No, this is not a commentary on a Clint Eastwood movie but a commentary on the misguided mindset of man’s self indulgent nature (sin) that is polluting the world and bringing God’s judgment down upon the world. I also considered using the title “You Can’t Handle the Truth”, from the movie a “Few Good Men”. The “bad” news is that what seems “good” to man is not “true” and ends “ugly”. This is the theme of the Bible and the message of this web site “die2live”, man is not born good but he is born a sinner in need of salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. This article presents the timeless message of God’s Truth against the lies of Satan in a format that is meant to clearly show the distinction between the two opposing views.
The lie of Satan | The Truth of God |
man is born basically good but sometimes does bad things | Man is born Spiritually disconnected (dead) from God, with a self indulgent nature (sin) that is concerned with satisfying his desires, his way and deciding what is best. The issue is not how good man can be or how positive his outlook on life is, the issue is that man is dead to God and destined to become totally depraved and eternal separation from God unless he is “born again” in Christ Jesus. Unless a man changes his mind from thinking he is good enough without God (repents) and believes in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, he will die in his sin and be cast into the lake of fire to be tormented eternally. (John 3:18-20) (Ephesians 2:1) (Revelation 20:15) |
bad behavior can be corrected by rehabilitating the good in man | It is not the behavior of man that must be corrected but man himself must be regenerated (born-again) by the power of God in order to live a life pleasing to God and have eternal life with God. (John 3:3) (Romans 10:8-9) |
Jesus was a good teaching with instructions on how to make bad people good and make good people better | Jesus is more than just a good teacher, Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus is God in the flesh. Jesus forgave sin. Jesus healed the sick and raised the dead. Jesus has the words of life that are able to make a person who is dead in his sin, eternally alive in Christ. Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good or good people better but He came to make dead people alive! (John 3:16) |
man can do enough good works to justify himself before God | Man’s good works are as filthy rags before God and they can never justify man before God or appease the requirements of God to live a perfect life always doing God’s will. For that matter since man is born Spiritually disconnected from God it is impossible for man to know what pleases God, except this one thing man does know, that he must be born again in Christ Jesus in order to receive Gods grace and forgiveness and be Spiritually connected to God and have eternal life. ( Isaiah 64:6) (Ephesians 2:8-9) |
if man lives a good life, at death he will be with God in heaven | Man on his own can not live a life pleasing to God because man is born Spiritually disconnected from God, dead in his trespasses of sin before God and sentenced to die physically and die Spiritually disconnected from God. Unless man is born again in Christ Jesus, before he dies physically he will also die Spiritually, remaining eternally separated from God with his soul cast into the lake of fire to be tormented forever. (Hebrews 11:6) |
man’s purpose in life is to following his heart and be happy | Man’s purpose in life is to deny his sinful heart and be born again by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and then live his new life in Christ in the same way he came to Christ, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:24) (Jeremiah 17:9) |
all religions lead to the same God and the same destiny | There is only one God and that is the God of the Bible and there is only one way to God and that is through His only begotten Son Jesus Christ. Jesus is the truth, the life and the way, no on can come to God unless they go through Jesus. Christianity is not a religion about God but a personal relationship with God. Only by grace through faith in Jesus Christ can a man be saved and enter into the family of God and enjoy God forever. (John 14:6) |
at his death, man can tell God that he didn’t understand that he needed to be saved and therefore God will allow him into heaven | God has revealed to each person the moral depravity that is within their heart so that each man is without excuse before God for rejecting the salvation in Jesus Christ that he knows he needs in order to born again and have eternal life with God. (Romans 1:18-20) |
the highest goal of man is for him to reach his self actualization, realizing all that he is capable of becoming | Man on his own does not know who he is or what he is meant to be and therefore the actualization of self is the ultimate blasphemy of man toward God. Man’s highest goal is to glorify God by doing God’s will and enjoying God forever, which can only occur if man first comes to God, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ and then daily die to self and live in Christ.. (Galatians 2:20) |
if a person’s life pleases God, then God will bless that person with a long life of heath and wealth | A life that pleases God is one that is “first” born-again, by grace through faith in Jesus Christ for without faith it is impossible to please God. Furthermore, a born-again Christian pleases God by trusting God regardless of the circumstances surrounding a person’s life or the affliction present in their life. Actually, a person that is focused on their heath and wealth is usually not in touch with God’s will for their life but they are living according to their self indulgent nature (sin). God is looking to make disciples that are like Him and can one day rule with Him, like a faithful sheep that hears the voice of His master and follows him to green pastures and still waters. God is not trying to grow couch potatoes that will one day turn into “cloud potatoes”. We are born to do the good works God has prepared for us to do on earth and in heaven. Even in the trails of life, God is able to make all things work towards good and reward a faithful believer for their trails in the world. Death for the believe is the final “victory” over sin and an early death can even be a reward from God for a life well lived doing God’s will. (Philippians 1:21) |
if God loves a person He gives them what they want | God disciplines those He loves and provides for a believers daily needs. He answers prayer and blesses according to His will and what is best for man, not what man thinks is best for himself. (Philippians 4:19) |
the #1 issue is world peace and the #2 issue is global warming | The #1 issue is peace of man with God (which is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ) and the #2 issue is global cooling, the love of man for God that is growing cold and the love of man for his neighbor that is also growing cold. (Matthew 22:38-40) |
Jesus death was a great tragedy and injustice committed by the Jews | Jesus death was a great accomplishment and a final victory over sin!!! Hundreds of scriptures were fulfilled through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The cross is the most significant event in all of history, everything else pales in comparison. It was not the Jews, Pilot or the Roman guards who killed Jesus but Jesus gave His life willingly to pay for our sin and it was not the nails that held Jesus to the cross but it was our sin that held Him there. It was not a tragedy that Jesus died on the cross for this was God’s predestined plan of redemption for man. It was however a tragedy that Adam and Eve sinned and ruined creation but God’s Amazing Grace in Jesus Christ is greater than our sin. You killed Jesus, I killed Jesus, each person is a murderer responsible for His death and each one of us is responsible for repenting of our self indulgent nature (sin) and believing in Jesus for salvation from our sin. (1 Corinthians 15:54-57) |
man is suppose to do everything he can to live in peace and unity with other men | Man is called to “maintain” the peace of the Holy Spirit, which is based on “truth and love” found in the person of Jesus Christ. The manufactured peace and unity among men is a false peace without hope and with a unity that means nothing and ends in eternal death and separation from God. Those who compromise God’s truth and promote “peace among men” above “God’s truth about men” are in fact sinning against God and promoting the agenda of Satan, who is deceiving men in order to usher in the rule of the Antichrist over the New World Order. (Ephesians 4:3) |
once a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior they guaranteed eternal life with Christ in heaven and they can do whatever they want to do with their life on earth | Well actually part of this lie is true, once you are Spiritually born again in Christ Jesus you cannot be Spiritually “unborn” anymore than you can be physically unborn, you will be with Jesus in heaven one day and live with Him eternally. However, those who claim to be God’s child but do not heed His voice will be disciplined by God. Their life will be miserable with internal conflict since the Spirit of God in them will fight with the old sin nature that will not submit to God. You are saved by God in order to be made into the image of Jesus Christ and to do good works of Jesus Christ, if you refuse to be made into the image of Jesus Christ or do the good works God has prepared for you, God will bring you to heaven more quickly than you expected. (Romans 8:38) (Hebrews 12:6) |
man can be god, knowing good and evil so he doesn’t have to listen and obey God |
This is the original lie that Satan told Adam and Eve in the garden, that they could be god if they ate of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. It is not the knowledge of good and evil that makes a person wise and righteous, for knowledge puffs up but love builds up (1 Corinthians 8:1). In other words, love is the higher virtue and love does not seek it’s own justification (1 Corinthians 13:4) but seeks to honor the One who created him to love. Man is not designed to be the one in control but man is designed to follow and be like the One who created him. Without God, man can only build castles of sand and monuments of vanity that glorify man but do not last. Man’s satisfaction is found in being a born again “child” of God, ever learning, ever serving and ever enjoying the King of Kings! (Genesis 3:5) (Romans 8:15) |
man can buy a stairway to heaven or build a tower to heaven in order to reach and be with God | This is the pernicious lie; that man can reach God by doing good works and offering them up to God, so he can earn favor with God. This is the basis of all religions and a 100% failed theology. It is pointless for man to try and prove his worthiness to God because it is God who created man and God knows man better than man knows himself. It is not man’s job to work his way up to God but more importantly God has come down to man. God has taken the initiative to have a relationship with man by coming down to earth as a man, the God/man, Jesus Christ. In order to be lifted up to heaven, man must first knell down at the cross in order to repent of his sin nature and be made a child of God, a heir to the Kingdom of God. There is no pride or personal power at the cross of Christ only grace and forgiveness to be made like Christ. We cannot buy a stairway to heaven based on our works but we can receive the free gift of salvation and ride up an escalator to heaven based on Christ’s work on the cross. |