After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:17
Death does not end life but reveals where you will live next. – Pastor Clay Olsen
Warning! This is one of the longest and most information packed article I have written. I hope you find the endurance to read it to the end … I have worked in the computer/information field for 40+ years (from mainframes to mayhem) … I started writing and just couldn’t stop.
Man’s Cloud Computing:
In the computer world “cloud computing” means that my data is stored somewhere on a computer sever that is connected to the Internet and the processes that I use to access and manipulate my data are also done somewhere on a computer server. What kind of computer server and where it is located, I have no idea and frankly I don’t care as long as I can access my data when I want it. I am trusting the “technology” of the day to allow me to safely and securely access my data over the internet and I am trusting the owner of the server where my data resides (such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft or Apple) to keep my data online, secure and accurate. And the internet itself is really a network of routers and switches and servers that route packets of my information over copper wire, fiber optics, through the air from cell tower to tower, even bouncing packets of data off of satellites in space, according to the rules of the TCP/IP protocol, just so I can read my email or post my pictures on Facebook. Who owns all this communications infrastructure and manages all theses connections on the Internet? Once again, I don’t know and I don’t care. It is no wonder that the name “cloud computing” has been applied to the way information is managed today, because it does appear that it is done by magic and mirrors. Someone once told me “the magic never fails but sometimes the mirrors get dirty and need to be cleaned.”
In man’s cloud computing, we share the details of our life with others on Facebook, we watch the crazy videos on YouTube, listen to our favorite music, irritate people with out opinion, order merchandise, coordinate events through email and text, pay bills and maybe even learn something useful by searching Google. And we do it all from the convenience of our easy chair. For young people the social medium of man’s cloud computing is serious business. Hurtful words posted on Social Media can be devastating to a young person and can even cause them to commit suicide. And the “likes” that are given in response to a picture or post, build a sense of worth and pride in a person. And even though the people communicating this way could be thousands of miles away and insincere in their comments, the impact is stronger than if the comment was made face to face. This is because the effects of saying something over man’s cloud computing is like posting the comment on the “Jumbotron” monitor during the Superbowl, where it is broadcast to the world.
Yes, man is very trusting and dependent on the Technological Tower of Babel that we have created. Today, the world’s finances, news, entertainment, social footprint and even our military might is dependent on the technology of computers and the technology of the interfaces that tie these computers together. To a certain extend we have put all our eggs in the basket of technology, yet we are somewhat naive about this basket and unconcerned about who is holding this basket and what would happen if the basket was destroyed by natural disaster or if the basket fell into the hands of someone who is not friendly towards me but that person or agency was interested in using my data to get what they want or destroy me. This is the scary plot of many science fiction books where the government uses my information to control me or sabotage my identity, however this is the reality of the New World Order when people will take the mark of the Beast and identify with Satan so they can buy and sell during the seven year tribulation period. I am not certain that the technology of today will be used to control commerce during the tribulation because the Antichrist may use spiritual power from Satan to identify those who take his mark.
Even all the information on this “die2live” web site is stored somewhere on a sever connected to the cloud but I have no idea where the server is located. I have never met the person who manages the server but praise the Lord, he offers free web hosting for Christian based ministries. Many of my thoughts and the way I view the world are maintained by the Technology of “cloud” computing. If you read what I post here, you can even say that you know something about me. You may say we share a common understanding of God and the world or you may say I make no sense to you at all. But in a limited way, we have connected with one another though we may have never met face to face. However, God is not limited in knowing only what I have jotted down on a web page. He knows my every thought and He knows my every motive for what I think and what I do, whether or not I am sorry for getting caught or I am sorry for what I’ve done. God knows whether I have accepted His Son Jesus Christ as Lord of my life or whether He will say on Judgment day, “I never knew you”. (Matthew 7:23)
God’s Cloud Computing:
God’s cloud computing is not dependent on man’s technology with electrical digital impulses of “0’s” and “1’s” but it is dependent on God’s POWER that created all things and holds all things together. A person’s “conscience” thoughts are the “stuff” that define who that person is and our thoughts are held together by God in the Soul realm of God’s cloud computing, just like our body is held together by God in the Physical realm. Descarte said “I think therefore, I am” and this is true. Our true self is not our body which is shrinking and dying but our self is “our mind”, our soul, which doesn’t die but grows in knowledge and memory of experiences. A person’s soul has a beginning of existence but does not have an end of existence. God creates a person’s soul and puts the soul inside a person’s body when the body is in the womb. I don’t exactly when the soul is put in the body but probably at conception. From a single cell, to a baby, to a child and to an adult, the mind grows in knowledge and experience as the body grows in statue. Eventually, the mind of a person grows in knowledge to the point where they know they are responsible and accountable to God for their thoughts and actions. We will discuss the topic of being accountable to God for your sin later in this article.
The body of a person exists in the Physical realm of God’s cloud computing. A person is not defined by their body but a person is defined by their “mind”, the Soul, that operates their body. A brain doesn’t do the thinking for us but it is a like a computer device that takes in input from our senses and then our “soul” analyzes the input and applies reasoning to figure out what to do with the input. And the responses from our body are the result of our free will “choices” which shape and impact our life and the world around us. In computer terms, our body is like the monitor screen of a computer, which displays the output from our mind. In most cases, what is displayed on the monitor (good behavior and bad behavior) is a result of what is projected from the mind, however in some cases a fault monitor (a physically disabled brain) can result in chaotic behavior. In other words, we are responsible and accountable to God for our behavior unless we are physically disabled, such as a coma, down syndrome and other physical disabilities. There is an important and critical distinction between physical mental disabilities and what is called “mental illness” today. I am planning to write and article to explain the miladies of the sin sick mind and refute the false teaching of psychiatry.
Our mind gets plenty of input from the senses of our body and it also receives input from the Spiritual realm (both from God and from Satan). Our soul is inside our body and we have a “Spiritual” center (our heart) that is inside of our soul. Picture yourself like an egg; shell (body), white (soul) and yoke (spirit). Actually, we are more like “eggheads” … making stupid decisions and mistakes. We are designed by God for our Spiritual center to influence and direct the choices of our mind (soul) which operates our body. And originally, man’s Spirit center was “partially filled or slowly being filled with God’s Spirit” as Adam and Eve walked with the Lord in the garden of Eden and they were growing in the grace and understanding of God. However, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God (sinned) by eating of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, God gave them the knowledge of good and evil but He vacated their Spiritual center so they didn’t have the wisdom and power to always choose correctly.
Adam and Eve were tempted by Satan in the garden to believe that God was withholding something good from them in the forbidden fruit but God was not with holding anything good from them, God was patiently and lovingly growing them in the knowledge of good and evil. God was sanctifying Adam and Eve in His what it means to be holy, like God. In cooperation with God, Adam and Eve were being transformed into the image of His Son, Jesus Christ. They were slowly gaining the knowledge of good and evil and they were learning why you should always choose good. They were learning to trust God, they were becoming “wise” (Luke 2:52). The “tree of life” (Genesis 2:9) in the garden represented Christ, as they walked with Christ they were allowed to eat of this tree. After Adam and Eve sinned God prevented them from eating from the tree of life, least they eat of it and remain trapped in a mortal body, unable to receive a resurrected body.
As a result of Adam and Eve’s sin, we are born with a Spiritual center that is empty and disconnected from God’s Spirit. In other words we are born with a “self indulgent nature” sin, a nature that is centered on self and disconnected from God. And we are born with a body that is physically dying. We therefore need to be Spiritually born again, reconnected to God and filled with the Holy Spirit in order to “resume” the sanctification process that God originally predestined for all man. The restlessness and craving of our soul to find it’s worth and purpose and to be loved, calmed and assured of eternal life is found in repentance from sin (self coming down from the throne of a person’s heart) and faith in Jesus Christ (surrendering to Jesus as Lord of your life upon the throne of a person’s heart).
The Soul Realm:
Every person who is born today inherits a soul like Adam’s soul after the fall, a soul with a knowledge of good and evil but with a Spiritual center that is disconnected from God and therefore unable to please God and do His will. God puts our eternal “soul” in the womb of our mother which started us on an everlasting journey to be either redeemed and reconciled with God (eternal life) or remain disconnected and separated from God (eternal death). Our soul is composed of “stuff” that we can not see or touch, yet we know that our existence is as real as the chair we are sitting on. Our soul is the accumulation of our thoughts, our personality, our feeling, our reasoning and our will. God created all living creatures but He created man above all other creatures in that man is created in God’s image. This does not mean we are a god but that we share some of God’s characteristics, such as His moral character, the need to love and be loved, a sense of humor and an intellect for logic, wisdom, learning and creativity. Man is born Spiritually disconnected from God but with he has a hunger to be Spiritually connected and directed by God. Other creatures on earth have instincts that govern their behavior to survive and thrive but man is not driven by instincts. Man is designed to respond to a loving Spiritual relationship with God. What St Augustine said is true,“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” And Jesus said it this way in Matthew 4:4 “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”
Our soul is plugged into the Soul realm of God’s cloud computing so we have a conscience eternal existence but it also resides within our temporary physical body, so we receive input from our senses. When our body dies our soul leaves the Physical ream and lives on in the Spiritual realm. Where within the Spiritual realm, we live after our death is dependent on the decision we make concerning God’s Son, Jesus Christ before our death. If we have asked Jesus to be Lord of our life, then Jesus gives us “eternal”. He come and lives in our heart, our Spiritual center and when our physical body dies, our soul is present with Jesus in Heaven (2 Corinthians 5:8). Note, eternal life in Jesus is not the same as the eternal existence of our soul that is connected to God’s cloud. Eternal life in Jesus means that our soul is “Spiritually” united with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. If a person has rejected the salvation of Jesus Christ, when that person’s body dies his soul and conscientiousness wakes up in Hades. Eventually, that person comes before the White Throne of Judgment for sentencing on the degree of punishment he will eternally suffer in the Lake of Fire!
God created man so that He could live Spiritually within our soul and have fellowship with us but because of Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden, all people inherit the curse of Adam and Eve and we are born sinners, Spiritually disconnected from God, with a knowledge of good and evil but without the Holy Spirit of God to direct us and allow us to please God. Without the Holy Spirit in us to guide us, we naturally tend to choose our Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) and do what seems best to us. We have a God size Spiritual hole in our soul which is sometimes called our “heart”. This is not the physical heart but the Spiritual void in our soul where we long for Jesus to live.
The Physical Realm:
As you can see we don’t understand what our soul is made of or how God holds our thoughts together in the Soul realm. And we don’t understand how God’s Spirit is able to save our soul and grant us eternal life with Him in the Spiritual realm but what about our body, surely we can explain it. And scientist have been trying for a long time to break down and figure out the “stuff” this world is made of. When man invented a microscope he could see the way different elements on earth where made up of a combination of protons and neutrons and electrons, which is known as their atomic number on a Periodic table. The force that protons and neutrons and electrons in order to define an atom is called an atomic force and it is very strong. Water, is one oxygen atom bonded to two hydrogen atoms, H2O. When atoms are bonded together, (H2, O2, H2O etc.) the structure is called a molecule, which are the building blocks of matter, such as our body.
Note, the human body is made up of 65% water, which is why water is critical for life. OK, water is made of molecules and molecules are made up of atoms and atoms are made of proton and neutrons but what are protons and neutrons made of? Of course, make a giant particle accelerator or Collider and propel these particles at near the speed of light and smash them together and you get quarks that are held together by gluons, which are even smaller building blocks of matter. And not only that but the more you try to observe and break down the particles the more elusive they become, changing into wave form like light, disappearing and then showing up again as a particle in unpredictable places, creating a field of study called “Quantum Physics”.
And another amazing thing that happens when you smash atoms or destroy their particles is that a huge amount of “energy” is dispersed in a system (can you say kaboom) as matter is converted into energy by the formula E = mc2, Energy = mass times the speed of light squared. This principle is known as the conservation of mass and energy and the first law of thermodynamics. The first law states that Energy and matter can not be created or destroyed but energy can be transformed into matter and matter can be transformed into energy … lots of energy. This is the energy conversion that occurs in a Nuclear Fission reactor. In the case of a fission reaction, the neutrons in the nuclei of uranium-235 naturally “break apart” slam into other nuclei, causing them to also break apart and form a new element, plutonium-239, which releases a large amount of energy. The energy is used to heat water, make steam, move turbines that make electricity. Also water is used to cool the reaction core so it doesn’t go critical and become an Atomic bomb! In the case of a “fusion” reaction, like the Hydrogen bomb, neutrons of Hydrogen are forced to collide under extreme conditions, like a nuclear explosion, and the neutrons “combine” creating another element with less nuclei mass, resulting in mass of the neutron being converted into a massive amount of energy. This is the process that occurs on the surface of the Sun, which gives planet Earth light (energy in the form of electromagnetic radiation).
I hope I haven’t lost you because energy (light) is constantly dispersing throughout the cosmos and the matter in the cosmos (planets) absorbs the light energy and “heat” up. However, as energy spreads out in a system, it slowly kills the system as the surrounding matter absorbs the energy until all matter is at same heat level and energy level and no more dispersion of energy can take place. This phenomenon is known as the second law of thermodynamics, which says that as energy disperses it increase entropy (heat) until energy can no longer be dispersed and the system dies. It is the second law of thermodynamics that makes it impossible to build a perpetual motion machine, since the moving parts of the machine produce friction, heat, entropy and eventually stop. The dispersing of energy in a system (increasing entropy) is what causes mountains to erode, and cars to rust and cold beer to go from frosty cold to lukewarm and flat. (http://entropysite.oxy.edu/wiki_secondlaw.html) It is the natural tendency of the physical world for things to go from order to disorder. It takes “intelligence that can follow logical steps of design” and “effort” to make things go from disorder to order, like building a house or coaching a football team. Everybody appreciates the intelligence and effort it takes to construct a grand building or coach a winning football team. And this is why “The Heavens declare the glory of God” because the awesome creation of the cosmos reveals the awesome Intelligent Designer who created it.
However, given enough time, entropy will eventually cause the Sun to burn out and the planets to spiral into a collision with the Sun, as the cosmos and everything in the cosmos goes from order to disorder (increasing entropy) and then to death*. And no matter how great a structure man builds on earth, it too, like sand castles on the shore will eventually fall to the law of entropy and death. It is the sin of man that caused not only man’s own body to start dying but for all of creation to start dying. Sin caused entropy to occur in the cosmos, a slow and steady heat death. Sin caused animals to turn on one another and kill one another for food, sin causes plants to die, weeds to grow, mosquitoes to bite and the batteries in my remote control to die.
(*Note, as discussed before, the cosmos is really not a “closed” system. The Spiritual realm sustains and impacts the physical realm of the cosmos. The cosmos operates under physical laws that give it the appearance of a closed system and a slow death – just like our body dies a slow death after we take our first breath. But the God who has not destined his born again children for death, also has not destined the cosmos for a slow “heat” death. God has destined Earth and the cosmos for a regeneration by a rapid “fire” birth. The new eternal Earth will not suffer the effects of Entropy since it will never die.)
Wow, what could be more fascinating than the building blocks of matter, well how about the building blocks of life, DNA, it is even more amazing. In computer terms it is estimated that there are 1.5 billion bytes of information contained in each DNA stand that is inside each cell. With approximately,100 trillion cells in the body that comes to 150 Zetta bytes of information, or 10 to the 21 power (click here to read about the human genome). And though we are able to map some of the DNA to see which organs of the body they correspond too and we can even detect defects in the DNA that warn us of problems in the body, we don’t understand what drives the DNA to create the organs of the body in the correct sequence and then stop when the organ is fully developed. And we don’t know how the DNA makes the complex microcosm of machinery like a manufacturing systems inside a cell (click here to read more about what’s inside a cell). Our body is truly amazing, no wonder the Palmist claims “we are fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). However, it is most disturbing and frustrating work if you are a scientist trying to explain creation but you insist on not acknowledging a Creator, no matter how much evidence proves His existence.
So matter is made up of stuff that we don’t fully understand or control and held together by a power we don’t fully understand or control. And our body is built by information in DNA that we don’t fully understand or control. Therefore, why should it surprise us that our soul is created in a way that we don’t fully understand or control and our thoughts are held together by a power we don’t understand or control? Of course we can understand some things about God if we receive His Holy Spirit through eternal life in Christ Jesus. We can then read God’s word and understand His holy character and understand that God is trying to redeem us and make us holy as He is holy. Understanding everything and sustaining everything is God’s job, not man’s.
Colossians 1:17 He (Christ) is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.
Christ is the power that holds all things together! Praise the Lord, He has authority over all things (Psalm 24:1). If you want to enjoy eternal life then you must acknowledge and give Christ authority to rule and reign over your life. You must step down from the throne of your life and stop trusting your own reasoning (repent) and believe that Jesus Christ is able to grant you eternal life and put His Holy Spirit in you so you can trust God to guide your reasoning. And though we don’t understand how Christ’s power of eternal life works we can trust that it works, just like we trust Christ’s power of gravity to hold our feet to the ground. It is the Spiritual power in Christ that overcomes the world. It is the power of His word (John 1:1-4) that created all things in the beginning. Jesus said that He is able to free us from the penalty of sin and give us eternal life (John 14:6). Jesus said He is able to dwell in and give us power to do works like Him that are pleasing to God (John 14:12-31. Jesus proved He was the Son of God and that He could do what He said by living a perfect life (1 Peter 2:22) and giving His life as a perfect sacrifice for sin on the cross (1 Peter 2:24) and rising from the grave on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3-7). And if you have accepted eternal life in Jesus Christ then you will one day be free from the presence of sin which occurs after the body physically dies and we are in His presence (2 Corinthians 5:8). And the saving grace that gives eternal life puts God’s Holy Spirit inside your soul (1 Corinthians 3:16), so you are forever connected to the Lord (Romans 8:37-39). Halleluiah!
If you are interested in knowing how “math and numbers” from the mind of God are reflected in creation watch this video by Dr. Jason Lisle on the Secret Code of Creation found in Fractals.
This is Dr Jason Lisle web site from the Institute for Creation Research: http://www.icr.org/jason_lisle/
This video is great and even better at the end when he answers tough questions about the age of the Universe and the speed of light. Like you said, the gist of what Lisle is saying it that the Universe is an awesome place of mathematically order and precision, as such would be the case if it were created by an Intelligent Designer. I have seen something before about Fractals in nature but this video did a much better job of linking everything back to the mind of God. Although, like you, I’m not sure I can explain how Fractal numbers prove God exists.
Numbers are abstract, non-tangible things, like thoughts. Numbers don’t physically exist but they exist to represent the concept of quantity. Lisle says that the concept of quantity and numbers didn’t evolve with creation but existed before creation and define creation. The laws of math stem from the mind of God. Math is how God put quantity and order into the Cosmos. The laws of math always work and do not change … in this way “math” is like God. The physical world obeys the laws of math that come from the mind of God.
So did God put order into the cosmos as a Creationist believe since it makes the most reasonable sense or does the cosmos represent an astonishing sense of order that is statistically impossible to achieve by chance and time, yet this is what the Atheist believes is true. It seems to me that we are back to the chicken and the egg argument … which came first? With the Atheist he clings to the hope that a cosmos created itself by “chance” and evolved over time into an egg and one day it will evolve and save his soul. While the Creationist believes, as Eisenstein stated, that “God does not play dice with the Universe” but God created the cosmos with purpose and for a purpose and we are answerable to God for His purpose. In the case of God, the Intelligent Designer … the chicken came first.
God created everything fully complete, in six days, as he did with Adam. The argument by Lisle may make sense to a mathematician and it may lead that person to Christ but I think it is over the heads of most people, including me. The primary purpose of the study of Apologetic is to affirm and sturdy the faith of the believer so they can give a response to the gospel if asked. I did enjoy the video and perhaps I will get a chance to use it in evangelism. But as Abraham told the rich man who suffered in hell “if they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’”
To me the real issue is why do we wonder at all? Why do we try to figure out why we are here? Why do we search for an answer to our existence? Where do our thoughts come from? How does a thought “evolve” from nature if there is such a theory by Atheists? How are our thoughts held together and “Who” holds them together? If if doesn’t make any difference what we think and there is no God why does everyone want their opinion to be heard and validated by others? Who can read the mind of man and reach the mind of man and give him rest from his weary search?
And what does man really want but to be loved and have significance for his being. This of course can only be found in God, his creator, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.
The Spiritual Ream:
Therefore, within the cloud of God there is the physical realm where our body resides, the soul ream where our thoughts reside and the Spiritualist realm where unseen things reside. Within the Spiritual realm there is Heaven where the throne of God resides and where Jesus sits on the throne of God and where the two Cherubim cover the throne (just as two Cherubim cover the mercy seat in the temple of God on earth). There are also other Cherubim, Seraphim and the Holy Angels in Heaven and we, as born again children of God, will one day reside in Heaven (the new Jerusalem). Also existing within the Spiritual realm are the powers of Spiritual darkness from Satan, the fallen Angels and Demons.
The Spiritual realm is more real than the physical realm and the soul realm, since it existed before earth was created in the physical realm and before the soul man was created in the soul realm. The Spiritual realm is where Christ abides and holds together the physical and soul realm. The Spiritual realm is where Christ hears our prayers and intercedes for man to God and where God acts on our behalf in the physical, soul and Spiritual realm. When you are Spiritually born again in Jesus Christ, your soul is sealed by the Holy Spirit, which allows you to communicate with God and be protected from the powers of Spiritual darkness. Believers have the privilege of being able to reach God in the Spiritual realm by prayer because God’s Spirit is living in the believer. Therefore, our prayers impact the Spiritual realm, where God impacts the physical and soul realm on our behalf by performing “miracles” and building the Kingdom of Heaven.
However, if you an unbeliever, it is foolish and dangerous to open your mind to yoga meditation, tarot cards or weegie boards (along with a long list of divination methods) because these mediums and methods invite Demons and powers from Spiritual darkness to enter into your life and/or influence your life, keeping you a slave to sin and advancing Satan’s kingdom of earth. I am not going to discuss in detail at this time the Spiritual warfare that is going on for your soul but Satan knows that his fate is sealed and his time is short, so he is working overtime to deceive people and keep the souls of men busy with business in the world so they don’t think about “why am I here“ and listen for the still small voice of God calling them into a loving relationship. “Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7
We know that our soul exists within our body while we are alive but where does our soul go after our body is dead? In the Old Testament, before Christ rose from the dead, a soul went to Sheol, Hades, which is also called “the grave”. The grave is part of the Spiritual realm. It has two sides “paradise” and “Gehenna hell”, with a bottomless pit, the abyss, that separates them. Jesus described the place in Luke 16:19-31. The is not a parable but a real story of an existence after death. The soul of Lazarus was resting his head on Abraham’s bosom on the paradise side but the rich man was alone in agony on the hell side. Those who live on the side of paradise believed in Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior (the Jesus who had yet to come to the cross). Like believers today, they are “Spiritually” connected to God and enjoy the goodness of the Spirit realm after death. The rich man was not saved from his sin and as a result unbelievers suffer the consequences of Spiritual separation from God after death. They continue to exist in the Spiritual realm but it is an existence of torment.
The rich man begs Abraham to send Lazarus to him with just a drop of water to cool his tongue from the flame. We know since Jesus is telling the story, that He has not gone to the cross or rose from the dead, so no one has yet received a resurrected body, yet those in Sheol have the appearance to one another of a body. And those on the side of “Paradise” are resting in comfort while those on the side of “Hell” are tormented with pain. The soul still retains the memories of earth and it is interesting that the rich man does not ask to be saved from hell but to experience less suffering, including the suffering of knowing that his family will probably follow his example and end of up in hell too. The point here is that unbelievers at the White Throne of Judgement will receive degrees of punishment in the Lake of Fire based on the degree of their sin on Earth and those who lead others to follow a life of sin will be judged and receive greater punishment than unbeliever who followed the leader. The request by the rich man to “keep his family out of hell” is actually selfish request to avoid less suffering on himself, since it knows it is responsible for setting a bad example for his family. We know from the scripture that there is no chance to be saved after death and those in hell do not desire to be saved from hell but only to suffer less. (Hebrews 9:27)
Although most people doubt the existence of the Spiritual realm and the torment of hell that awaits their unsaved soul, the Demons know that their soul is destined for suffering and that is why they pleaded with Jesus to be cast into the herd of pigs, rather than to be cast into the abyss or bottomless pit (Luke 8:30-31). Of course, you may be asking, who are these Demons? Are they the same as the fallen Angels? How are they able to enter into a person and control a person? And what kind of war is being fought in the Spiritual realm for the souls of men? And how does prayer to God impact the physical and soul realm? Well, these are good questions and I am doing some research on the unseen Spiritual world and plan to write an article on the Spiritual Realm. Spoiler alert, I do believe the Demons are the disembodied soul and spirit of the Nephilim, the offspring of the union of fallen Angles (sons of God) and daughters of men that died in the flood (Genesis 6:4).
My point is that our soul (our conscience thoughts) exist eternally and when our body dies our soul lives on in the Spiritual realm. If we have given Jesus authority over our soul, then we have “eternal life” in Jesus and after our body dies our soul lives with Jesus in the Spiritual realm. Note, when Jesus rose from the dead He took all the believers in Paradise to Heaven with Him (Ephesians 4:8) and gave them a resurrected body (the first fruits of the resurrection of the dead). After that resurrection, God closed paradise and began the Church age and now when a believer physically dies, he goes to to Heaven to be with the Lord in a soul body that “rests or sleeps” and has limited movement in the Spiritual realm. One day soon Christ is going to appear in the air for His bride the Church and “rapture” believers alive on earth to Heaven and those believers “resting” in heaven will join Christ in the air and we all will be given a “resurrected” body (1 John 3:2, 1 Corinthians 15:51–52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). Though I don’t know this for sure, I think our resurrected body will be able to traverse between the Spiritual realm (Heaven) and the Physical realm (Earth), like the holy Angels are able to do now. However, if you do not have eternal life in Jesus then after your body dies, you experience the second death, your soul eternally dies, as it waits in Hell until the end of the Millennium Age and then it is thrown into the lake of fire, along with the fallen angels, demons and Satan (Rev 20:11-15).
In Summary:
I admit, I don’t understand how God created everything out of nothing (and neither does anyone else) or how He holds everything together (and neither does anyone else) but the evidence is overwhelming that an Intelligent Designer created the cosmos and created life and created it with order but something has caused this order to fail and cause the cosmos and life to die. This something is “sin”. You can admire the beauty of the world and try to preserve it but it will not stop the death agent that is killing you and the world. The only hope to overcome death is to receive the eternal life that is found in Jesus Christ and one day walk with Jesus Christ in the new heaven and new earth, one that is free from sin. I don’t know how Jesus is able to give people eternal life anymore than I know how God gave me an eternal existence (a soul). But I know His life has saved me from my sin and He lives in me because of the joy and tears I cry when I read His word. I can’t explain why God’s grace made a way to save a wretch like me but Praise the Lord He did! I am no longing looking in the world for my hope but I am clinging to the blessed Hope for my salvation. I am clinging to victory over death that Christ won for me on the old rugged cross. I am standing on the Rock of Ages and waiting for Jesus to take me home.
Essentially, I can’t explain why I think about anything at all and why I try to make sense of things. And this to me is the most basic argument against evolution and atheism … “where do our conscientious thoughts come from”? Isn’t it ironic that the atheist uses his intelligent mind that God gives him to deny the existence of his Intelligent Designer. Jesus told us the greatest commandment was to love God with all our heart, soul and mind (Matthew 22:37) or heart, soul and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5). But the atheist uses all his heart, soul and strength to deny God and in doing so he is denying his very existence. For it is God who created man with a soul that is able to think and reason and know that he is a created being and God alone has authority over his life. Sure, we can’t understand everything about God but we can understand that something is seriously wrong here on planet earth because we are dying and planet earth is dying. And God has given us enough sense to realize that the solution is not a New World Order on earth ruled by men who are dying and a world that is dying but the solution is a new “born again” life in Jesus Christ and an eternal life with Jesus ruling and reigning over the new Heaven and new Earth!
And thank God for the gift of salvation in Jesus Christ where we can be Spiritually “born again” and God the Holy Spirit can live in our heart and we can communicate with God and know His word and know His will. For God is Spirit and His word is truth and those who worship God must worship Him in Spirit and Truth. For unless we are born of the Spirit of God we cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Just as Jesus answered Nicodemus in John 3:5-6 “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.” And the water in the passage is not referring to a water baptism, for the sinner on the cross was saved when He believed in Jesus and he died on that cross without a water baptism (Luke 23:43). But the “water” in this passage is referring to a baptism of “repentance” like John provided when he cleansed people from sin by dunking them under water. Those who came to John were turning from sin and a desire for a life free from sin. And this is the kind of life that Jesus provides a believer when he is “born again”. At Salvation the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside the heart of the believer. In other worlds the “water” is the repentance that the sinner demonstrates when he turns from sin and the “spirit” is new life the believer acquires when he turns toward Jesus. Both the action of “turning from sin” and “turning toward a new life in Christ” occur at the same time when a person is saved. Before Salvation you are “in the darkness of your sinful self reasoning” lost and headed toward the darkness of death of you own imagination, when you choose to be saved you repent of your self reason and put your trust in Jesus, for Him to be Lord over your motives and your reasoning.
Salvation is not a two step process but a “one step process of faith” that has two actions that are happening at the same time. That is why you can not say with a clear conscience that sin is to be acceptable in your body, once you have confessed Christ as Lord of your life (James 1:8). People that claim to be saved and at the same time promote a lifestyle of sin are either not really saved or not “at peace” with Jesus.
For the believer, even though his body dies, his soul is alive in Christ and always with Christ. And one day a believer will get a new resurrected body and reign and rule with Christ forever. As you can see, every soul exists eternally in God’s cloud but only a born again soul has eternal life that can Spiritually communicate with God and will one day walk before God in the Kingdom of Heaven and walk with Christ in the Millennium earth and walk in the new Jerusalem and walk on a new everlasting earth.
Yes, I am a computer programmer and that is why this idea of God’s cloud computing makes sense to me. Before I started writing on this blog site, I was writing a book titled “From Mainframes to Mayhem”. Many of the thoughts I written here in this article came from that book. The premise of the book is that God is the mainframe and we must communicate with Him and follow His instructions in order to avoid the mayhem when everybody does what is right in their own eyes.
On the other hand, if you reject Jesus and do not ask for His eternal life while you are alive on earth, then at our death you will be cast into Hell, without Jesus and eventually you will be cast into the Lake of Fire with Satan and the fallen angles to be tormented eternally. I think those who reject Jesus will not only be eternally Spiritually separated from God but I think they will be separated from one another, existing in an eternal cell of solitude with nothing but their own thoughts and the sound of their tormented cries. They will still be connected to God’s cloud which gives them existence but they will be unable to communicate with God and to others over the cloud. Our thoughts are eternal but without anyone to share them with or comfort our fears, it will be an existence that Jesus described as an outer darkness of weeping and gnashing of teeth. (Matthew 25:30)
In summary, (1) it is not unfair that God should judge our thoughts because we are without excuse for denying that there is a God because the awesomeness of God is revealed by the greatness of His creation that surrounds us, from the vastness of the cosmos to the vastness of the information contained in DNA. We are without excuse for failing to recognize that our intelligence comes from an Intelligent Designer and we dependent on His grace and power to sustains us. (2) And our sin and rebellious nature is revealed to us by the way we rationalize our bad behavior and claim that life is unfair to us while we are unfair to those around us. (3) And God’s word is revealed to us when God’s Holy Spirit convicts us of His truth and woos us to repent of our rebellious nature and receive His love, yet we ignore and run from the truth of God. (4) And finally the promise of a resurrected life is revealed to us by God’s Son, Jesus Christ, who lived a perfect life, died for sin in our place and rose from the grave so we can believe in Jesus and have eternal life in Him. So for all those who hear the gospel of Jesus Christ but ignore it, in addition to being without excuse for rejecting God on three counts, they are also without excuse for rejecting so great a salvation in Christ Jesus!
Do not be deceived, though man has thrived and prospered during the Industrial Age where machines have replaced and freed man from performing many menial and dangerous tasks, machines can not give man eternal life. And though some people believe the Technology of the Information Age will one day free man from having to work for a living, giving him complete freedom to follow his imagination … this kind of existence, where you follow your sin sick heart and pursue your dreams of self actualization is not the highest and best for man. Though Technology many be able to provide for our physical needs and stimulate our mind, it can never provide for our “Spiritual” need, the love of God that is found in Christ Jesus. Man has no way to gain eternal life accept by grace though faith, believing in the finished work of Jesus. Any other way man tries to fill the God size hole is his heart is vanity, a striving after the wind. It ends in both physical death and Spiritual death, a soul eternally separated from God and lost and captive to the confusion of his own thoughts. “The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it?” – Jeremiah 17:9
So before you do anymore cloud computing in this world, first get Spiritually connected to God, by grace though faith in His Son Jesus Christ be Spiritually born again into the family of God. God’s deepest desire is that we know His love and come to know Him as His born again child. This is the age of God’s grace, a time when God is preparing His bride, the church, for holy matrimony with Jesus in Heaven. If you are not a born again child of God, Jesus is calling you to come to the marriage supper of the lamb. Today is the day of salvation, today is the day to become the person God created you to be in Christ Jesus. Turn from self and ask Jesus into your heart, to reign over you. Then learn to be the person God created you to be by taking every thought captive to Christ. In Christ we have the abundant life of purpose and meaning, a life of peace, joy and love today and rewards in heaven for an even better life tomorrow. Plus there are no “power” outages, viruses or hard drive failures in God’s cloud computing.
– Rogersings – Click on this Clarence Larkin chart below to see it in high resolution!
Here are other images that may help explain the existence in God’s cloud after death:
Oh to live in realm of God’s Cloud Computing, rather than having a dependence on the computing cloud here on the earth, How can we know where our data is and of it’s integrity? It is of course how you said, I have no idea and frankly I don’t care as long as I can access my data when I want it. We all have to trust the “technology” of the world to provide services rendered, which leave us with little or no satisfaction at all, from a spiritual standpoint, as it doesn’t last forever. Just a passing fancy. The truth though is that we are all dependent on it in some way or another and we trust something that is not trustworthy, nor can it truly ever be here! True it is information and can be useful, meaningful and even fun at times, but now I look forward to join in the realm of God’s cloud computing. This is an article for all! Especially in the days that we live in! Maranatha!