Have you ever been in extreme or constant pain like a bad sciatic nerve that is reporting pain to your senses 24 hours a day no matter how you position your body? When you cry and pray and hope for the pain to stop have you ever at that time said “what difference does it make if this pain stops or it doesn’t stop?”. Of course not, you realize it makes all the difference in the world for that pain to stop, so you can be at peace to think and live and enjoy this world. Have you ever been a part of family strife where people are in conflict over something to the point where there is no peace and joy? At that time when everyone is yelling at one another and threatening to kill each other have you said “what difference does it make if this conflict stops or it doesn’t stop?”. Of course not, your very being and peace of mind is threatened and under attack.
People are designed by God for order, peace and rest but we are also infected with a the virus of sin that propels us to seek this order, peace and rest by our own means of our own reasoning, our own means of control and our own means of self justification. Whether you realize it or not, each person is constantly rationalizing this question in their head “what difference does it make” as they make each and every decision of of their life. This is why Paul tells us to “take each thought captive to Christ” for only Jesus can give us the answer gives us true order, peace and rest.
The statement “What Difference Does it Make?” is notoriously linked to Krazy Killary Klinton (KKK) as proof that she cared only for her herself and her career instead of caring for the lives of the people killed in the attack on Benghazi and the families suffering because of this tragedy. Instead of wanting to know what could be done to stop this kind of chaos and murder from erupting in the future, she wanted to know when people would shut up about this tragedy so could continue to orchestrate some twisted vision of grandeur she had about her ruling the world.
You can bet that being exposed for being an incompetent leader and an uncaring narcissist made a “Big Difference to Her”. She knew that being exposed as being incompetent and preoccupied with her selfish ambition would destroy her ability to fulfill her delusional selfish ambition … to rule the world. This was her core purpose that she had pursued ruthlessly for years and now someone threatened to destroy her purpose … as though to kill her! This is why Killary trivialized, mocked and killed anything that exposed her blunders, corruption and true motive. This was her loudest cry of protest because it made all the Difference in the world if the truth about her was known to the world.
“What Difference Does It Make” … is the key to understanding the reason for our existence and our very being. What difference does it make what I believe in? What difference does it make what I do and say? Well, my friend it makes all the difference in the world! What you believe makes the difference of life and death for you and what you do and say makes it makes the difference of life and death for others. We will each stand before God and give and account of what we did and for what purpose we did it … our motive! This is a very real and very scary thing to have to justify yourself before God, for the life that God gave you. Do you think God will be satisfied with the answer “What difference does it make what I did or why I did it?”. God will say “Well if it make no difference to you about My purpose for your life, then you have no part in Me … Goodbye”.
If your own grown up child purposefully burned down your house and said he didn’t care a that the family had no place to live and he would do it again, would you support this child or allow this child to live with you? This is the reason for police and courts and jails in this world … to try and protect the persecuted in this world, bring justice again the guilty and exalt the righteous. Unfortunately corruption infects the Judicial branch at times with liars instead of lawyers.
So how will you answer this question “What Have You Done About Jesus Christ?“.
This is the question that God is going to ask you. He is not going to ask you about all the wonderful things you did or assumed you did or you wished you could have done. He is not going to ask you what you have done with your life but what you have done concerning the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God wants to know what you think of Jesus … because it is Jesus who made you and made everything and Jesus made a good purpose for you and everything. What have you created from nothing? Who have you miraculously healed? Who did you miraculously feed? Have you taken the penalty of someone else’s sin … died in their place … and risen from the dead?
No, of course not … so what have you done about Jesus Christ who did all these thing? Have you believed upon Him as He said you must do in order to be forgive from your sin and have eternal life?
This is the work that God is going to ask you if you have done … Have you “believed upon Jesus?”. Actually, this is not exactly true, for God already knows your answer to this question. You will stand before God either at the “Judgement Seat of Christ” if you have believed in Jesus to receive degrees of eternal rewards for your good works of faith or you will stand at the “Great White Throne of Judgement” if you have not believed to received degrees of eternal punishment for your all your works.
What difference does it make if you believe in Jesus or not? Jesus is life!
1 John 5 10The one who believes in the Son of God has the testimony in himself; the one who does not believe God has made Him a liar, because he has not believed in the testimony that God has given concerning His Son. 11And the testimony is this, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 12He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.
This is my personal testimony concerning my Salvation and walk of faith in Jesus Christ.
There are many neigh sayers who rail against the gospel of Grace that promises that He who began the good work of Salvation in you will be faithful to complete it (Phil 1:6). This is the true gospel of God’s Grace that saves from the gutter most to the utter most … the promise of eternal security in Christ … the doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved, OSAS, that I believe in. Many people preach that “yes” you are initially saved by Grace not of works (Ephesians 2:8-9) but after you are saved … well then you are on your own mate, to work out your Salvation … or else. Yes, Paul mentions that we are to “work out our Salvation in fear and trembling” (Phil 2:12) but what is the work we are to do? … and what are we to fear?
Paul also says to “make every effort to enter into that rest” (Hebrews 4:11) … this sounds like a paradox … labor to rest. What is “that rest” … and if we are to be resting, why are we laboring? Be still and know that I am God (Palms 46:10). Our rest is to rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ! Our labor is to deny our Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) which wants to cope with our craving for rest by intoxicating the flesh and it also wants to justify a position of rest before God by our good works (legalism). We are not to equate our works with the ability to bring about our Salvation or with the ability to keep our Salvation but we are to focus on the work that Christ did for us on the cross to bring us into a relationship with God and the work that Christ is doing in us to fulfill God’s good purpose (Phil 2:13). Our fear is not the fear of losing our Salvation but we are to fear loosing a focus and grip on our first love, Jesus.
I started off on a little rambling rant to say that my Christian walk has been a labor to enter into God’s rest and I continue to struggle with my sin that wants rest and peace with God on my terms, not His, which is by Grace though faith in Jesus Christ. Jacob wrestled with God for a blessing of acceptance by God but God had to dislocate his hip so Jacob had to lean on God. Jacob had to learn to cast his cares upon God, to allow God to carry them for him while Jacob became the benefactor of God’s blessings to the world. And this is what we do when we “trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding” Proverbs 3:5-6 – we are pointing others to Christ who sustains us!
I am going to give my personal testimony concerning my Spiritual journey … on the road to discovering Jesus, finding Him and enjoying Him in an effort to try and free people from the gospel of works. Salvation is by “birth” not “behavior”. The Grace that grants a person Salvation, seals a person with the Holy Spirit and ultimately completes the work of Salvation … the removal of the sin nature and the full measure of Grace … a resurrected body!
Becoming a Child of God
This is where the story begins for each person’s life. We are all born sinners separated from God, with a God size hole in our heart … looking for someone or something to fill that hole. This is my testimony of finding that someone in the person of Jesus Christ … becoming a born again believer of Jesus Christ.
Becoming a Servant
This is my testimony of learning to walk in the Holy Spirit with Christ … learning to die to self and live for Christ … learning to know God and make Him known.
Becoming a Priest
This is the testimony of learning how to discern evil in the world and how to pray for God’s will to be done.
This information is from David Benjamin in Christ, YouTube channel (click here).
The Promise is that as we partake more and more of Christ, He will become an Enjoyment to us. Not only that, we will get to a place where we are not even thinking about our condition and our performance anymore, we are just living. That living will produce more and more good fruit, not because we are trying to produce good fruit, but because we are constituted with another Life, which is Christ Himself as the Spirit, Melchizedek, living His Life through us, dispensing His Life through us.