Wow, what is going on in the world … the left hasn’t been this upset since Republicans freed their slaves.
From the social media I have discovered that all those who support Trump are Hitler because according to the “left”, Trump is silencing the free speech of the left and he is soon going to make it illegal to disagree with any Conservative idea. I have also discovered that all those who DON’T support Trump are also Hitler because according to the “right” Liberal protesters are silencing the free speech of the right, like those who participated in the recent Berkeley University riot to deny Milo the right to speak on their campus which is ironically called “the home of the free speech movement”. Now, if you are following my analysis, since “everyone is Hitler” we should all be getting wonderfully with one another but surprisingly I haven’t seen any “High Five – Heil Hitler” greetings being shared between these two warring camp … and I pray to God I don’t see it either!
As predicted, Trump has stopped the globalist agenda of the Democrats, exposed the “fake news” of the Liberal Media and upset the “do nothing” politicians in Washington. Because of this the Liberals, the Mainstream Media and the Deep State politicians will stop at nothing until Trump is destroyed. They could care less that the health care system they dreamed up is a complete failure, they could care less that America is on a debt death spiral and they could care less that illegal aliens have more rights than our returning veterans. They could care less about America because their god is the Antichrist of the Global New World Order and in deluded mind American exceptionalism must give way to the United Nations and Middle Eastern ways so the Mahdi of Islam, the Antichrist, can come and rule the world.
Here is an example of some of the toxic rhetoric that flames the air waves by the “hate” Trump movement. This lady in the video explains that Trump is forming a Nazi white supremacist regime as he works from Hitler’s playbook. She is part of a group called “Refuse Fascism” which is a movement” to drive Trump from office so the Fascist Democrats can resume power.
This man explains that Democrats are the ones following the Fascist playbook. Big government Democratic Fascist forces get young naive people to march in the streets so they can regain political power and manipulate everyone.
Maybe Sheriff David Clarke can explain how the rule of law that is based on God’s moral standard gives the greatest treasure known to mankind on earth … which is “freedom”, sweet freedom!
The reaction of both the left and the right reminds me of the story of Chicken Little, where “Henny Penny” the chicken get’s hit on the head with an acorn and becomes convinced that the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end, so she takes off to warn the king. Along the way Henny Penny meets Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey who join her on her quest. Foxy Loxy sees these naive animals and easily convinces them to come into his lair for safety … where he safely eats them.
To unpack this folk tale, in light of today’s current events, I do believe the world is coming to an end but I don’t think it’s demise is going to be caused by a Nazi Trump regime that is going to recklessly launch all our nuclear weapons and incinerates the world. Instead, I think God is using Trump like an “acorn” on the head of Liberals to wake them up so they might for one minute “stop” focusing on forming a One World Government based on what seems right to man and “start” focusing on an eternal future under a One God Heavenly Government. I believe God is getting ready to remove His Church from the earth so the Liberals can have their way and form a Global New World Order but before God “rapture’s” His Church to Heaven and removes His Holy Spirit within the believers of the Church, He is giving people one last chance to see how foolish it is to put your hope in government. God is trying to wake people up so they see the futility of politics and come to Jesus for salvation but instead people are acting naive like Chicken Little and they are seeking safety in their Global New World Order agenda … the government of Foxy Loxy … the Antichrist.
Trump is not Hitler trying to stop freedom of speech or a Savior who can fix all the world’s problems or the Antichrist who will rule the world during the Tribulation or the Mahdi that the Muslims are waiting for to rule the world under Sharia law. Trump is a “wake up call” from God to inform people that “righteousness exalts a nation and that righteousness comes from God“. Now is the time to turn from sin and follow Him … I am talking about Christ … not Trump. President Trump is not an evangelist that is advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ and this is not his job as president of the United States, nor should it be his job. Our Founding Fathers designed a constitution that allows the free expression of religion and the free worship of God, not a forced worship of a state religion or state appointed “god”. In many ways Trump is a distraction to the churches because many believers are so caught up in Trump politics that they have forsaken the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the good news about eternal favor with God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Unfortunately, the politics of religion has seized the nation, not a revival of salvation in Jesus Christ,
Here are a few of the distractions that keep everyone up in arms over what the “government” should instead of praying and focusing on what God can do, so God gets the glory.
