
I am blown away about what I have learned about Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA. (click on the link below to pronounce it)
The amount of specifically ordered information contained in DNA and the complexity of the living systems and beings that are built from DNA are too awesome to have occurred by chance. God is the master “Database Administrator” who has made the Database of ordered information contained in DNA and God is the “Master Systems Programmer” who has made the logical rules that govern the process of life within the cell that I believe are also contained withing DNA and God is the personal “Interface” that powers and orchestrates the processes of life.
“I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.“ Psalm 129:14
“For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13
*Be sure to check out the many cool videos at the end of this article, which show the amazing order and beauty of the information and processes contained within DNA and the wonder and complexity of the living systems that DNA provides instructions to build.
There are many Christian scientist and biologist today that are proclaiming the truth of God’s design and the code for life that is contained in DNA. I am not a scientist or biologist but I am a curious Christian who enjoys studying God’s word and learning about God’s wonderful creation. And as a Computer Programmer and Systems Analysis by vocation, I can see intelligent automated processes at work in a cell, which are driven by the code contained in DNA. Essentially, DNA contains a “Database of information” which is coded list of material needed to build the components of life and DNA contains a “Program of Logical Instructions” that tells the components of life how to work together in order to build and sustain life. In addition there is an underlying unseen “Communications Network” within a living body that allows the components like proteins and organelles and cells to communicate intelligently with one another. And finally there is a unseen power and force, “the God Interface”, that runs the components of life and drives them toward life.
Beauty, Simplicity and Elegance of Design:
Deoxyribonucleic acid, the DNA molecule consists of two strands that form the iconic double-helix “twisted ladder”, whose backbone is made of sugar and phosphate molecules and connected by “rungs” which are made up of “two” out of four possible nitrogen-containing bases. If ever there was a “stairway to heaven” or ladder to Heaven, DNA is that ladder. Note, however, that DNA is not composed of a one long winding ladder but it actually composed of 46 ladders called Chromosomes (or Chromatin depending on the “phase” of the cell development which we will discuss later). Overall, DNA is a simple and elegant information delivery system that exists within each cell and the rungs of the ladder contain the “code” of information that is necessary for each cell to build a complex integrated system we call a living organism, creature or human being.
From a Computer System perspective the rungs of ladder or “base pairs” are like “bits” of computer information that line up on a digital storage media, like internal computer memory, a hard drive disc, a USB Thumb-drive or a CD. Of course the bits of information along the DNA ladder have a 1 out of 4 possibility, not a 1 out of 2 possibilities (on/off) like a computer bit, but the concept is similar. Actually, the amount of information contained in DNA is a slightly more than will fit on a Compact Disc (CD). And isn’t it amazing that when you put a CD into your computer, the media player program automatically starts and converts the bits of information on the CD into sound waves and plays the music through the speakers of the computer. But in comparison, when a “DNA CD” is put into a ovum egg cell this starts the processes of life to build a computer like device “a human being” that can compose, play and sing the music. Now that is a much more amazing feat of technology!
DNA is composed of 4 different nitrogen bases, Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C), and Guanine (G). These bases are always paired in such a way that Adenine connects to Thymine, and Cytosine connects to Guanine. These base pairs form the rungs of the DNA ladder. These pairings produce 4 different base pair possibilities: A-T, T-A, G-C, and C-G. There are over 3.3 billion base pairs that make up the human DNA or 3.3 Giga bites x 2 = 6.6 (Gb) of information. This multiplication by 2 is necessary because as we discussed before a bit on the DNA is not just 1 or 2 possibilities but 1 of 4 possibilities. Therefore takes 2 bits of information to define whether the a base along one of the ladder sides is (A, T, C or G) . We don’t really need to calculate the base on the other side of the ladder since it’s base is known based on the base we already know. Confused yet?
The two sides of the ladder and the two bases that make up the rungs of the ladder remind me of how in the Bible “one” thing is represented by “two” contrasting characteristics. For instance, the Spiritual “food” of God is contrasted by the two trees in the garden of Eden, the tree of life (Jesus) and the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Satan). The promise of life from God is contrasted by two covenants from God, the Old written on stone to Moses (death) and the New Covenant given written in blood by Jesus (life). And there are two mountains where these covenants were made, Mt Sinai and Mt Moriah/Mt Calvary. One man is defined two way … the first born of sin and the second “born again” in Jesus Christ. One baby is born by two coming together … a male (23 DNA chromosomes) and female (23 DNA chromosome).
For anything to exist, you need both the design of the idea and the execution or manifestation of the idea … you also need the power to manifest the idea and sustain the idea … which is a way of explaining the trinity .. the Father – the designer, the Son – the executor and the Holy Spirit – the sustainer.
From a programmer view, God the Father is the Database of information for everything that is, was and is to be “the Logos”. Jesus the Son is the “Programming Logic” or the One executing and creating the information into a reality of existence And the Holy Spirit is the One who is holding all things together according to the will of the Father and Son.
Now back to science, the 6.6 Giga bits of information in DNA divide by 8 bits per byte = 825 Mega Bytes (MB), This is a little more data than will fit on one Compact Disk (CD). Now 825 MB of data may not seem like an overwhelming amount of information when you consider the “cyber cloud world” we live in today. I probably receive that much information as “junk” email each day that I delete. However, keep in mind the 3.3 billion DNA base pairs are lined up in a specific way and if one base sequence is out of order … the DNA will not make a living human being. Actually, the fact that 850 MB of information is able to run a human being is amazing when you consider Windows 10 takes about 3 times that amount to run a computer effectively.
On the DNA ladder of life there are “segments” of DNA that ‘code” to build proteins. In other words, there are specific ordered sequences of DNA base pairs that exist on the DNA ladder in such a way that they define the instructions on how to assemble amino acids into a specific protein (we will talk more about this process later). A coded segment of DNA that makes a specific protein is called a “gene”. If a gene is turned on or “expressed” within a cell, then that cell is able to make that protein and when that protein is made and stays in the cell then that protein in essence defines the shape and function of that cell. For instance a heart cell has the DNA segments (genes) “turned on” which define the proteins that make up the functions of the heart cell, while the other genes in the DNA are “turned off”. And what turns a gene on and off? … well that is controlled by the presence of certain proteins within the cell. Thus the presence of certain proteins within a cell effects what DNA segments will be turned within the cell to make the proteins that the cell needs. Welcome to the merry-go-round of life.
From this simple introduction you can see the critical role that proteins play in determining the form and function of a cell. For instance, because the “right” kinds of proteins exist within the “eye” cell, the eye cell makes proteins that interprets light waves instead of making “acid” proteins which would destroy the eye cell. However, the acid proteins are needed and “turned on” in the stomach cells, while the proteins that interpret light waves are turned off. And it is “regulating proteins” within a cell that provide the cell the means to make the proteins it needs to function correctly. For instance, depending on which proteins are “expressed” in your hair cell, defines the color of your hair. A certain gene that is “turned on” will make a protein in your hair cell that gives you brown hair and if that gene is turned off will it give you blond hair. Actually, there are multiple genes that effect the color of your hair, which is why there are many variations of hair color and also age effects your DNA genes which causes your hair to turn gray or white or even fall out. Bald is beautiful too.
As we have been discussing, the presence of certain proteins along a coded DNA segments “regulates” a gene, causing it to “turn on or turn off”. The presence or absence of certain proteins along the DNA segment (gene) will cause the segment (gene) to be “expressed” and available for Transcription process so it can make the (mRNA) which will make the protein it defines during the Translation process. The absence of a protein along the DNA segment (gene) will cause segment (gene) to be unavailable for Transcription (not make the protein), Also the presence or absence of proteins during the Translation process can cause the mRNA to be translated into the protein or not be translated. So you see, the presence of proteins within in a cell effects the DNA and determines the proteins that the cell will produce. I think you are starting to understand the importance that proteins play in regulating a cell so the cell makes the proteins it needs so it will be the distinct cell type that does what it needs to do for the whole body to live!.
Also, if a DNA segment doesn’t unwrap from the histones (a protein), during it’s life time in the cell, that gene will be unavailable for Transcription (it can’t make a protein). And what causes a gene to stay wrapped around a histone or unwrap for Transcription so a protein can be produced? Well, this is another mystery of life scientist have yet to figure out or it maybe it is part of the “God Interface” that we will never figure out. As I’ve said scientist understand how a gene codes to make a protein but they don’t understand why a regulatory protein attaches to a gene so the gene is “expressed” and able to make a protein. In scientifc terms, anything, that occurs outside their understand of coded protein sequences is called “epigenetics“, which means the study of things “outside” the coded gene sequences of DNA. Go ahead and say it … Amazing!
Note, for the purpose of this article I am discussing the function of “eukaryotic” type cells that have a nucleus and are made by human DNA. I am not discussing the function of “prokaryotic“, like bacteria DNA, that have no ‘nucleus’,
By analyzing the base pairs along the DNA ladder, scientist have learned how to determine the start sequence of a DNA segment that codes for a protein, “a gene”. Based on this knowledge they calculate there are approximately 23,000 genes that code for a protein on the DNA ladder, which only account for 1.5% of the 3.3 billion base pars of DNA material. The gene coded segments are scattered along the a chromosome separated by segments of DNA base pairs that the scientist call “junk DNA” since they don’t know what purpose this DNA servers. Don’t worry you can be sure God doesn’t make junk and more than likely the junk DNA or non-understood segments of DNA are “program rules of logic” that regulate “gene expression”.
For instance, regulatory proteins (like TFIID) actually do ride and jump along the DNA strands as though they are robots reading the “non-coded junk DNA” looking for instructions on what to do and where to “stop and attach” along the DNA which allows a gene DNA sequence to “turn on” , which allow the “DNA polymerase enzyme” bind to the DNA and copy the gene into mRNA (this is called the Transcription process). Scientist understand the regulatory protein will only attach at the “promoter region” which is 10 base pairs upstream from the gene but they don’t understand why sometimes the regulatory protein bypasses the promoter region or “falls off” the promoter region before the Translation process begins or why other Transcription Factors like TBP, TFIIA and TFIIB fail to show up and do their part, thus inhibiting the Transcription process.
So you see the presence of proteins along the DNA strands is a key and essential means that determines what genes are “expressed” (turned on to make proteins). Proteins that regulate whether or not a gene is expressed are considered a “Transcription Factor”, since the “presence” of a certain proteins determine if a gene DNA will be Transcripted into mRNA to make a protein that is needed by that cell or by the body in general. And since the regulatory protein is “outside” the DNA it considered part of the “epigenetics“, which control the genetics or the expression of a gene. And although the regulatory proteins are the #1 Transcription Factor of epigenetics, it is not their mere presence within the cell and their movement along the DNA stand that guarantees they will stop and express a gene because sometime they don’t stop and a gene is NOT expressed. And that’s right you guessed it, this just another amazing phenomena that occurs but scientist do not understand why this occurs.
However, scientist speculate that there are “other epigentic factor” that effect the regulatory protein and thus are considered Transcription Factor (TF) that regulate the gene and the production of proteins. Some of these other TF are the environment of the cell (hot, cold, humidity and altitude), the chemical balance within the cell from the food and liquids you digest or absorb though your skin or inhale by your breathing. Emotional stress and mental well being can effect the expression of genes and the development of cells. And electromagnetic radiation from all our electronic devices like a cell phone or exposure to the sun, or to really serious radiation from an x-ray can regulate cells so they are damaged and die. I think even the pull of gravity from stars and planets can effect the way cells function, which effects your physical characteristics and they way you perceive the world. Note, even identical twins with identical DNA have unique fingerprints. For instance, perhaps the gravitational pull of the moon in March caused the taste bud gene in my brother’s mouth to dislike the taste of peas but the gravitational pull in December caused me to like the taste of peas … but lima beans … not so much. But, more importantly, there is always the “the God Interface” factor that works in mysterious way, often through prayer, to heal the body beyond the understanding of doctors and bring God glory.
Check out these site which map the Human Genome of protein producing genes:
Condon Usage Databsae http://www.kazusa.or.jp/codon/
OK, now let’s discuss the details of how scientist identify a coded segment of DNA that makes a protein. First of all scientist have observed that every three base pairs along the DNA ladder define a specific amino-acid or a stop/start sequence for an amino-acid chain (which makes a protein). A string of three base pairs is called “a condon“. Also by observation, scientist have determined that the condon “ATG” (Adenine, Thymine and Guanine) is either a “start” indicator when it comes at the beginning of an amino acid sequence or it represents the amino acid “Methionine” when it comes before a “stop” indicator (either TAA, TAG or TGA) in an amino acid sequence.
A condon that “codes” to represent an amino acid is called an “an exon” (because it will eventually “exit” the nucelous of the cell as mRNA where it can make a amino-acid chain), while a condon that defines a start or stop sequence for an amino-acid chain is called “an intron (these are sequences of DNA within the gene that are excluded from the mRNA sequence). Condons that appear in specific sequence on a DNA segment that code to make a protein are called a “gene”. And since protein is made up amino acid chains from 50 to 2,000 in length, a gene in made up of condons that represent these amino acids, In other words, a gene defines the amino-acid chain that makes one of the 100,000 different proteins found in the human body. By the way, an amino acid is an organic molecules that consist of a basic amino group (−NH2), an acidic carboxyl group (−COOH). The human body can produce 10 of the 20 amino acids that the body needs to build proteins. The other 10 amino acids must be supplied in the food that must be eaten daily, since unlike fat amino acids are not stored in the body.
Since each base pair has 1 of 4 possibilities (A,T,C,G) and it takes three base pairs to make a condon, you have 4x4x4 or 64 different condons. And as we discussed, 3 of these condons define a “stop” sequence and do not code for an amino acids. This leaves 61 condons that code to make 1 of 20 different amino acids. So as you see from the chart above there are more multiple condons combinations that code for the same amino-acid. For instance (Leu/L) amino acid is coded 6 different ways by base pair combinations (TTA, TTG, CTT, CTC, CTA, CTG) while (Cys/C) amino acid is coded 2 different ways (TGT, TGC) and (Trp/W) is only coded one way (TGG). To a Database Administrator this redundancy violates the rules of a “normalized” table but with God, the Designer of this system, you can be sure there is a purpose and reason for this redundancy.
The question for the day is how can the 23,000 coded DNA genes in the human body make 100,000 proteins that the body needs? Well, here is just one more amazing thing about DNA. A gene isn’t one long strand of exon condons (the ones that code for an amino-acid) but it is composed of many “pieces”, where there are sequences of “exon” condons interrupted by and “intron” condon. So after the gene is copied or “Transcripted” by the polymerase protein into a “pre-mRNA” strand of DNA, there are other proteins that remove the intron condons and “splice together” the exon condons into a mature mRNA (which will leave the nucleus of the cell and find a Robosome organell for the Translation process). During this mRNA splicing process “sometimes” one or more exon sequences are removed and RNA can even be added to the mRNA, which allows for the same gene to produce multiple amino-acid chains which in turn allows the same gene to produce multiple proteins. Oh boy, more complexity and regulation in gene expression that we don’t understand.
To put the amount of information contained in DNA into a more tangible concept, the complete set of Encyclopedia Britannica printed edition has 44 million words at 6.1 characters per word that is 268,4000,000 or 268.4 MB of information. DNA in comparison contains over “three times” that amount of information! And all this information is compacted so small that it is not visible to the naked eye. DNA lives inside the nucleus of the cell and the cell itself is the size of a period at the end of a sentence. Yet, when the ladder of DNA is uncoiled, it stands an amazing 6 feet tall. And since you have about 10 trillion cells in your body, if you stretched the DNA in all the cells out, end to end they would stretch over 744 million miles, which would stretch from the earth to the sun about 4 times! (I’m not exactly sure about this math – I borrowed it from another site)
DNA occurred by chance – Not a Chance:
Could the ordered sequences of DNA that made proteins have occurred by chance as evolutionist teach. Note, I say “teach” because I don’t think given the evidence of DNA before them today, that very many of them still believe in evolution anymore but the concept that there is an Intelligence (God) greater than their own they they are accountable too, scares them to death. To begin the discussion I am going to take a well known and fundamentally essential process that uses DNA called the “Transcription and Translation” process. With this process, a known coded segment of the DNA, called “a gene” is copied into mRNA (the Transcription process) and then transported out of the nucelous of the cell to make an amino-acid chain (the Translation process), which becomes a specific “protein” upon completion of the process. Proteins are then are used to build “organelles” and others parts of cells and the presence of certain proteins within a cell controls how the cell functions. You have about 200 different kind of cells which make up your organs, tissues, muscles and bones … your body!
I like to make the analogy that cells are like the “legos” of the human body and proteins are like the bumps and features on the legos that give the legos their shape and function. Amino acids and chemicals are like the plastic that makes up the lego and DNA is like the a master list of all legos types that are needed to build a model (DNA is a Database of how to build proteins which are needed to build the human body). Plus DNA is also like the instructions of how to put the legos together (DNA is the Program of Logic of how to make cells and how to regulate them). Note, this attribute of DNA is a conjecture on my part since only the protein sequences of DNA are “coded” and understood at this time.
As we discussed earlier a “gene” is a DNA sequence that defines the order of amino-acids that will be combined into a chain called “a polypeptide” in order to form a protein that the human body needs. For the purpose of this discussion, I am going to skip the “Transcription process”, which duplicates a gene into a something called the messenger RNA or mRNA and I am going to focus on the “Translation process” where the “Ribosome organelle” reads the mRNA sequence and assembles amino-acids into a protein. Now, as you can see right from the start we have a problem with evolution theory, because where did the complex “Ribosome organelle” come from and who put the DNA into an ordered sequence so that amino-acids can be chained to together to form a protein?
A Ribosome organelle is composed of ribosomal proteins (riboproteins) and ribonucleic acids (ribonucleoproteins). The word ribosome is made from taking ‘ribo’ from ribonucleic acid and adding it to ‘soma’, the latin word for body. A ribosome is basically a very complicated yet elegant micro-manufacturing-machine for producing proteins. Each complete ribosome organelle is constructed of nucleic acids and about 80 proteins.
The problem with the evolution theory as an explanation for the origin of life is there is no way that a single protein can every “by chance” appear on planet earth, much less the 80 proteins that are necessary to build the Ribosome organelle. The information necessary to build the Ribosome organelle is contained in the DNA sequences (mRNA) but you must have a pre-existing Ribosome organelle to read the DNA sequences (mRNA) in order to make the proteins that make a Ribosome organelle. It’s the “catch 22” of the circus of life … I mean circle of life. This condition of functionality is called Irreducible Complexity, where one component cannot function as a working system on it’s own but all components necessary for the system to function must exist at the same time. In other words both the complex Ribosome organelle and the specified sequence of DNA must exist at the same time in order for the system of life to work. Irreducible Complexity when found is the calling card of an Intelligent Designer and Creator, not a product of chance.
The number of amino acids and the “specific sequence” that they must be “chained together” in order to make the 80 different proteins that make a Ribosome organelle is “too numerous” to happen by chance … even since the beginning of time. Click here for a reference. For that matter it is impossible for even the simplest protein, which is composed of 50 amino acids, to appear by change. And this is equally true of the DNA base pairs that line up in sequence along the double helix of the DNA strand, to define how to build a protein. The number of base pairs that must be specifically ordered to make even the simplest protein (3 base pairs x 50 amino acids = 150 ordered base sequences) is too numerous to have occurred by chance … even since the beginning of time. Of course DNA does not just have the 150 ordered base sequences to make a simple protein but DNA has over 3 billion ordered base pairs! And only about 1.5 % of the DNA base pairs we have mapped as “genes” that make proteins but most of the DNA sequences we do not know what they do. This phenomena where information is arranged in a long specific order that is outside the possibility of chance is called Specified Complexity and it too is the calling card of an Intelligent Designer and Creator.
Furthermore, the existence of a DNA molecule is not the result of chance survival of the fittest because the DNA molecule has no purpose for it’s existence, except that it exists as a delivery system of information, that can only be “decoded” if it is placed inside a cell which has specific proteins and organelles that are required for it to “boot up” a system or species of life. Both the 3 billion specifically paired sequences of bases along the DNA has to exist inside an ovum cell which contains many proteins and complex organelles in order for life to begin! And more importantly, that ovum cell must be inside an “existing” human being where the ovum cell can be feed the nutrients it needs to make another human being, Both the Irreducible complexity of requiring DNA + a ovum cell + an existing human, combined with the Specified Complicity of the 3 billion ordered base pairs along the DNA ladder is simply too overwhelming to have occurred by chance. As a matter of fact, you would have a better chance of waiting for pieces of a manufacturing plant to fall out of the sky and land perfectly on your lawn and produce a brand new Ferrari 488 Spider sports car, than you would waiting on life to appear by chance.
Charles Darwin himself said “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down. But I can find no such case.”. Of course Darwin in his day could not see the complexity of what what going on inside the cell but if he was alive today, he would withdraw his theory to save his name and to save science.
The New evolutionist like Dr. Dawkins realize that DNA is too complicated to have occurred by chance so they want us to believe in a “panspermia theory” for life. This is the theory that a separate intelligent race in another part of the universe, when facing extinction … sent out thousands of capsules with pre-fabricated cells in them, in order to continue their species elsewhere … and we are the result of that. Excuse me but isn’t this the story line for “Superman”. That’s right the leading scientist of today do their research and fact finding in comic books. Look, the simple truth is that it takes intelligence to make thing that work and function with a purpose … intelligently. And it take Intelligence to make the complex information in DNA but more importantly it take Intelligent drive “power” to orchestrate the process of life found in DNA. It’s a cosmic “catch 22”. If an alien race “seeded” earth, they would have to be created by an Intelligent God and from all Biblical accounts Jesus wore a robe like everyone else not a cape, and a spandex suit with a big letter “J” on his chest.
DNA and the Cell Replication Process (making two identical copies of DNA from one):
Seriously, DNA is so amazing. DNA spends most of it’s time in the nucleus of the cell in it’s “spaghetti state” where loosely wound strands of DNA are copied to make proteins and where the DNA strands replicate themselves. During this “Inter-phase” the DNA looks like a mess of strings that are wound together in an unsolvable knot but really there are 46 individual strands, which at this phase are called “Chromatin”. Each strand represents one of your 46 chromosomes (23 from your mother and 23 from your father). During the replication stage of the cell, enzymes travel along the DNA strands and make a new “duplicate” copy of DNA. Once the duplication process is complete, the original strands of DNA and the duplicate strands “tighten up” into their fat “Chromosome” shape. Then the original and the duplicate chromosome join together in the middle and make a “X” configuration, which is the familiar chromosome shape most people remember when they have watched a video on the cell division process.
At this point the cell enters the “mitosis” phase, or division phase, where the nucleus wall dissolves and the 46 DNA pairs of chromosomes line up orderly in the middle of the cell. At the same time micro tubular ropes connect to the middle (or “X” area) of the chromosome pair from opposite sides of the cell. A motor proteins, at either end of the cell, pulls on the ropes and divides the chromosomes in two. Then the cell divides and a new nucleolus develops around the DNA in each of the two new cells. And there you go, yet another amazing process, where two identical cells are created from one.
This cell division happens about 10 to the 16 power times over the average human life span. Old cells die and new one are made to replace the dying ones (although not all cells, like brain cells, can be replaced), There are about 200 different kinds of cells, one for each organ or body part (this is why there are 200 different kinds of cancer, one for each type of cell). All added together there are about 10 trillion cells that are alive in the human body at the same time.
DNA and the “sex” cell Swapping Process (no there’s nothing X rated going on here other than the configuration of chromosomes)
If all this amazing information is giving you a splitting headache, try to remember that the cell splitting process is called “mitosis“, where a new cell is made with an exact copy of your 46 chromosomes, or 23 pairs (one chromosome from your mother and one from your father). However, there is an equally fascinating process called “meiosis”, where the male sperm cell and female ovum cell are made with 23 chromosomes, half of a pair of chromosomes where each chromosome represents a “shared or mixed amount” of DNA from both your mother and your father. Note, each DNA chromosome that is paired together has the same length and the type of gene information, so DNA 1 from your mother is the same length and composition as DNA 1 from your father. Actually DNA 1 is called DNA 1 because it is the longest strand of DNA and DNA 23 which represents the sex type chromosome is the shortest DNA strand.
What happens in meiosis is that each DNA chromosome pair makes a “X” type pattern, and DNA 1 chromosome from the mother “overlays” the DNA 1 chromosome from the father and some of the DNA segments (genes) from the mother’s chromosome leave and “cross over” to the corresponding father chromosome and the father’s DNA segments (genes) leave and cross over to the mother’s chromosome. This process of gene swapping is called “synapsis” and this happens in each chromosome pair during meiosis, except for in the 23 “sex” chromosome (which is ironic since this process of swapping DNA sounds sexy). What causes the chromosomes to line up this way during meiosis and what causes the amount of “gene swapping” that occurs during this process between similar chromosome pairs? Well, once again, scientist don’t know but to me the synapis process is handled by the personal touch of the “God interface” of life.
When the meiosis process of the cell is completed you end up with 4 “sex” type cells (either a sperm or an egg) that have 23 chromosomes (half the amount in a normal cell) and these chromosomes have a “mixed up amount of gene DNA” from both your Mom and your Dad. This explains why you do not look like like a duplicate of your brother (assuming you have a brother and he is not your identical twins). Note, even identical twins, who have the same DNA, have different fingerprints. Also note, all the woman’s egg sex cells she will ever have (about 2 million) exist in her ovaries before she is born this declines to about 300,000 at puberty and continue to decline with age until menopause. Also much less note worthy, men on the other hand make sperm cells at the rate of about 1,500 every second which does not decline with age but then again men have their own declining ability as they age which I will not elaborate on.
DNA and Designer “Genes”:
So you have learned that a “gene” is a specific segment of DNA in a chromosome that defines a characteristic in a person such as the color of your hair, eyes and skin, if you are left handed/right handed, hairy or smooth and the ability to sing on key! Gene’s work or express themselves in pairs (one from your mother and one from your father). There are almost 1,000 genes per chromosome for a total of about 20,00 genes pairs in the 23 chromosome pairs that make up the human DNA. Also if your remember from our discussion earlier, in addition to the genes that define our physical characteristic there are “genes” that define how to build proteins though the “Transcription and Translation” process. Then there are vast amounts of DNA sequences that we have not yet figured out what they do and some scientist call this “junk” DNA … but don’t worry God doesn’t make junk.
Every person has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. Most genes are the same in all people, but a small number of genes (less than 1 percent of the total) are slightly different between people. Alleles are forms of the same gene with small differences in their sequence of DNA bases. These small differences contribute to each person’s unique physical features, like hair color. The difference in the DNA sequence means a different protein is manufactured by the cell which causes a difference in physical apprentice or a disease such as Alzheimer’s. But in addition to the gene protein there is also the Transcription Factor or regulatory protein that will determine whether a gene is “expression” or inhibited. In other words, the gene that normally is “expressed” and manufacturing a protein to keep your hair brown will usually be “inhibited” by a regulatory protein as you age, which results in gray or white hair or even loosing your hair. Oh boy.
The thing that makes you different from your brother is based on the gene differences in your DNA compared to your brother’s DNA and whether the “gene” is dominant or recessive. For instance, in a chromosome pair, if both genes in that pair have the “freckles” gene, then you will have freckles, If both genes do not code for “freckles” then you will not have freckles. If one of the chromosomes in the pair codes for freckles and the other chromosome codes for “no freckles” then you will end up with freckles because the freckles gene is “Dominant” and the no freckles gene is “Recessive“. And even with a Dominant gene there is sometimes a “degree” of blending that occurs so the final physical appearance or “phenotype” that results from one brown hair gene and one blond hair gene is “dark blond” hair or “light brown” hair. And there are cases where both genes are dominant, as in chicken feather colors, so instead of a black and white chicken feathers genes blending to produce grey feathers, they produce “checked chicks” with both black and white feathers. Once again … amazing!
Note, the fact that specked colored offspring are more common to occur among animals is something that Jacob used to his advantage to advance the number of sheep in his care over that of his father in law Laban (Genesis 30:25-43). Also note, a “known coding difference” like brown hair and blond hair within a gene pair is called an “Allele“, which is taken from the word allelomorph, which mean “another form”. An allele is just one base pair difference (A,C,G,T) along the DNA strand of 1,000 of base pairs that define a gene. Not only is it interesting to understand why there are allele differences within a gene but why is one allele (base letter) “Dominant” and the other “Recessive” and some are blended? Well, scientist just don’t know but perhaps it’s due to a DNA programming gene we have yet to discover or understand or perhaps it is due to the “God interface” which works all things according to His good pleasure.
DNA Gene Expression and Regulation (Embryo Development – building a body from a single cell):
Yes, the science of DNA is very complicated and fascinating. Thanks to magnifying microscopes and other modern technology, there is a lot we know about DNA (check out the work done by the human genome project) but as I’ve stated throughout this article there is so much that we don’t understand about what the DNA. For instance what makes a gene trait Dominant or Recessive? And how does each of the 200 different body cell types found in the human body know how and when to form as a baby develops from just a single cell with 46 chromosomes? Well that the discussion for this topic called Gene Expression and Regulation.
After the two “sex” cells, (the sperm and the egg), each with 23 chromosome, come together during conception. The new cell has 46 chromosome which is enough information for a new life. The cells at first divide and form into a cluster of identical “stem cells” called a blastocyst. These Stem cells have the amazing capability to become any one of the 200 different kinds of body part cells. Scientist study this early development of the embryo and speculate that the presence of certain “proteins” within a stem cell causes the stem cell to change into a specific body part cell during embryo growth. It is as though the cells communicate with one another to form the right type of cell at the right time and the right number of cells for that type. And it is as though there are “programming rules of logic” that cause the proteins to be produced at just the right time to make the different body cells are defined within the DNA information Database. And where are the Programming rules of Logic? Are they part of the DNA yet to be discovered? We just don’t know exactly how all the life systems work but we know they the work very well and the amazing complexity of the system of life is the signature of an Intelligent Designer.
Reverse Engineering (rethinking how God made the program to make the process of life)
As I discussed earlier, my vocation is computer analysis and programming. I can see how in many respects a human is kind of like a computer and I can see the hand of the Great Programmer – God- at work in defining the processes of life in DNA that make a human. I can see where rules of Computer Logic, instructions, could be part of the non-coded DNA. If this were true it could explain how rules of logic contained in DNA help regulate gene expression and build cells from DNA but even if more is known about DNA, DNA in itself cannot explain the entire mystery of life, Just as we search for the force that hold the particles of an atom together, there is a force and power that drives and regulates the processes of life. And this “force” is not something we can hold and control because this force and power is God. Christ holds all things together. We can make energy (heat and power) from the force that holes the atom together but we cannot cause the force that holds the atoms together to work differently than the way God designed it.
And this is true with DNA. The DNA from each species of plant and animal is similar in substance (base pairs of 4 nitrogen ) but unique in configuration to that species. God has designed DNA such that two different species of DNA will not produce a new species of DNA. This is just more proof that evolution is a failed theory. Yes, man can ride a horse but you can’t make a creature that is half man/half horse (unless maybe there is some Angel DNA but I talk about that in other articles). DNA is unique among species like the atomic number is unique for each element in the periodic table. The same particles (protons, electrons and neutrons) make up each element but the configuration within each element is unique. Oxygen has (8) protons and iron (26) protons. Oxygen acts upon iron to cause it to rust (making an iron-oxide molecule) but oxygen doesn’t evolve over time and change into iron or oxygen does combine with iron and make a new element. And it is iron in our blood or hemoglobin that carries oxygen to our cells and gives blood it’s red color.
In order to make a new element, like Plutonium (94), that doesn’t naturally exist. You have to purposefully add information, more protons, which takes lots of energy. Yes, it is possible to make a new element (or at least one that has not been seen by man) but the understand of how to make an element is simple in comparison to DNA. We just don’t know how DNA works to define different species. DNA from one species does not mix with another species to make a new species. A horse and a donkey can mate and make a mule but all these animals are within the horse species. In the case of the horse and donkey, the DNA from of a horse did change over time to make a donkey, this is called “micro-evolution” or a change within a species. But no new species has ever evolved from a God made species because this required “adding” information which is contrary to how nature works. However, I do think it is possible that DNA can be changed to define a “hybrid” species by adding information and I think this is what happened when the fallen angels had sex with woman and made the Nephilim. And I think that when God gives us our resurrected body we will be a “new” species that doesn’t need blood to live and our body will be able to traverse between Heaven and Earth, and through wall the way Jesus did.
Now, let’s get on with my attempt to reverse engineer the human body or my explanation of how DNA is programmed to build a human body. Now, DNA on it’s own doesn’t do anything. It is like a CD that has song “information” that is sitting on a shelf. DNA has the potential to make something just like the CD has the potential to play a song. But the CD must be put into the computer and that computer must have the software to recognize the CD and the computer needs to the means to communicate and coordinate with the other pieces of the computer and of course the computer needs power to read the information, move it around and activate all the right components so sound that is recognizable as a song is heard. And in a similar way, DNA must be put into a cell (which is like the computer) and that cell must have software to know what to do with the DNA, and the cell needs components like (organelles and proteins and chemicals) to work on the DNA and the components of the cell need a means to communicate with each other and of course there needs to be power that drives these everything along to make and sustain a human body.
So you see, the processes of a computer are similar to a living cell (or what will eventually will grow to become a living creature) but unlike a computer where we understand the processes of it’s operation, we have many question about how the cell operates. Some of the answers might lie in the non-coded segments of DNA, which could contain software and logic but I don’t think we are going to find or understand the communication network that the proteins use which enables them to know what to do within a cell and I don’t think we are going to find the power that drives these process of life because I think this is the “God Interface” thing that we aren’t suppose to understand or control. In the same way there is force we don’t understand that holds the particle together within an atom.
The first thing we need to do is “boot up” the cell. This is the terminology that is used in the computer world to bring a computer system to life. You see in my example I put a CD into a computer that had already been “booted” up so I could hear the music. But in the case of DNA, this information when it goes into a single cell both builds a computer and boots it up simultaneously. Actually, the process of booting up a computer from a powered off state is pretty neat process. First of all you need a powered off computer with the “hardware” and “software” ready to come to life. Once you turn on the power, this excites a chip on a circuit board and causes disk driver code to be read from the “firmware” of the chip and loaded into the memory of the computer. Then the computer runs the disk driver software and reads the disk drive and load the Operating System into memory. Then configuration files are read and Application Programs are are loaded into memory until you have Gigabytes of information active in the memory of the computer doing all the fun and useful stuff we have become dependent on.
OK, let’s see if we can “boot up” a human body. First we need a powered down cell (the female ovum cell), then add the sperm cell from the father and “boom”, the power of God starts up the cell and starts processing the DNA. But it is also possible to inject your DNA into a ovum cell without female DNA and “boom” God will make a clone of you (I think this right). Note, this will create a completely unique person but they will look identical to you. Is this ethical? Or Lord, we will have to take this topic up another time. As I said before, DNA is not a CPU that processes information but DNA is the Database of information that is proteins and organelles use to build cells which in turn build the living organism which is defined by the DNA.
In the God ordained way, there is a female ovary cell which contains the mothers DNA – 23 chromosome and a sperm cell which contains the father’s DNA – 23 chromosomes. Also within the female ovary cell are the initial “proteins” and chemical material and energy and communications system and power to drive the system forward. You see the female ovary cell (and to a certain extent stem cells) are like manufacturing systems that are in “sleep mode” waiting to “wake up” and start manufacturing things. There is some kind of “underlying communications system” between proteins and organelles and cells and organs that triggers the proteins, organelles, cell and organs to function together. This is communications system that is outside the communications of the nervous system of the body and is even more basic than the involuntary actions (like breathing) that your brain controls. Also, there is some kind of “underlying means of power and motion” that proteins display as they move along the DNA and move within the cell.
Like I said, when the male DNA enters the female ovum cell, things start to happen that are beyond the explanation of what is visible inside the cell. Suddenly, proteins in the ovum cell bring the DNA together cause the first cell division. At this very first division there is something within the cell which drives the cell to create a blastocyst of four equal cells, with the same proteins and DNA genes turned on. But then at this very early stage something causes the cells to start to differentiate and some cells form into embryo stem cells and some into the placenta.
What seems to be happening is that the cells are communicating with one another or more specifically the proteins within the cell are communicating with other proteins within their cell and in the surrounding cells, I don’t think proteins have intelligence but they are more like robots that are programmed to act with an intelligent purpose … promote life. What I think may be happening in the cell is that a “regulatory” protein “polls” it’s environment for a status, then the protein rides along the DNA strand looking for the “logic” sequences that matches that status. When it finds a match, it reacts to the logic and attaches to the specific place on the cell in order to “turn on” that gene for the production of the protein that is needed. It is like a real time, on going process of polling and searching for the logic along the DNA to match the status to promote the process of life..
Look, this is my feeble attempt to rationalize and explain what might be happening within the cell, To me, as I’ve watched animations of proteins within a cell, it is a though they have some sense of duty and direction, like soldiers who take their position to make life happen. The underlying power and purpose that moves a protein into position must come from God, like the force that holds proton and electrons together in an atom. I am proposing that God has built into proteins the ability to poll it’s environment for a status as they ride along the DNA strands reading the logic of the DNA to determine when to stop and active or “express that gene” so it can make a protein that is critical for life at that moment.
In addition to this protein communication system that works at the cell level, later you have communications system such as the brain and nervous system and digestive system and the immune system. Although cancer causes DNA to be processed incorrectly within a cell, producing a “rouge” cell, the issue is not so much about preventing “rogue” cells from occurring but figuring out why the immune system is not destroying them. In a normal and healthy immune system, cells are able to destroy all rouge cells that appear in the body but for some reason, with the spread of cancer, it seems that the rogue cells do not so much as overwhelm the immune system but they go “undetected” and un-acted upon by the immune system. The immune system is composed of three primary cells, APC, T cells and B cells. I think perhaps when a cancerous cell is produced, a “logic” DNA sequence is corrupted and thus the resulting DNA inside the rogue cell is different and foreign from the original, but in such a subtle way that the immune system can’t detect the problem, It is true that all the cells in your body have the same DNA but if you have an organ transplant you can live with two sets of DNA in your body. Yet, as we know sometimes the immune system rejects the transplanted organ and destroys it. That’s why your best organ transplants are between family members.
Woo, Nelly, hold on there. It’s easy for me to get side tracked with I talking about interesting stuff in the body. Too bad I know so little and therefore much of what I am saying is Scientific Wild Ass Guess (SWAG). I don’t have a science degree or a membership in a fancy journal where I can write. But frankly, I think some of my SWAG reasoning makes more sense than some of the fantasy ideas that is published in “Scientific Journals”.
Let’s continue the boot up process. When just a couple of cells in the beginning communications is relatively simple but in a mature human body there are 37.2 trillion In comparison there are estimated to be about 8 billion devices on the internet, which is about how many people there are living on planet earth. To reach 37.2 trillion on the Internet, each person would have to have 5,000 computing devices, and then all these devices would have to work together to do build something together. It is not wonder that Bill Gates said “DNA is like a computer program but far more advanced than any software ever created” … I guess Bill meant to add “by man“. But obviously, it was created by some Intelligence … which is God.
I am saying that God designed “regulatory proteins” with an underlying ability to constantly, in real time, poll or query it’s environment to compile a status or report and at the same time the “regulatory proteins” is then reading the DNA strand, looking for a logical match to the status it has derived. When a match is found, the regulatory protein attaches and expresses the gene, causing the cell building protein to be produced that is critical and necessary for both the function of the cell and the body.
Let me try to describe a process of life in terms of a “work flow” process that is used to automate and control a task by a computer. In a computer automated system, a person queries the system to see if there are any “tasks” lined up for him to do in order to conduct business and deliver the services and product of the business. In the automated system of life, a protein queries the status of the system to see if there are any tasks lined up to do. For instance, a regulatory protein polls the environment to see the current status, then it rides along the DNA to see if it can find a match to that status. In a computer system, Shop “95332” quires to see if there are any tasks for them to perform.
Note, although it may be possible to understand and modify DNA to extend our life span but “eternal life” in a human body is not possible because regardless of how long a creature can live, it’s overall environment is dying. The Universe is wearing out from “heat” death (2nd law of mother nature) and people die because of gene death which is caused by sin (the 1st laws of human nature). Now, I do think we could “debug” our DNA to extend our life to 100’s of years like during Adams time but there are limits to the life span of flesh, just like there are limits in the speed of light. More importantly, living in a human body subject to sin and pain is not the kind of life that Christ died on the cross to give us. Enjoying earthly pleasures and comforts have some satisfaction “for a while” but it’s the “bread of life in Christ” and the “fountains of life in Christ” that give the true pleasure and the joy of eternal life, the life God meant for us to have before sin brought death to the us and the world.
God, the Intelligent Designer of Ordered Systems:
We depend on the ordered system in the world to live. Trees make oxygen for us to live while we in return exhale nitrogen for tree to live. These ordered systems that we see are the product of an Intelligent Designer and the “force” that drives these systems in an orderly way is work of an Intelligent Sustainer. The force of gravity holds us firmly on planet earth and causes the planets to orbit in an optimum pattern which allows life on planet earth to exist. It is clear from what we can see in the Universe that “life” on planet earth is unique to earth and does not exist on others planets. It is as though someone was painting the planets of the cosmos as the canvas to show off His masterpiece … “earth”. And based on what scientist know it is impossible for the conditions of planet earth to appear by chance!
And then on earth, God picks up His brush and paints the beauty of the animal kingdom and the awe of the creatures under the water. Then we see that these creature operate with a purpose and instinct to survive. They exhibit a poetry of movement in motion, yet the don’t write poetry. They don’t seem to have a concern for the fellow creatures, yet they often cooperate and help one another one live. They also kill one another, but not with the intent to wipe out that population of an animal species like they are enemies but only to take from the weaker species what is the least necessary for their survival. We see systems of order operating everywhere and those of the creatures faithfully fulfilling their place in the order. And then there is man.
How does man act without his environment. He takes more than he needs and still wants more. He wipes out the environment for a species so he can claim the environment for his big unnecessary home. He takes from the clean water upstream and pollutes it and kills what is downstream. He sees the system of order all around him but he creates chaos that destroys theses systems. What is wrong with man?
Well you see, man is a thief. He sees the systems of order but by nature he wants to claim them for his own and use them for his own purpose. If he were to study the system to find the purpose of the system, he would find the creator of the system … God. But when he studies the system to use it for his own purpose, as though he knows what is he doing he is asking for trouble. Man at times is like a child hammering away on a shotgun shell to see what is inside … Ka-boom. And now instead of acknowledge the Intelligence that made DNA, most scientist busy themselves hammering away at the DNA and playing games with DNA as though they are going to find new life or eternal life. But, more than likely they will find a big ka-boom of life.
And though we know much more about DNA and the system of life, we still don’t know that causes cells to stop replicating and creating new cells (which causes us to age). And we don’t know what causes cancer cells to go undetected by our immune system which is designed to destroy “rogue” cells like cancer? And Why do we need to make new antibiotic that can kill new resistant types of Bacteria cells? Why do these bad things happen to our cell and kill us?
The answer is sin. Sin is the reason for death and sin is the reason we cannot overcome death. Sin is like the “speed limit of life”, you can’t escape it. Matter can’t go faster than the “speed of light” and living matter can’t live forever because of sin, which puts on the brakes to the speed of life. DNA is has much more to reveal to us but we will not be able to alter DNA beyond the limits of it’s design. We can’t make something live forever because the physical environment is dying and with it the living things in it. This is why we need “eternal” life from God. We need something “outside” the Physical Realm to give us life beyond the limits of the Physical Ream. Our Soul Realm is designed to live forever but where our soul lives for all eternity will be decided by us. Do you want to live eternally separated from God in solitary confinement in the Lake of Fire do we want to be reconciled with God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and live the life God designed for you?
There is an intelligence displayed in the design of life and there is a power and intelligence that orchestrates/sustains this design. And this power and intelligence is God! Furthermore, a similar system of order and wonder is found in the ecological systems of earth and a system of order is found in the cosmos which controls the orbit of the planets and stars. Even the smallest system, that of the atomic particles, have order that can be mapped out as “elements” in a Periodic Table. God is the unifying force that holds the protons and electrons together inside the atom and God is the gravitational force that holds the planets in orbit. God is the designer of the systems that regulate planet earth and God is the “Interface” that works the processes of life. Everything that exists and even what we can’t see is the work of an amazing Intelligence that is called … God!
The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of His hands. – Psalm 19:1
The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it. – Psalm 24:1
Look, if you insist on sticking to your evolutionary theory that things improve on their own over time, try sitting on your the couch and see how long it takes before a system “on it’s own” by chance develops to feed and care for you. Good luck with that! Yes, there is “micro-evolution” where the DNA mutates or changes over time “within a species” to adapt to it’s environment (the survival of the fittest passes on it’s DNA to the next generation). But there is no logical means or archaeological evidence to support “macro-evolution” where DNA information is added “by chance” to one species to make a new species. It just doesn’t happen and can not happen, by chance. Species are not able to mix and build upon DNA to make new species because this is a limitation that is put in place by God. This is similar to the speed limit of the Universe that we call “the speed of light“. This is a physically limit that God made that is impossible to overcome. A cat cannot mate with a dog and make a “dat” or a “cog”. And the we can’t get in a supped up Delorean sports car and travel “back to the future”. This is God’s order and limitation for life that cannot be broken. However, this is not to say that the “intelligence” of man or a fallen angels cannot modify/add to DNA in one species to make a strange hybrid species … but this is discussion for another time .. can you say Nephilim.
Another logical conclusion is that God established all DNA before the foundation of the world. God planned for all creation in His mind before the foundation of the world, before “He spoke” these thing into existence and then He rested. God is the power and guiding force behind DNA cell division and life itself. Another logical conclusion is that since living beings consist of “three parts”, body, soul and Spirit, God assigns a “soul” DNA that corresponds to the physical DNA. A dog’s DNA gets a dog soul from God and a man’s DNA gets a man soul from God (which is unfortunately is fallen in sin). And perhaps the greatest mystery is found in “Spiritual DNA” where a person can acquire “eternal life in Jesus Christ“. And though animals have spiritual awareness and “instinct”, they do not have “freewill” like a human beings because only human beings are created in the image of God. But a person who “chooses” to be “born again” in Jesus Christ will one day have a Spiritual body, a new resurrected body, made of DNA that is not subject to death and our soul will be subject to sin. In our resurrected body we will be able to enjoy the Physical Realm of a new earth and the Spiritual Realm of Heaven. Oh boy!
In summary, the building blocks of DNA (the rungs on the ladder) are arranged in a complex and specific way that is too complex to have occurred by chance. The logistics of putting together the building blocks of life must have been arranged by an Intelligent Designer to convey an Intelligent Design for an Intelligent purpose. As Steven Meyers states it in the title of his book “The Signature of God“, DNA represents God’s signature of intelligence and purpose. God’s signature is everywhere over His creation and His greatest creation is you! You have “worth” because you are created by a worthy and awesome God for a worthy and awesome purpose, with an eternal life that does not end. Quite frankly, without an Intelligent Designer to be in awe of and learn from, what is the purpose of life? Is the purpose of life to be like an Atheist, who is in awe of his “own” intelligence and then dies eternally in awe of his own stupidity? Look, there isn’t a stupid DNA gene, so please if you haven’t done so yet, get over yourself and get right with God!
– Rogersings
Specified Complexity is a compilation of ordered information that communicates form and function. When found it implies there was an Intelligent Designer who put the information in that order.
Irreducible Complexity is set of arranged components that must all simultaneously exist together in order to form a working system. When found it implies there was an Intelligent Designer of that system.
What is DNA and how does is works (a very simple overview)?
DNA replication animation
Mitosis vs Meiosis
Dominant vs Recessive Traits
Gene Expression and Regulation – the Transcription Factors (proteins) that inhibit or allow DNA Transcription to occur
DNA Transcription and Translation
How Cells become specialized (organs, skin, bones … ) from beginning as embryonic stem cells in the womb:
The proof that the complicity of DNA proves Intelligence
A fascinating study of the DNA and God’s presence in man
According to Dr. Purdom, comparing mutation rates between human Mitochondrial DNA has proved that we all descend from one human woman “Eve” and the human race is 6.000 years old. What? … Science proves God is right again. Well, praise the Lord. the creator of All!
The wonder of human life from conception to birth:
A fascinating study of the Hebrew language. God “spoke” everything into existence using the Hebrew language, LOGOS. In the beginning was the word and the word was God.