You hear a lot about “Radical Islam” today from everyone except President Obummer who can’t seem to figure out what motivates someone to open fire and kill unarmed people while shouting “Allahu Akbar!“. The liberal news media, Muslims and President Obummer want you to think this radical and violent form of Islam is a misrepresentation of the “religion of peace“. And if you are drinking this tainted kool-aid and sitting around the campfire singing kum-ba-ya with rattlesnakes and scorpions then your days are numbered my friend because the “campfire” that is keeping the dangerous creatures away is “Christ and His Church” and when His light and warmth are removed from earth by “the rapture of His Church“, then the rattlesnakes and scorpions of Islam will bite you and kill you.
You see “radical” Islam is really “faithful” Islam that is following the teaching of Mohammad to advance Islam by the violent “sword” of jihad war upon the infidels (Muslim unbelievers). However, Muslims who practice a “non-violent” form of Islam are also faithfully advancing Islam by using “deception and lies”. Unlike Christianity, “deception” is a Muslim virtue and those who portray Islam as a religion of peace practice the art of deception against the infidels, slowly increasing the number of Muslim believers by “biological” jihad. Muslims no longer need to advance Islam by the sword because they are winning the biological war of jihad by entering a “free” nation and then “out birthing” the population of that nation. Once the Muslims are in majority of a nation, they establish Sharia law, which shuts down religious freedom and kills anyone who does not worship Allah. Both violent and non-violent Muslims are advancing the Kingdom of Islam, waiting for their “Mahdi” who will come and reign over the earth. Unfortunately, the Mahdi the Muslims are waiting for is really the Antichrist, the ultimate “Deceiver” and the Antichrist will bring them into God’s final judgment and death.
You see, there is only One True God and He is the God of the Bible … not Allah of the Quran. We live in a time of God’s grace, where God allows sin to fester and thrive in the world, so that people will recognize their sin, repent of sin and turn to Jesus for salvation from their sin. But, this time of God’s grace is not going to go on forever. The time is fast approaching when the God of the Bible is coming soon to judge the world for sin and to judge people because they have not wanted to be forgiven of their sin by accepting God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ as their Savior! Allah is nothing but a Demonic revelation from Satan that was given to the pedophile prophet Mohammad. And all those who follow Allah are really following Satan into the Lake of Fire that burns eternally.
Now, in comparison, the term “radical Christianity” to most people means some form of violence that is carried out in the name of Christ, such as bombing an Abortion clinic to stop the killing of unborn children. But I am not talking about this kind of radical faith in Christ. Killing in the name of Christ is not condoned by God at this time. Killing someone to defend yourself or family is justified by God. And governments have the Godly right to wage a “just” war but this is a topic of discussion for another time. However, any killing in the name of Christ that is done today or that was done in the past during the Crusades and the Inquisition as sanctioned by the Catholic Church over 800 years ago is wrong. For that matter, the teaching and practice of the Catholic Church is as perverse and deadly as Islam. Yes, it is radical … but it is radically WRONG.
When I use the term “Radical Christianity” I am talking about “faithful Christians” who are obeying the word of God and following in the steps of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Radical Christianity means you follow the words of Jesus and deny self and take up your cross and follow Christ (Matthew 16:24). Radical Christianity means you love God first, love others second and love self … last. Radical Christianity means you share the message of salvation in Jesus Christ with others … you must be “born again” (John 3:3). Sharing the message of salvation from sin and standing upon the word of God is what makes faithful Christianity radically different from the popular, feel good about me, unfaithful version of Christianity that is polluting the Church today and taking it hostage. Churches that teach their congregation to “love themselves” and seek their happiness first, even if it means compromising with sin have left the reservation of “God’s Kingdom”. Churches that do not teach a salvation in Jesus Christ that is based on a repentance from sin are not serving God but they are serving Satan … and for all practical purposes they are serving to advance Islam which I think will be the Demonic religion that the Antichrist will use to rule the world when he comes.
