Although by definition an atheist is someone who believes there is no God, an atheist is really a person who is in denial of admitting that there is a God. According to the Bible, man is without excuse before God for rejecting the reality of His existence and for rejecting the offer of salvation from sin in His only begotten son, Jesus Christ. Man is naturally religious in that he thinks he can do some good works or he can obey some rules in order to give his life meaning. Also, I find it ironic that atheists who claim to deny God’s existence spend a whole lot of time protesting the worship and honor that others give to a God they don’t believe exists. The bottom line is that an Atheist is just like every other sinner/unbeliever who has NOT come to a personal relationship with God through the saving work of Jesus Christ.
The difference between an unbelievers and an Atheist unbeliever is that an Atheist is at least honest about their sin nature that wants to deny God and wants to be god. Most unbelievers hide behind religion or their good works to justify they are good enough without God but an atheist speaks boldly about their rebellious attitude toward God. This means that an Atheist has put a lot of time and effort into their decision to deny their is a God, so a Christian could engage them one or more of the weak links in their logic to possible get them on track toward God.
One of the weak links of logic that an Atheist often uses to claim there is no God, is that a good God would not make a world as unfair as the world we live in. They recognize that the sickness, troubles, trails, tragedies, conflicts, violence, war and death will come upon a person no matter how good they try to be in this world. They state that this sees “unfair” that these things happen yet they can’t explain where their sense of fairness comes from. The Atheist has figured out that something is seriously wrong with the world but they blame the cause for this condition on a God who is not worthy of being acknowledged or a God who doesn’t exist, instead of blaming the chaos of the world on the sin sick heart of man that destroys the work of a worthy God.
And even more fundamental than trying to figure out where our sense of fairness come from is trying to figure out where does our consciousness originate from? Why do we try to make sense of anything? Our thoughts can’t be seen or touched, yet we cherish our conscience self as the most valuable thing one earth. And this is the natural tendency of the self indulgent nature (sin), to promote and protect our right to call the shots for our life. But to the born-again Christian, our conscience self is our eternal soul that God created when we were conceived in the womb of our mother. The Christian has made the free will decision to turn from self as the lord of their life to accept Christ as the rightful Lord and Savior of their life. God’s grace is calling everyone to a relationship with Him but the sin sick heart is usually so absorbed in selfish thoughts and motives that it doesn’t take any time to consider that their life is a gift from God and their thoughts are a gift from God but that their thoughts are not connected to God and their life is not pleasing to God because they are “disconnected” from God. This is what it means to be born again. God’s Holy Spirit gives you a new life. God’s Spirit comes to comes to live inside you and connect you to God forever!
But the Atheist really has no explanation for where our consciousnesses comes from. They can’t say our thoughts evolved from matter because our thoughts are not composed of matter. It is such a fundamental concept that an Atheist doesn’t consider because they are too busy using their mind and intelligence to propose theories on how matter evolved without a God, “from goo to you by way of the zoo”. If, as a Atheist believes, our thoughts are caused by our brain, which is just a random collection of chemicals that was formed over billions of years, how can you trust your reasoning process to determine if God exists? How can you even know if you exist? How can you trust a random chemical reaction in your brain to give you meaning and purpose for your life? Oh how foolish and sad.
Of course some Atheist do believe that our conscience mind is just another evolutionary stroke of magic that one day caused a monkey who was happily scratching his butt to suddenly stop and ponder the meaning of life. If this were true, I bet right after it happened the monkey wished to return to his previous state of bliss.
And there are other weak links of logic that prove God exists such as the beauty, vastness and variation of creation, the complexity of the processes that allow life, the precise information contained in DNA which is like computer program and database and the unidentified force that holds all things together. And the greatest barrier to overcome concerning evolution is that you have to deny the law of thermodynamic, which states that things on their own decay and loose information over time, not increase in information which is what has to happen for evolution to be true. All of these aspects of creation demonstrate the work of an Intelligent Designer, i.e. God who made everything, including man so without excuse for ignoring or denying God’s right to rule over his life.
Interestingly enough, most Atheist that I have spoken too have a great appreciation for the beauty of creation. They have a great appreciation for art and music and literature of men, especially the moral battles of right and wrong and selfless sacrifice. Atheists have a great sense of wonder and appreciation for “what” is worthy, yet they do not sense “who” is worthy because God created it all, including them, the “wonderer”. An Atheist thinks that if they use their emotions to greatly admire creation and their intelligence to greatly inspect the details of creation, then they have done all that is required of them. They wrap themselves in a blanket of their good intentions, their fancy theories, their titles of accomplishment and the admiration of their peers in an attempt to run from their Creator and death that stalks them.
But to me the scariest thing about Atheism is the thought of living in a world without a God to uphold a standard of goodness and to give purpose and meaning to life. Without a righteous God to uphold an absolute truth and judge what is fair and just, fairness and truth are just a matter of human opinion. My relative truth says everyone except me is trash and death is better than life. Today doesn’t matter and tomorrow is worst still. Frankly, the thought of there being no God who is able to pull us up out of the pit of our own reasoning and give us peace to live with God and with one another is just to depressingly and scary for me to consider. And if your Atheist friend still thinks they have it all figured out you can always ask them that nagging question “where does your sense of fairness come from?”
Many Atheist are so self absorbed in doing work to receive the praise of men that they are often unaware of how miserably their existence would be if they had to endure eternity in solitude with their own thoughts. Yet, many Atheists are really sacred and depressed because they know they have no meaning and no hope to offer themselves or anyone else but they are more sacred to abandon their cause since they have spent so much time and effort denying there is a God. Plus they are too proud to admit that there is someone who is smarter than they are … God. It is the self indulgent nature (sin) that is a the root of all that is wrong in man and wrong in the world. When you compare the meaninglessness of Atheism against the reality of the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, I have to agree with Norman Gisler, “I simply don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.”
– Rogersings
Watch this video about an Atheist who struggles with the question of where does the concept of “good” come from? In discovering God’s love for her, she discovers that her value is not in “what she does” but her value is found in Christ’s love for her and what Christ did for her on the cross, when He died for her sin and died to give her a “new life” in Him!