Becoming a Proverbs 31 wife is a noble goal. We marry after spending time with the man we love learning about each other and finally getting to the point where they see us as the “one”. Depending on how we started the relationship, what went on during the courtship and how we finally both came to the agreement to spend the rest of our days together can be a great determination on how the relationship will fare.
We want our husband to see us as precious, we want him to cherish us. We want to be seen as a great find. I truly believe that what went on during the courtship will have great implications on whether this will be the case or not. If we did not conduct ourselves in a Godly fashion – (were you virtuous?) – during the courtship there might be need to go to the Lord in prayer, repent and ask for forgiveness. Being virtuous is being morally excellent. This is God’s way and He expects this from us. We will then be able to see ourselves as God see us. A man will see us virtuous if we keep ourselves morally in line with God’s expectations. This is very hard in this day and age but God’s way is the best way and the fruits of the Spirit faithfulness, love and self control – also can help us stay in line with what God wants during this time of courtship. My husband was a true Godly gentleman during our very short courtship and we were both morally excellent only consummating the relationship on our wedding night. I believe this will have a significant effect on our marriage. We both have said we feel God is pleased with your being morally excellent. This was the first time both of us have done it the “right way” as he put it.
While courting it is imperative we let your possible future husband know your stand about this. You might find he doesn’t like the idea, but if he really is the man of God you are looking to attract and eventually marry, he will accept your moral high ground and wait. Then you will become like a ruby to him because he had to purchase you by waiting.
Juliana – Striving to become a P31 Wife