But Jesus was saying, “Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they are doing.” And they cast lots, dividing up His garments among themselves. – Luke 23:34
The game I am referring too is not the one played in this year’s Superbowl, which had the greatest come back in Superbowl history, but the game I am referring too is the “game of life“. Those who don’t want law and order, those who don’t want the moral truth of the Bible to rule over their life, those who don’t want to take responsibility for their life but want to play the victim of life and they want a “free pass” through life while other people picking up the tab for their life. These people don’t want the righteousness of Christ to shine in America. They don’t want God to exalt this nation and makes it “Great Again”. Those marching in the streets don’t want America to lead the world with a ideology that is moral and godly but they want to be “just like the world”, a nation that is overrun with Muslims and Liberals who blatantly blasphemy Jesus and persecute his followers. Yes, these people don’t want America to be better and different from the world but they want to be just like the world and for everyone to live together in a “Global New World Order without God” … well God has heard your voice and you will get what you want … you have won … game over … What?
Watch how loving tolerant liberals discuss their viewpoint with conservatives:
And then watch how loving tolerant people respond to loving tolerant liberals:
Now on the surface of things it seems like the Progressive Liberals or really “Aggressive Liberals” have lost their cause and that is why they are protesting and marching in the streets. However, just because their candidate “Obummer 2 – the reign of the wicked witch Killary” has lost the election, these people have not lost their zeal to continue their cause. Moreover, Liberals are so caught up in a state of delusion that they can’t comprehend that the reason they lost the election is because Progressive Liberals are out of touch with hard working Americans and their agenda is very scary to freedom loving Americans. Liberals for the most part have “good intentions” but lack “Godly reasoning” to steer their good intentions, therefore they create ungodly chaos.
Liberals think the highest form of love is to “not challenge” the ideology of a person, regardless of the dangerous and deadly implications of their ideology. While, a “born again” Christian knows that the highest form of love is to “challenge” thinking that is not in line with God’s word, just as Jesus challenged the Scribes and Pharisees who thought they were on “high moral ground” .
And this is why there is such a divide in America. It’s not between right and wrong but between what “seems right to man” and what “is right with God“. Liberals are under a “spell of their own good intentions” which has convinced them that they are standing on “self righteous holy ground” which gives them the right to declare and decree “what is good for everyone“. The primary purpose of Liberals is to create a “utopia” government that minimizes man’s moral responsibility and maximizes man’s pleasure, kind of like the experience Pinocchio found on Pleasure Island, with the end result being just as deadly. The primary purpose of a Conservative is to create and enforce the moral laws of God in order to “restrain” the sinful desires of man. Conservatives, realize there cannot be a “utopia” created by man on earth because man by nature is sinful, therefore man needs “checks and balances” of others to stay on the right moral track in life. A Conservative Christian looks for his “utopia” in Heaven where he will be “free” of his sinful nature.
Some Liberals call Trump a dictator who is like Hitler, trying to control the news media and create a state of white supremacist but this is a ridiculous comparison. But Trump is not trying to remove the freedom of speech but he is trying to expose the new media’s liberal bias. And Trump is not promoting a supremacist class of people and eliminate everyone else but he is trying to promote the “working class” people which should include everyone.
The Liberal media spends most of it’s time reporting that Trump has evil intentions towards America, yet they fail to backup their claims with any facts. And while they focus on hating Trump, the medial fails to report the “real atrocities” committed by ISIS or Muslims who do have “evil” intentions to destroy America. Trump is trying to round up these “real” criminals and bring them to justice. If anything it is the Liberal leaders who are acting in way similar to Hitler. They labeled hard working patriotic Americas as “the deplorables” that should be removed from society. Liberals go to “church” and believe in God in a similar way that Hitler belonged to the Catholic church and believed in God. They don’t believe they are accountable to live according to God’s absolute moral standard but they believe they can “declare what is right and what is wrong‘”, In other words Liberals don’t believe in an absolute moral standard that applies to all people.
