This song by “Guess Who” from 1969 is about a girl who went into a coma after dropping acid at a party but I am applying this analogy to the “World of people” who have gone into a coma, unable to think critically anymore about what is true, because they have overdosed on fake news and lies from the Deep State government.
It’s too late
She’s gone too far
She’s lost the “Son”
She’s come undun
She wanted truth but all she got was lies
Came the time to realize
And it was too late
Too many mountains, and not enough stairs to climb
Too many churches and not enough truth
Too many people and not enough eyes to see
Too many lives to lead and not enough time
What I am stating in this article is that president Trump has been used by God to expose the evil of the Deep State government so that people would turn from evil and “choose” good. Trumps job is almost done and the people of the world now know the “Deep State” government is corrupt and run by a group of Bankers and self appointed elites who want to implement a Global New World Order. God has used Trump for the last couple of years to “expose this evil” in order to give people “one last chance” to repent from evil and choose salvation in Jesus Christ. This world is not out home and therefore we are to “Seek First the Kingdom of God“, not power, pleasure or possession on this earth. At this point, no one with a TV or Internet access can now stand before God and say they were ignorant of the evil in this world and God is going to judge whether you turned from this evil and choose Him to reign over you in Truth … “it’s too late“.
I do not think Trump was called to bring about a last days Spiritual revival of Christian converts or Make America Great Again but Trump is exposing the evil intent of the Global New World Order … which is man’s unity without Christ … a new Tower of Babel. The only thing restraining the new Nimrod, the Antichrist, from assuming his 7 year building project is the Holy Spirit that is in the hearts of born again believers in Jesus Christ. The Church Age is nearly complete, the fullness of the Gentiles has come and it’s time for God to call born again believers home to Heaven in the Rapture!
American’s past greatness is derived from the blessings from God due to the faithfulness of Americans toward God, especially the Churches that sent foreign missionaries but America as a nation has sinned beyond repentance and the conscience of many people has been seared, therefore God has given people over to their own sinful desires and demise. America is seriously divided, like the divide of the bottomless pit that separates the “paradise” side of the saved from the “hell” side of the unsaved. This divide cannot be crossed or repaired. This does not mean that we should stop praying and preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, for this is our marching orders until Jesus comes. I know God is still saving people or we would already be gone but what I am pointing out that the Day of the Lord is nearly here and therefore we are seeing signs of the rise of the New World Order, not signs of revival of the Church. For the most part, the Church is preaching doctrines of demons, such as ecumenism with the Catholic “Harlot” church, belief without repentance and a Health and Wealth gospel.
The place to watch is Jerusalem, for this is the place where the Antichrist will make a 7 year covenant with Israel and other nations. And this is probably the place where the Antichrist will rule and this is the place where the two witnesses will preach repentance for the first 3 1/2 years. All eyes are on Jerusalem, especially the Pope, the false prophet and the Vatican that has held control of Jerusalem since the time of Christ. There is a revival coming but it’s not one that saves souls but it’s the Revived Roman Empire that will oppress Tribulation Saints (those who are left behind after the rapture but accept Christ as their Savior during the Tribulation period).
Trump has decided to cancel the Iranian Nuclear deal and will implement sanctions against Iran. Israel has been exposing the fact that Iran has not been abiding by the Iranian Nuclear deal and Israel has been bombing Iranian bases in Syria. How is the world going to react to the growing strength and alliance of America and Israel? There are many threats of war but Iran is too weak to act alone. Yet, could it be that the world will unite around Iran and isolate the US and Israel, provoking these two nations to take action? As Israel prepares to celebrate their 70th year of independence on May 14th will this provoke the Gog/Magog war? And when God delivers Israel from the war does He at that time rapture His Bride the Church? Keep watching faithful believers the Day of the Lord is near. Maranatha!
Conservationism is the New Radical Speech
During the 60s and 70s, the ideas and practice of free love was radical to the legalistic conservative “establishment”. Hippies were the counter-culture movement but today the legalistic establishment is run by the Liberals who promote “Safe Space” politics to silence and shut down speech that they call “offensive” … which is the Truth.
The Illuminate has been exposed and the Rothschild money makers have been kicked out of Russia … this is the reason that Putin is being targeted by the Deep State as a threat to the world. It is also the reason that Putin is so rich, since he is no longer being robbed by the Deep State Bankers. The replacement for banks is cypto-currency and the “Techies” will be the priest of the New World Order. China is promoting cypto-currency … the symbol for China is the dragon … this is provocative. The evil of the Deep State has been revealed to the world and the members of the Deep State must start WW3 (which is really Gog/Magog and the Tribulation) in order to divert attention away from their arrest and prosecution.
Even Kim Kardashian defends ‘free-thinkers’: ‘Is that not allowed in America?’
What’s worse than passionately expressing your opinions and convictions …. it’s indifference and apathy! People in the Civil War had a conviction about what was right and they had to sacrifice everything for their belief but people today are too lazy and in love with their comfort and conveniences. If standing up for what they believed means they would loose their A/C, Internet or Pizza delivery they would stop their protest immediately.
Love this article! Your insight is right on!