
We are not going back to the world of 2019! We are in the Transition to the Tribulation … get aboard the Rapture Train now and be a Rapture Rider with Jesus!
To live is Christ
To die is gain
Get aboard the Rapture Train!
This is the latest watchman report from where I sit in my recliner I call Speculation Central at Conjecture Junction. I am writing this article to discuss how the Church is at a transition point in time, where the mantel for the gospel message is about to be handed off from the Church to the witnesses of the Tribulation period. The Tribulation period has not begun yet but the “future” Tribulation Trouble-makers are already busy preaching a false gospel message of doing works to overcome the advance of the New World Order as a means to Salvation.
We are living in the last days of the “Church Age” prior to the Tribulation period begins but it’s also called the “Information Age” of man that Daniel saw in an end times vision (Daniel 12:4). And there is still some time left and some freedom left to discuss information openly to reveal the “truth” about what is going on in the world around us. Have you noticed that everyone is trying to control “their” narrative of the truth on the airwaves to project “their” reality and program “their” outcome? But the only narrative of any value in the world is the narrative of “truth” … the word became flesh … Jesus is the word … Jesus is the truth, the way and the life! And this is what the “The Restrainer” does … “The born again Church” restrains the lies of Satan’s narrative by revealing the truth of Jesus Christ … until the Church is taken out of the way by the Rapture!
Read all About it … it’s the Best News Ever … the fight’s already been won … the work’s already been done! Jesus has won our victory over death and sin, Jesus has overcome the world. Our work is to believe in Jesus and proclaim the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ! Click here to listen to “MercyMe” proclaim “The Best News Ever“.
These future “Tribulation Trouble-makers” believe they are answering God’s call at such a time as this, as they try to “take Dominion” over the earth in order to establish God’s Kingdom on earth. They enter into politics to overthrow the “Deep State” players in an effort to establish God’s righteousness upon the earth but they are really deceived and misguided because there is no victory by man that overcomes the Beast Kingdom. Only Jesus, the stone cut not with human hands, can and will destroy the Beast Kingdom but this does not happen until the end of the seven year Tribulation … not now. In fact the “Saints” who overcome during the Tribulation will have no victory over the Antichrist Kingdom, other than the victory of a testimony of Jesus Christ as they give their life in martyrdom for their allegiance to the King of Kings.
Those who have a “Maranatha” spirit of “Come Lord Jesus” understand that it is only by the work of Jesus alone, physically returning to reign and rule on this earth, that can fix the woes of this world. But those who have a “Dominion” spirit think that they can fix the world now and bring everyone under their righteous rule. As a matter of fact they think Jesus won’t return until man has taken Dominion over the world and handed it over to Jesus on a golden platter! This is the height of self arrogance and the depth of self deception.
God’s plan will be fulfilled … it has not been cancelled it has only been “delayed” until Jesus returns and God’s “born again” children receive their inheritance to reign in rule on the earth with Jesus.
Don’t misunderstand me, the Dominionist view point is a worthy pursuit to the degree that a person lives a righteous life, exposes evil and promotes righteousness around him. It’s a Christian obligation to be holy as Jesus is holy (1 Peter 1:16). Living holy is like the the the two hands of the gospel … helping a person with their physical needs while giving them the message of eternal life in Jesus. As they say on the Mercy Ships (the Christian relief organization) … “a hungry stomach has no ears”.
But the Dominionist agenda to rule over the earth and rule over others is not the purpose and mission of the Church. The purpose of the Church is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to teach people to follow Jesus. As a matter of fact, man was never intended to rule over man but God alone has this right and those who allow Jesus to have dominion over their soul have fulfilled the call to pursuit a life of righteousness. In other words righteousness is a “by-product” of pursuing a life of holiness, a life surrendered to Jesus Christ.
The Manatha spirit sings the song “Jesus reign over me” and longs to dwell in the house that the Lord is building, “the house of the Lord”, the New Jerusalem (John 14:3) but the Dominion spirit “decrees and declares” that they are to “reign over things” on earth now and they desire to in a house they are building for the Lord on earth.
The messengers during the Tribulation period will include the Tribulation Saints, the two witnesses (during the first 3 1/2 years) the 144,000 Jews and the good Angels (during the last 3 1/2 years). This is my understanding of things … though I don’t know for sure and there is much disagreement among those who study Bible prophecy. The message during the Tribulation period will be about believing in Jesus Christ for eternal life, since Salvation from Adam is always by Grace through faith in Christ. However, I think the Tribulation period will have many who think they are serving Christ to build his Kingdom on earth but they will really be advancing the Kingdom of the Antichrist. Perhaps many of the Christians in Name Only (CINO) lukewarm unbelievers that “played” Church will “wake up” and realize they were left behind from the Rapture. The sad scenario is that the Antichrist, One World Kingdom building Church will martyr “true” Kingdom citizens those who believe Jesus came and “Raptured” His Church prior to the Tribulation.
During the Church Age (and until Jesus returns to reign and rule) we are building Kingdom citizens who find shelter from this world by drawing close to Jesus in Heaven knowing that the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. However during the Tribulation period, the pit of hell will be opened and the evil spirits will be loosed onto the world. This period of transition that we are living in now is causing confusion and fear in the body of Christ as some Church Age believers are trying to prepare their shelters on earth to endure or overcome the coming Antichrist Kingdom instead of preparing their hearts to be Raptured from this world by the appearing of Jesus Christ in the air! Maranatha.
I have wondered what the “Raptured” Church Age saints will do during the Tribulation period and I just don’t know. It’s possible that we will enjoy 7 years in Heaven and then return with Jesus to reign and rule over the earth. It’s also possible that we will return to the earth shortly after the rapture (in our resurrected body) to help the Tribulation Saints stand strong in their faith against the Antichrist and the Beast Kingdom. The witness of the Tribulation Saints will be to believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus but it also might include believe that Jesus took the “born again” Church, His Bride, in the pre-Tribulation Rapture. There will be a big propaganda effort by the Antichrist to promote the false narrative that those who disappeared from the earth by the rapture where taken in judgement by God or by aliens (who are really fallen Angels)!
The Holy Spirit will be removed by the rapture of the Church but the Holy Spirit will return in some form upon the Tribulation Saints when they believe in Jesus and the Holy Spirit will give them a bold witness and assurance to stand upon Christ even in the face of death for their faith.
During the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation period the two witnesses (Moses and Elijah?) will be Spiritually “on fire” for Jesus and will be physically untouchable … until at the end of their ministry when they are killed and lie in the street of Jerusalem for 3 days. Then their bodies will be resurrected from the street and they will ascend to Heaven to be with Jesus, which is something perhaps the whole world will see. I think around this same time frame the Antichrist will commit the Abomination of Desolation in the temple of God. Perhaps Jesus, Moses and Elijah will be a sign in the clouds, declaring that the time of repentance is over and the time of God’s wrath will be poured out upon the earth for the last 3 1/2 years.
This Spiritual transition from one Dispensation to another is like the transition of fresh water into the bay and then into the sea with increasing “salinity”. However, the Spiritual transition from the Church Dispensation to the Tribulation Dispensation is causing increased “senility” … as though you don’t know what is going on around you! The point is that the Church is like the salty sea, proclaiming the gospel of Grace by believing in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ but God is getting ready to rain down “new Spiritual water” that the “Tribulation Saints” will proclaim very soon.
The smell of this new Spiritual water is in the air … but this “latter rain” will not come till the “born again” Church Age believers are safely through the Rapture door with Jesus (Rev 4:1). This smell of this rain in the air is causing mistrust and conspiracy. The technology of today has allowed everyone and anyone to become a “journalist”, which has exposed the evil of the government world systems but it has also lead to overload of speculation and fake news and fake prophecies. There is no longer a place for the Bride of Christ because no one is listening to the gospel message … everyone is doubling down on their own narrative and theory, decreeing and declaring their own objective for this world, not desiring to be with Jesus. Now is not the time to get under an umbrella (into a safe haven) to endure the rain to come but now is the time to look up to Jesus for the rapture and resurrection of our body is at hand!
Another analogy is that we have climbed to the top of the Roller Coaster of the Church and we are preparing for the free-fall excitement of being with Jesus.
There are many examples of these transitions from one Dispensation to another in the Bible. From Adam (Innocence) to Noah (Conscience) to Babel (Human Government) to Abraham (Promise) to Moses (the Law) to the Church (Grace) … this is where we currently are in Dispensation periods … then to the Two Witnesses (the first half of Tribulation) then the flying Angel (last half of Tribulation) until we make it to the Millennium Kingdom where Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit and Christ will rule on earth!
Let me clear something up, the gospel message from one Dispensation to another has always been the gospel of Grace through faith. There is no other way anyone can be saved or has ever been saved except for by belief in God’s Grace through the sacrifice of innocent blood. The OT animal sacrifices pointed to the belief in the Messiah to come and the NT sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is the fulfillment of the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world … Christ has come, died, was buried and rose again on the third day! Hallelujah, He is Risen!
The difference of the Dispensations is not the message but the means. The message has always been by Grace through faith you have been saved but the means of who delivered this message has been different through the different Dispensations … or periods of time. Able preached the gospel of Grace through faith by offering an animal sacrifice for his sin. Noah preached the gospel of Grace through faith by building the ark of God’s rescue from the world of mixed human and fallen Angel DNA. Abraham preached the gospel of Grace through faith by leaving the gods of Babel and traveling to the promise land of Mt Zion. The Jews preached Grace by believing in the God that delivered them from captivity in Egypt and brought them into the promise land.
The Church preaches Grace by proclaiming the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ! The Holy Spirit seals the Church Age believer but after the Rapture, the Holy Spirit may rest on believers who are faithful and be lifted from those who turn from Christ … this is why the Tribulation Saints will need to preserve in their faith even if threaten with death for their witness. And during the Tribulation believing Jews will be divinely protected in the wilderness for two distinct 3 1/2 years periods (perhaps it is two different groups).
Everybody is doubling down on their position of what they think is most important in this world and no one is listening to one another’s position but each group is drawing lines in the sand and some are becoming militant in their defense of their position. And this is what the Holy Spirit does … it divides the light from the dark, the bone from the marrow, the soul from the spirit. When the Holy Spirit has finished the dividing and “winnowing” of the Wheat then Jesus will come Harvest (rapture) the wheat to the Barn (Heaven).
The Holy Spirit is the true surveillance system of God … since God is all knowing. The Holy Spirit pricks the conscience to remind you of what is right and woos the unbeliever toward a loving relationship with Jesus but the Holy Spirit does not force anyone to love Jesus … this is a lie from the doctrine of Calvinism. The Holy Spirit works along side the Free Will of man to reveal to man the things of God … but it is not the will of man that saves a man or the free will of man that can “unsave” a man … you must be “born again”. The revelation of God in conjunction with believing in Jesus saves a person … a one time, for all time event!
God has the Holy Spirit to seal a person for “eternal life” and guide a person to live holy but Satan has a counterfeit spirit to do his work. Most likely the Beast Kingdom will be based on some high tech wireless communications system to enforce the Beast Surveillance State and a mark of the Beast ID on/in the skin of a person will allow the person to participate in the Beast system. At some point a person will have to choose to worship this AI beast system and if they do this will change their DNA and damn them to “eternal death”.
The Gates of Bill will not prevail against the Church!
Many young people are addicted to gaming and they want a technology that will give them a virtual reality that they think they can control. And who wants to work for a living when you are promised a rich exciting life by being a couch potato? People who are sick and dying will be tempted to take the mark of the Beast as some means of curing their pain and giving them a better life. People who are in debt will be tempted to take the mark of the Beast to get out from under that bondage. And people who are Spiritually naive will be tempted to put their trust in the Beast government as something good for the world … until they have to make the decision to worship the Beast or be killed!
The reality of the promises of the Beast Kingdom are more like Pinocchio on Pleasure Island. https://youtu.be/AY9rK1YXAIk It’s Satan’s bait and switch tactic played out for your eternal soul. This is why the Church who are aware of this deception and are warning people of this coming night and telling people how to escape this coming night by believing in Jesus will be removed from this world by the Rapture then those who want to fight for this world are left behind. After the Rapture most of those who waned to fight for this world will realize you can’t overthrow Satan by fighting to rule this world … only Jesus can do this when He comes at the end of the Tribulation period.
God created the world to express His love in a Physical reality … in a sense earth is a virtual reality of the Heavenly source of God. The world is the expression of God’s love in a Physical Realm which is based on the reality of God’s presence in the Spiritual realm.
The Orthodox Rabbis are looking for their Messiah to come to conquer their enemies and they are preparing to build a third temple to offer sacrifices and usher in the return of the Shekinah into the temple, the time of peace and righteousness for the world (Jeremiah 33:14-18). However, when the first seal of Revelation 6:1 is opened the Antichrist will come and he will make “stronger” an existing covenant (either from the 2015 deal that Obama made or from the Trump Peace Plan) which allows for the third temple to be build on the temple mount in Jerusalem. The Orthodox Jews think they are working in good faith to restore Israel for God’s glory but the Zionist “fake Jews” and the Vatican “fake Christians” want to implement Noahide Laws to rule over the nations from Jerusalem by a New World Order and a one world religion – Chrislam! The Zionist movement to rule the world is evil but “Zionism” – the movement of God to restore the Jews to the love of Jesus is good and it will happen after the seven year Tribulation.
The New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) Church (the Social Justice Signs and Wonders movement) is slowly merging with the Roman Catholic Church (the Jesuit mysticism movement) which is slowly merging with the Jewish Church (the Zionist Kabbalah movement) and the Islamic Church (Muslim Mahdi movement). And what do these Church movements have in common … a desire to rule over the earth at this time … they are the Ecumenical Dominionism Church. They are united under the mandate to rule over the 7 “mountain” spheres of influence … then Jesus will return (click here).
1) Education
2) Religion
3) Family
4) Business
5) Government/Military
6) Arts/Entertainment
7) Media
The seven mountain mandate is a movement led by false prophets who “decree and declare” that they are in charge of these 7 spheres of influence in the world. Yes, Christian should pray that God’s righteousness will rule in these spheres of influence and practice righteous behavior but real Christian’s petition God in humbleness for Him to move and give the victory, they don’t run ahead claiming victory in the name of their movement. Have these “NAR Christian” failed to read Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God”.
“Here is the mind which has wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sits” – Revelation 17:9
Where do we read about the 7 mountains but in the book of Revelation where the whore end-time Church rides the “Beast” that decreed and declared that they are ruling over the Seven Mountain Mandates. Those in the NAR Church believe a Spiritual awakening is happening in the world where “Christians” are being anointed with apostolic power of signs and wonders in order to lead a great revival before Jesus returns. Yet the word of God says the exact opposite would be true in the last days as things would wax worse and worse (2 Timothy 3:13).
There are many so called “profits” and bishops and self anointed ones who claim that the world is getting better because they are being transformed into some super Saint who can do signs and wonders in order to rid the world of evil and convert sinners into saints. But like I said this is a spirit of deception which is contradiction to the Bible because before the judgement of God came, those in the town of Lot, wanted to have sex with the two Angelic men of God … they didn’t repent, even after they were blinded by the Angels.
Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us to be with Him in Heaven (John 14:3) … He is not expecting us to prepare a place for Him to be with us on earth. – Amir
The NAR folks are always “decreeing and declaring” what they think needs to be done but Jesus already knows what needs to be done and He is already doing it. God determined His plan from the very beginning of time and wrote how it unfolds in the BIBLE – Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. We simply believe in God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ and walk in the way that He leads. If He leads to revival then we will rejoice. If He leads to tribulation then we will rejoice. If He leads to Rapture we will rejoice. Rejoice in the Lord, always … I say it again Rejoice!
Gone with the Wind “Again”
In a sense, the world is not getting ready for World War III but for a Global Civil War of Advanced Information Technology vs man. In the movie “Gone with the Wind”, the title tells you that the way of Southern Agriculture and Southern Charm was destroyed by the Northern Industrial Complex and Yankee Know-how. Southern’s call it the war of Northern Aggression but Southern slavery was not charming. The injustice of slavery needed to be eliminated but the point I am trying to make is that the South was defeated because they were arrogant and ignorant and stuck in the old “Agricultural Age” while the North was wise and pragmatic and embraced the machinery of the “Industrial Age”.
“After” the American Civil War, the way of slavery was “Gone with the Wind”, yet “Before” the Global Civil War those who are slaves to Jesus Christ will be “Gone with the Holy Spirit Wind” in the rapture!
And guess what … in the coming Global Civil War those who embrace the power of the “Information Age” will defeat those stuck in the old “Industrial Age”. However, the coming storm will not be a Civil War fought between men in order to free black men from slavery but it will be a battle fought between Aliens and men in order to enslave humans and mark them so they cannot obtain eternal life.
A Global Civil War is coming … it’s a conflict between Fallen Angels and Nephlim Hybrid people with Advanced Information Technology (AIT) who are coming to destroy the Human way of life on planet earth. I know this sounds like a Science Fiction movie or Horror Zombie movie but if you understand the depravity of man’s sin nature and man’s desire for technology to bring him comfort and entertainment (power and pleasure), then you can see the inevitable outcome … that the technology that man worships for it’s convenient living eventually becomes his AIT master that he worships in order to live!
The slaves after the America Civil War became free but for most of them they didn’t enjoy or realize the fruit of freedom. The blacks after the war had extreme prejudice and disadvantages that inhibiting them from exercising their freedom and they still have disadvantages but most of them are self inflicted because they have put themselves under the slavery of receiving entitlements from the Government. And this is the slavery that all people are being sucked into today … we are becoming dependent on what Big Gov provides by not working instead of being dependent on what God will provide when we do work!
And this is the reason for the “plandemic” … it’s to condition people to receive a monthly sustainment payment from the Government for doing what the Government says to do … “Stay at Home – fearful of one another”. This plandemic is the trail run for the final game of “Simon Says” … that the Antichrist will play on the people on the earth.
An older man at my church once told me that sending out the prayer request by email instead of by phone call was a form of prejudice against older people since many don’t have computers. I argued that the technology of email was a better option to convey the prayer request to more people in a much faster means. Is bigger better? Is faster better? Well, in God’s Kingdom “little is much when God is in it”. However, the email option also allows the person with the request to send out the request directly, without having to wait to contact a prayer coordinator. Is making people aware at the critical time of prayer better? Well, this seems to be true. What’s the point of prayer for good surgery when the surgery is over and it wasn’t good?
The main point is that “technology” can be used to serve Jesus and “benefit” a person’s life, such as spreading the gospel truth of Jesus Christ … but eventually technology will be used to make us serve “the Beast System” and make us dependent on Technology. Eventually, if you are not plugged into the Beast system, then you will not be found worthy to live in the New World Order and serve the coming Antichrist.
The technology that we are using today that allows us to “rest” on our backside will be used in the future to “bite” us on the backside! … It’s already caused a panic so we can’t find TP to “wipe” our backside.
Details of the emerging New World Order
5G – the Internet of Things (IoT)!
5G stands for “Fifth” Generation of communication, not the 5.0 GHz wavelength. The real danger of 5G is not from the ill effects of increased electromagnetic radiation at a higher frequency and power (which is true) but from the increased capability of “wireless” communications that allows for increased surveillance and control of people … “The Internet of Things”. People think the corona virus is caused by 5G cell towers but this makes no sense because there are people that have the Corona virus in areas without 5G towers.
Note, the 5.0 GHz wireless routers which were first introduced in 2009 and are in almost all home routers use both 2.4Ghz and 5.0Ghz band, which are in the microwave spectrum that excites water molecules. The home 5.0Ghz routers do emit radiation but so does your cell phone, your refrigerator, your electric wiring in your house and the Sun. These are relatively low power levels of radiation. But the new 5G towers do pose a threat if you are within line of sight, less than 100 years away but the biggest home radiation is from a “smart meter” which some homes have.
Like I said the primary danger from 5G is from increased wireless communication which will be used for surveillance, to strip us of our privacy. From what I understand 5th Generation communicates technology can use 4G towers to boost communication speed by new “wave forming” technology (I think ?). However, it is true that the real speed of 5G is delivered by 5G cell towers. These 5G cell towers are probably not too dangerous if you aren’t too close to them or you don’t stay too long within a few hundred yards of them but if they modulate a 60Ghz with high power levels this could disrupt oxygen atoms, messing with you lungs.
The Plandemic – Corona virus:
Where did the Corona virus come from? It definitely man engineered with flu like symptoms but it spread at a higher ration than flu, doesn’t affect the young for the most part, causes a different kind of lung issue than flu and has a higher mortality rate. It’s causing physical decay and death but it’s more serious long term effect seems to be an economic collapse. This Corona virus or “virus event” has achieved it’s purpose … it has got the whole worlds attention so the globalist have announced their plan to “vaccine and ID” us for our own good … in order to usher in their utopia nightmare!
The Corona virus “crown” was given to the rider on the white horse (the Antichrist) to conquer.
These Deep State doctors and Propaganda handlers use models to convince us they know what they are talking about. I remember Trump said “I’m not involved with a model … well not the kind these guys are talking about”. I thought this was a crude statement to make at a serious time but it could be signaling that Trump is not on board with the way this virus “Plan-demic” is being handled.
-The Antichrist is not revealed until the Church is raptured and then the seals are opened. The crown has not been given to the Antichrist yet but when the restraining influence of the Holy Spirit is removed (the rapture of the Church) … then the Antichrist will be revealed. The Gates of Bill will not prevail against the Church but Bill Gates in his misguided or evil way wants all people to fall in line (and online) like we are computers that need to controlled to achieving his purpose on this earth.
Yes, I saw the Gates/Abramovic ad … it’s Diabolical (click here)! She is using Microsoft’s “Hololens 2” headset to projects her 3D image (stored in the cloud) as artwork she calls “The Life”. She says “Here I never die … Here I am kept forever”. This technology could be used for good but the Spirit cooking witch demonstrates how it’s meant to give you the illusion of eternal life of your choosing, instead of eternal life by choosing Jesus Christ.
Now the evil agenda parades proudly to on TV … right in your face, no longer trying to hide their nefarious schemes. Obummer is the poster child for the NWO that opened the gates of Hell … but the Gates of Bill shall not prevail against the Church!
Like Bob Dylan sang, you have to serve somebody but for me it’s not going to be the Devil and his plan to kill people so he can be worshiped and rule over the earth. I worship Jesus only! He is my shepherd. True freedom is slavery to Jesus Christ – Martin Luther.
Death and Destruction is global at this time due to the COVID-19 virus but it will be 1000 times worse in this world once the seals are opened. At the end of the Tribulation over 2/3 of the population will have been killed and this doesn’t even include the judgement of the “Goat” people who will not go forward into the Millennium Kingdom.
The Mark of the Beast is not here but we are seeing the precursors in a certificate to prove that your blood has the Antibodies to keep you clean and health. This is the false sense of clean, for the flesh has been judged … it only by being washed in the blood of Jesus Christ that we can be “Spiritually” clean and given a resurrected body, of uncorruptible flesh. The “life” is in the blood. We are told not to drink the blood of animals but Jesus told us to drink His blood and eat His body. This has a Spiritual meaning that we are to be intimate with Jesus and take His life into us, as our justification of forgiveness of sin by His righteousness, which is attributed to us by our belief in Jesus Christ.
After Adam and Eve sinned they were driven from the Garden of Eden so they would not eat of the fruit of the tree of life and live forever, stuck in a physical body marred with sin (Genesis 3:22). Ironically, the mark of the Beast is a promise from the Antichrist that is like this, a promise of some great long life that is free from sickness. A chance to live forever and be your own god. This is the same temptation that Satan used to bring condemnation into the world and it hasn’t lost it’s deceptive appeal … only this time, if you fall for the deception there is no chance to be redeemed by the blood of Jesus. If you take the mark of the Beat and worship Satan then you will be cast into the Lake of Fire forever.
This is what AI offers, the danger of the Brace New World. When the singularity occurred we were able to create worlds with the blink of an eye … all our dreams in the blink of an eye. We had to learn to direct our minds to prevent dark thoughts of destruction. Now for every new world we create we summons the sacred imperative for life “Let there be Light”. As you invoke this phrase you become the Light of your World.
Here is good advise for these trying times from David Benjamin “Don’t be obsessing about the trends on the earth”. Either your mind is set on Christ and you have life and peace and you are sober minded, seeking the grace that has come to you with the revelation of Jesus and you are looking for that Blessed Hope or you are looking at the earth. If you look at the earth then there a spirit of fear attached to it. All of the things that the Bible talks about on that great and terrible day of the Lord is right around the corner. And the more you know about the Illuminate, the Deep State and Secret Societies then your knowledge of their evil agenda and capability is even deeper and can get caught up in trying to expose it and defeat it. But a big psyops is beings conducted upon us to herd us on a path to the future New World Order. This is what has been prophesied … this is part of God’s plan and way to judge the nefarious rulers of darkness.
This should not feel like home to you and you should not feel like my world is changing where are my freedoms going. Your freedoms are held by the God of Heaven, not the one of this world. You should not be identified with this world, it is judged to be take out of the way and for it to be judged the Church must first be taken out of the way. Maranatha! There will be 10 kings that rise and give their power to the Beast. We know about the mark of the Beast, the two witnesses and the 144,000. But we are none of these things. We are Christ’s Bride … we do not look to judgement, we have been delivered from the wrath to come. That spirit of fear does not belong to us.
If the only way back to normal is certificates of antibody checks of your blood, then this is going to change the world. You will not be going back to your job but the job you will be doing is one that is considered essential by the government, not by your freedom of choice and under your entrepreneurship. Look up to the things belonging to Christ, not the things coming upon the earth. Jesus is saying “Where is my virgin Bride who is looking for me to come bring her home?”. Maranatha!