http://www.isidewith.com/ – take the quiz and find out the candidate the matches your values.
I am trying to break this election down into simple terms so people can see through the haze of media fire storms and hear some common sense over the noise of the talking heads. The future of America is a stake here. Do you believe God is humbling the reckless, demeaning, loudmouth and irratible nature of Donald Trump to save America so we can stand with Israel against the world and receive God’s blessing in these last days? Or do you want to continue more of the ruthless, lying, incompetent and demonic agenda of Obummer and Hillary Clinton that is bringing America in line with a One World Government that God is going to judge these last days? Do you think God can use Trump to “drain the swamp” so we can replace political corruption and political correctness with truthful transparent government based on God’s moral absolute truth? Or do you want to continue do go down the road of moral decline and divisiveness that is tearing this country apart?
Like many Christians who have discernment about what is happening in the world, I think this presidential election will be the tipping point that sets God hand toward America as we approach the end-times. God will either open his hand of blessing upon America if we stand with Israel and restore moral righteousness or He will close His fist of judgement on America if we continue to merge into a One World Order. Standing up for what is right is the “hard thing to do”. It is like declaring war to all the nations around us (except Israel) and it is like declaring civil war against a large percent of people within America. But when you understand that the blessings of eternal life that are in the balance and when you know that God is on the side of righteousness, you will know what to do “at such a time as this”.
So who’s gonna win? Will this person be God’s man or woman? Yes, this person will do God’s will, either by being His judgement upon America (Hillary) or by bringing His hand of blessing upon America (Trump). God already knows how the election is going to turn out and in the end “all things works together for God’s good” (Romans 8:28). And to be historical honest and truthful, “persecution” is what grows the church of Christ. The lukewarm Laodicean church is not growing in America but in China, where their is persecution, there are millions coming to the Lord! Look, I don’t want persecution to be the normal way of life for Christians in America but to a degree persecution is already happening if you don’t want to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple or photograph their public abomination ceremony because it violates your faith then you may already be in jail. But, wide spread persecution will become the normal reality for every Bible believing Christian if a Killary administration gains power of the “Black” House.
Quite simply this stated this election is a choice to either return to God fearing truths that made America great or to choose to follow humanistic principles that are uniting the world together under the Demonic influence of Sharia law in preparation for the end time rule of the Antichrist. You can’t miss the signs that the Tribulation period spoken of in Revelation is very near, right at the door, trying to shut down God’s voice through His church. The increase of humanism in the world through Liberal Progressive Policies and the increase of Islam in the world though biological jihad of Muslims is the sign that there isn’t much time left to save the last few souls for Christ!
Like a cancer that eats up the body, the cancerous teaching of Humanism and Islam (H&I) is eating up the mind of people in the world so they can’t see the futility of sin and their need for God. Christianity is the immune system of the world but this immune system has been compromised by a compromising church’s who no longer preach about sin and a prosperous and lazy church that doesn’t want to risk loosing favor in the world by “standing up” against the world and declare the truth of God’s word! Let me explain something else, even if Trump wins and the rule of law and righteousness is restored in America, this is not going to slow down the growth of cancer in the world. As a matter of fact, it will seriously aggravate those under the deluding influence of H&I and cause them to escalate their efforts to take over the world.
Don’t be naive and think a Trump presidency will unite America and change the hearts of Americans. Just the opposite will occur, as those who are engrossed in sin will come up with new lies and means to tear down America for Satan. Trump will act as a lighting rod to expose corruption and you can be sure that those who are exposed are going to fight back. We need to pray for God’s will to be done. Frankly, I think a Trump presidency will be comet lighting up the sky, bringing a brief period and chance of redemption in Christ before God removes the “light of the world” with the rapture of the church in Sept 2017.
