According to the experts Trump had no chance to win the election. It’s impossible … wrong!
For those who have been wrong about who would win this election why don’t you just for once take the time to listen to this young smart woman, Tomi Lahren, who has been right about this election all along and has been right about what is bothering “we the people” who voted for Trump.
Those who said Trump wouldn’t run for president, and wouldn’t win the nomination and couldn’t win the election, now say he won’t make a good president … why don’t you for once consider the possibility that Trump will make a great president for America and give the man a chance? Now is the time to stop whining because the government won’t be running your life and ruining your life and start thanking God for this opportunity to take personal responsibility for your life and enjoy God’s blessings. Look, America was on the road to the “Global New World Order” of the Antichrist but God heard the prayers of His people and we have been given a chance to “Make God Great Again” in America. So don’t sit down or burn down America because this country every voice including the voice of Hillary supporters to keep the new leaders in check and on course trying to deliver the promises they have made to the American people. Ultimately, America is only as great as “we the people” honor God’s “moral compass” and stand up for His righteousness.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.” – Proverbs 14:34
Perhaps this black woman can explain why people voted for Trump. “STOP BLAMING WHITE PEOPLE For Trump’s Win Last Night… America Voted For Actual Change”. America said it’s time to get back to “regular operational standards“. We are going to stop focusing on our body parts and start focusing on jobs, the economy and keeping this country on the right track. This is not about color or race. We are going to stop talking about this all time and start talking about what actually matters Praise God, Thank God, Trump won last night,! http://toprightnews.com/stop-blaming-white-people-for-trumps-win-last-night-america-voted-for-actual-change/
And one more person trying to explain the reason Trump won. Maybe it’s because people didn’t feel like signing up four more years of the same tired terrible progressive policies that have already screwed them over six ways to Sunday for the past eight years. Good one Brittany Hughes.
Or maybe Killary lost because of all the “fake news” stories manufactured by the bias Liberal media? Yes, real truthful stories published online, real time by the millions of people who have cameras and brains is a real threat to democracy. Oh my, what will become of a nation with “Freedom of Speech”, well if Progressive Liberals had their way, we would rename freedom of speech to mean only the freedom to express their viewpoint.
Better yet why don’t you listen to those who know Donald Trump and have worked with him over the years.
The “left” wants to fundamentally “transform” America into a “Global New World Order” where every human idea is honored as equally true and equally worthy. While the “right” wants to fundamentally “conserve and honor” the absolute moral standards of God that have made America exceptional and have done so much good for the world. This video does a good job explaining the fundamental difference in the way “the left” and “the right” view America. BTW, have you ever wondered why the conservative view based on God’s holy standard is called “the right” view point? Yeah, it’s because that viewpoint it is right!
This video is too funny. It is a parody of a popular Christmas advertisement:
Go ahead sing along, “It’s the most wonderful time in 8 years”:
It is ironic that each side is equally terrified of the direction the other side wants to take the country. This country is polarized over issues and over the direction that America should be headed. To me the root issue for Hilary supporters is that they are afraid that Trump will alienate Muslims and cause a war overseas, plus he will start a war at home, persecuting minority people and worst of all he will stop the legalization of sin (gay marriage and abortion) and take away their free stuff! And Trump supporter are afraid that a country with Hillary at the helm will lead us to implement more Liberal Progressive socialist agenda’s that make us dependent on big government and kill the free enterprise system that has made America great. But worst of all Christians are concerned that we are on the wrong path where Christian morals are being marginalized and God’s truth concerning sin is being silenced which is bringing us under the judgement of God.
So what do you fear more, that we will become a nation of “people haters” under a Trump administration or we will experience the judgment of God if we stay on the course of moral decline with Hillary at the helm?
It’s better to fight for right
Than to die for a lie
Look, people are confused about the word hate. We are commanded to hate … when what we hate is sin and the evil that is the result of sinful behavior.
