. The document says “State of Palestine” 180 times. Likud’s Netanyahu and Gantz Blue and White have
openly agreed to the plan. Kushner has stated that Netanyahu has agreed to a Palestinian State. God doesn’t need a fictitious people and a lie on his own land to agree to the deal. That Israel and the USA are giving legitimacy to this lie is sufficient.
The land is not divided already. That’s beginning with a false premise. Israel have control over all of Israel. There is no State of Palestine on the land. At the ’67 war Jordanian forces were pushed back over the east of the Jordan, Syrian forces were pushed back behind the Golan, Jerusalem was taken and in God’s eyes, having given victory to Israel, all the land is Israel’s land. The whole notion of “sovereignty” is a farce to begin with. They should have declared sovereignty in 1967 over 100% of their land because this is de facto in the eyes of God.
Sovereignty (of just 30% of Judea and Samaria) has been postponed because the UAE have said that the land is Palestinian land and the UAE are prepared to “normalise” relations with Israel on the basis that sovereignty is stopped, which infers Israel’s acceptance of their beliefs in a two state solution. Israel have thus agreed to whore themselves out to the heathen and put sovereignty of their own land aside in favour of lucrative trade deals.
The “Peace Deal of the Century” divides the land of Israel to which they have agreed. The Abraham Accord infers Islam as a child of Abraham and stipulates that Israel must not recognise their own land. Seeing things through Biblical lenses changes the perspective of things completely. Alas, man and his carnal mind finds this difficult to do because he does not read the Word of God so how can he understand it or believe it?
The head of the US Food and Drug Administration, Stephen Hahn, raised the possibility in an interview published Sunday that a future vaccine against the coronavirus might be given emergency approval before the end of trials designed to ensure its safety and effectiveness.
Stephen Hahn insisted he was not acting under pressure from President Donald Trump, who has been pushing hard for a vaccine, saying one might be ready before US elections November 3.
1000 German Doctors say COVID-19 is 100% a Scam
This video is also on YT … this is ironic that Germany is leading the march toward freedom … the government known for the tyranny of Hitler. Those standing up against the forth Reich are the ones who cause the Third Reich!
It is, in short, a type of social engineering which is the opposite of a spontaneous order or of development. Like the mechanical engineer with a machine, the social engineer—or technocrat—treats society as an object. Under the order envisioned by the Great Reset, the advancement of technology is not meant to serve the improvement of the conditions of the people but to submit the individual to the tyranny of a technocratic state. “The experts know better” is the justification. The ideology of the World Economic Forum is neither left nor right, nor progressive or conservative, it is also not fascist or communist, but outright technocratic. As such, it includes many elements of earlier collectivist ideologies.
Months of economic stillstand have destroyed the economic basis of millions of families. Together with social distancing, the lockdown has produced a mass of people unable to care for themselves. First, governments destroyed the livelihood, then the politicians showed up as the savior. The demand for social assistance is no longer limited to specific groups, but has become a need of the masses.
Once, war was the health of the state. Now it is fear of disease. What lies ahead is not the apparent coziness of a benevolent comprehensive welfare state with a guaranteed minimum income and healthcare and education for all. The lockdown and its consequences have brought a foretaste of what is to come: a permanent state of fear, strict behavioral control, massive loss of jobs, and growing dependence on the state.
The perpetrators of the new world order have smelled blood. Declaring the coronavirus a pandemic has come in handy to promote the agenda of their Great Reset. Only massive opposition can slow down and finally stop the extension of the power grip of the tyrannical technocracy that is on the rise.
Very good!
“Only massive opposition can slow down and finally stop the extension of the power grip of the tyrannical technocracy that is on the rise.”
But God! May He intervene soon!