- The news is no longer a half hour of facts but a 24×7 talkaton which consists of a panel of people with opposing opinions who discuss the issues of the day and speculate about the evil motives of those they oppose. It not news but opin-news.” — Denzel Washington
- Keith Ellison who is a Muslim and a leader of the DNC is calling for Trump’s Impeachment. The Democratic party has abandoned American and they are courting the world. This is no longer about a liberal agenda or a progressive agenda but it is a jumping off point to a digressive and aggressive agenda.
- Open boarders and a big welcome mat for everyone and anyone, even those who have made a sworn commitment to Allah to kill us and implement Sharia law and a Global New World Order under Sharia law.
- Transgender people demand that others honor their right to pretend to be a woman while at the same time they trample on the right of a woman and girls to use the bathroom with the peace of mind that they won’t encounter male gentiles while doing so.
- American’s use to take responsibility for their life because they believed they were a product of their choice bur now the colleges are teaching our youth how to whine and blame government for being a victim of their circumstances.
The Liberals think we are going backwards from the “progress” they made … and they are right, praise the Lord! the Conservatives has turned the ship around. The Liberals have so much more to loose from not being in control of government leadership because politics is their religion. The left’s agenda is to create a utopia on earth from a One World Government that control everything, including what to say and what to believe … government is their god. While the right is trying to create the smallest government possible that will restrain the sins of man. Those on the right realize that the utopia is in Heaven with Christ on the throne. The best we can do here is try to restrain sin and pray to Him … once again I mean Christ … not Trump. This guy who was a former Progressive Liberal sees how the Progressive movement has crossed the line of freedom and are now a “Regressive” movement.
The Obummer agenda put America on a death march toward a Global New World Order that ends in totalitarianism … and the reign of the Antichrist. But the Trump presidency has stopped this death march and given people a window of opportunity to come to Jesus. So instead of protesting the agenda of the right, the left should be thanking the working people who voted for Trump for turning the Titanic away from the icebergs and back toward the open seas. And these Hollywood elite that lead the Liberal Lunatic parade are such hypocrites. They claim to be embarrass by an America that puts up a wall to keep people from breaking into America while they live behind a wall that keeps people from breaking into their property. And they bash the Police for enforcing and taking down bad guys who are molesting someone while they rely on the Police to protect them by enforcing the law so they don’t get molested by the bad guys . It is ridiculous … who can take them seriously!
If you have a conservative sense of humor you might like the Andrew Klavan show. There is a guy on this show that explains that when Trump says something “over the top” like “Mexico is going to pay for the wall”, that this is a negotiating tactic to put the other person in the deal at a disadvantage and make him know you are serious about your offer. People who voted for Trump understand Mexico may not pay for the wall but we know we “dang sure” will get a wall! Trump is simply doing what he knows best … the art of deal making. It energized him to engage in this exaggerated boxing match. Shoot for the sky and who knows you might surprise yourself and get the sky … but at least you’ll get something. It’s like haggling over a price, one guy goes high and one goes low and hopefully the meet in the middle. You are testing the other’s person’s resolve and discovering the degree they are committed to their position in a deal. The media takes Trump “hyper-literal” and calls him out over these overreaches but it’s tactic that he even uses against the press. When Trump calls them “fake news”, he wants the media to base their stories on facts and admit when they are biased or when they are wrong. Trump also wants them to push back when the are right or when they have a better ideas. He is not trying to silence the media but he is trying to get them to do their job … to be tough, fair and honest!. .
Andrew Klaven addresses how the media spins stories and so that lies seem like the truth. Like the King with no clothes, if they say it often enough, with enough authority and sincerity then everyone will believe it’s true. I think this that is what you call “propaganda” … but wait that is what the Liberal media is accusing Trump of doing … Oh my Chicken Little just keeps getting hit on the head with acorns of fake news. I pray she takes some shelter in the Arms of God, the Truth, the Life and The Way!.