A mindset that pursues a moral standard that is contrary to God, is operating under a demonic delusion from the Spiritual influence of Satan, not God. This is the spirit of the Antichrist that is building a Global New World Order.
Watch this video to learn more about the new Nazi party in America:
The Aggressive, Digressive and Depressive Liberals want to impose a standard of speech and tolerance of behavior that is intolerant of proclaiming the absolute truth of God’s word. The Humanistic agenda, which is trying to create a peace on earth among men builds it’s Kingdom of peace by tolerating and celebrating ideas (sin) that contradict God’s word. However, peace that is built by tolerating sin directly contradicts God’s purpose for man. God at this time is building a Kingdom of peace in Heaven which will be populated by people who make peace with God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. God is the only One who can bring peace to man and rule over peace on earth. And this is the reason why we are fighting a “global Civil war” … the battle is over who has the right to rule over man and earth … God or man?
Actually on the subject of education in America, this is another sad ironic tale of the fall of America because education was first implemented by the government in America so people would learn how to read, so they could read their “Bible” and understand the message of Salvation in Jesus Christ and not be deceived by the schemes of Satan. In fact this is what the law was called in Massachusetts that institutionalized education “The Old Deluder Satan Act“. And our first institutes of higher education such as Princeton and Harvard were seminaries to train Church leaders in the truth of God! How sad it is that today the agenda of education in America is to deceive and destroy our children so they remain deluded by Satan … confusing them about genders that don’t exist and polluting their minds with humanism so they don’t seek God.
Yes, I’m a LGBTQ supporter = Liberty, Guns, Bible, Truth and BBQ
This is not a new war or a new phenomena. This war first occurred among the people shortly after they replenished the earth following the flood. God told them to scatter and fill the earth and depend on Him to make as they made their way over the earth (Genesis 9:1) but instead the people joined together under Nimrod to build a great tower up to God. Essentially, they were saying “God, we don’t need your way of grace and faith and dependence on You to get to Heaven, we can reach Heaven by our own works and have a Heaven on earth without You”. This rebellious mindset to do it “my way” is actually the mindset of every person who has ever been born to earth but when God changed the languages of the people at the tower of Babel, this caused men to stop trusting in a Global New World Order and start building their own nations and listen to God. However, due to technological today we can communicate again as with a common tongue, which has caused a resurgence of humanism and turning from God. Quite simply stated humanism is a lie from Satan because “man is not designed to live without a relationship with God and constant input from God.“
2 Timothy 3: 1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses,7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Now, are things starting to make sense for why there is such a divide and conflict in the world. In the last days “men will be lovers of self”. “holding to a form of godliness” … which is based on their own reasoning “but in reality they deny the power of godliness” which comes from God’s word! Trump’s victory has not healed the land or changed the minds of people who are out of touch with reality but it has solidified their craziness and exposed the total lack of moral restraint and lack of Godly reasoning for which they stand.
Yes, Trump is going to bring law and order back to America. Yes, Trump is going to bring respect for Biblical morals back. Yes, Trump is going to bring jobs and prosperity back. Yes, a Trump presidency could help people get off of welfare and establish a better quality of life for themselves. Yes, a Trump presidency could even impact the world and lead to prosperity for all who take responsibility for their life and apply effort to make a way in this world. Yes, the potential for great things is before us but these great things are NOT what Liberals want … they don’t want the prosperity that comes from working hard and obeying God. They want to sin … and for all to join in and they want to play the victim and have the government pay for the consequences of their sin and provide them a basic standard of living regardless of their effort.
Liberals want to unite the world under the premise that we can each do whatever we want and be rewarded by the government based on our “good intentions“, instead of being rewarded by our fellow man based on our actual “good works” that we do in obedience to God.
Trump has surrounded himself with godly people and millions of godly Americans are praying “To Make America Great Again” and “Make God Great Again in America” but this is NOT what is going to happen. The Trump presidency holds the greatest potential for the greatest blessing to be bestowed upon America by God and God is going to bless America and the whole world very soon … but God’s blessing is not going to come to by making America Great Again but it is going to come by bringing God’s people home to Heaven. You see the blessing that God has in store for His children is to take them to Heaven in the “rapture” to be with Him. And though no one knows the day or the hour of Christ’s coming, there is strong evidence that a Heavenly sign that occurs on the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah, Sept 23, 2017 will be the day that Christ comes to “rapture” His bride, the Church. Don’t you think it’s strangly ironic that God will blow His “last trump” from Heaven while “the last Trump” is blowing out Executive Orders from Washington DC. Click here to read more about this rare celestial evident that fulfills the vision of John in Revelation 12. http://watchfortheday.org/manchild.html
Many people have prayed for a revival of American but God can’t change hearts that are hardened beyond repentance. Yes, there are glad hearts among believers because Trump is president but Trump’s victory hasn’t turned hearts toward God, in fact it has solidifying and caused hearts to harden against God and against His truth, much like Pharaoh’s heart was hardened by the miracles of God. People are shouting in the streets that they would rather die than live a life of order and accountability toward God. The Liberals are threatening a Civil war if they don’t get their way but this is really a bogus threat because they are the ones who don’t believe in the right to bear arms and they certainly don’t believe in fighting a “real war” with blood and death, like our soldier do on our behalf. Instead the Liberals preferred weapon is whining in the streets like a baby until the parent “the working person” passes a law and gives them what they want. Actually, America has been in a “Civil Information War” for years, the war just took a turn for righteousness (like what happened after the Union won the battle of Gettysburg) the moment common sense was voted back into the White House. So get ready and take cover from the “un-redeemed Rebels” firing the bullets of “fake Liberal tears” and firing the cannons of “fake Liberal news” until God shows up and takes the “redeemed Rebels” out of this world and the “real demise” on earth begins!
What is going on in the world is that the religions of “Politics” and the business of putting “Special Interest” above common sense has become the life consuming past time for many people. It is a religion that is based on putting special selfish interest (from both Liberals and Conservative) above the good of the nation and it’s usually opposes the morality of God. The region of politics causes a person to blindly pursue their special interest at the expense of causing a greater problem for everyone else, such as placing an additional government financial burden on those who are working and/or petitioning the government to pass unmoral laws which brings the nation under the judgement from God. And the ultimate cost of pursuing a holy war crusade of your own making is that you become so “Busy Under Satan’s Yoke” BUSY, that you fail to see you are actually fighting a war against God’s holiness and the prize of winning that war brings your soul eternal death and separated from God.
Actually, this is the story each believer identifies with, we are a rebel fighting God, before we stop fighting and receive our new born again identify in Jesus Christ. This is the theme of Amazing Grace that believers will sing for all eternity, “I once was lost but now I’m found, was blind but now I see“. This story is best told in the Bible where a zealot Pharisee named Saul pursued a holy war against the first Christians until his conscience was challenged by the loving and truthful testimony of Steven (as he watched his fellow Pharisee stone Steven to death) and later his blind zealous pride was challenged by being thrown off his horse, hearing the voice of God and being physical blind for three days. To me the Sauls of today are the “proud” Liberals marching in the streets, demanding that the government grant entry to terrorists killers and demanding that the government give them free bullets so they can complete their terrorist missions! It’s lunacy on steroids.
The sign at the top of this article shows two women holding a sign that reads “If Mary had an ABORTION we wouldn’t be in this mess“. In other words, these women are declaring that the reason we are in this “mess” where woman are marching in the streets is because Jesus believed in the pro-life teaching of His Father … God. And because millions of people “Christians” believe in Jesus, they also believe in His “pro-life” message which they are protesting with their “pro-death” march. Each person is a blessing from God, including ones not yet born. The solutions to the problems of this world are buried in the bodies of the unborn. In short, God created life and He is the only One who has the right to “take” life. The unborn person in the woman’s body does not belong to the woman but belongs to God. For that matter our bodies do not belong to us but we belong to God. God granted us life and He sustains our life and He has determined the number of our days here on earth. To think otherwise is foolish and is act of self deception, which makes you think you are “god”. A woman does not have the right to take her own life or the life of another person, including the person growing inside her. This is clear from the second commandment “Thou Shall not Kill”.
