People who claim to be tolerant of what others believe really mean they will tolerate another person’s belief as long as their belief doesn’t claim to be the “absolute truth“. A “tolerant” person will tolerate the belief of another person who claims there is no absolute truth because both people agree that their belief is based on their opinion and one person’s opinion is no more important than another person’s opinion. They agree to disagree if they belief different from one another and “coexist” in ignorance concerning “why” there is a contradiction in what they each believe to be true.
But a tolerant person will not tolerate another person who claims that their belief is the absolute truth because this person is stating that their belief is not a matter of opinion among men but what they believe applies equally to each person and is enforced by a God who created each person. In other words, those who hold a belief in absolute truth belief those who don’t belief the same as they do are “absolutely wrong” and will suffer judgement from God. To a person who peddles a “tolerance” for all beliefs and an ignorance toward the “truth”, the concept that a person’s belief is “wrong” is “offensive and hateful” speech that cannot be tolerated in the market place of idea.
A tolerance that will not tolerate the truth is a dilemma that defies logic. Truth corresponds to reality. You cannot deny reality without denying your own existence. Everybody understands and experiences the absolute truth of the Physical realm where God’s law of gravity acts equally and absolutely upon each of us, holding us down on planet earth. In the same sense there is an absolute truth of the Spiritual realm where God’s law of “morality” acts equally and absolutely upon each of us. In the Physical realm, we are effected by the law of “Physical death” “irregardless of our will” but in the Spiritual realm we can be freed from the law of “Spiritual death” by confessing our moral sinfulness and believing in Jesus who has paid the price for our sin. By trusting Jesus with our life we become Spiritually “born again” with eternal life.
Our founding father’s called God’s absolute moral law the “Laws of Nature”. This is the justification they used to “Declare Independence” from Britain because Britain did not honor the equality of our God given moral rights.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
So you see the issue is not that people can’t understand and know the absolute moral truth, for man is without excuse before God for acknowledging his sin condition and his Spiritual death and separation from God (Romans 1:20). The issue is that if a person does acknowledges that there is an absolute moral truth then they have to acknowledge there is an absolute truth giver … “God”, who holds each people accountable to live their life according to the truth. And this is what the “tolerant” will not tolerate … the acknowledgement that there is a God who has the right to judge them and rule over them in truth. In other words, there is no such thing as a person who does not believe there is a God or believe there is absolute moral truth, there are just people who are “living in denial of the truth”. And those who proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ are in a sense reminding unbelievers of what they inherently know to be true, that they are accountable for how they live their life.
This is why there is so much tension between Atheists and Christians because an Atheist is convicted by the truth of Christianity! And they wrongly think that if they can silence the voice of Christians, like Cain did to Able, that this will silence the voice of truth and the conviction of their soul. But God’s Spirit is not contained or restrained by human voices alone. Those who hate God, persecute those who love God and each act of hatred makes them hate themselves and God even more. It is an internal struggle that each person must face and answer … will you give God the rightful throne of your heart? As my friend says “The TRUTH will set you free but it will piss you off first”.
The forbidden words in the world are no longer four letter curse words but three letter “truth” words … God and sin. Those who believe there is a God of absolute moral truth who hates sin are being silenced in the world today. America is no longer a nation that believes “in God we truth” but we believe “in government we trust”. The Supreme Court has overruled the Supreme Creator and those who side with God are finding it increasing difficult to live at peace in this world. If we continue down this road to removing God from America, Christians who stand up for the absolute truth of God’s word will soon be persecuted. Even so Lord Jesus, come and rapture Your bride to Heaven. Read this article about Tighening the Tourniquet of Tolerance.
But whether the Lord comes or He tarries, we must answer like Peter and the apostles, “We must obey God rather than men” Acts 5:29
– Rogersings