“Hate evil, you who love the LORD, Who preserves the souls of His godly ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked.” – Psalm 97:10
This is the fundamental issue that the Liberals can’t seem to process in their mind. They think God wants them to love every idea equally well but He doesn’t. God wants us to love everyone but He wants us to “hate” sin. True love of God is demonstrated by standing up and exposing sinful ideas, not tolerating or approving of sinful ideas and behavior. God has an absolute moral standard for each an individual and He expects each individual to be acknowledge this standard and be accountable to God for how they live their life according to His standard. Of course we need the forgiveness of Christ because we cannot keep His standard perfectly but receiving Christ’s forgiveness causes a self humbling attitude of gratitude with an increasing desire to not sin, not a a self serving attitude which claims a license to continue sinning. God expects His moral standard to be obeyed on Earth as it is in Heaven. This is why there is a divide and conflict in the country … Americans who are standing with God for His moral standard are standing with Trump right now.
You see, the real battleground is not a political one based on who rules in the White House but it is a Spiritual warfare based on who rules in your heart. The media tries to spin the reason for people’s fear and discontent with a Trump presidency is there will be an unfair treatment of minority groups but the real thing they fear is having to work for a living and honor God’s absolute moral standard. The underlying reason for the warfare in America is not because there is a difference in the amount of dollars in your pocket or the difference in your skin color but people are war with God and His perfect moral standard. This election victory is an opportunity for those in the Trump camp to show compassion and the better way of living that is found in Christ. I pray Trump will select godly people for his cabinet and that he will not surround himself with “yes” men but he will appoint honest intelligent people that have dissenting political views in order that all voices are heard and America is put on the right course.
Look, it is impossible to please everyone because at the core of every person is a sin nature, the desire to sin. Therefore those who want to legalize sin and remove accountability toward God are not going to be at peace with those who want to legalize moral constraints against sin and honor the God of the Bible. ‘ Jesus said he did not come to bring peace but a sword (Matthew 10:34). His sword is the sword of the Lord, the word of God. You must first have “peace with God” through Jesus Christ before you can have any meaningful peace with men. And you can’t have peace with God if you have peace with sin. It just doesn’t work that way. The battle to restore peace with God by honoring His moral absolute truth is heating up in America due to this election that has given Christian a platform to declare the truth of a better way by faith in Jesus Christ. Will the Trumpsters stay the course and seek God’s face to reconcile Americas to help Make America Great Again and help “Make God Great Again” or will Trumpsters lash out in hate and jesting ruing the opportunity God has provide or will they simply cave to the overwhelming challenge that is required to do the right thing … die 2 live.
– Rogersings
Why don’t you listen to some good sound preaching about Tony Evans:
What Happened?
I have been watching the cable news media and they are dumbfounded as to why Hilary didn’t win. The simple truth is that Big Political parties and Big media don’t listen to real hard working people who are feed up with the corruption in Washington. Ironically, Democrats who labeled Trump supporters as deplorables conspiring to destroy America are now rioting in the street destroying America. The media wants to call this a white class racial war but people who voted for Trump are voting for jobs for all American of all color and beliefs. It is the hard working middle class people of America who overwhelming voted for Trump. Is wanting a job so you can work for a living a hateful motivation for your life?
Hillary wants to blame FBI director Comey but why was she under investigation by the FBI. The problems she had to deal with were of her own making. Plus she was the party of the cool kids, Hollywood, feminist man and Black Lies Matter. She ignored and need the hard working Americans.
They still don’t get it. The Democratic polices are failing and not creating jobs but a bigger dependence on government. Illegal immigrants are using services here and not paying taxes for these services. Muslim are flooding in to overrun America and implement Sharia law. And most critical of all, born again Christians who hold the Biblical to be the absolute truth are being arrested and tried for standing upon God’s truth.
