Marriage is hard work!….One of the most important things to remember about life is: “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”-Psalm 30:5….no matter what is going on in your marriage at this time, every new day brings the possibility of things being better than the day before. Marriage is a long journey which will have many obstacles to overcome but ultimately with God’s help and a woman’s determination to make it through can be a fulfilling one at the end of the day.
The first priority of any woman who wants to please God and have a healthy, happy marriage is she must have an intimate, spiritual relationship with our Heavenly Father and one of the best ways to nourish and grow this is through prayer. To become a Proverbs 31 woman/wife means spending quality time praying and seeking our Father in prayer to be the protector of our marriage, children and household. These prayers must be sincere, heartfelt and regular. I believe in going into the Throne Room to seek God’s face about issues that are on my mind about my marriage and have over the years spent many hours there in tears asking Him for help on how to deal with different situations that were causing trials within the marriage at that time. It is important to be truthful about what’s happening….whatever part you have in the situation that is causing the trial, you must confess and ask God’s forgiveness. It is essential to allow God to help you become the woman you want to be by surrendering to Him
As I write these articles I hope to give some much needed advice on how becoming a Proverbs 31 woman/wife and this will mean a lot of self reflection…please realize that it also means allowing the Holy Spirit to minister, soothe and help you become this woman. The Fruits of the Spirit are divine tools we have been blessed with to help us become more holy, righteous women.
Juliana – Striving to become a P31W