
Politics – the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power
A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. – attributed to Thomas Jefferson
When I weigh in on political issues it is usually to expose the fallacies of men who join together to get something done without regard for God’s moral standard or His will or His glory. You see, God is the only One who has the real power to bless a nation and make a “good” difference in this world and He has already spoken to us about what makes a nation great from Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.” So when talking heads start to pontificate about their opinions and their great ideas, my eyes start to glaze over and I wonder what difference does it make if something get’s done but it’s not righteous, it’s not God’s will and God doesn’t get the glory.
You see, because of sin, man doesn’t care about God’s plan for man and for planet earth. Actually, it was God’s original plan for man, to rule and reign with Christ over the earth in a utopia environment (Genesis 1:26). But, we know that Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan not to trust God’s plan (Genesis 3:1-7), which resulted in the fall of all mankind to sin and the fall of all creation to the effects of sin. To make a long story short, God has put in place a “new plan” … to build lives of faith in Jesus Christ for those who repent of their sin and believe that Christ can save them from sin. God is building a “Kingdom in Heaven” with living stones of those who have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their life. God has not abandoned His plan to build a His Kingdom on planet earth but His plan is on hold until He is finished building His Church on earth, then God is going to rapture His Church to Heaven, then He finishes judges Israel and the world for seven year … and then Jesus will come and set up His Millennium Kingdom on peace on earth for 1,000 year. And then God will set up His perfect eternal Kingdom on earth (Revelation 21:1). Capisce!
So you see, God original building plan on earth is “on hold”, while He builds a Kingdom in Heaven based on lives of faith in Jesus Christ but this doesn’t stop Satan from continuing to deceive man into building a Kingdom on Earth. This was what Nimrod was trying to do when he built the Tower of Babel. Nimrod, wanted to show God the great things man can do without God, saying in essence “we don’t need you God, we can get to Heaven without You”. This is, in essence, the battle cry of sin as it rebels against God, “I did it my way”. And this is the battle cry of politics “we did it our way”. This is the battle cry of every empire throughout history; Sumerian (Nimrod), Egypt (Pharaoh – title of their leader) , Assyria (many kings), Babylon (Nebuchadnezzar), Persia (Cyrus, Darius, Artaxerxes), Greece (Alexander) and Rome (Caesar – title of their leader) … “look at us God, we don’t need you”.
What is going on in the world of politics today is that the rebellious spirit of Nimrod toward God is alive and that Godless spirit is trying to rebuild the tower of Babel by it’s new name … “The New World Order”. This is the coming Kingdom of the Antichrist which will be on earth when God judges the earth for seven years, known as the “Tribulation period”, the time of Jacob’s Trouble, that is prophesied in the Bible, in the book of Revelation beginning in Chapter 6. Because communication is increasing in the world, the world is “shrinking” in God’s eyes. God in the past has judged each nation according to their individual deeds of unrighteousness but now we are a United Nations, a One World Abomination. When China pollutes their air, it effects the whole earth. When Muslims birth their babies in countries around the world, their purpose is to take over that country and implement Sharia law, ultimately claiming the whole word for Allah. And when American does nothing to fight evil or expose bad ideologies or expose the bad agenda of Islam in the world, this emboldens the Islamic terrorist and it muffles the cry of freedom and it undermines the foundation of Christian morality that America was built upon.
The air is ripe with politics in America because we are coming up on an a presidential election in Nov, 2016. The political posturing for the future control of America consumes the media … and for good reason. Almost all Americans agree that America is broken but what American’s don’t agree on is how to fix the issues plaguing America and plaguing the world. Actually, I know how to fix all the problems in the world but it has nothing to do with politics. This is really the root of the problem, people have put their hope of happiness in obtaining something in this world. But this world is dying and we are dying. This world is under the rule of Satan and Satan wants to keep us busy looking for satisfaction in this world, instead of repenting and looking for our satisfaction in Christ. You see, happiness is really a byproduct of holiness and holiness can only be obtained by first obtaining eternal life in Jesus Christ and then living a life of faith in Jesus Christ.
