Dear Person finding this letter,
If you are here and we are not here it is because God has “raptured” us to Heaven, as He promised (1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17).
You have been left behind on earth to face the wrath of God and the persecution of the Antichrist during the 7 year Tribulation period. All those who believed in the Lord Jesus, like my wife and I, have been taken by Jesus to Heaven to escape the coming wrath and all those, like yourself, who didn’t believe Jesus was the Lord and Savior of their life have been left behind to face the coming wrath.
Do not continue to harden your heart but seek the Lord in repentant prayer … ask God to forgive your sin and grant your eternal life in Jesus Christ. It’s too late to be raptured but it’s never to late to be saved.
Do not take the mark of the Beast to buy and sell. Do not worship the Beast, the Antichrist or the image of the Beast. Even if threatened by death do not take the mark of the Beast or this will damn you to hell for all eternity!
My wife and I have been watching the signs of the time for several year, anticipating the Jesus would come Rapture us to Heaven before the Tribulation begins and now it has happened! We are with Jesus and we have new resurrected bodies that will never die! We have written about the Rapture of the Church and our love for Lord at this web site “Die2Live” where you are viewing this letter.
We hope you will believe in Jesus so you will receive eternal life in Him and we will see you in Heaven one day.
Love in Jesus name, Roger and Juliana
Click here to download and share –> http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Rapture-Letter.pdf