Do Americans have the backbone to stand up and vote out of office the corrupt Politicians line their pockets with money and enforce laws to stop Big Business and Special Interest groups from bribing the politicians who are suppose to be working for us. It seems to me that we have been poisoned so long that most people no longer care about the truth and would rather just die a slow death believing in the lie that big government is going to help them and give them free stuff. For me it is like watching a mass of people drown to death in a foot of water when I am trying to life them to their feet. “The sluggard buries his hand in the dish; He is weary of bringing it to his mouth again.” – Proverbs 26:15
The lure and lie that catches the most Big Mouth People – “Big Government promising Free Stuff”
The real and present danger of the advancing One World Order funded by George Soros, Satan’s wingman.
George Soros: ‘I Am A God, I Created Everything, I Control America And Hillary Clinton’
Here is a scenario that describes how the presidential decision is decided by the majority of Americans:
Republican Candidate: If after seeing lots of warning signs that the bridge up ahead has fallen down and pulling over onto the side of the road to consider your options, an arrogant man comes along side your car and says “Hey, the damn bride is really out up ahead. Too many people wanting “free stuff” caused it to buckle and fall down. Turn around and follow me and I will show you how to work for a living “. Would you ignore the warning signs and the warning message from the man and keep driving because you didn’t like the inappropriate language of the man giving you advise even though you are pretty sure he is telling you the truth?
Democratic Candidate: If after seeing lots of warning signs that the bridge up ahead has fallen down and pulling over onto the side of the road to consider your options, a woman comes along side your car and nicely says “Excuse me but those warning signs are not true. There is still plenty of “free stuff” on the other side of that bridge. These warning signs were put here by an arrogant man who is trying to scare you away so you don’t get free stuff. Follow me and I will give you free stuff. ” Would you believe the woman even though you think the warning sings are true and know the woman is a pathological liar?
If you answered “yes” to both of these questions, then you are wondering around cluelessly in the camp of Satan’s sister, Killary!
If you answered “no” to both of these questions, then God bless you, there is hope for America in the camp of Trump!
So here is my question: Are you aware of the warning signs that America is imploding from within due to corrupt leadership, big money payoffs, immoral behavior, Liberal progressiveness, the LGBT mafia and Islamic ignorance? Are you aware that “Righteousness exalts a nation, But sin is a disgrace to any people.” Proverbs 14:34 ? Are you aware that God judges a nation that is not morally righteousness? This is a very real and present danger, and unfortunately this is the direction that America is headed toward.
Look, here’s what’s really going on in the world in case you are watching too much “Good Morning America” and think “acceptance of all ideas” and “being nice to each other” is the most important pursuit in the world. What is happening is that we are living in the “end times“, right before the coming of the One World Order. And when the OWO takes over, people will no longer have personal freedom to say what they want and worship who that they want. This is the path the European Union has embraced and this is the path that America is currently on. The ideology of Progressive Liberalism proclaims that “we can build a better world together without the restrains of God’s morality” is just as demonic and deadly as that of Nazism when they tried to build the great Aryan race.
Because of sin, people are naturally lazy and naturally believe the “pernicious lie” that man is basically good and doesn’t need God. We can define our own “best” form of government and existence, without moral restraints, without a work ethic and without personal responsibilities. This lie has destroyed all societies and this lie of “Big Government and Free Stuff” which is the core of the Progressive Liberalism will eventually destroy American … if we allow it to happen.
The new human race of Progressive Liberalism will be one where people will be genetically altered for perfect bodies (although perhaps there are some DNA alterations that should be considered to improve our health). But the real danger of this ideology is the belief that we do not need the restraints of God morality and the God assigned attribute of gender upon our lives in order to live a life that is pleasing to God. It is the same mantra of “we can do it our way” that destroyed the first great society that Nimrod tried to establish when he incited the people to build the “Tower of Babel”, instead of disperse and populate the earth. Therefore, the most important thing is to “pursuit the truth” in order to expose bad ideas so we will remain free God fearing people, “not be nice and accept all ideas” which leads to bondage and eternal separation from God.
