This is it … the whole world is in “lock down” because of the Corona virus … the physical outlet for fellowship have been shut down (even Christian gatherings) giving people a “last chance” to seek God through the End Times – Online – Be Fine – Church! I have been in “online” fellowship for the last 5 years when the Lord put it on my heart to proclaim that we are in the “end times” and it’s time for people to get right with Jesus because He’s coming to Rapture His Bride, the born again Church.
Jesus Only, Jesus First, Jesus Always
The Lord has been good to me and I blessed to be able to watch the signs of His soon return. In fact I am subscribed to hundreds of YouTube Channels, where I watch and comment with others who are watching for the soon return of Jesus. I call my YT watching “Speculation Central” because so many of them speculate when Jesus will return based on dreams, visions, signs and odd interpretations of scriptures. I have even wondered if the “strong delusion” that Paul spoke is the way many believers use the “Strongs” number of a Bible words to interpret ever number they see, like their Walmart shopping receipt, as a message from God.
In spit of end times signs over the last 5 years like increased earthquakes, pestilence, moral decay, wars and polarization among people the world leaders, celebrates and Lame Stream Media have continued to feed the masses lies of a great life in this world if we follow their advise or so called “scientific” knowledge but NOW this promise of a great life has been infected with a bad case of reality. Now is the time for people to reevaluate the purpose and meaning of their life! This is the last call, to call on Jesus and be saved from the coming wrath of God.
The self indulgent nature (sin) of man is corrupt and therefore man naturally seeks the comforts of this world and he puts his trust in what provides these comforts … money and TP. The normal supply chain of this comfort has been disrupted, like a summer camp experience, and now is the time for people to consider a new normal, either by following the coming global leader, the Antichrist, who will promise peace and safety by taking his “mark” or by trusting Jesus Christ for their daily bread, born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit.
In essence, the world as we know it has been permanently changed into a New World Order by an invisible enemy and it’s not coming back. The world is being prepared for war … the troops are being called in to maintain order by martial law. The war is not being declared against another nation but against the citizens within a nation. This virus is a test run in order to condition people to operate under a military rule. To a certain degree Trump has declared war … it’s a war on the American way of life … it’s a civil war against your freedom on how you will physically engage with the world. It’s a take over of the world systems in the name of survival in order to usher in the New World Order.
Right now people have a chance to repent and receive Christ so they can be Raptured before the seals are opened and the Tribulation begins! What I am proposing in this article is that this is a last call chance for people to be saved by belief in Jesus Christ so they are included in the Church Age. Now is the time to get aboard the Rapture Train before the Train leaves the Station for Heaven.
To live is Christ
To die is gain
All aboard … the Rapture Train!
In times past celebrities and singers have responded to great tragedies in the world with events like “USA for Africa”, “Farm Aid” and”Live Aid” but what we need now is “Kneel Aid” … it’s time to pray in repentance to God for salvation in Jesus Christ. Jesus is our only true hope from the tragedies of this world, especially the coming Tribulation.
Dickens wrote … It was the best of time, it was the worst of times. He was referring to the French Revolution, where the laws of the elites were challenged by the people in the streets. This is where we are at … we are in a Global Revolution, not fought with guns in the street but with keypads that we beat! I am praying that people will search out the Internet to find the hard truth about SIN and the good news about eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Yes, the Corona virus can cause death, but the “Kung Flu” is not as deadly as the regular flu. The worst impact of the virus is not our physical health or our economic health but the impact to our Spiritual health. Yet, trails to our Spiritual health actually can have a beneficial impact to those who “wake up” and see their need for a Savior fro this world and to those believers who “lock down” their faith in Christ alone to see them through the trail.
Here are a few good impacts to consider.
– Schools are shut down so they can’t spew their Liberal crap
– People will revere our health care workers, garbage man, store clerks, policeman over the professional ball players, do nothing politicians and Hellywood celebrates.
– the Politicians will have to take a “time out” from telling us how great they and how bad their opponent is and actually focus on something to help the people
– People have time to stop the rush of the world and ponder God, especially in light of their mortality
People want to be feed physically, what can Jesus do for me but not Spiritually, how can I know Jesus more. This is what Jesus asked the crowd that looked for Him.