As I kid I really liked my Mad Magazine and looked forward each month to a good laugh at the expense of those the magazine lampooned. Even today as an adult, I still like to look at the satire and irony in worldly issue and embrace the theme “What Me Worry?” The reason I don’t worry about the future is not because I am clueless about the future or I am cynical and don’t care about the future but it is because I am a born-again Christian who has put his trust in Christ and my hope is in the Lord and His Kingdom to come. However, I am concerned for the future of those that don’t know Jesus as their Lord and Savior because they will endure an eternity of torment separated from God. And I am concerned for those who are trying to construct an America that doesn’t accept personal responsibility for their actions and doesn’t honor the moral righteousness of God because this direction which “seems right to man” leads to a state of destruction and chaos. I even think Alford E. Neuman could do a good a job as president as most who have held the office.
Back in the day, one of my favorite comic strips in Mad Magazines was Spy vs Spy. In this word-less comic strip both spies look identical and act identical except one wears white and one wears black. Both spies try to outsmart and take down the other spy and the one that usually looses the battle is the spy who initiates the conflict. In the comic strip you can’t tell the good spy from the bad spy because they both do equally cruel things to one another and equally win and loose. Here’s a good example of the spy vs spy mentality where woman have a march claiming they want “peace, tolerance and non-violence” while the ones who organize and fund their march are trying to advance an agenda of “hate, racism and violence”. But this should come as no surprise once you understand that deception and propaganda is the modus operandi of Islam and the Nazi party.
Of course the Liberal group make a similar argument that Trump is not trying to “Make America Great Again” but he’s trying to make America into a Nazi nation that gives unquestioned allegiance to him so he can advance his personal empire as the “mafia” commander in chief. And Trump’s arrogance and his lack of political tack make him seem like he’s on a self serving mission at times but when you see how he’s fighting to bring jobs back to American and praising our military and law enforcement people who put their life on the line to defend our freedom, then you start to see a Trump that loves America and he wants to return it to the days when American fought for truth and righteousness, like during World War II when we defeated Nazism!
So the Trump haters and Trump supporters play their Spy vs Spy game on each other, each calling the other a Nazi, each calling the other a non-caring traitor of America and each thinking the other’s way it bad for America’s future. I could play some sound bites from both group and unless you know the context, you can’t tell which group is making the claim to hold the high holy ground. Like I said, both sides insist the other side is trying to establish a a Nazi like regime to control America but it’s the direction of the control that differs. Perhaps you can make sense of this Spy vs Spy interchange where the the Liberal CNN anchor Jake Tapper called out Muslim leader “Linda Sarsour” as a hypocrite who wants peace in America because she dedicated the “resistance” Woman’s march to a convicted Muslim Assata Shakur who killed a New Jersey State trooper. For his effort to bring some “truth to light” about the people who are backing the “resistance”, Jake Tapper was labeled an Alt-right conservative bigot … I’ll bet this caused his head to spin around. That’s right, even within the ranks of Liberal group, they shoot their own troops in “friendly fire” when their real agenda is to resist “law and order we have in America” and implement Sharia law over the whole world under the Antichrist dictator. Click here to read the article
The Liberal group wants to take America into a Progressive future of open boarders, no moral restraints from God (LGBT rights), big government and redistribution of wealth … i.e. socialism. The conservative group wants to return American to it’s moral foundation under God and the constitution, allow only legal immigration and make government smaller … i.e. free enterprise system. There is a huge fundamental difference between the goals and future that each group wants for America and the bottom line is that the future of a Liberal socialist state has proven disastrous 100% of the time. The only thing that is equal under socialism is “equal misery for all” since under a socialist system each person thinks the government or other person is responsible for providing for their well being, and they therefore don’t apply their initiative to better themselves or their fellow man. This facts are blatantly clear that socialism and Islam are failures and all you have to do is look at the nations where they are practiced. Unfortunately, the differences in the issues are never openly or logically discussed based on their merit because the Mainstream Media (MSM) only focus their coverage on how much both groups hate each other and how they play Spy vs Spy upon each other.
Perhaps the reason the MSM doesn’t host a discussion concerning the merits of an issue is because they no longer know how to think critically about an issue or maybe they simply no longer care about what’s best for America. Probably the main reason the MSM leans toward the left or toward sin is because man’s natural sin-clination is to lean toward “the unity among men” above “the truth from God”. Another reason the MSM doesn’t focus on the issues is because working out the complexities of issues is hard work and it doesn’t boost the TV ratings. That is why the MSM sticks to jabs at “what appears wrong to them” and perceptions of impropriety “Russia, Russia, Russia” and their biased opinion instead of facts that are boring, convicting and final. In other words, the MSM sells tickets to hear their mouth shoot off stories of “fake news” the way that professional wrestling taunt one another with their fake claims of supremacy.
Whatever the reason, like spy vs spy both groups are determined to fight and destroy each other because “peace” to each group means an entirely different thing.
Peace for the Left means the peace to sin
and not be held accountable unto Him
Peace for the Right means the peace under law
based on God’s moral authority over all
The bottom line is the reason for the current divide in the world is “Spiritual” in nature, not political. The hell on earth we are experiencing now is due to the fact that there is a Spiritual battle going on in the Heavenly places over what is right and who has the authority to determine what is right. As Trump said, “in America we worship God not “Government“. The battle over right and wrong has been going on since the fall of man in the garden of Eden but it is now at a point where the Spiritual energy must be released upon the earth … like a hurricane that releases the heat from the African dessert across the Atlantic ocean. God alone has the authority to be rule earth and this rebellion by man to make a Global New World Order of man will be judged by God, as God first raptures His bride, the Church to Heaven and then pours out His wrath upon the earth on those who side with the liar … Satan and his man the Antichrist. Actually, this may be what hell is like … a place where each person thinks their way is right and they blame someone else for their misery.
Of course I am concerned about the rise of the Spy vs Spy mentality that is increasing and polarizing the world into two camps … those that believe in the God of the Bible and those that believe in that man is god. Yet, at the same time I take comfort and assurance in the fact that this “impasse” or divide is a sign of the end-times that Jesus is coming soon to rapture His bride the Church and “rain” down His judgment upon those that reject Him. For there was another time in history when men rejected God to the degree that they reject him now and this was during Noah time when God sent the great “rain” of judgment that flooded the earth and destroyed everyone and everything except those on the ark. Jesus Himself said that this is the sign of His return “For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah.” – Matthew 24:37.
Look people wake up, repent of your sin. God has no pleasure in bringing His judgement upon you. The solution to ending this dilemma, and all other problems in the world is not in trying to blame others but in taking personal responsibility for your sin and calling upon Jesus to save you from your sin.
– Rogersings