Back in the 1952, C.S. Lewis was trying to set the record straight concerning what real faithful Christianity is all about when he published his book “Mere Christianity”. The title of the book is actually a sarcastic question that he is putting before his readers … is Christian just a merely a message about good moral teaching? Did Jesus just come to teach us how to behave and get along with one another like a Dale Carnegie course on how to win friends and influence people? Did Jesus say “I’m OK and you’re OK” now let me go die on the cross for no reason what so ever? Look, Jesus did give us a lot of good moral teaching but Jesus also claimed that He was God in the flesh (John 14:9). Jesus claimed He was the only way to the Father and unless you believed in Him you would die in your sin. (John 14:6). These radical claims by Jesus leave a person with a quad-lima of choices to make concerning who Jesus is but “good teacher” is not one of the choices …
Jesus’ claim that He was God means you either accept Jesus as:
(a) a liar
(b) a lunatic
(c) a legend
(d) or Lord
Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good or good people better but He came to make dead people alive!
We hear a lot about “Radical Islam” in the news and we hear about the advance of Islam upon the world. People are converting to the Muslim faith and anticipating the return of the Mahdi that will rule over the Kingdom of Allah on earth (which is really the Kingdom of the coming Antichrist). But unfortunately, the preaching about the Kingdom of Heaven that Christ is building is waning among Christians. People don’t want the message of repentance and forgiveness of their sin, they want the message of tolerance and acceptance of our sin. And people prefer Islam over Christianity because all they have to do to appease Allah is perform some good works for him. But to follow Jesus they must “deny themselves” and take up their cross. Who wants to be seen walking humbly around with the cross of Christ when you can hold the sword of Islam on earth and have 72 virgins in Paradise? Of course it is not a matter of what sounds good or what seems pleasing but WHAT IS TRUE and Jesus is the Truth!
And this my friends is where we are today in American. We live in a land where we have been richly blessed and we are rich in the means to communicate the message of God’s love for the world but unfortunately we are poor in the “desire” to communicate God’s message of Salvation in Jesus Christ and we are poor in “understanding” God’s message of Salvation in Jesus Christ … alone! A Christian is the only one who has the words of eternal life that are found in Jesus Christ but most Christians are “CINO”, Christians in Name Only. If a Christians does not have a desire to share the message of salvation, there is good possibility that they have not experienced salvation in Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of their sin and the “born again” life of the Holy Spirit living in them. Look, I don’t have a Holy Spirit Breathalyzer to figure out who is saved and who is not saved, that is God’s business but God’s business is also for His saved children to be busy spreading the word of salvation in Christ alone. Yes, sharing the message of Christ with others can be uncomfortable but that is why you must rely upon the Holy Spirit that is living in you … so He can do the work through you.
I find this article very convicting and difficult to write because as I grow older, I am getting more sedentary and more weary in doing things, both mentally and physically. I am secure in my relationship of eternal life in the Lord and satisfied with His love. Yet, in another sense, the comfort of God can lead to isolation from others, atrophy from not sharing the message of eternal life with others and finally death with good works in Christ left undone. I don’t want to die with the words of Solomon upon my lips “it was all vanity” but I would like to be more like Elijah, who was taken up in a the Chariot of Fire!
If we don’t faithfully press onward and press upward toward God, drawing closer to Him and anticipating what He is doing through us like a great adventure, we will instead fall back in weariness and despair, using our own reasoning and legalism to justify our unfaithfulness to God. We will end up dreading our service to God and fearing judgment from God for failure to obey HIm, instead of anticipating God’s fellowship and anticipating the joy of being in His service. We are designed by God for adventure but our sinful self seeks a life of comfort and control over a radical life of adventure in Christ! I think this is what C. S. Lewis is trying to say to us in the Narnia Chronicles. We should be like children, anticipating the great things our Lord “the Lion from the tribe of Judah” is doing and we should want to join our Lord in His great adventure.
With God alive in me, the best is always yet to be!
– Rogersings