During this “plandemic” by the Nefarious Ones who are using a virus as a means to make us their slaves, the much more dangerous virus of Humanist Reasoning continues to infect people, keeping them enslaving in the belief that man is basically good.
This video by “Tom Foolery” sums up the humanist way to put a “positive” spin on the demonic purposes of the Nefarious Ones. The name of the video is the “The Great Realisation” (British spelling) but reality it is the “The Great Deception“.
The video explains that during the lock down/slow down many people have had a “Great Realization” or “Great Awakening” to the fact that our modern fast paced way of life has endangered the planet with plastic waste and we have been driven to earn a living and distracted by technology to the point where we have forgotten the simply joys of life. Yes, it is good that people are reflecting upon the sad state of the world and the sad state of our busy life and the dangers of technology but the real Tom Foolery is to think that because you are aware of these things that you have somehow arrived at a Great Awakening and purpose for your life.
BUSY means Being Under Satan’s Yoke!
Understand that being aware and awake to the dangers of this busy and distracting world is just “Step 1” in the Great Awakening process … don’t stop here … keep reading if you truly want to be awakened!
Tom Foolery is also not awake to the fact that many people during this lock down are not singing and dancing to some new found freedom but they are starving and desperate because they have lost the means to earn a living. People in third world countries that depend on selling their wares in the street each day just to earn a daily meal are not receiving unemployment benefit or a Government stimulus check. These people are not singing about some new found freedom but they are crying out for help, begging in the street and may have to resort to stealing to survive.
Furthermore, all the all the high tech stuff that Tom Foolery tells us to put down, like our Smart Phones and the Internet are the very things he picks up and uses to make his video and make his video go “viral” … how ironically hypocritical. The only reason people are able to enjoy sitting at home, singing and dancing and contemplating how they like their Quarantined life is because the Government is luring people into a false sense of security by giving them “free” money to sit at home … which it’s really not “free” money but a debt that the Government is borrowing from the Nefarious Ones, “pretending” that one day the people sitting on their butts at home will get off their butts and pay it back.
You see, The Nefarious Ones are corrupt people who run Big Government, Big Banks and Big Business!
The dangerous debt virus grows like a uncontrolled tumor and no one can seem to find the vaccine to stop it. Yet, figuring out how to reduce debt is really as figuring out how to reduce your weight … stop eating so much … and stop spending so much! Everyone knows that debt is bad and everyone know what is necessary to fix it but diet and exercise are not what a fat lazy body wants to hear … just like no one want to adhere to spending less or increasing taxes. Accumulating debt is the “Great Joke” that the Government plays on the people, since the Government leaders are bought and paid for by the Nefarious One who own the World Banks who lend the money to the Government to put it in debt … in order to control the Government!
BTW, there is no vaccine for a virus, the best defense against sickness is a strong immune system. When your immune system is struggling to to fight a virus give it plenty of water, sun (Vitamin D), rest and plenty of prayer.
In essence, the Nefarious Ones want the working people to think they have discovered some great awakening with this quarantine lifestyle but really it’s just a way to further our dependence upon Big Tech, Big Bankers and Big Government who are the “Nefarious Ones” who want to control us for their Nefarious Agenda … our destruction! The Nefarious Ones really don’t care what we discover as long as we don’t discover that we giving up our freedom for a false sense of peace, security and unity that they are feeding to us!
The desire to remain blind to the wicked agenda of the Nefarious Ones and to remain deceived into thinking that debt has no consequences is the definition of what it means to be “asleep” to reality and to be a puppet singing and dancing to the agenda of the Nefarious Ones. Tom Foolery has awakened people to the dangers of a busy life but he is also luring people into a deeper REM cycle by telling people to celebrate this lifestyle of Government handouts! And if you think Government is your friend trying to help you … then you are not awake but you are a day dreaming fool.
Those who sing “Kumbaya” and drink the “Koolaid” of the Nefarious Ones without exercising discernment about a Nefarious Agenda are complicit in the sin that wants to rule over and kill their soul.
You either trust “Gov” or “God” for your life … you can’t trust both. It is a sin to believe in the goodness of man because it contradicts believing in the truth of Jesus Christ. When you choose to believe in the goodness of man, you are choosing to love the world and the things in the world and you are choosing to love the people in the wold (including yourself) instead of loving the One who died for the sins of the world … Jesus Christ.