They still don’t get it. Obama Care is a failure. Obama “doesn’t” care! Obummer doesn’t care that people can’t afford the Affordable Care Act Heath Insurance. Obummer doesn’t care that his health care plan is a failure. He doesn’t care that he has no idea how to fix it or sustain it. Providing health care for everyone is a noble idea but Obummer care is a bad poorly though out means to do it. Obummer doesn’t care that people are out of work and they can’t afford health care. Obummer doesn’t care that he double the national debt which doubles the burden on each American citizen. Obummer doesn’t care he made a deal with Iran, our enemy, which allows them to build a weapon of mass destruction to kill Israel … because Obummer doesn’t care about Israel! Oh what a shocker! The Middle East is in shambles and the overflow of Islam terror is spreading.like cancer but Obummer doesn’t care … in face he is proud that he has played the fool and mastermind this hoax on America. The bottom line is that Obama doesn’t care about America because he is a Muslim and he is clueless about what is important to American. If anyone wants to do Obummer a favor they should put him over their knee and spank him until he understand that a hero is someone who stand up for “moral righteousness”, As Sarah Palin says thank goodness “it’s the end of an error.” Or as I say, praise the Lord, the reign of Barry “Insane” Obomination is over! O.B.A.M.A – One Big Ass Mistake America.
Liberal Democrats, snowflake mentality people just don’t get it. The average America is treading water economically trying to make a living and the Liberal Politicians are putting “more” taxes on us in order to drown the hard working person so they stop trying to make a living. Watch this video and maybe Bill O’Reily can explain the inclusion delusion:
They still don’t get it. The media can’t figure out why people would choose an arrogant man over a dunce of a woman. Hillary says she doesn’t know what “Classified” means on documents and how to handle them. Well, I think she is lying to cover up illegal activity but if she really is this ignorant about what is classified and important to America interests then she is not fit to lead America.
They still don’t get it. Sure, Hilary quotes scripture … “Let’s not grow weary in doing good” but Hillary’s definition of good is selling America out to our enemies for her profit. Her definition of good is leaving American troops in a hot spot of fire for dead and then lying to cover up her incompetence and her criminal actions. She says one thing and does another … that my friends is lying which is a sin not a virtue.
They still don’t get it. Her motto “Stronger Together” is a true but if you come together to build a house that doesn’t sit upon Godly moral standards then you are building in vain. The simple, fundamental truth is that being “strong together” is meaningless if you are strong together for the “wrong” reason and purpose. You must have “priority before majority” or else what you build it built in vain. Thinking you are being honoring God by honoring those who want to honor a life style of sin “such as gay marriage” is twisted sinful thinking. It simply incompatible with God’s agenda and a Christian life. Only by “first” being born again in Christ Jesus can you “then” build for God and give Him the glory, which has a blessing in this life an everlasting reward. Coming together to tolerate and accept sin is “rebellion to God” and the agenda of Satan. if you are silent or compliant toward sin then you are following Satan, not Jesus. How can I make it any clearer? Don’t sin, be “born again”.
They still don’t get it. The lifetime politician make great speeches and promise anything in order to get elected and then once in office they do nothing about these promises, except to line their pockets with money, which is what they promised themselves if elected. I will however say that President Obama did give a good speech after the election, congratulating Trump, promising a smooth transition and wanting the best for our country. Of course then he started to digress and dismiss the differences that divide this nation and lead to Trump victory. This is the problem, we have a serious divide in our country over fundamental moral issues of God! We may all be on the same rely team but when some people get the baton they are running in the wrong direction.
Obama said we will figure it out what we did wrong and find a way to go forward. Well, I pray this is true, that eyes will be opened and people will repent, so they can turn toward God and go the right way. And it is a Christian’s job to point out the right way and lead the right way. Lead on O King Eternal!’
This article does a good job explaining the two opposing view of what makes America Great!
Here is Obama’s staff waiting to receive president elect Donald Trump at the White House (priceless):
Analyzing the Votes (or lack thereof):
Most election analyst are attributing Trumps victory to a many more voters showing up to vote for Trump but what I noticed is that the overall voter turn out was low and the Democrat vote was “really low”. I think Hillary did not have a very compelling message and way too much baggage. Even those who religiously “suck on the government tit” realized that the milk was souring and it would sour even more from Hillary. The pragmatic reason that Trump won is that many of the black men that voted for Obama stayed home and many evangelical Christians came out and voted for Trump. But the Spiritual underlying reason that Trump won is that God prevailed through the prayers of his people!. it is nothing short of a miracle that Trump won the election against the media who worked to destroy his message and even his own party who disowned him.
In summary, to me it looks like “we the people” heard the voice of reason for how to “Make America Great Again” and they voted for Trump. Look, America is divided but more importantly America is broken, we need a non-politician to go to Washington and “drain the swamp” We need to get rid of the Professional Liars who say one thing to get elected and then do nothing once they are in office except look out for their own interests. I pray for a return to Godly morals and Godly compassion for one another. I pray that the New Order of the Day will be to maintain peace with God by obeying His unchanging moral standards not trying to manufacture a peace among men based on human reasoning that is contrary to God’s standard.
When you do the math, we do not want a “New World Order” based on man’s opinion of what is moral but we want a “God World Order” based on God’s unchanging word concerning what is moral. We do not want to unite in a humanistic agenda under the banner of “in Gov we trust” but we want to unite in what made America great … “in God we trust“. Yes, we want to “Make America Great Again” but more importantly we want to “Make God Great Again”. I think God is giving America one last chance to proclaim and glorify His name right before He raptures His church to Heaven, which I think will happen very, very soon!
I hope and pray that the light of Christ is going to shine brightly in American but my discernment tells me the spiritual powers of darkness are getting ready to unleash tactics of unprecedented evil to steal and divide the hearts of people. And a lot of this divide will be done in the name of Christ, since the Liberal church no longer preaches the word of truth found in the Bible. Unfortunately, instead of better tomorrow that occurred when Reagan took the helm, I think the polarity in America will continue to increase so that when the “true” church is raptured all those left behind will say “good riddance” … Allah took them away in judgement.
The God Factor:
Here’s what Franklin Graham had to say about the election win. Remember Franklin went to the capital of all 50 states and held a prayer for America.
Did God show up? In watching the news after the election, the secular media keep asking “How did this happen?” “What went wrong?” “How did we miss this?” Some are in shock. Political pundits are stunned. Many thought the Trump/Pence ticket didn’t have a chance. None of them understand the God-factor.
Hundreds of thousands of Christians from across the United States have been praying. This year they came out to every state capitol to pray for this election and for the future of America. Prayer groups were started. Families prayed. Churches prayed. Then Christians went to the polls, and God showed up.
While the media scratches their heads and tries to understand how this happened, I believe that God’s hand intervened Tuesday night to stop the godless, atheistic progressive agenda from taking control of our country.
President-elect Donald J. Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence are going to need a lot of help and they will continue to need a lot of prayer. I pray that President-elect Trump will surround himself with godly men and women to help advise and counsel him as he leads the nation. My prayer is that God will bless America again!
Year | Candidate | Party | Electoral | Popular |
2016 | Donald J Trump | Republican | 306 | 60,072,551 |
Hillary Clinton | Democratic | 233 | 60,467,601 | |
2012 | Barack H. Obama | Democratic | 332 | 65,446,032 |
Mitt Romney | Republican | 206 | 60,589,084 | |
2008 | Barack H. Obama | Democratic | 365 | 69,456,897 |
John S. McCain | Republican | 173 | 59,934,814 | |
2004 | George W Bush | Republican | 283 | 62,039,073 |
John F Kerry | Democratic | 251 | 59,027,478 |
Time to pitch a Temper Tantrum:
Well, this article won’t be complete without sharing some thoughts about the people protesting and rioting in the streets, declaring that “Trump is Not my President“, Well, go ahead and whine and bitch and moan but actually unless you move to another country … yes he is your president. That’s how law and order works in America. This crisis of change seems to be effecting young people the most because they are having to face the cold hard fact that they will now have to take responsibility for their life and get a job and work for a living, Oh the horror, please anything but that!
