Baron M. A. Rothschild, who helped create the banking system used today, said, “Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its laws.” The modern plan for a global government began in 1390 with the Freemasons. In 1773, the first global plan was prepared by the Rothschilds. It was May 1, 1776, when Adam Weishaupt, who had studied to be a Jesuit priest, and who was also a Freemason, formed an organization called “The Illuminati – the Enlightened Ones – who worship Satan the morning light” and in July 16, 1782 began an alliance between Freemasonry and the Illuminati. The leadership behind the Freemasons and the Illuminati organizations were aware that the way to control the world is to control the way people buy and sell in the world.
The establishment of the Federal Reserve in Dec 23, 1913 is the fulfillment of the dream of a group of men who’s desire is to keep America in debt to them and create a New World Order and a One World Order. The “Federal Reserve” is an independently owned “Central Bank” that is not funded by the Federal government nor is it regulated by the Federal government. It was established by Congress and it reports to Congress but Congress doesn’t audit their books or question their authority to change interest rates. The Federal Reserve Central Bank is really 12 Regional Banks that are independently owned and operated.
The crooked intent and practice of the Federal Reserve is not a secret but it is a well guarded institution that settles it’s difference like the Mafia. The three presidents (Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Jackson and John F Kennedy) who tried to eliminate the Federal Reserve were assassinated! This is not a conspiracy theory but a conspiracy fact. Click here to read more about the U.S. Presidents that were murdered by the Rothchild’s Banking Cartel.
And the “One World Order” of control, will be the system that the Antichrist uses to control the world during the seven years of the Tribulation period. At that time, those who pledge allegiance to the Antichrist and recognize him as their god will receive a “mark” on their hand and forehead so they can buy and sell during his reign on earth. Revelation 13:17 “and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.“
The picture featured on this article show how even today, a tiny chip can be planted under the skin to act like a credit card so a person can buy and sell. The technology of today is growing more and more powerful in capability and more and more intrusive into our personal lives. I don’t know if the Antichrist will use man’s technology as the mark upon people or whether it will be some form ungodly Spiritual power that Satan and the fallen Angels will use to control commerce on the earth.
The desire of men to control world events and weld power over others is the root of evil. The desire to control things in the world is rooted in “pride”, which makes you think you can be your own “god” and decide what is best for you and everyone else. This is how Satan tempted Adam and Eve to sin for the first time in the garden of Eden. Satan temped them to doubt that God was teaching them and giving them the best things in life and he said if they ate the forbidden fruit their eyes would be open and they could be their own god (Genesis 3:5). Of course this was a lie and also illogical because it is impossible for a created being to know more than it’s creator.
This is is why Paul states in 1 Timothy 6:10 “the love of money is the root of all evil”. Money is not evil, for many people use their money to do God’s will but the “love” of money and desiring it as a means of significance and security in the world takes you away from discovering you significance and security in God. Jesus spoke more about money than any other topic because your heart follows your money. If you invest you time, talent and treasures in seeking a worldly reward then you are following your sin nature. That is why Jesus said “You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24). It is the lesson we must constantly be reminded of, we must “die to self” in order to “live for Christ” die2live.
– Rogersings
Australia’s Banking and the One World Order:
Retired head of FBI tells all “Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings”: