You’re right “Liberal Logic” seems like the ultimate oxymoron, especially if you have been following the reasoning and agenda of the Progressive Liberals in America who are putting us on a path towards friendship with principles and people that want to destroy our American way of life. The Liberal agenda of socialism, open boarders and lack of moral restraint may “seem like a good idea” but this is the way to destruction. The Liberals think if we just tolerate everything and everyone and “don’t make anyone mad” by telling them the truth then we will have peace on earth. But this kind of logic is a short term solution for a long term death.
However, there is a Liberal message that defies logic, yet it’s true and leads to love and eternal life. It is the gospel message of Jesus Christ. God is liberally pouring out His amazing grace and offer of eternal life upon a rebellious selfish sinful people that deserve eternal death. Your life on earth is a gift from God and each breath you take is a gift from God. Yes, God is “very liberal” when it comes to loving us and offering us the gift of salvation by believing in His only begotten Son. However, God is also “very truthful” about why we need salvation in Jesus Christ … which is to overcome our death penalty that we are due because of our sin nature.
And this my friends is why there is a divide and polarization among people in the world. The Liberals of the world want to talk about “what seems good to them” but they don’t want to talk about God’s moral way which is good. The thing that “hurts a person’s feelings” and upsets their apple cart is being told that God has an absolute moral standard that He expects each person to obey. Yes, being told you are a sinner and God disapproves of your sin will hurt your feeling but isn’t it better to be offended and gain eternal live, rather than to be die believing in a lie?
The Liberals cry because their feeling are hurt and their good intentions are not understood and appreciated by conservatives. And Conservatives cry because the Liberals are lost in self delusional thoughts of grandeur of what “seems right to them” but in fact their liberal agenda defies God’s morality with leads to His judgment. And Christians cry because people are lost in their self indulgent nature (sin) way of thinking, separated from God’s love and headed to eternal death separated from God!.
“There is a way which seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. – Proverbs 14:12”
Look, we all start out in life as Liberals, thinking we can figure out what is best and good in life but usually after we fail enough times and hurt ourselves and hurt others enough times, we start to realize that just “making the best of things” is not what life is all about. The pain of our failures and the pain and death we see in the world makes us realize something is fundamentally wrong with us and with the world because everything is wearing out and slowly dying. Something is seriously wrong with us and the world that we just can’t fix. And that something is sin!
It’s not your fault you are a sinner but it is your fault if you don’t recognize your inability to be perfect and think perfect thoughts. We are all in the sinner’s camp for “no one” is able to measure up to the perfect moral standard of God except Jesus Christ. “For or all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,” – Romans 3:23 You are born with a sin nature that is separated from God’s Spirit and therefore you naturally do what you think is best without regard for what God says is best. All the endless banter, yelling, noise, conflict, political commentary, wars, crying, whining and story spinning is because people don’t acknowledge and repent of the root of all evil … which is their sin.
It has been said that “To make a conservative mad, lie to him but to make a Progressive Liberal mad, tell them the truth.” And this statement is true because Progressive Liberals are so high on themselves that they think they hold the “moral high ground” in the world of public opinion. Liberals think that tolerance and accepting everyone’s opinion and view is the greatest virtue and the best way to express God’s love. And while we should be tolerant of other’s views and listen politely to people’s opinion, it’s dangerous and deadly to accept all views as being equally truthful or worthy. More over, to accept all views as worthy is not a demonstration of morality but an act of insanity!
Progressive Liberals are in denial of the truth about sin and they don’t want to talk about the truth of sin and the consequences of sin. They want to talk about their feelings and their desire for peace and unity among men and tolerant attitude to accept anyone’s view “except” someone who wants to discuss God’s absolute moral standard and God’s purpose for man. Liberals want to talk about how everyone should live together in peace and harmony but guess what, having peace on earth is not even possible without first having peace with God!
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body; and be thankful. – Colossians 3:15
Therefore, the highest goal for man is to have peace with God. But you can’t have peace with God until you are saved from your sin. And you can’t be saved from sin if you don’t acknowledge that you are sinful and you naturally act independently and rebellious toward God. This is my friend is the whole point for our existence and the reason for life. This is the message that a faithful Christian is trying to ask someone “Are you at peace with God and is your view based on God’s world?“. Shouting and calling each names just avoids the real issue about your relationship with God and “getting your way” is pointless if your way is not God’s way.
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul?” – Mark 8:38″
Here are a couple of other things to ponder concerning your opinion vs God’s truth.
“The truth will set you free but it will piss you off first”
“You can’t change the truth but the truth can change you”
Look, if you are not seeking God’s will for your life then you have ignored the whole reason for your life. The purpose of life is to know God and enjoy Him forever. Whatever opinion or view you are proposing is pointless and irrelevant in light of the eternal salvation of your soul. If you do not have peace with God who created the world what is the point of having peace in the world except to die eternally separated from God “in peace”? The root of all the wrong in the world is based on the lie that Satan told man in the Garden of Eden … “you can decide what is best for you … you can decide what is right and what is wrong”. Those who are “born again” in Jesus Christ have acknowledged that only God our Creator knows what is best for us. God is the only one who can bring peace to the earth but man must first make peace with God. Those who have NOT believed in Jesus Christ are still prisoners to Satan lies and they are slowing dying and killing others because they doing Satan’s will.
I have written article after article about sin and the Global New World Order that sin is building but it all comes down to this simple question “Do you have peace with God by believing in His Son Jesus Christ?”. God is calling you to His forgiveness and He has the “best” life planned for you now and for all eternity but you must accept God’s offer of eternal life in Jesus Christ! God cares for you more than you can possibly care for yourself. God’s truth about your sin nature will make you mad “at first” until you understand who He created you to be in Christ Jesus!
– Rogersings
Here’s what happens when high school students realize someone who enforces the rules is in fact the one who cares for them the most:
Hopefully this video will inspire you to find out who God created you to be along the “forgotten way“.