Look, I’ll admit trying to get a good job and trying to keep a good job is “hard” work but there is a great reward in the sacrifice and more importantly it will make you realize you need God to help you succeed at work. And it will free you from the yoke and dependence on Big Government. God will give you the strength to do what is right and have a good life. This is a promise God has made and that He will keep. God doesn’t lie like a politician. So stop depending on the lies of men and start focusing your life on the unchanging truth of God!
Click here to read about the destructive truth of a Socialist government:
Then there is a big push right now by the “Black Lies Matter” terrorist group to insist that black men are not able to compete equally with white men in America because they believe white men have a deep seated prejudice against black men in their heart that white men collectively use to grant unfair favor to white’s over blacks. This belief that white people are born with an unfair privilege in America and a deep seated prejudice against blacks is called “white-lash”. And if you as a white person deny that you don’t hate black people then to them, you are lying and inciting them to riot for their cause. And if you are a black person and you think the BLM is bullshit then you will be called a “nig…” or an “Uncle Tom” and have your ass whipped by your friendly black brother. What matters to BLM is not establishing a even playing field so black lives can compete fairly for jobs in America … by the way, this was done by Martin Luther King who actually did protest peacefully for a legitimate civil rights cause. BLM want to establish a “black privilege” that guarantees they will be taken care of by the government. This is the real truth.
People are protesting and rioting in the streets saying that Trump is a bigot and he is going to get rid of whom ever he doesn’t like. This is ridiculous! There are laws that prevent this kind of arbitrary injustice of racism and these laws apply to everyone equally, including the president. Are there white people in America who have prejudice against black people? Yes, but this is a small pocket of people like the KKK and their movement is renounced by whites. And of course there are black people who hate white people. We will never get rid of bigotry and prejudice entirely because sin is in the heart of all men which fuels the self center thoughts of men. Look, it’s a good thing to call a person out as a bigot if they exhibit prejudice behavior but it’s a witch hunt to accuse someone if there are no facts to back it up. Trump prejudice is not against a person’s color but against a person’s values. If a person doesn’t obey the law of the land they will arrested. Is this is new concept to people? The real fear of course is that Trump will overturn immoral laws and enforce moral laws.
Look, these protesters aren’t protesting in order to right the wrong of some social injustice but they are whining because their liberal progressive agenda has been exposed as a sham and they will have to obey the laws of the land and get a job and work for a living. The Trump victory has stopped these progressive liberals like a shock collar on a runaway dog. They realize that they have been caught crapping on other people’s yards and they are howling in pain. Every time America does something great and honors God, it’s like pressing the “bad dog” button on the transmitter to their shock collar … hOOOOOOOOOOOwl! We might as well get use to the noise as we work and pray for them to see the light.
So yes, I understand people are scared of a Trump presidency. Students are scared that the government will not give them a free education and they will have get a job that is useful to society. And the Black Lies Matter group is scared that they will have to find a job and work for a living. Oh yeah, and the LGBT folks are scared that they will have to honor God’s absolute moral truth and become accountable before God for their sin. And illegal aliens are scared they will have to become an America citizen and start paying taxes. Yes, this is a really scary thing especially if you don’t have a relationship with Jesus Christ, who can lead you through the stormy waters of life and forgive your sin and mediate your case before a holy and perfect God.
I want you to watch these two videos, the first is sad and funny. It’s sad because the American education system has failed to properly educate this young man and funny because of the person’s reaction when he starts to think critically for the first time. Check out the dumbfounded look on this kid’s face when the wheels in his head start to turn when he realizes there are laws that govern immigration into this country. OK, so you’re saying that just because (wait for it … the music starts playing … and here’s what’s going on his mind) … there are laws that govern immigration that people have to obey these laws or they will be arrested? And if a person does obey the law they wouldn’t arrested? Wow, what a revelation! How come this is the first time I’ve heard of this concept as a way to run an orderly society? Pardon me, I want my mommy.
This is the same video as above but on Youtube just in case the Facebook video disappears.
In comparison, here is a video of young black man who understands the failed Obama administration.
7 Harsh Realities Of Life Millennials Need To Understand:
This comedian depicts the crying outrage of the hobos who were hoping to ride four more years on the Obummer train with Killar as the conductor of the “Socialist Express”. You don’t understand … people will have to get a job and stop playing video games in their parent’s basemen! We don’t want prosperity based on individual achievement. We don’t. We just want to have the government take care of us so we don’t have any responsibility. Woe, is us! America is doomed to prosperity and blessings from God. You just don’t understand!
Perhaps the Dragnet actors from 1968 have the simplest and clearest message for the next generation:
America where have you Gone?
Our history books are being rewritten before our very eyes. All our old hero who freed us from the oppression of an English government tyranny are considered bigots and racist’s who cared nothing about creating a free America but were just interested in having the freedom to oppress black men. Look, I am all for revealing the truth and I’m sure these guys had sins but the slaves on both of these men’s estates were considered more like family members than property. And let’s not forget America was one of the first countries to ban slave ownership and trade. This is not true in the Muslim world but for some reason the Liberals don’t seem to care about the injustices of the Islam belief system.
Look, the fundamental truth is that America was founded upon Christian values and morals. It is a system of government that requires it’s citizens to self police themselves for moral behavior and hold our leaders to act morally and to pass moral laws and uphold moral laws. It’s as simple as that folks. You can spin the story any way you want but America stands or falls based on the degree it’s citizens embrace God’s moral standards. And Trump needs to be held to a Godly moral standard but the riots in the street are for the exact opposite reason. People are rioting because they don’t want Godly morals and they don’t want the prosperity and harmony that comes from honoring God’s moral standards, good ol’ hard work and loving your neighbor as yourself.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people”. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” – John Adams
“The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.” – John Adams
“When legislature is corrupted, the people are undone.” – John Adams
John Adams was one of the founders of our constitution and the second president of America. His second quote is to clarify that the purpose of the American government is not to enforce religious beliefs, yet the first quote says that America stands or falls based on the morals that are the underpinning of their religious belief. In other words, man has free will, if he decides to honor the God of the Bible America will be free and prosper if he doesn’t America will fall.
As far as illegal aliens in this nation, Obummer has rewritten our immigration laws through executive orders and now all the crap that he has promised is up in the air and has to be fixed. A Christian does not want to deport good hard working people that have no citizenship papers but we need to make a way for them to become full citizens of America. Obummer did everything “half-ass” right. It’s the same thing with the Obummer Health Care plan, it’s another half-baked idea. He promises good things but has no clue how to deliver on his promises. Obummer thinks big “G” can make everything right but he is taking about big “Government” not the big “God” that America has trusted to make us great.
I can keep harping on this issue to make my point but to me the issue is crystal clear: America has a chance to honor God and be great again and the people have free will to either trust God and repent of sin or trust Government and continue to sin.
Bill Clinton gave this speech in 1995 about securing our United States boarders but today this kind of proposal is considered racist speech. Apparently not wanting to allow someone into your country that wants to destroy American values is concerned racist. Do the people who are support “open boarders” leave their front door open at night? No, of course not, they are afraid a conservative would enter and give them information that will make them productive and useful to society.
America Where Have You Gone? by Roger Ricketts Nov, 2016
Chorus: America where have you gone?
Where’s the faith that made you strong?
Did “God we trust” do something wrong?
Where have you gone?
When pilgrims landed on this ground They trusted God to rule their town
They worked real hard to stay around Where have you gone
When men declared Independence They wrote of truths self evident
For Liberty is God’s intent Where have you gone
Bridge: From the top of the Washington Monument
To the place on Lincoln’s chair
Carved in stone, clearly known, God is right there!
When General George knelt on that field To God his life and troops he yield
Yet now we keep this fact concealed Where have you gone
When evil murders with a nod And terror spreads by a Jihad
Our only hope depends on God Where have you gone
If we just seek prosperity Our morale core will cease to be
And this will end Democracy Where have you gone
The God who loves and made us all Is waiting for us now to call
And by His grace we can stand tall Where have you gone