Yes, the solution to all the problems in the world is really profoundly simple and true, “trust Jesus” but the reality is that most people don’t want to live a life of faith in Jesus Christ, they want to live a life of comfort based on the reasoning of man. And frankly, even Christians who want to live a life of faith in Jesus do so imperfectly because even when we have a new nature of Christ is us, our old sin nature remains in us too and therefore we sometimes fall and do not do what is right. Therefore, since we are not able to trust Jesus perfectly in this world, we need a government that has laws that govern us perfectly. And the only laws that honor God and bless a nation are “righteous” laws that declare God’s moral truth from His word. Plus since we are made in image of God we must allow freedom of speech, freedom of worship and criminal due process.
So when you consider voting on a candidate for president (and this is your Christian duty and privilege to vote):
(1) does the agenda of the presidential candidate support God’s absolute moral truth and
(2) does the candidate support freedom of speech so people can express the virtue and value of following God’s moral truth?
From the Liberal side, in general, they do not support laws to promote God’s moral absolute truths because they do not believe man is sinful and accountable to a God. From the Conservative side, in general, they do not support laws that promote freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
From the Liberal side, they say things like “let’s all get rid of all the weapons that harm people”. This is a wonderful sentiment if we could all trust one another to do the right thing but the reality is that people who intent to commit a crime don’t care if they break extra laws along the way, such as using a gun to get what they want. Laws that inhibit law abiding citizens from carrying a weapon actually encourage and makes it easier for criminals pursue a life of crime. The simple truth of the matter is that crime is deterred when law abiding citizens are armed and able to defend themselves.
From the Conservative side, they say things like “let’s get rid of all those who want to do us harm”. This is a wonderful sentiment if we could with 100% accuracy detect ahead of time who is going to plot and carry out an act of terror. But, we can’t, only God sees the end from the beginning because He is outside of time. We are creatures of time and even the best of us have frustration in this world and thoughts of evil intent. We can’t persecute people for what they think or believe. Persecuting people if they believe differently than you is what occurs in countries like Iran and North Korea where there is no freedom of speech or religion. God is the One responsible and able to convince a person of his stinking thinking, our job is just to expose the fallacy of men’s excuses and arguments.
Each person must ultimately answer to God for refusing to acknowledge the absolute moral truth and authority of God to rule over their life! It is the government’s job is to implement and enforce laws based on the absolute moral truth of God’s word. In other words, the government of a country is established and entrusted by God to reward good behavior and punish evil (Romans 13:1-4). However, when a nation and it’s people enacts laws that are contrary to God’s word, then problems and conflicts arise. For men must answer to God’s laws above a nation’s laws when the nation’s laws are contrary to God (Acts 4:19).
And this my friends is where we are today. Most people don’t understand the labor, thought and prayer that went into founding this great nation. And most people don’t appreciate what a privilege it is to live in a nation that was founded on Christian principles of government and free enterprise. And most people don’t realize that when we enact a law that are contrary to God’s word, we are turning from the blessings of God and forcing His hand of judgment upon us.
Therefore the issue of politics should be, “does the candidate represent a platform of ideas that honors God’s word?”. We should be focusing our debate over whether or not the candidate reflects God’s morality in addressing an issue, not what “party” is going to gain power and handle the issue “their” way.
I do think our Founding Fathers saw the danger of creating a “big” government, where politicians would promise to “entitlements” for “food, housing, education and health care” to everyone. This “socialist” type of government is not what they had in mind because it is not realistically achievable, plus it attempts to replaces man’s relation and accountability toward “in God we trust” to one of “in Gov we trust”. In other words, God blesses “individuals” though their faithfulness so they will use their blessings from God to help others. To whom much is given, must is expected of (Luke 12:48). Therefore, an individual’s assets, no matter how “big a wheel” he is, are accountable to God because ultimately God owns everything. Therefore you are personally going to be held responsible for your stewardship of what He provided to you.
However, I do not think our Founding Fathers saw the dangers of “big business” and “big banks” in terms of how these entities undermine the accountability toward God. There are now corporations in the world that have wealth beyond that of many nations. We saw in 2008 what happens when “big banks” and “big business” fail … they are bailed out with government well fare. If you are an individual or a “small business” you operate under the American laws of “free enterprise”, you are free to succeed and you are free to fail. But if you are a “big business” you lobby for “unfair” favor to succeed and if fail you are bailed out by the tax payers. This is really just a “back hand” form of socialism, where the government steps in and helps to fund and run a big business. But there is nothing in the American constitution that gives the government the role to use the people’s money to bail some businesses out and allow some to fail. The government’s job is to provide a fair and balanced playing field for businesses to compete.
And don’t get me started on banks. If you think the “Federal Reserve” has anything to do with the Federal government then you are seriously misinformed. The Federal Reserve was formed by a secret group of people who loan money to the government so they could prosper on the interest from that loan. The “Federal Reserve” wants the government to stay in debt so they stay rich. And the America’s debt has risen to an amount that is are hard to comprehend … and 1/3 of this debt is owned to foreign governments, including China. Each taxpayer today in 2016 owes approximately $154,000 … ouch!
The fundamental flaw of socialism is that it is based on the sin of “covetousness”, people coveting what others have. Under a Capitalistic system, if someone earns money fairly by their effort they should be allowed to keep what they have earned. Most people agree that they should be compensated fairly for their effort, yet a socialist thinks that if someone who has earned much more than they have earned then that person has not earned it fairly and they doesn’t deserve it. And there are some rich people that receive money unfairly but the majority of rich people and those people working to be rich do deserve it. You can’t lift yourself up by tearing other people down. Here’s a chart that explains the enemy is both the rich who prosper unfairly and the poor who won’t work.
Socialism is doomed to fail … once you run out of other people’s money. And on the day it does fail you won’t have any one else’s money to covet and you will covet the day that you had an incentive to work and “earn” money so you can use that money to buy what you wanted. This is real freedom, being free to be used by God and blessed by God. I believe it is better that we live under a type of government where there are the dangers of “big wheel individuals” or “big business” or “big banks”, rather than “big government” because I believe that when God corrects a big individual or big corporation the “fall out” from God’s judgment will be less catastrophic than when God has to judge “big government”.
A successful government should be small and have a limited but powerful role. (1) It should establish and enforce God based moral laws for each individual, (2) it should establish and enforce ethical laws for big business, big banks and to protect the environment, and (3) it should provide for the defense of our nation. By limiting government in these areas, we eliminate “big government” and the quagmire of complexities that arise when the government tries to do what “God alone” can do. We limit the size and scope of government, thus promoting more personal accountability toward God and more glory for God! Equally importantly we eliminate the judgement from God that is due because man attention is focused on building up government, a New World Order and a New Tower of Babel.
What we should be doing in America is trying to figure a way to “reduce” government and return to a Godly form of government but what is happening in America is that we are polarized between Liberal and Conservative political parties who have lost sight of the purpose of government. Conservatives are sick and tired of the abuses committed by the Liberals for the last 8 years and they want their turn at bat. Conservatives want to upset Liberals so their plans don’t work and get the glory and Liberals what to upset Conservatives so their plans don’t work and get the glory. It’s too bad we don’t have another nation that will declare war against America, then we could focus on a “real” enemy and move forward as a nation. But I say this sarcastically, because I don’t want a nation to declare war on America, I want Americans to declare war on the sin that is corrupting and defeating America. I want Americans to return to the Christian principles that founded this great nation and I want Americans to once again enjoy the blessings from God.
So there, I have pontificated my opinion. I pray you will do the same
Click on this link to read an article by Joel Rosenberg: America needs a leader like Josiah!
+8^) Rogersings
Is Capitalism Moral?
Where is the money going to come from to pay for the government “entitlement” programs?
Listen to someone who has served this great nation 8 years tell you what makes American government great: