Humor is based in the truth. Fundamentally, humor is the ability to laugh at one’s self because we don’t measure up to the truth. In order to laugh at yourself you must first truthfully identify your weaknesses and the weaknesses of all people and not be offended by them but realize we are all victims of these weaknesses because of sin. Note, I am not talking about “laughing at people” but I’m talking about “laughing with them” because we are all share in a weak and fallen nature due to sin. And I’m not taking about laughing at blatant sins such as murder or rape or abuse but we should find humor in our weakened state of mortality and out inability to understand it all.
Love is blind but marriage is a real eye-opener.
The last time I was someone’s type, I was donating blood.
You are dust and you will return to dust … this is why I don’t dust it could be someone I know.
One time I complained that my boss didn’t understand me or appreciate me enough. The guy I was talking to said “there’s a support group for that … they are called everyone and they met at the bar.” I am not endorsing drinking to solve your self esteem problems but I am saying that everyone feels misunderstood and under appreciated to some extent in this world. Being offended and bitter because you are misunderstood or underappreciated is not going to solve the problem of being misunderstood or underappreciated. Only God truly cares about each of us and He is the only One who can grant us our true identity of worth so we can be “understood and appreciated” for who we truly are … and this identify is found when we become a born again child of God.
As my mother would say to me “you are special” and my Dad would add “just like everyone else“.
The fundamental difference between the way a Conservative or Liberal sees the problems of the world is that a Conservative believes the way to improve society is to improve the Biblical moral character of it’s citizens so each person will “take personal responsibility” to do the right thing … to not lie, cheat, steal or exhibit prejudice, while a Liberal believes the way to improve society is by legislating rules and regulations to promote a morality where those who “perceive” they are offended by prejudice are protected by the governments moral law. The difference is that to a Conservative, morality is unchangeable and defined by God but to a Liberal, morality is every changing as defined by man and enforced by the Government of man. The Liberal motto is “In Gov we trust” … not “In God we trust“.
Liberal morality is the religion and foundation of the New World Order of the Antichrist, therefore as we see laws introduced to to enforce man’s morality over God’s morality so we are seeing the signs of the coming Apocalypse of the seven year Tribulation period drawing neigh.
A Liberal wants the government to define a morality they think is best and they want everyone to agree that it is the best. A conservative believes that God has already defined the moral standard that is best and they want everyone to be born again in Christ Jesus so they will be enlightened that God’s way is the best. And this difference, over who is in charge of defining morality, whether it is God or Government, is the reason why there is a divide in America!
And, I don’t like the fact that the word “Liberal” has been hijacked by the “Demon-rat” party to be mean you liberally promote a morality of “Licentiousness” that defies God. And I don’t like the fact that “Conservative” is promoted by the Republican party to mean we are justified before God if we live with a moral life as defined in the truth of the Bible … this is “Legalistic“. Striving to live a moral life is an honorable thing to do but the Bible clearly states that “none is righteous” (Romans 3:10). To strive to a moral life by our own works is to repeat the mistake of the Pharisees made who tried to keep the law but “no one is justified by the law“ (Galatians 2:16). Jesus is the only one who fulfilled the Law and in Him we have “Liberty” … we are free from the penalty of sin!
As a born again Christian we “trust and obey” God because we are abiding in a “love relationship with Jesus” knowing that denying our (self indulgent nature – sin) and trusting our new Spiritual nature in Christ brings us closer to God’s love. It is God’s Holy Spirit that brings us Liberty! A Christian is not suppose to live in “fear” of our inability to keep the Law of God, as though we could loose God’s love or loose our Salvation if we sin. And equally true a Christian is not to continue to live unconcerned about sin, like the world, after he has been saved from sin … we must worship God in “Spirit and Truth” (John 4:24)!
Truth without the Spirit is Legalism.
Spirit without the Truth of Love is Licentiousness.
In the essentials of doctrine Unity, in the non-essentials Liberty and in all things Love.
There is nothing humorous about the death of humor because when it dies so does the freedom of speech and critical thinking concerning what ideas are best for society. God’s ways are always best but in the market place of ides, God’s word is marginalized and laughed at as though it is out dated. God’s ways may be hard to understand and it is hard to restrain our sinful desires but that is why we need salvation in Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit to help us overcome the world, the flesh and the Devil.
Being a child of God does not mean thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less. Focus on Jesus, this is where our joy is found, living in Him and being used by Him to share the good news of Salvation. In essence, a sense of humor is the ability to “think of yourself less” and see the bigger picture of what God is doing in your life through the trail and tribulations of life. After our Salvation in Jesus Christ, God is teaching us to “trust and obey” Him … it’s a single lesson that we are to learn over and over again, through every circumstance in our life (the Sanctification process) until we are in His presence, in a Glorified resurrected body!
God created us for Himself and “Abba Father knows best”. No amount of protest concerning our personal offense to what we don’t like about life is going to change God’s mind toward the offense we cause Him because of the sin in our life. God has clearly proved His love for us by providing a way we can be free from the sin that kills us and keeps us separated from the love of God. God has provided the redemption from sin by grace through faith in His Son Jesus Christ so we can see life as God see it and have eternal life with our loving God.
On a side note, have you ever wondered why God chastised Sarah for laughing about the promise to give her a child when Abraham was 100 years old and she was 90 years old, when in fact both Abraham and Sarah laughed when they heard the promise? I think Abraham laughed with surprise yet he believed and looked forward to seeing how God would fulfill the promise while Sarah laughed with mocking and disbelief in God. Have you every wondered “Did Jesus Laugh?” … click on this article that I have written http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/did-jesus-laugh/ or check out some “Groaners” http://die2live.worthyofpraise.org/groaners/.
– Blessings to you, Rogersings