
James 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice.
Have you ever wondered why there is such a divide among people about the best way to govern America? Perhaps you have gotten into a heated argument with a relative or neighbor over political issues or perhaps you have used your right of free speech to protest an issue that you didn’t agree with. Or perhaps you are like the majority of people who just wish everyone would shut up and get along with one another so we can get something done in this country! Yes, it would be nice if this would happen but because we are naturally “selfishly”, it is unrealistic to expect us to get along with one another or figure out what needs to be done unless there are laws of conduct that “force” us to get along with one another and laws of procedure that help us get things done. But now we are really back to the original argument, what are the best laws to govern America?
The topic of what is the best means of government has been the subject of much reflection and debate over the ages, from Plato to Marx, everyone has an opinion and passion about the best way for us to “get along” with one another in peace. And this is what happens when people get elected to office, those in office want to stay in office and they want to leave a “mark” that they were there “helping the people”. Often their mark is a new government entitlement program. It is sometime said jokingly that the closest thing to eternal life on earth is a government “entitlement” program. It is virtually impossible to stop the flow of “free money” once you open the spigot and it is this mentality of “entitlement” that is partially to blame for sinking American with debt and causing our decline as a leading economic nation in the world … but the deep rooted reason that America’s is declining in prosperity is because America is drifted from it’s moral center.
There has always been a divide over how best to govern America, that is why we have a two party system, with the Democrat’s providing welfare for the poor and the Republican providing welfare for the rich. But the divide today is not over issues of how to provide fairness in commerce and fairness in job opportunity but the divide is over moral issues. Today we experiencing a Spiritual undermining of the moral foundation of the American people which is destroying both political parties and destroying America, similar to the undermining that occurred over the issue of slavery in America. The moral issue of whether to allow or eliminate slavery in America divided the 100 year old nation and it was the leading cause of the America civil war. Today “homosexual” behavior is the morally charged issue that is once again threatening to cause a storm of civil war in America. Our Founding Fathers did a good job establishing the structure of our government but they also warned that this structure can only stand upon a solid “moral” foundation of it’s people.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other. – John Adams
And this my friends is why we are in trouble; the moral foundation of the America people is shaking and it’s causing America to fall from it’s greatness.
Righteousness exalts a nation but sin condemns any people. – Proverbs 14:3
Actually, the spirit of division among people today in America is a “judgment from God“, because we have turning away from Him. Either “the divide” will be closed by us turning back to God and uniting under the morality of the Bible or the divide will be closed when the “unmoral” side takes over America and silences the “moral” minority. However, if the unmoral side wins the battle of public opinion, America will fall, just like our founding father predicted, leaving behind a vacuum for a dictator to rule American who will likely be the Antichrist, not Jesus Christ. Another possibility is that there will be another America civil war over the issue of gay marriage and LGBT rights and in many ways we are already experiencing a Civil War in America over the this issue, we just haven’t taken up arms and started killing one another yet. And prophetically I don’t think the conflict will escalate to this level. Most likely, the divide between “Christians who stand on God’s absolute truth about sin” and “the people who believe anything goes” will deepen until suddenly the Church is “raptured to Heaven” and the moral restraining influence of the Holy Spirit withing believers is removed from the earth. Those left behind for the most part will have hardened hearts that accept the reign of the Antichrist and experience the seven years of God’s judgment!
Romans 1: 24Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
26For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error.
28And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29being filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, insolent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
A good example of the moral crisis in America can be seen by the reaction to the recent Orlando massacre. Let me make something clear, this was a hideous crime, that killed 50 gay people in a nightclub, including the Muslim shooter, who killed himself God alone has the right to judge man for sin, not a lone Muslim killing in the name of Allah or any other name. And many Christians have spoken out against this hideous act and shown compassion to the Orlando community. But God has spoken to us in His word and told us that the gay life style is a sin. Homosexual sex, like other sex outside of a marriage between a man and a woman is not the highest and best that God has for man. You would think that this tragedy would make the gay community think about life after death and the need to be saved from their sin. But actually, just the opposite is true, this shooting has caused the gay community to increase their resolve to embrace their sinful lifestyle and “unite” in the love of their sinful sexual behavior.
You see, there is much sympathy expressed by the people in America towards those effected by tragedy, and this is a good loving Christian response. But a trails like this is supposed to produce “Godly sorrow that leads to repentance”, however the gay lifestyle has hardened hearts to the extend that this trail has produced “Godly defiance that is leading to even more hardening of the heart towards sin:. And this hardening of the heart toward sin and this turning away from God is the root of our demise in America. It is and extremely dangerous and deadly development in American and unfortunately many “in name only” ministers of God are telling Americas to quit calling homosexual behavior a sin and just accept this sin and “love one another“. But it’s not loving to lie to a person and let them them die in their sin and it’s not loving to let a nation fall under the judgement of God because it legalizes sin.
In spite of the growing secular humanist trend to proclaim “it’s OK to be gay“, it is not OK and it is dangerous and deadly lifestyle that God does NOT approve of. Christians who stand up for God’s moral truth are not homophobic, but that are trying to share the gospel of Christ’s love for homosexuals and trying to keep them from dying in their sin. Is it loving to let someone die in their sin and spend eternity in the Lake of Fire? No, of course not. The bottom line is that a person can not understand their need for eternal life in Jesus Christ until the realize and recognize their Spiritually dead condition because of their sin. But this is not going to happen when so-called “ministers of God” preach a love for sin instead a repentance from sin. Jesus praised John for preaching a message of repentance and He also reached repentance. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach and say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
Jesus also told us in John 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” Therefore as Christians, we are not to judge people by appearances, claiming we are “better than them” because of our church membership for we are all sinners. Our standing of righteousness is based on our salvation in Christ and His word. Therefore we stand on God’s word and proclaim repentance of sin and salvation from sin by God grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus, forgave the adulterous woman but He also told her to go and sin no more. John 8:10-11 Straightening up, Jesus said to her, “Woman, where are they? Did no one condemn you?” She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “I do not condemn you, either. Go. From now on sin no more.” The carnal church of today likes to focus on the “forgiveness of sin part of Jesus’ message” while failing to mention the “go and sin no more” part of His message.
Essentially unsaved people want believers in Christ to “shut up” about God and sin and they sometimes judge people in the Church, pointing out their sinful behavior. Groucho Marx once said “I will never join an organization that would stoop so low in their standards as to accept me as a member.” And that is what the Church is, a congregation of sinners, but for the grace of God, saved from the penalty of their sin. And this is really where the divide lies, between those who are “repentant of sin” and are thankful to God for forgiving their sin and granting them eternal life “free from sin” and those who are unrepentant of sin and “defiant before God“, they want the world to shut-up and accept their sinful behavior so they can have an eternal existence, separated from the love of God and “loving their sin“.
So even though the world calls preaching God’s word a “Hate Crime” and if I were arrested for the crime of preaching God’s truth, I pray God would give me the grace and courage to continue to preach a repentance from sin, in the way John the Baptist preached (Matthew 3:2) and Paul the Apostle preached (2 Corinthians 7:9) and Jesus the Son of God preached (Matthew 4:17) when they were persecuted. The bottom line is that you can not turn toward God unless you turn away from sin. Repentance from sin is not an extra step that must occur before believing in the forgiveness of sin in Jesus Christ but “repentance from sin” is what accompanies true belief in God for the forgiveness of sin. Repentance from sin is the what accompanied my belief in God and this is the message that God has ordained to save souls. People continue to unite in the love of their own reasoning and embrace their sin but it does not please God or lead men to salvation from sin. Those who preach a love of sin instead of a repentance from sin will have to answer to God for this sin but as for me, I will faithfully serve the Lord preaching God’s truth in love!
Man’s reasoning concerning “what is best” is broken because of sin. Man is born with a self indulgent nature (sin) and therefore he see the world through his lens of selfishness, that naturally chooses what works for him or is best for him. In a way, each person sees a piece of the puzzle but they don’t see the whole picture to know how to fit their piece into the puzzle or how to fit their neighbor’s piece into the puzzle. This is why there is so much disagreement on how to handle things in the world and this is why we need the “revelation from God concerning His awesomeness and His right to rule over our lives”. I think most people would be surprised to discover that God’s idea of the best government for man is a dictatorship with a “perfect” king upon the throne. This is the kind of government we will have when Christ will rule “with a rod of iron” during the Millennium Age and this is the kind of government we will have when Christ rules during the Eternal Age. But during the Eternal Age there will be no need for Christ to rule with a “rod of iron” because He will rule with men and woman who are fully like Him and have His Spirit ruling over their heart.
But since Jesus Christ is not here in the flesh to rule over men and and there is no “perfect” man to rule over men and people need to be ruled over since they are by nature sinful, there needs to be a form of government that rules over men with checks and balances to ensure the men in government don’t overreach their authority. And this is the kind of government our Founding Fathers set up, a republic, of representative government, with three major branches that check and balance one another. Many see that our American government is modeled after the “trinity of God”, with God the Father as the Legislative Branch, establishing the the rules of righteousness, while Christ is the Executive Branch, proclaiming the rules of righteousness and the Holy Spirit is the Judicial Branch, convicting and enforcing the rules of righteousness. Yes, this is a great and powerful government but when it is not meant to replace God in a person’s life. Men are first to look for their need from God, who has promised to provide for us. But when people look to “in Gov we trust” instead of “in God we truth”, this creates an unrealistic expectation that eventually bankrupts a government and causes it’s demise. And this is what is happening in America today!
Let me clear up something about the definition of Liberal and Conservative in the way I am addressing this article. People throw out the terms Liberal and Conservative to divide one another so we can agree to disagree and get nothing done but actually it is virtuous to be “Liberally” in terms of forgiving sin (and helping the needy) and it is virtuous to be “Conservative” in terms of standing up against sin (and defending the needy). The point of this article is to expose the faulty reasoning when a Liberals leans to far to the left, which I call a “Lazy Liberal” or falls way over to the left called a “Lunatic Liberal“. And also to expose the faulty reasoning when a Conservatives leans to far to the right, called “Critical Conservative” or falls way over to the right called a “Controlling Conservative“.
So how do you love a “Lazy Liberal” who wants the government to provide for a person from cradle to grave? You love a lazy liberal by making him work hard for a living. This is how you teach people the cost and value of things, by making them see the effort it takes to make a living, and the increased effort it takes to make a higher standard of living. When someone works hard for a living and they are taxed in order to support someone who refuses to work for a living … well suddenly that person is converted from a Liberal to a Conservative. And the responsibility for each person to work as they are able is backed up by scripture. “If anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either” 2 Thessalonians 3:10. Liberals want to play Robin Hood and take from rich to give to the poor but the real Robin Hood didn’t steal from the rich but reclaimed what was unfairly taken from the hard working people. Robin Hood didn’t redistribute the wealth, he reclaimed their taxes that were unfairly put on the backs of people.
However, in America’s case the tax structure already takes more from the rich than from the poor. The top 20% of wage earners pay 84% of the cost to run the government and 54% of Americas pay no income tax. What the “Lunatic Liberals” want to do is remove the incentive of “profit” for those who work hard and take risks. The Liberals want to put everyone under Government control, where the government decides how much each person gets, irregardless of their effort. This kind of government is called socialism or communism which has been proven many times to be a flawed economic system.
And how about “Critical Conservative” who use their money to persuade law makers to give them an unfair advantage over their competition so the average America businessman can’t compete with them? Personally, I think big oil money companies have stifled the solar energy market so it has not materialized and thrived. What you do to confront a Critical Conservative is to expose their illegal activities and crooked intentions. This is how you teach people the value of doing the right thing by putting them in jail so they can appreciate their freedom to work fairly and ethically. But in the case of big big money, it is hard to bring anyone to justice since they can pay a lawyer and others to cover up their wrong doings. And the “Controlling Conservatives“, are people like the Illuminati and Masons who want to usher in a New World Order where they are in complete control over the finances of the world, where everyone must take the “mark of the Beast” to buy and sell.
As you can see I am an equal opportunity offender. The root of the problem is that both Lazy Liberal and Critical Conservatives have missed the mark concerning what is righteous for a nation. What we need is for each group to take responsibility for their faults instead of pointing out the faults of the other group and using it as an excuse not to change their own behavior.
Unfortunately, this is the gridlock called “America politics” and it is not likely to change, unless grid-locked people repent and turn to God. In reality each person regardless of their political view needs to hear and accept the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If a person rejects Jesus Christ as Lord they will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, regardless of their political affiliation. A Conservative who does not know Jesus as Lord and Savior will burn in the Lake of Fire right next to their Liberal enemy who also rejects Christ. It is sad to consider but both unsaved Liberals and Conservatives will finally find be “united” in the Lake of Fire as they mull over their hatred of God for all eternity.
And Jesus exposed the heart of the rich young “critical conservative” ruler who didn’t want to come to Jesus because he was in love with his money (Mark 10:17-27). And Jesus exposed the motives of the “lazy liberals” who followed Him for a free meal but suddenly vanished when Jesus told them the cost of being His disciple (John 6:26-71). You see, Jesus loves both the critical conservative and the lazy liberal and He wants them to leave their sinful way behind and follow Him. It is Satan’s agenda to keeps us arguing and focused on one another’s faults instead of focused on Christ and being changed into the perfect image of Christ. And this my friends is why there is so much arguing and division in the world, it is because there is a Spiritual battle going on for our very soul and unfortunately Satan is winning the battles. Satan is occupying the hearts and minds of people with hatred toward one another and a love for sin, instead of people repenting from sin and turning to God to have Christ occupy their hearts and minds with His holiness and love for one another.
– Rogersings
A Guide to Basic Differences Between Left and Right from Prager University: http://townhall.com/columnists/dennisprager/2017/01/17/a-guide-to-basic-differences-between-left-and-right-n2271475
Topic | Left | Right |
Source of Human Rights | Government | God |
Human Nature | basically good (Therefore, society is primarily responsible for evil) | not basically good (Therefore, the individual is primarily responsible for evil) |
Economic Goal | equality based on Government Redistribution of weath | prosperity based on individual achievement |
Primary Role of the State | increase and protect equality | increase and protect liberty |
Ideal Government Size | as large as possible | as small as possible |
Family Ideal | any loving unit of people | a married father and mother and childeren |
Guiding Trinity | race, gender and class | liberty, In God we trust and e pluribus unum |
Good and Evil | relative in individual and society | based on universal absolutes |
Humanity’s Primary Division | rich and poor | good and evil |
Primary Identity | world citizen | America citizen |
How to make a Good Society | abolish inequality | develop each citizens moral character |
View of America | profoundly flawed and hostile; inferior to any number of European countries | greatest force for good among nations in world history |
Gender | a social construct | a God given attribute either male or female |
Most Important Trait to Cultivate in a Child | self-esteem | self-control |
Worth of the Human Fetus | determined by the mother | determined by Judeo-Christian values, santity of life |
Primary Source of Crime | poverty, racism and other societal flaws | the criminal’s malfunctioning conscience and lack of moral restraint |
Place of God and Religion | secular government and secular society | secular government and religious society |
American Exceptionalism | chauvinistic doctrine | historical reality |
Greatest Threat to the World | environmental catastrophe (currently global warming) | evil (currently radical Islamist violence) |
International Ideal | world governed by the United Nations, and no single country is dominant | world in which America (or a morally country) is the single strongest entity |
Primary Reason for Lake of Peace in the Middle East | Israeli settlements in the West Bank | Palestinian, Arab and Muslim denial of Jewish state’s right to exist |
Purpose of Art | challenge status quo and bourgeois sensibilities | produce works of beauty and profundity to elevate the individual and society |
Guns | ideally universally abolished, except for use by police, the armed forces and registered sportsmen | ideally widely owned by responsible individuals for self-protection and the protection of others (including a corrupt government) |
Race | intrinsically significant | intrinsically insignificant (there is one race the human race) |
Racial, Ethnic and Gender Diversity at Universities | most important issue | far less important than ideological diversity |
Black America’s Primary Problem | racism | lack of fathers |
Greatest Playwright | entirely subjective; there is no greatest playwright | Shakespeare |
War | never the answer | sometimes the only answer |
Hate | wrong, except when directed at the right | wrong, except when directed at evil |
Cultures | all are equal | some arebetter than others |
America’s Founding Fathers | rich white male slave owners | great men who founded the greatest society |
Purpose of Judges | pursue social justice | pursue justice |
National Borders | a relic of the past | indispensable for national survival |
View of Illegal Immigrants | welcomed guests | illegal immigrants |
Nature | more valuable than man | made by God for man |