The OWO that the UN, the Pope, Big Business and Liberals are pushing to implement is not a world of peace and civil rights but it is a world of violence and persecution. Read the book of Revelation in the Bible and see what happens to those who refuse to take the mark of the Beast, they are killed (Revelation 13:15). Once you depart from the moral absolutes of God, it is just a matter of time before this deviation progresses into a Tyranny government and the OWO will most likely be world under Sharia law, which the Antichrist calling the shots. And just look around and you can see that the world is slowly being won for Islam by Muslims who are entering a country, either through legal immigration or by fleeing their country as a refugee. Make no mistake, both peaceful and radical Muslims want to implement Sharia law, which is the end to freedom and the end of this world.
People are being deceived into thinking that we should not challenge the dangerous ideology of Islam and we should not legislate morality but this my friends is exactly what we should do and need to do! However, challenging bad idea and bad morals is hard to do. This is why Jesus said that those who follow in His footsteps will be hated.
“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you.” John 15:18
Matthew 10: 34“Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35“For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36and A MAN’S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD.
37“He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38“And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. 39“He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.
Those who stand up for the truth of Christ and the God moral law will be hated and misunderstood. This is the way it is and this is the way it will be on earth until Jesus returns to rule and reign. This is why it is much more important to change a heart so they have “peace with God”, than to win an election so there is peace on earth.
Things may appear to be cozy because you give in on moral absolutes so you don’t anger those who want to sin but this is simply like putting a ticking time bomb under your pillow and going to sleep. You see, sin doesn’t sleep, a little turns into a lot and lot turns into purification and then death. This is the example that Jesus gives us on how sin spreads, like leaven in the dough, a little bit will spread to the whole batch. Sin must be removed, this is example given to us in the unleavened bread during the pass over meal. Look, it’s perfectly fine to eat leavened bread but these are examples of sin we are to learn from and turn from.
Sin will take you farther than you want to go
And teach you things you don’t want to know.
It will keep you longer than you want to stay
And cost you more than you want to pay.
Change is hard when the change is that you will now have to take responsibility for your life and do the right thing. But people who depend on the government to support their lazy lifestyle or their sinful lifestyle don’t want this kind of change. And big deal politician who promise what they can’t deliver in order to stay in office don’t want this kind of change. They are cozy right now with a broken political system that serves their interests, so they don’t want to rock the boat. And things are cozy for the liberal media who get paid to do nothing but regurgitate whatever their liberal employer tells them to say. It’s OK to offend Christians who believe in the absolute moral truth of God but don’t offend the Muslim terrorist who are trying to kill us. And things are cozy for those who have money to invest and are receiving income from a false sense of security that is created by the Federal Reserve.
Those who promote a One World Order paint “a world without physical boarders or moral boarders” as a way toward a wonderful life. While they call those who cling to their Bibles and guns as “ignorant backwards hillbilly thinking“. (Note, a Liberal thinks a person raised in remote mountain areas are ignorant whereas the truth is that people raise away from the poison of city life have a great common sense reasoning ability and God fearing wisdom that far surpassing the ignorance of most people raise in a big city). But God is not mocked by what man calls good and God will judge all things done that are not His will!
But the Liberals are right about one thing, if we stay the progressive liberal course as Hillary and her supporters wants, we will not infuriate the Muslims, the United Nations and the LGBT Mafia and our personal freedoms will last a “few more years” but this will be just a brief delusion of peace before God’s judgment falls upon us and Sharia law becomes the law of the land.
On the other hand, Trump wants to stand up against the deadly ideology of Islam and the immoral behavior of abortion and same sex marriage. Yes, I agree, “standing up” to this deadly ideology of Islam will probably put us at war with every nation on earth (except England and Israel) but do you want to be on God’s side and see how God handles this war or would you rather be on Satan’s side and become a prisoner to Sharia law, which is God’ judgement? For that matter we are already at war. It is a war of ideologies. One ideology is trying to “Make America Great Again” and one is trying to “Make America Captive to the Global New World Order“.
Is Hillary guilty of criminal acts like “sending classified information” to a private email account? Well YES! The FBI has evidence that Hillary send classified information to a private account many times. She even maintained a private email server where she conducted the government’s business, which is against government ethical practices. She lied about the reason for the Benghazi attack to the American people and many think she didn’t adequately handle the situation at the Benghazi, Libya embassy where Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans where killed. Hillary lied that she never send classified information to a private email server and then admitted she did it when the evidence was exposed by the FBI. But instead of leveling any criminal action or removing her from service which the FBI routinely does for all other people (and for lesser breches of classified material than this), they did nothing in Hillary’s case, except say she was careless or perhaps they meant “incompetent” … you decide. This web site does a good and unbiased job laying out the scandals of the Clintons from Whitewater to Benghazi.
Of course some people would vote for Hillary even if she was finally convicted of all her crimes and put into an “orange pants suit” to stand trial for the crimes she has committed. This is because their “immoral lifestyle” depends upon her approval of their immoral values and their “free loading livelihood” depends upon her stand on government policies. This situation did not happen over night but like the proverbial frog, our personal liberties have been slowly cooked in the waters of unrealistic liberalism for the past 100 years. The politicians are the drug peddlers who dope the people on the drug of “free stuff” from the government and the voters are the junkies who use the drug which alters their sense of right and wrong. Can a junkie kick a drug habit? Well, it’s nearly impossible and usually takes intervention by those who care. Does anyone still care to do what is right before God?
We are at a serious crossroad for America and I do believe this election will set God’s hand of either blessing or judgment toward America. So if you think you can continue to drink the liberal doped up kool-aid and live in peace and prosperity with sin, remember how you voted when you’re liberally “drugged up” head is drug before a Sharia court to have it removed!
Deluded Logic:
I have finally figured out why it is impossible to debate with most Progressive Liberal Democrats and self indulgent people because they do not debate the truth concerning the issues but they debate about their “feelings” towards the issues which are fueled by their unrestrained desire to sin! And let’s be clear on one thing, TO THEM THEIR FEELINGS ARE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE TRUTH!
Here’s a typical reasoning process that goes on in the mind of many people: “Yes, I realize that Hillary is a walking convict who has murdered those in her way, accepted big money from foreign nationals, lied and done illegal activities to advance her own personal agenda. Yes,I realize if elected she will destroy the morality of America with Progressive Liberalism. Yes, I realize she will allow Muslims to take over our country and eventually set up Sharia law. Yes, I realize she will tax us to death and put is in so much debt that we will be good for nothing. Yes, i realize she will elect liberal judges who will destroy America’s freedom and the constitution. And yes, I realize that Trumps ideas will make America Great Again but I simply can’t vote for him because “he’s a bad man that hurt my feelings”. This however is really a “cover up” lie to justify their their desire for “free stuff from the government” and their desire to “legalize their immoral lifestyle“. That’s right America, I don’t care if we all die a slow rotting death under tyranny of Killary because the truth doesn’t matter if it means I have to take responsibility for my life.
Ironically, I noticed that the slogan for my home town, Emerald Isle, is “nice matter“. And you know what, nice does matters but “truth matters more“. This is something most people don’t seem to be able to understand and discern. If I saw you about to step in front of a moving car and yelled at you “Get back!”. This might be the alarming loud words that didn’t sound very nice but they were necessary to save your life. If on the other hand, if I nicely say in a quiet voice “excuse me, I don’t know you but …” never mind, Bam!, too late, you’re dead. And then again if I yelled at people for no reason this is wrong but it is not as wrong as if I “slapping people” for no reason. Then again slapping a stranger on the back may be just the thing that saves their life, if they are chocking on food.
