Most people are familiar with the Bible story of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. God demonstrated great miracles through Moses in order to soften Pharaoh’s heart so he would “Let my people go” but the miracles also lite a fire under God’s chosen people so they “would leave” Egypt. Yet, even after witnessing first hand the power and glory of God, the Jews kept thoughts of Egypt in their mind and wanted to return. God prepared and promised them a land flowing with “milk and honey” but they longed to return to the land of “leeks and lashes”.
I think in a similar way God is saying to His Church today, “Hey children, I have prepared a New Jerusalem for you, a Kingdom in Heaven, so set you sights on this promise land and quit trying to return to an America of yesterday.” I think people tend to “romanticize” about the past and paint a picture of an America that was founded on Christian principles by Christian. However, this statement is only partially true in that America was founded upon “Christian principles of morality” but in fact there were only a few “born again” Christians among our founding fathers. The majority of our founding fathers where men who “practiced” religious good works and believed more in a fraternity of Mason fellowship and human reasoning than in true Godly fellowship. I think this kind of “lip service” Christianity has been the normal leadership of America and I think the lack of true “Spiritual” commitment and conviction toward God is why American morals have deteriorated over the years and continue to deteriorate … until eventually we will be the new Sodom and Gomorrah.
I think the Church today keeps looking into the rear view mirror of an American, hoping that God is going to “revive us again into greatness“. But, I think America greatness was “more due” to the fact that America was “isolated” from the influence of bad religious ideas and “less due” to the fact there was a majority of people wholly “committed” to God. Don’t misunderstand me, I believe God has blessed America over the years because America has tried to establish laws that are in line with Godly morals and America has send missionaries out to evangelize the world. However, having a good morals does not necessarily mean you know God. Moreover, Islam prohibits abortion and homosexual behavior and they force women to dress modestly. But they miss the larger picture, that Allah is Satan and their religion is rooted in delusion that leads too death and destruction.
The Sadducee and Pharisees were good at keeping the moral rules they created but they too missed the greater purpose, which was to love God with all the heart, soul/mind and strength and love their neighbor as themselves. And I think “most” of American leadership in presidents and congress has been from Christian in name only, not from those with a “born again” Christian heart. I think when global communications increased and the standard of living increased, then Eastern religions invaded our land and these “do whatever you want” religions easily lead Americans astray … and still are leading them astray. This is why being a born again Christian with the living Spirit of God in you and having good Bible training so you can give a defense of the God’s word is so important.
The giants in our way to the promise land are not the Liberals and the LGBT banner waving crowd but they are our unsaved neighbors that we are afraid to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with. When Joshua brought down the walls of Jericho, he didn’t raise up arms of war or raise up the human reasoning but he raised up “the arms of praise to God“. I think this what God is looking for today, a Joshua, who will listen and proclaim His mighty Name!
For this reason I think the State to State tour of Franklin Graham calling for prayer for America is more pleasing and promising in God’s sight than the State to State political rallies. Look, I understand that I am a citizen of America and I pray for our nation and I participate to elect and promote Godly government but my first citizenship is in Heaven, so my first priority is to proclaim Christ and seek His Kingdom. God is more interested in building a Kingdom in Heaven of “living” stones which represent lives of faith in Christ, then building a Kingdom on Earth of man’s government, no how matter how wonderful we are able to make a life of comfort here on earth.
I believe God is calling His Church to proclaim the gospel of repentance from sin and salvation in Jesus Christ in these last days. I also believe God wants His children to watch and be ready for an exodus from Earth, because He is coming soon to “rapture” His bride to Heaven.
– Rogersings