I am starting this page with the hope and prayer that I can bring some very much needed Godly advice to women who are striving to be better wives to their husbands whether it be their 1st, 2nd, 3rd or even 10th marriage.
This is my 3rd marriage after 2 divorces and is also my new husband’s who also had a divorce and was a widower when I met him. We are both born again Christians who love the Lord with all our hearts and are determined that this is our last marriage.
My hope in writing these articles about becoming a Proverbs 31 wife is that I can help women in their marriages who are possibly struggling at this time and because I have been married before and understand the struggles that occur within marriage I can bring a fresh understanding to the problems that can occur and how to work towards dealing with them to bring harmony within the marriage in a Godly way with the Holy Spirit being our guide.
I have called these pages ‘Becoming a Proverbs 31 wife’ because having read this bible chapter, I have come to realize that it has a wealth of advice on how to be a true woman of God and have a satisfying marriage by following the advice it portrays.J
Juliana – Striving to become a P31W