In Larry Crabb’s book “The Safest Place on Earth” he gives an illustration of our bodies having 2 rooms in them. There is a “lower room” that we have decorated with all of our stuff, some nice, some dated, some junk, some inherited from Aunt Bessie, cars, careers, bad memories, you get the picture. Then there is the “upper room”, the one that only God decorates. The door opens from the inside. He invites us to come into His room. It is filled with His light, it is warm with His Presence and it is where we put Him first and everything else is second. Everything is new in the “upper room” because we didn’t prepare it. God prepared it and there is a void in all of us that can only be filled by Him. “In Him was life, and the life was the light of all mankind.” John 1:4
Most of the time it is easier for us to stay in our “lower room” because it is where all of our stuff is and we are comfortable there. But when loneliness, tragedy or brokenness happens, we often realize that there is nothing in our “lower room” that will satisfy us so we make the journey to the “upper room” and we are swept into the arms of our Savior. The One who is Love. The One who loved us first.
I think a lot of my life has been spent trying to help everyone, me included, clean up their “lower room” when I should have been helping them to see that they had this “Upper room” that was filled with the only One they needed. Because of His mercies that are new to us each morning, we can always begin anew to follow Matthew 6:33 (our wake up call) “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things will be given you as well.”
– Larry Crabb <— click here for more information and material from Larry Crabb