
I really don’t like writing this article because I have some bad news for America. No, I am not a prophet like Isaiah with a special revelation from God and I am not a person writing for “profit”, predicting judgement upon America by twisting scripture that is specifically given to the Jews, like “The Harbinger” claims. But I am a born-again believer, a follower of Jesus Christ, one who reads God’s word, studies it, believes it and proclaims it’s unchanging truth.
And it is from that perspective I bring bad news … God is soon going to judge America. American leaders have been on a mission for the last 100 years to remove God from America and this plan is succeeding. This is sadly ironic when you consider the leaders who founded America based our Declaration of Independence on the fact that Britain violated the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God. However, these Laws of Nature mean nothing to most people today. Americans are more likely to honor Mother Nature than a God who created Nature and instilled in us with the laws of Nature, know as God’s moral laws. Our founding fathers got it right but we have abandoned their leadership and we are now following our “flounding” fathers.
Most people today would be surprised to discover that the first Universities of higher learning in America were seminars for becoming a minister of God’s word, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Oxford and Cambridge. People at that time understood that the highest goal of learning was to learn the truth and Jesus is the truth. There was even a law in Boston, that required people to learn to read so they would understand their Bible so they could be saved and be free from the delusion of Satan (Click here to read more). People at that time also understood the highest goal of man was to achieve the character of Christ. As a matter of fact, the first school books of America were, you guessed, the Bible. The ABCs were learned by repeating Bible truths “In Adam’s fall we sinned all”, “Thy life to mend this Book attend”.
And for this reason God blessed America’s humble start. And American has also blessed God by sending missionaries with the gospel throughout the world and we have stood “in the gap” to fight against the Nazi’s, which was the holocaust against God’s chosen people, the Jews. And it is by trusting God and honoring God that has America has been great in the world. American exceptional is based on faith in God, not capitalism, blue jeans or Starbucks. But unfortunately American exceptionalism has been slowly fading out of view and today many Americas want to be unexceptional, just like the rest of the failing nations of the world.
Throughout her history, America has been know as the land of equal opportunity where someone could do an honest day’s work and earn a living. The goal of our founded Republic was to provide a level playing field where a person who was “ethical” and hard working would be rewarded for their efforts. Our founding fathers believed that as God blessed the person for his faithful efforts the person would bless America by lifting others up with him. However, today the misguided goal of modern Democracy is not to provide a level playing field for honest hardworking individuals but to provide a level outcome for all players regardless of their effort or lack thereof.
What started as a cry for equal rights of opportunity for all people has shifted to a cry for equal entitlement for everyone. The age old belief that rewarding hard work lifts up both the individual and others has now been corrupted into a belief that everyone should be equally rewarded and lifted up in “self esteem” regardless their effort or their belief. This kind of philosophy is deadly in that it shifts personal responsibility and accountability that is suppose to be directed toward God who provides us our daily bread, toward an expectation that the government is the one that is supposed to provide the needs of everyone irregardless of their effort.
And unfortunately this is where we are at today, in that many Americans today want the government to take care of them, not for God to take care of them and bless them according to their works of faith. Our nation slogan “In God We Trust” is now “In Gov We Trust“. We have turned form the loving everlasting arms of God and we are now “taking up arms” and fighting one another with words and slander. Tension and frustrations escalate and ignite because we are no longer “One nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” but we are now many special interests group, in turmoil, fighting for Big Government handouts with bondage and unfairness for all. I wish I could say that America is at a cross roads, where “hope and change” is coming to take us off this road of destruction but frankly I don’t see it. I’m not a pessimist, I’m a realist. America is not repenting and turning to God, but America is mocking God by passing laws that violate His moral laws. Yes, I realize God is in control and nothing is impossible with Him but if God doesn’t judge America, He is going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.
For you see, it is not Capitalism, Socialism, Communism or a Dictatorship that determines if a nation will receive God’s blessing or His condemnation but it is the moral condition of the nation that determines their status before God. Proverbs 14:34 “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin condemns any people.” A nation that judges it’s people righteously (by God’s Biblical standard) will be blessed regardless of their politics. This is why prayer is more powerful than a political action committee and repentance is more powerful than a Republican president. God calls His children to first pray “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.“ – 2 Chronicles 7:14. We also have a responsibility to vote for moral leaders and be moral leaders but our first responsibility is to pray.
There is another area where a nation is judged by God and that is in their treatment of His chosen people, Israel. Genesis 12:31 “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” So far America is still an ally of Israel but there is growing base of those in this country who want to side against Israel. It is a reckless and foolish course of action to side against the Jews because in essence you are siding against God Himself. You might as well put a loaded gun to your head and pull the trigger, the result will be same but it least with the gun the death will be faster and less painful. God has determined the future for the Jewish nation and they are not going to be eliminated from the earth. It is prophesied in the Bible that Israel will be a nation when Jesus returns with His saints to reign and rule after the 7 year tribulation period. Jesus himself, told the Jews of his day that they would one day look upon Him whom they pierced and rejoice. Luke 13:25 “Behold, your house is left to you desolate; and I say to you, you will not see Me until the time comes when you say, ‘BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!'” Bible prophecy is not a matter of “if” but “when”.
A healthy society adheres to high moral standards and the decline of a society can be measured in three primary areas; (1) the sanctity of human life, (2) the sanctity of the family and (3) the sanctity of the body. All three of these areas are inter-related and primarily effected by sexual conduct. For instance, because men and woman want to have sex but do not want to be responsible for raising a child, they have sex outside of marriage and then abort the baby and violate the sanctity of human life (1). If they do become married, they soon discover it’s hard to get along with each other and raise a family, so they get a divorce and violate the sanctity of the family (2). And what is the number one contributing factor that leads to divorce? … adultery, sexual infidelity outside of marriage (3).
So you see, it is really the “sanctity of the body” or “the moral anchor of the individual” that determines the health of a nation. It is clear that God’s command is for us is to “be holy” (1 Peter 1:16) but our sin nature causes us to “be horny“. God even gave us the VII commandment so we would understand the seriousness of being faithful in marriage (do not commit adultery – Exodus 20:14). The marriage bed is meant to be the ultimate place of sexual satisfaction, where the woman gives her body to the man and the man gives his body to the woman (1 Corinthians 7:4). However, because of sin and selfishness we don’t realize or pursue this connection with our marriage partner and thus we try to satisfy our sexual desire by our own choosing.
However, the 60’s concept of “free love” is a lie that doesn’t exist. Plus Free love doesn’t satisfy, it doesn’t last and it doesn’t build up a nation. The intimacy, blessings and Spiritual mystery that occurs when “two become one flesh” can only be obtained between a man and a woman through holy matrimony and when that couple commit to a life time commitment to raise a family a Godly family in faith. Also, another mystery of how a man and woman become “one flesh” has recently been revealed to us by the information that is encoded in DNA. When a man and woman “know” one another (yes, this is the Biblical word means they had sexual intercourse), then half the DNA information from the man’s sperm cell (23 chromosomes) and half the DNA information from the woman’s egg cell (23 chromosomes) meet in the woman’s egg cell to form a “new” human being! In other words the two have become “one” flesh, in the pro-creation of their offspring.
Let’s be clear on this issue, God only approves of sexual conduct between a married adult couple, one consenting man and one consenting woman. Any sexual deviation from God’s standard is sin, NOT a civil right that a government can grant. It is appalling to compare the sinful desires of the LGBT movement today to the civil rights in the 1960’s. This comparison mocks the sacrifice that persecuted people made in the 1960’s when they stood up for what was “morally right” and overcame the prejudice of sin against them because of the color of their skin. For the good of society, equality of race needs to be enforced, the sanctity of marriage between one man and woman that needs to be protected and the right for same sex couples to marry needs to be overturned.
When deviant sexual behavior is practiced privately between consenting adults, this is a personal sin and God will only judge the persons involved. But when a nation legalizes deviant sexual behavior, this causes God’s judgement to fall upon the whole nation, even effecting those who believe and have good Godly marriages. This is the situation in American today. The silent majority of America has remained silent too long and allowed sin to take hold. If Christians fail to speak up and proclaim the truth of Christ concerning God’s commandments concerning the LGBT agenda then God will hold this against us, as a sin of omission.
It is alarming that so many people are mislead about what sin is and how sin destroys life. Just because you call your deviant sexual passion “love”, this doesn’t change the fact that God calls this kind of behavior “sin”. And just because there are so many people infected by this sinful sexual desire, that doesn’t mean God word is overruled. Look, you can call sin by any name you want and cry a river of tears about your desire to commit sin but it doesn’t change the truth about sin. God is opposed to sin because it destroys us. We need to turn from sin, not rationalize it’s practice, or sympathize with it or ignore it and especially not legalize it! To condone it is a perverse miscarriage of justice. Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!“ The bottom line is that when a nation legalizes sexual conduct in a way other than God’s way then that nation has gone beyond the point of no return and God will judge that nation.
I am not going to deny or rationalize the sexual deviant drive that plagues men and women. I have it too. I desire to see a naked body but I try with God’s help not too focus or obsess on that desire. More importantly, I am not forming a parade so everyone who has this sinful desire can march in it and I’m not passing legislation that requires people to flash their body parts on demand. One time a person asked Michelangelo why he painted people naked and he said that he wanted to see man as God sees man. The person replied “but you are not God”. And that my friends is the point, we are not God. I am just going to end the debate here and let the bloggers beat their finger tips into their keyboard.
Isaiah 50:10-11 “Who is among you that fears the LORD, That obeys the voice of His servant, That walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the LORD and rely on his God. Behold, all you who kindle a fire, Who encircle yourselves with firebrands, Walk in the light of your fire And among the brands you have set ablaze. This you will have from My hand: You will lie down in torment.“
– Rogersings
This video explains the difference in the way men are temptation by “flesh” than a woman: