My wife, Juliana, put together this information and sent it to our family and friends to wake them up for Jesus soon return. Maranatha!
Jesus Is Coming-Be Ready April 21, 2020
Hello Dear Friends, I have spent a great deal of time studying end times with my husband Roger. One thing we know more than anything else is God Almighty has been revealing stuff to us ever since we met.
I understand there are many “conspiracy theories” out there but wisdom is a gift from God. I don’t know about 5G being able to do harm to Humans, I do know that the roll out will mean the “Internet of All Things”.
I am going to give you a few information points and I pray with time God will show the the truth about all this:
1. New World Order
2. Chinese Communist Party – David Cameron sold UK out to them through Huawei that’s why 5G is in UK
3. Bill Gates and Co which includes Dr Fauci and Brix – His vaccination, ID2020 etc program. COVID19 to me means Certificate of Vaccination ID 19!
4. UN
5. EU
6. Democratic Party of US
7. IT Conglomerates – NSA
8. Pope Francis – on May 14th 2020 he implements One World Religion totally!
9. Georgia Guide stones – Depopulation to 500,000,000…so what happens to the 7.2 billion rest of us!
10. Republican party of US. (It was George Bush Snr who first coined the words “NWO”)
11. CIA, Hollywood, Pizza-gate (Pedophilia rings and Spirit Cooking), The Clinton’s – dead bodies everywhere!
12. The Green New Deal – they pushed for it in Congress last year, now look where we are!
Video: Bill Gates wants every one to receive a vaccination with Digital ID! https://youtu.be/fC0C97klcmc
Video: Bill Gates, Rockefellers, UN Agenda 2030 & Eugenics Masquerading as Science & Population Control https://youtu.be/0wu_7yjTdP8
Article: The Gates of Bill shall not prevail against the Church!
Video: Corona Plan-demic https://youtu.be/D0sH_D8vi-A
Article: Certificate of Vaccine COV- ID, Mark of the Beast https://www.raptureready.com/category/nearing-midnight/
PDF: COVID-19 A Global Conditioning
Video: Dr Fauci Exposed and investigated for funding Wuhan lab (article – click here)
Video: Dr Judy Mikovits exposes the evil agenda of vaccines.
Video: Dr Buttar exposes the evil hidden agenda of Fauci and Gates
Video: Out of the Shadows – Exposing Hollywood
Article: Exposing the strange facts about COVID virus:
What this all boils down to is the “fight for souls of men”. Countries are already rolling out policies that “you must have proof that you do not have COVID or you have been vaccinated” – once the vaccine is out – “or else no airline travel”! I have proof.
We are children of the Living God and we pray for Jesus to come one day – we have been told by Him to “Watch and pray that we are counted worthy to escape all that will befall the earth” (Luke 21:36). Until that time we need to wise up to the fact that “geriatric madmen” are ruling the world … but Jesus Wins!
I and Roger will not be taking any vaccine that is being pushed because of this virus!. It might just be a precursor to the Mark of the Beast but I refuse to let an uneducated, megalomaniac tell me what I do and don’t need in my body!
I know “we’re here till we hear” and God is allowing this lock down to get His children’s attention. We are in a spiritual battle like no other! I’m on a 24/7 prayer line and know repentance of the Church of Jesus Christ is long over due. “Pastors” in all denominations are on notice! Now…my favorite motto is “God is on His throne, He’s not wringing His Hands and He’s in TOTAL control”.
Click on the link (below) to view the “TOP 20 END TIME SIGNS” written by a fellow watcher. It shows the warning signs of Jesus’ coming are being fulfilled at these final moments that we are living in! Please use it to wake people up in these very final moments!
As this dispensation of the church age (The Age Of Grace) draws to an end, we need to tell a lost and dying world that it’s time to repent, believe the Gospel of our salvation (1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10)!!! Click on the ABC’s of Salvation:
Roger’s has a website where he has written articles about the fulfillment of end-times prophecy that we have been tracking for quite a long time.
Love and Blessings in Jesus Precious Name,
Here is our “left behind” Rapture letter that we leave printer on the table as you enter our house. Maranatha!
Dear Person finding this letter, Dec 11, 2019
If you are here and we are not here it is because God has “raptured” us to Heaven, as He promised (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).
You have been left behind on earth to face the wrath of God and the persecution of the Antichrist during the 7 year Tribulation period. All those who believed in the Lord Jesus, like my wife and I, have been taken by Jesus to Heaven to escape the coming wrath and all those, like yourself, who didn’t believe Jesus was the Lord and Savior of their life have been left behind to face the coming wrath.
Do not continue to harden your heart but seek the Lord in repentant prayer … ask God to forgive your sin and grant your eternal life in Jesus Christ. It’s too late to be raptured but it’s never to late to be saved.
Do not take the mark of the Beast to buy and sell. Do not worship the Beast, the Antichrist or the image of the Beast. Even if threatened by death do not take the mark of the Beast or this will damn you to hell for all eternity!
My wife and I have been watching the signs of the time for several year, anticipating the Jesus would come Rapture us to Heaven before the Tribulation begins and now it has happened! We are with Jesus and we have new resurrected bodies that will never die! We have written about the Rapture of the Church and our love for Lord at this web site:
We hope you will believe in Jesus so you will receive eternal life in Him and we will see you in Heaven one day.
Love in Jesus name, Roger and Juliana
Very good. Thanks.