But this craziness of believing in these “La La Land Lies” has deadly consequences. This women’s daughter was brutally murdered by an immigrant that was allowed to go free because the laws to hold and deport criminal illegal immigrants wasn’t enforced. So who’s rights are more important, American’s citizens who want to live according to the law or criminals that allowed to go free because Liberal city officials are more sympathetic toward the criminal than the victim of the crime. This video demonstrate how good intentions founded on bad ideas result in deadly consequences.
I believe the division and unrest in America is being caused by God. I think God is dividing the world by the sword of the Lord which divides the soul and spirit of man (Hebrews 4:12). The light of God’s righteousness is being turned on brightly to expose the darkness of man’s soul so unbelievers can see the “light of salvation in Jesus Christ” and be saved from the judgment that is coming. And this is the main reason that I wrote this article, so I could discuss the signs in sky that God has appointed for such a time as this. These Heavenly signs predict Christ return for His Church and the Christ return at the end of the Tribulation period. Take the time and watch these two video below, where this Christian missionary, Robert Breaker, talks about the repeat appearance of the “Bethlehem star” and the two major signs in the sky, the Revelation 12 sign (the rapture – Sept 21, 2017) and the Revelation 15 sign (Armageddon – Aug 13, 2024). I think all the craziness in the world right now is due to an increased Demonic presence, similar to the way it was at Christ “first” advent of ministry. Satan and the Demons are working Overtime to keep people distracted in politics, while God is trying to shake them up so they see their need to repent and receive a new life in Christ.
Also check out Daniel Matson’s web site “Watch for the Day”. He has some great information and videos related to the Revelation 12 sign. http://watchfortheday.org/signofisrael.html
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. – 1 Corinthians 15:52
Look, I am not a prophet with special revelation from God or someone who writes for “profit” like Jonathan Cahn. I am not a date setter for the rapture but these rare signs in the sky are very provocative and coincide with Jewish events. For instance Sept 21 occurs on the feast of Rosh Hassanna “the feast of Trumpets”. It actually make a lot of sense that the day that Angel blows the last trump to signal the rapture of the Church occurs on the feast of Trumpets! Trumpets were used by the priest to call an assemble of the people to the temple for worship and what bigger assembly of worshipers are there than the Church of True Believers and what better Temple is there than the Throne of God in Heaven!
Some people are distressed that we aren’t all “getting” along nicely like when Obummer was president but what was happening under Obummer is that there was plenty of discontent from the right but their discontent wasn’t being reported by the Liberal media and instead of marching in the streets the Republicans marched to work each day, praying to God for the chance to Make America Great Again. The news media under Obummer’s reign covered up the stories about real issues that were dividing Americas and causing America’s demise but now that Trump in office, he is exposing their “fake news” Liberal agenda. America’s debt is out of control, we are loosing jobs to countries that have cheaper labor because of bad trade deals. Illegal immigrants do help fill minimum wage jobs that Americans are unwilling to take, but they don’t pay taxes, unfairly sponge off our welfare systems and commit a high rate if crimes. Many of our major cities are in shambles and dangerous to their citizens. The Obummer Health Care plan is in a death spiral and racism is at a all time high. All of these problems where caused by Obummer’s “inaction” while he was in office but the media did nothing to call out Obummer and put the blame in his lap … because they were his lap dogs.
Frankly, I am glad to see some passionate discussion and passionate protests going on in America. To me this is a health sign that people care … as long as the disagreements don’t turn violent. The right to freely discuss things is what Makes America Great … that and choosing God’s righteous way. However, I am a little distressed that everyone is Hitler but actually, in a certain sense this is true, because each of us has a sin nature and each of us has the capacity to sin to the degree that Hitler sinned. And this is our real enemy “sin” which is “the world”, “the flesh” and “the devil”. We lash out at one another and blame government for not fixing our problems because we don’t want to face the real enemy … our self indulgent nature (sin).
Now is the time to get right with Jesus so you can be sure that when He comes to take His Bridge, the Church to Heaven, you are in His loving hands and not “left behind” to endure the seven year Tribulation period.
– Rogersings
This is a very good article Hon. Lol……Along the way Henny Penny meets Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Drakey Lakey, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey,,,,