I at least admire the fact that these two woman are honest about their “root” motive for protesting … they are protesting against God’s rightful ownership over their body and the unborn body inside them. However, being this openly honest and defiant before God is a very scary thing to do. This sign demonstrates a depth of depravity and a height of ignorance that indicates a heart that is hardened from sin beyond salvation. And being saved from sin is the only way to get out of this world alive! Suggesting that Jesus should not have been born is an act of insanity, that curses your very soul.
Here’s what a real woman looks like who marches and “falls on her knees” for causes that matter!
When my daughter was very young, she wrote a letter to president George W Bush asking him to consider the fact that developing government land on “Radio Island” would ruin the natural beauty of the area that was greatly appreciated and enjoyed by it’s residents and visitors. She is a grown woman now, who became an High School Earth Science teacher, a wife, a mother and she remains a strong environmental advocate. Now however she also considers the arguments that support using land for commerce and this has made her an even better advocate for the environment. The point I am making is that people need to educate themselves on the facts and take responsibility for their actions and be able to give a reasonable defense for what they believe. This is my Father’s world, we are all in this together and what we do here on earth has an impact to us now and to our future here and to our future rewards in Heaven.
Look, I understand that many people have been raised on the lie that they are entitled to free government handouts and I understand that many have grown up disadvantaged because they didn’t have a godly father or godly mother to guide them. In place of this family love and support, they found their worth in gangs and they found a way to make a living by selling drugs. I sure don’t have all the answers to the problem that plague this world but I know the One who does. I am a Christian and steward of this earth for God. Christians understand the value of all of God’s creation but His most precious creation is “man”. And the salvation of man’s soul is the most important agenda to a Christian. Unfortunately, many Christians have left the mission field of preaching salvation in Christ that glorifies God and the are preaching the religion of politics that glories and divides men. At the same time, however, it is the godly duty for a Christian to support a government that enacts godly moral laws. So what’s a believer to do?
A believer is supposed to both preach the gospel while rebuilding the moral walls of government. We cannot change people but the “truth” can change people and Jesus is the “truth, the way and the life” John 14:6. The point I am trying to make in this article is that the patience of God is growing thin, as the hearts of men and women are hardening against Him. Like in the days of Noah, the people in the town of Sodom were obsessed with the desire to commit ungodly acts of homosexual sex with the Angels from Heaven. And this same sinful madness that cultivated in the hearts of those in Sodom and caused God to rain down His judgment is happening right here in America (and the world) today.
This madness from sin has people protesting in the street for the right to have sex their way (like they were ordering a Burger King Whopper), without restraint for whom they have sex with (such as man with man and women with woman) and without responsibility for the consequences of their sexual behavior (such as aborting a baby). Because of this demonic delusional behavior God is coming very soon to take out His bride”the Church” out of the world and when He does the restrainer of sin (the Holy Spirit) will be removed from the earth. Those left behind will celebrate and “think” they have finally won and they can sin without reproof or restraint! They will even elect the Antichrist to rule over them and they will take his mark to get free stuff … but after 3 1/2 years of the Antichrist evil reign they will suddenly realize they have fallen for a lie that can’t be undone as God rains down Tribulation and judgement upon the earth for the next 3 1/2 years.
Fake New + Fake Tears + Fake Morals = Real Total Demise
Even so, Come Lord Jesus, Come – Rogersings
This black man tries to explain the problem to those out of touch with reality.
This guy explains the new ideology that has us paralized and polarized is “Victim-ology”:
Franklin Graham explains what this nation really needs … prayer!
Even this young millennial lady gets that her generation is part of the problem:
This x-Muslim woman, raised near Mecca, does an excellent job explaining the inherit threat of Islam and the reason to expose it’s hypocrisy!
This Muslim Iman diverts answering questions about Sharia by comparing it to the Old Testament Jews: