The youth of today are “Screen-agers” because they are self absorbed in the screen before their face, their own virtual reality of the world they are creating.
Narcissism is the moral high ground of the new liberal progressive movement that is spreading like gangrene in the America body. Narcissism is based in pride and it is fueled by a Self Indulgent Nature (SIN), with the battle cry “we did it our way!“. It is the song of humanism, globalism, man’s goodness, united together for the tolerance and welfare of all man and the establishment of a Global New World Order (GNWO). This is the same song that those who followed Nimrod sang, thousands of years ago, as they tried to build a tower up to Heaven, a stairway to Heaven … a way to enter God’s presence without repentance and the grace of forgiveness of sin. And as history repeats itself, so are we bringing God’s judgment down on man by building a tower of man’s pride, based on the acceptance of sin, especially the sin of homosexuality. But when God destroys man’s GNWO tower this time, during the Tribulation period, he will never again be able to rebuild another tower because Christ is going to rule on the earth with a rod of iron for 1,000 years and then on into eternity!
Here is a simple test to see who you worship and serve. Do you agree that God has the right to reign over men (over you) and that His moral way, as explained in the Bible, is the true and righteous way to rule men? Or do you agree that man can decide what is morally right in opposition to God’s word? Can’t you see that believing that man can decide on his own what is morally best is the same lie that Satan whispered to Eve, “God doesn’t want you to eat from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil because He is holding back something that is good“. And this is what people naturally think, that they can figure out what is best for us by ourselves. This is because we are naturally born “Spiritually separated” from God, with a rebellious nature toward God … a sin nature. Only by being “Spiritually born again” can you become a new person in Christ who can hear God and love Him. You are physically born a slave sin, a puppet of Satan, building his GNWO, thinking that you are in control but in reality living in a state of delusion, striving for something that doesn’t last, hurting yourself, hurting others and then dying in your sin, forever separated from God, tormented forever in the Lake of Fire.
And the leaders of the nations are even more self absorbed disconnected from reality today then they have been in the past because they have a world stage and an audience to feed the nnarcissistic behavior. I think God is using Trump to expose the GNWO so people can repent and turn from their sin. I don’t know if Trump is a born again Christian but I pray that he is and I pray that God continues to use him. Trump has experience playing to an audience when he had his own reality TV show “The Apprentice” … and in some ways Trump is now playing his reality TV show on a global stage, pitting world leaders against each other to explain how their ideas are better than other world leader’s ideas. However, this unscripted version is very crazy and self defecating, like “Jersey Shores” … which leads to “Gutter Wars”.
I have been watching the Peter Strzok testify before congress and it is so disgraceful because he show no remorse for his reckless and unprofessional behavior. He doesn’t even acknowledgement the bias he clearly demonstrated against Trump, who he swore to “take down” … as he pridefully texted an FBI attorney, Lisa Paige, whom he was having an affair with.
The bottom line is that people are no longer ashamed of their sinful behavior. They no longer show remorse or repentance for their immoral behavior. They no longer fear that there is a God who will judge them for their sin. And they don’t believe a court of law on earth will convict them of their lying or bring them to justice. They are trusting in the god of this world, Satan to give them money and power to prosper. They have no fear of judgement on this earth or the next … but they will fear the Lord’s return when they see Him in the air!
“You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies. – John 8:44