“Stepping Up a Call to Courageous Manhood” is an excellent men’s ministry and movement started by Dennis Rainey. You can learn more about the ministry and order videos and handout material from their web site: http://mensteppingup.com/. Our church used the material for a Men’s Advance Weekend in January 2015 and I think it made for the best men’s advance we ever had. The videos that teach how to be a man of God are presented as personal testimonies from men who struggle to overcome their sin nature and rely on Christ to be the man that God wants them to be. This title for this web site,“die2live”, was inspired from one of the videos. The image for this article is the T-shirt we made for the men’s advance with the Stepping Up theme and the die2live theme.
“There’s a piece of every man’s heart that longs to be courageous, to be bold and gutsy and etch a masculine mark of bravery on the human landscape. In our hearts, we know that a part of the core of true manhood is courage.” -Dennis Rainey
I have seen several videos from the “Stepping Up” series and they are excellent but when I saw this video from Judge Lynn Toler from Divorce Court about the decline of manhood, I just had to share it because she really nails the issue!
If the above link doesn’t work, try this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgugnwDi2-o
– Rogersings