One of the most important things a wife can do is be loyal and trustworthy to her husband. In an age where marriages are under so much attack and where men have been portrayed as imbeciles on TV and in films there is a need to make sure as a wife we raise our husbands up as leaders of our households. We are to enrich their lives and we can do this by keeping the home, being a source of strength and their greatest advocate in a world where many are struggling with their identities due to the many distractions available.
Becoming a Proverbs 31 wife means we determine in our minds to be good to our husbands i.e. not disrespect, gossip about or malign our husbands in any way. There are so many times when the temptation to do so arises, but our source is the Lord and we should take all hurts and pains to the Lord and not friends or family members. I learnt this the hard way in my last marriage.
We have to be very careful of using social media as a way to vent our hurts and not everything that goes on the home needs to be aired to the world. I have heard of marriages failing because of how one partner was aggrieved with how they were portrayed on these types of media outlets and also there have been well documented cases of marital affairs starting through these outlets…any wife who does this cannot be classed as doing “him good and not harm”.
Juliana – Striving to become a P31 Wife