The heart is more deceitful than all else And is desperately sick; Who can understand it? – Jeremiah 17:9
Jesus died on the cross because of sin, to save us from our sin not because we are OK Jack! Jesus died so we can have life in Him because without Him, we cannot know what is truly good or be acceptable to God … for without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6).
This video by Tom Foolery is meant to be mentally uplifting but it is really Spiritually misleading. It misleads people to think that “together” we can overcome all the bad things in the world. This slogan sounds good but it really means if we do something “together” that makes it “right” no matter what it is we do. In essence, it means if we agree on it, even if it defies God’s word, then it is a worthy pursuit. YIKES!
When someone says “we are in this together”, it means we are all subject to sickness and death … this is true … but it is how you deal with this reality that separates people! I am not “together” with those who say there is no Heaven or Hell after death … I am not “together” with those who believe in a fantasy of an afterlife based on their opinion (BTW, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is a fact!) … I am not “together” with those who think we can take a vaccine to overcome death! I am not “together” with those who are “addicted to the love” of their Self Indulgent Nature (SIN). I am convinced of the love of Jesus for me and I am clinging to His love … I am “together” with Jesus and those who have put their trust in Him to overcome their death sentence and give them eternal life in Him! Hallelujah!
“Together We Can” is the slogan of the Demon-rat party. In essence it is the slogan of the UN that wants to make a One World Government and this was the slogan of Nimrod when he lead the people to build the tower of Babel to overthrow God in Heaven. How foolish and deadly!
Yes, of course, we should work “together” to help one another and love one another but it is foolish to think that because we recognize we are in this mess “together” that we have received a Great Awakening that “together” we can overcome this mess!
The purpose of life is more than just realizing we are often driven along in life by goals that end up making us unhappy and making a mess of the world. It is not out job to fix the mess of sin in this world and equally true we are not suppose to bury our head, throw up our hands and sing “Don’t Worry Be Happy”. The purpose of life is to realize that no matter what we do, we face a death sentence upon our life because at the core we are captive to our “Self Indulgent Nature” (SIN) nature. We can not overcome our sin nature by good intentions but only by believing in the One who died to overcome our sin nature … Jesus Christ.
This is “step 2” of the “Great Awakening” process to believe that Jesus is the One who can overcome sin and give you eternal life.
This video is meant to inspire people to do good things for one another but this message of human goodness alone as the “do all to end all purpose of life” actually “puffs up” our pride and overshadows the reality of our sin condition and makes us blind to the fact that we need to become a “born again” child of God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ before we can understand what is really good for our self and others. When you give the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, along with doing good in Jesus name then you are doing something that “is” good and has eternal value.
The end of the video exposes Tom Foolery’s greatest point of Deception … and that is the false belief that the Government is trying to help us. The last part of the poem states, in essence, when the Nefarious Ones find the “cure” and we are “allowed” to go back outside … then we will give thanks to the Nefarious Ones and trust them even more with our life because they have given us peace and security and they have allowed us to go outside and breathe! Since when did the Government own the air we breath?
The poem of Tom Foolery, in essence states, we will be glad when the Nefarious Ones will vaccinate us, because they say they have cured us … we will allow them to monitor us, because they say they are keeping us safe from sickness … we will do what we are told to do, because they say they know what is best for us. This is really the “highway to hell”, because the Nefarious Ones operate from the pit of hell, seductively beckoning everyone to ignore the reality of sin and believe in the lie of a man made/machine made “paradise”. The Nefarious Ones don’t care if you whistle a happy tune as long as remain asleep in your win, marching to the beat of “Government Knows Best”. You can sing any tune you want except “Amazing Grace” … proclaiming that “Jesus Knows Best”!
This is the sad and foolish thing about this video, there is no mention of man’s sin, and Jesus, who is the real cure for the sickness of sin in this world. The Great Realization is to discover that you are a sinner bound for Hell and Jesus is offering forgiveness for your sin and the Great Awakening is to receive free gift of eternal life in Jesus Christ!
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Him. – John 14:6
To mention that life is good, without mentioning Jesus, who is the only One who is good and can make life good is The Great Deception … it reminds me of the deceptive and popular phrase written on T-shirts “Life is Good” but the reality is that “Life is Crap unless you have life in Jesus”.
In some ways people are like cattle in this world who are headed to the slaughter house of eternal death and separation from God. At this time the Nefarious Ones are feeding the cattle extra food of “peace and security” because the time to slaughter the cattle is near! People are being feed lies that the Government has the answers … putting them in a comatose state of depending on the Government … so the Nefarious Ones can introduce the final state of control upon you – The Mark of the Beast.
The Nefarious Ones have no desire for people, other than the desire to see people suffer and die eternally with them in the Lake of Fire. It’s a mad and desperate situation because the Nefarious Ones have sealed their fate of eternal damnation and torment, yet the Nefarious Ones are temporarily energized when people fear their mortality and trust in this world or the Nefarious Ones to give them a good life, instead of trusting in Jesus Christ to give them eternal life.
As long as people remain asleep, believing in some airy-fairy fantasy that everything is going to work out fine … this false sense of peace and security “energizes” the Demonic side of the Spiritual battle that is being fought for your soul. When you start to look critically at the world, and try to understand the death and decay and cruelty and unfairness in the world, then you are asking God size questions. If you are honest with yourself then God responds to you with the revelation of His Son, Jesus as the answer to the death, decay, cruelty and unfairness in the world. Jesus is the answer for the world today … He always was, always is and always will be! We need to have Jesus rule and reign in our heart and have Jesus return and reign over the word … this is the only real answer to God size questions … and this He has promised to do, for those who have received Him as their Lord and Savior.
I am encouraged when people realize that this world is broken but I saddened when people indulge in a fantasy that all the world needs is more human kindness … what the world needs is Jesus! Only Jesus can give a person the love that can change them and give them eternal life … this is what the world needs. Turn off the TV and open your Bible … this will wake you up to reality!
On the other hand, Tom Foolery wants you to continue day dreaming about your own goodness and the goodness of mankind … and Netflix said they have enough videos to keep the people sleeping like Rip Van Winkle for as long as it takes to find the cure.
And praise God, there will be some who are awakened by the signs of the things coming upon this earth by the signs of the totalitarian control of the end time Beast government and they will repent and call upon salvation in Jesus. Even within the Church, I think some will “wake up” to the seriousness of their life in Christ and stop just going to Church and playing Church but become “the Church”, the expression of the life of Christ.
However, I do not think there will be a great awakening for people to live for Christ at this time but a great desire by people to return to a “normal life” or their Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) life … even if they have to be tracked and controlled by the government. For the most part the Church is asleep to working out their personal relationship in Christ and their purpose of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ upon the earth … at the same time “the Church” has been hijacked by a false Mega church mentality connected to politics, called NAR Dominionism. This is a deadly combination that the Catholic Church used to persecute real believers of Jesus and rule over kings, in order to keep people in bondage to the Church. Read the book of Revelation and you will see the “woman” of the end time Tribulation period is the “whore Church” and the woman rides the Beast government, to cause the government to persecute believers of Jesus Christ.
What is really happening is we are not at this time experiencing a Great Awakening but we experiencing a “Great Shaking“, like wheat being cast in the wind, which is causing a great “Great Division” between those who are alive in Jesus Christ and want to “go to Heaven” to be with Him vs those who want prosperity in this world and think they are doing good works in order bring Jesus “down to earth” with them. The final “Great Division” will be when the Church is caught up to Heaven in the Rapture!
I have a few other articles where I discuss the dangers of Dominionism, the signs of the coming Beast Kingdom and the transition to the Tribulation. By the way, there will be a “Great Awakening” to Jesus but it will happen “after” the Rapture, when those “left behind” will confess that “the Rapture” was a blessing from God that took believers from the earth to escape the Tribulation. At the same time a “Great Delusion” will come upon the earth hardening the hearts of those who believe the lie of the Antichrist and will build his kingdom for the first 3 1/2 years of the Tribulation. During this time, the Tribulation Saints will give their life in martyrdom as they stand up against the Antichrist and confess their testimony of Jesus Christ.
I am also planning to write an article to expose the lack of “science” behind the understanding of what a virus actually is and the Nefarious purpose of the vaccines that are being forced on us to make us a GMO, a hybrid-type organism that is dependent on AI to be stimulated for a perceived “happy” life … yet it will be a life of eternal damnation – eternally separated from God!
Wake up people – Jesus is the cure for sin and eternal life with God!
This is not the Great Realization but the Great Deception!
But Jesus, on His part, was not entrusting Himself to them, for He knew all men, – John 2:24
This is not the Great Realization or the Great Awakening … this video is part of the Great Deception. There is no vaccine coming to cure the world of sickness … people get sick and die because sin has infected the world at the fall of Adam and Eve. The only cure for sin is belief in Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus will not keep you from dying physically but if you believe that Jesus died, was buried and rose from the dead in order to pay the price of your sin before God, then Jesus will keep you from dying Spiritually … you will have eternal life with Jesus … He will live in you now and forever and one day He will give you a new resurrected body to walk on the new earth! This is the good news that people need to realize. Faith in Jesus Christ is the “Great Awakening” that wakes a person up to become the person God created you to be! This video is meant to be mentally uplifting but it is really Spiritually misleading … it is not waking people up to the dangers of sin and a person’s need to be saved but is luring people to sleep with a false hope that man is basically good and all man needs to do is be nice to one another and good to the environment in order to have peace and security in this world. When you give the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, along with loving others n Jesus name then you are doing something that “is” good and has everlasting value. Wake up people, call upon Jesus to save you from this world of sin before God judges this world of sin!
Tom Foolery – Hindsight 2020 poem
Tell me the one about the virus again.
Then I’ll go to bed.
But my boy, your growing weary,
sleepy though about your head.
Please! That’s ones my favorite.
I promise, just once more.
Ok, Snuggle down, my boy,
though I know you know full well,
this story starts before then
in a world, I once would dwell.
It was a world of waste and wonder
of poverty and plenty,
back before we understood
why hindsight’s twenty-twenty.
You see the people came up with companies
to trade across all lands.
But they swelled and got much bigger
than we ever could have planned.
We’d always had out wants,
but now it got so quick.
You could have anything you dreamed of
in a day, and with a click.
We noticed families had stopped talking.
That’s not to say they never spoke,
but the meaning must have melted
and the work-life balance broke.
And the children eyes get squarer
and every toddler had a phone.
They filtered out the imperfections
but amidst the noise they felt alone.
And every day the skies grew thicker
till you couldn’t see the stars.
So we flew in planes to find them
while down below we filled out cars.
We’d drive around all day in circles,
we’d forgotten how to run.
We swapped the grass for tarmac,
shrunk the parks ’till there were none.
We filled the seas with plastic
because our waist was never capped.
Until each day when you went fishing,
you’d pull them out already wrapped.
And while we drank and smoked and gambled
our leaders taught us why.
It’s best to not upset the lobbies
more convenient to die.
But then in 2020,
a new virus came out way.
The governments reacted
and told us to all to hide away.
But while we all were hidden
amidst the fear and all the while,
the people dusted off their instincts.
They remembered how to smile.
They started clapping to say thank you
and calling up their mums
And while the car keys gather dust
they would look forward to their runs.
And when the skies less full of voyages
the earth began to breath
And the beaches bore new wildlife
that scuttled off into the seas.
Some people started dancing,
some were singling, some were baking.
We’d grown so used to bad news
but some good news was in the making.
And so when the found the cure,
and were allowed to go outside,
we all preferred the world we found,
to the one, we’d left behind.
Old habits became in extinct
and they made for the new.
And every simple act of kindness
was now given its due.
But why did it take a virus
to bring the people back together?
Well, sometimes you’ve got to get sick,
my boy, before you start feeling better.
Now lie down and dream of tomorrow
and all the things that we can do.
And who knows, if you dream hard enough,
maybe some of them will come true.
We now call it the Great Realizations
and yes, since then, there have been many,
but that’s the story of how it started
and why hindsight is twenty-twenty.
Oh! Nefarious Ones by Rogersings May, 2020 (sung to Oh! Susanna)
I can go any place I like
as long as I stay home
I use to live in freedom land
but now it’s Twilight Zone
I wore a mask to keep me safe
and passed out from bad air
I took it off so I could breathe
and got some nasty stares
Chorus: Oh! Nefarious Ones,
now don’t you look for me
Cause I’ve gone to Heaven with my Lord
to live eternally!
My mirror said you don’t look good
go sit out in the sun
But I felt worse locked up in jail
for breaking rule #1
I never knew I had the flu
or that the flu had me
I’m vaccinated by the blood
of Jesus the Nazarene