If I said in a polite way, “hey my belief system says it’s OK for me to cut off you head, its who I am, thank you for understanding” … Wack! Should we accept a cold blooded murdering belief system even if there are nice people peddling it’s poison? Hello, Islam! And I have been watching a gang of Progressive Liberals supporters bully and physically beat up a lone Trump supporter. Hey, where is Black Lies Matter terrorists when you need them to right the wrongs of prejudice and bigotry? And if I said something disguising and foolish in a private setting a long time ago but never acted on these words and later publicly apologized for saying these things should I be forgiven or forever labelled a bigot? Hello, Christianity!
Come on people, for the love of God, show some discernment and common sense. The next president is likely to appoint four new Supreme Court judges, Based on what the current liberal activist judges have done to override the constitute and God’s commandments, what do you think America will look like if Killary appoints these judges. Well, it’s not to hard to see, take a look at the liberal socialist countries of the world, where they are sinking in debt and their citizens are not allowed to have guns and Muslims are pouring in and out birthing the populating in order to establish Sharia law. Then look at the Muslim countries of the world where they already have Sharia law and there is no freedom. Wack! and welcome to Hillary’s America.
Truth matters when you are critically analyzing idea to determine the best system of social order. But more importantly “truth matter the most” when you analyzing idea about life and eternal life As my friend once said “The truth will set you free but it will piss you off first”. You must acknowledge the truth that you are a sinner and you must acknowledge the truth the Jesus Christ is the only way to be saved from sin. But you must have more than just “head knowledge” concerning this truth you must “believe” – “repent of your old life and accept the free gift of new life in Christ”. To “believe” from the Biblical sense of the word, is for two things to happen at the same time. It’s just like when you “turn around”, you stop facing one direction and start facing another direction. Also “to believe” is not a work of man but a work that is powered by the grace of God, yet dependent on the will of man.not of man.
You must first acknowledge that you are a sinner, a flawed individual, you make mistakes. It is not because your ability to “think” is flawed but it is because you “do not” use this ability to think “critically” and look for a root cause of the problem. And the root cause for all the death and destruction and misery in the world is because of “sin”. And the solution to sin is to be born again! Thinking critically this way is called “seeking the truth” and Jesus is the “Truth, the Life and the Way” – John 14:6. It is sin that drives people to do immoral behavior and sin that wants others to approve and participate in immoral behavior. It is sin that makes a person think that the government of men can provide for their needs better than God. This was the lie that Satan used in the garden to tempt Adam and Eve, “you can be your own god“. And this was the lie that Nimrod used to tempt the first civilization of man, “we can build a government “together” that is better than God“.
Note, “together” is a code word for those who think they don’t need to obey God’s moral laws but they can make up a future without God. This is the motto for the evil that is the United Nations and this is Hillary’s campaign slogan “Stronger Together”.
The bottom line is that a life lived without God and without the truth of His word is a life lived in vain, worthless and worse still eternally judged for sin. Yes, we have a capacity in the flesh to enjoy the pleasure, power and pride of sin but this a “temporary” condition that exist while we are in the flesh on earth but our flesh will die and our souls will live eternally. Where your soul lives (the real you) depends upon whether or not you have accepted Christ as your Savior. Most people say “crime doesn’t pay” but actually “crime does pay”, at least temporarily in this world, if you don’t get caught by the police but in hell there isn’t anything to steal because you are in solitary confinement. In Hell and the Lake of Fire, you are all alone with your twisted selfish thinking and there is no one there to talk too or complain too or commensurate with or conspire with or conspire against. You are in outer darkness, all alone, like a dark lifeless planet in outer space so deep there is no visible light around you.
Perhaps you are thinking, “Hey, I’m not a thief, I haven’t stolen anything” … but you have … you have stolen your life from God. God has given you a life to live for His purpose and glory. When’s the last time you checked in with God concerning His plan and His purpose for your life? When the last time you thanked Him for providing the air you breath, the water you drink and the daily bread you consume so you can live on planet earth? How have you paid God for your room and board? Then you may say, “Well at least I’m not a murderer” … but you are .. your sin murdered God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. We are all murderers of Christ because Christ had to live a perfect life as a man and “die in my place” to pay my sin of rebelling and stealing from God. We are born sinners, separated from God’s Spirit and will die separated from God unless we repent of our self oriented stinking thinking and be transformed by Christ into His God powered holy thinking.
People who do not want to give Christ authority of their life while they are on earth will get what they want, they will be eternally separated from God. But this is also the worst judgment there is from God. Thinking you are your own god and you can choose what is best for you is a cruel joke and a lie. Ol’ blue eyes sang “I did it my way” but there is not way to earn eternal life by doing it your way. The only thing we are truly in charge of, is being “in charge” of following the One who is in charge of everything. Look, I write these articles in order to try and put things in perspective from God’s point of view. God is the One who created you with a good future, with good things to do but because of Adam’s sin of disobeying God, you are born with a rebel attitude toward God. And you will die a rebel to God, a prisoner to sin and never realize the wonderful life God has prepared for your ….unless you are “born again”.
When you have perceptive of life from God’s point of view and you acquire a new life in Christ, everything makes sense in a new way … God’s way. And that is why there is so much division and conflict in the world because we are under the influence of sin (the world, the flesh and the Devil) and therefore we in conflict in the way we understand God and His good plan. And we are in conflict in the way we understand one another and how in Christ we are meant to serve one another. The answer to this conflict among men is not to join hands and form a New World Order of man but we need to “first” bring people into a loving relationship with God and this is done by exposing the lies of sin (the world, the flesh and Devil). And this is the duty of a God’s born again children but a Christian who doesn’t stand up against sin is just as dead as those who are in need of salvation!
For the most part the political posturing going on today is just a distraction to keep people busy with worldly things so they don’t think about eternal things. However, as I’ve said, we are at a tipping point in America and our freedom to worship God and share His word of life in Jesus Christ is at stake. Look around the world at the countries where Islam is in control and you will see these countries have no freedom to worship God, the can only worship Allah who is Satan in disguise. Killary’s promise of “freestuff” is a a lie and a drug that destroy’s “Freedom”. Come on folks, hasn’t anyone watched Braveheart?
I realize that God is in control and His will … will be done. Whoever wins this election will not effect my belief in God but it will effect the way I have to live my life for Christ, for it is already considered a “hate” crime to mention God’s word concerning same sex relationships. It is just a matter of time before it is illegal to say the word “sin” and tell people they need to repent from sin. Look at what happened to John the Baptist, Jesus Christ and His disciples. This is where America is headed under the current leadership. This why you need to critically consider which candidate is the best to do God’s will and get out and VOTE!
Here’s a Rant email message that I shared with my friend – 10/19/2016.
Yes, the Trumpster and Killary are flaming the air waves. More and more stuff pours out of Pandora’s box everyday concerning the lies and schemes of the notorious modern day Bonnie and Clyde Clinton duo. Unfortunately, the FBI is not going to track them down this time because the FBI, the Justice Department and the President Obummer Himself are all part of the bank robberies schemes that are being committed against the American people. Washington provides the smoke screen for all the politicians to pursue illegal endeavors so that the American people can’t tell who is guilty. And frankly I don’t know if the Trumpster will be able to catch the crooks and bring the notorious band of bandits to justice because he keeps firing self-inflicted wounds. If something isn’t done soon I am going to do like Gomer Pile did on the Andy Griffin show and declare a “Citizens’ Arrest!”
Praise God that the “TRUTH” is a person, the Lord Jesus Christ and He is all that matter!
Please listen to a common sense from Trey Gowdy:
Hilary’s connection with Human Abedin and Saudi Arabia terrorist organizations:
As this video so clearly states, “You have a Bible and you have a brain, turn the TV off and use them to vote for the future of America!”
Here’s an animated video where the spider who lives a good life in the cornfield ignores the better advise to leave that good life for eternal life.
Click here to open this video in full screen mode: https://www.facebook.com/imsoblesseddaily/videos/697963790367748/
According to Killary, not all people have the right to life: