No one. Islam is a political movement which is taking over the world and masquerading as a religion. There is no serious effort by any nation to stop the spread and the terror of Islam because Islam is the political system of the New World Order. The Kingdom of Earth is at hand and I think the Antichrist, who will soon reign over this Kingdom, is on the world scene today, ready to take charge as soon as the God’s “born-again” children are raptured to Heaven. The Antichrist is the messiah of Islam, the Mahdi that the Muslims are anticipating and he is also the Savior that the Pope of the One World Catholic Church is praying for. The Antichrist is also the leader the Mason of the New World Order are anticipating, the leader of a “man made” peace and unity based on the lies of humanism and power of Satan.
********* NEWS ALERT AND CORRECTION ************
I have to correct this article because there is one nation that is not afraid to call “Radical Islam” a serge of evil upon the face of the earth. Shortly after a Muslim man stabbed to death a 13 year old Israel girl while she slept in her bedroom on June 30th, 2016, the leader of Israel, Benjamin Netenyahu publicly denounced the hideous crime and exposed the sick ideology that spawns these evil deeds.
Actually Islam no longer needs to spread it’s Satanic influence by the sword of jihad because they have already won the war of ideas by using biological jihad. The Muslims spread their poisonous ideology by out-birthing the population of the nation that they enter and therefore a free nation simply ceases to be free when the majority of it’s citizens vote for the tyranny of Sharia law. It is happening right before our eyes. But there is still time to be saved from this evil and I am not talking about forming a political action group to fix this mess. Only Jesus Christ proved that He is the truth, the way and the life by living a sinless life and rising from the dead. By the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ a man can be freed from the demonic stronghold of Islam and be born-again with a new life in Christ, so even if he is beheaded by the “religion of peace”, he will live with in peace with Christ forever.
Here is reality of the Islamic invasion that is occurring in Europe.
This is the best web site to keep with the daily atrocities committed by the “Religion of Peace“.
– Rogersings
It is ironic that those who call themselves Progressive Liberals and claim to promote Individual Liberty and Equal Human Rights make common cause with Islam which is the greatest threat to Individual Liberty and Equal Human Rights. Those who marginalize and criticize the ideology of Christianity (the gospel of with God through Jesus Christ) at the same time bow down in fear and refuse to discuss the evil and Satanic ideology of Islam (the gospel of peace with Allah by chopping off the head of a non-Muslim). As a matter of fact Liberals blame Christians for inciting and causing the advance of Islam in the world. This is the same defense a depraved man makes to justify why he raped a woman … she incited me to rape her. And look what happened in Nazi Germany when the population of that country remained silent about the atrocities committed by their government. When a people fail to confront evil and call it out, they become an accomplice to the crimes that are committed.
Jesus is the only way, truth and life to God (John 14:6) but Christ calls people to “deny self” and follow Him. And this is the problem … people are “unwilling” to think critically about the truth concerning the ideologies of the world and people are “unwilling” to deny their sin nature that wants to please self.
I originally posted this article in January 2015 and I have been adding stories to document the rise of “fundamental” Islam in the word. Note, I don’t use the word “radical” Islam to describe those who commit acts of terror in Allah name, such as ISIS but I use the word “fundamental”, since the fundamental teaching of Islam is to take the world for Allah by the sword. The Muslims who war and terrorize in Allah’s name are being faithful to the teaching of the pedophile prophet Muhammad and his violent life style. And the “carnal” Muslims who don’t practice acts of war and terror know their jihad Muslims brothers are acting faithfully and that is why a non violent Muslim does not condemn his violent Muslim brother. The “carnal – non warring” Muslims are simply waiting for the Mahdi to come and set up His world wide kingdom on earth while the “faithful -warring” Muslim brothers are actively trying to bring the Kingdom into fruition. Both non-warring and warring groups of Muslims are taught to “lie” and deceive non-Muslims in order to advance the Kingdom of Islam.
Do not be deceived, Muslims (both carnal and fundamental) love to hate Christians. Pakistan Muslims love to hate Christians! This story occurred Feb 29, 2016 in Pakistan where over 100,000 Muslims showed up in the streets to honor a convicted murder, Mr. Qadri’s, who was hung by the State because he was found guilty of shooting down in cold blood the governor of Punjab Province, Salman Taseer. The governor was assassinated by his body guard, who shot him many times with a sub-machine gun at close range. His body guard, a faithful Muslim, shot he governor because he defended a Christian woman who had fallen afoul of Pakistan’s blasphemy laws, which are used by the Sunni majority to terrorize the country’s few religious minorities. There is no reasoning with this kind of insanity. Islam is the most Satanic evil that has ever been unleashed upon the world and it will not be quenched until the Lord returns and casts those under the spell of Islam into the the Lake of Fire.
On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
“Poor thing,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you”
“Take me in tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
She wrapped him all cozy in a comforter of silk
And laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk
She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she’d taken to had bee revived
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
She clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried
“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you might have died”
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight
Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
“I saved you,” cried the woman
“And you’ve bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die”
“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
In comparison a fundamental and faithful Christian is one who stands up and exposes the evil of Islam and the truth, life and way of Jesus Christ. A real follower of Jesus Christ knows that Allah is not God of the Bible and that Jesus is the only way to God. A real follower of Jesus Christ exposes the lies of Islam and every religion that does not acknowledge and bow to the Lordship and Authority of Jesus Christ. Only a real born-again Christian is able to hear God and do the will of God. A real follower of Jesus Christ shares the good news of the gospel with others and confesses his love for Jesus Christ even if he knows he will loose his life to stand for Jesus. A real follower of Jesus Christ knows that all power belongs to God and his life is hid in Christ Jesus, therefore there is nothing this world or the power of evil can do against him. A real follower of Jesus Christ speaks the truth in love and wants everyone to know the love of Jesus, even to the point of giving up his life to proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ.
The God of the Bible wants people to have eternal by believing in the life, death and resurrection of His only begotten Son, Jesus but the god of the Quran wants people to submit to Allah and kill those who don’t submit to Allah so the person is guarantee entry to Paradise where he can enjoy sex with his many virgins. I did a Google search to find out how many virgins a faithful Muslim was going to get after he dies but there is no consensus. Actually, a Muslim is never certain he will enter into Paradise after he dies but killing people in Allah’s name does seem to help tip the scales toward an eternal life of sexual pleasure. Some Muslims commented on the Internet that there is no reference to receiving virgins in Paradise, others said that a Muslim male gets 72 virgin girls and some said that a Muslim male gets to have his four wives on earth plus 70 virgin girls, each which have 70 servant girls and some said 70x70x7 virgins, both boys and girls. It is really just a confusing orgy contrived perversion from the demonically influenced prophet Mohammad. And too bad if you are a Muslim wife on earth because you don’t have much to look forward to in Paradise except watching your Muslim husband have endless sex with his virgins (Muslim Afterlife). There really is no comparison between the God of the Bible who is loving and the god Allah of the Quran who is selfish, that is because Allah is Satan in disguise and Satan is the god of selfishness.
People who claim to be a “Christian” but they do not think it is their job to expose the falsehood of other gods do not take their Christian citizenship seriously. Do you think it is loving to be silent and allow someone be cast into the Lake of Fire for all eternity when you could give them the message of hope and eternal life in Jesus Christ? These “fake” or “unfaithful” Christians compromise with the world and remain silent about the lies of other beliefs, thinking that if they “don’t make waves” and upset anyone by telling them the truth hat they have pleased God. But by remaining silent they are serving Satan, not God and they are practicing the teaching of the apostate “be nice” Church, the one God vomited out of His mouth. Poser Christians like the Pope who try to appease Muslims and say Christians and Muslims worship the same god are aiding the agenda of the enemy, Satan, keeping people held in darkness, slaves to sin and destined for eternal death in the Lake of Fire. Nice “poser” Christian who don’t repent and come to Christ will burn in the Lake of Fire right next to the most ruthless Muslim jihadist who doesn’t repent and come to Christ!
The day before Thanksgiving, 2015, President Obama reassured Americans that there was “no specific and credible intelligence indicating a plot on the homeland.” Seven days later came an explosion of gunfire and the deadliest terrorist attack in America since Sept. 11, 2001. What may be most disturbing is not that Mr. Obama was wrong, but that apparently he was right. By all accounts, the government had no concrete intelligence warning of the assault on Wednesday that killed 14 people and injured 21 others in San Bernardino, Calif. America has spent billions of dollars to stand up a new “Homeland Security” agency that hassles, spy’s on and inconveniences millions of law abiding American citizens but is unable to detect and stop those who want to destroy our American way of life.
The reality is that the job of detecting our enemy within our borders today is just too big for one agency or even all the agencies in Washington. Research shows that there are 2.75 million Muslims living in the U.S. According to a poll commissioned by the Center for Security Policy, 51% of Muslims living in America believe “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to sharia” (Islamic law) instead of the U.S. Constitution. 29% agree that violence against those who insult Mohammad is acceptable, and 25% agree that violence against America can be justified as part of global jihad. Among males under the age of 45, that number rises to 36%. And 29% of males under 45 believe that violence against America is justified in order to make Sharia the law of the land.
Blasphemy against Allah, Muhammad or Islam is punished with death.
For adultery? Stoning “until death in case the adulterer was married and 100 lashes and exile if he or she were unmarried.”
Sodomy (homosexuality): Death for the person committing the act, as well as for the one receiving it.
Theft: Cutting off the hand
Drinking alcohol: 80 lashes
Slandering: 80 lashes
Spying for the unbelievers: Death
Apostasy: Death
Murder and stealing: Death by crucifixion
Murder only: Death
Stealing (as part of banditry): Cutting off the right hand and the left leg
WAKE UP AMERICA, this is the new reality of the future America!!! American has always opened it’s doors and invited people from every nation to come be a part of the “melting pot” of the world but Muslims do not want to melt into the American culture and they are not going to melt into American of a representative form of government. It has always been an implied contract that those who come here seeking the prosperity and greatness of American would also seek the principles of America that make it prosperous and great. This was true for the European immigrants that came here in the 1800s and early 1900s, they melted into the American fabric of society and became the great generation of Americans that defended the world from tyranny in WW I and WW II. But the Muslims immigrants do not come here to conform to American ideas and laws that offer liberty and justice for all but they come here to conform American into a Muslim state that adheres to Sharia law that degrades women and forces people to worship a false god, Allah.
Of course America has always had enemies within her borders who did not abide by American laws. This is the case of the mob and gangs members who mainly target people who wanted to buy illegal item and conduct illegal activities such as drugs, sex, gambling, fire arms and corruption. But Islam doesn’t traffic in items of vice, instead they traffic in the “ideology of vice”, which is the worship of Satan through the religion/politician system of Islam. And on another front, the hippies from the 60’s are the humanist, scientist and psychologies who are pushing equally hard with their deadly ideology to remove accountability to God from the American way of life. It may seem strange that the Muslims and Humanist are working together but their common and primary interest is to remove the God of the Bible from the public space and they will join with the Devil himself to accomplish this.
Because of sin, man gravitates toward the extremes in ideology when he tries to justify and satisfy his position before God. This is why these two groups get along, the Muslims gravitate toward extreme “legalism” (My way or the highway) while the Humanist gravitate toward extreme “lasciviousness” (If it feels good do it). The Christian world view is the balanced view that Jesus spoke of in John 4:24 “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” The heart must be given to God freely in “love”, trusting Him for what He will do and the mind must be engaged freely, knowing the “truth” of what He has done. The Christian world view satisfies both to heart and the mind (love and truth), while the Muslim is absent of love and the Humanist view is absent of truth. The Christian world view is based firmly on God’s absolute and unchanging truth concerning the sin of man and salvation in Jesus Christ alone, while the Humanist has no absolute truth, other than the believe that there is no absolute truth. And the Muslim has no love and they think the love and forgiveness of sin offered by Jesus Christ is a lie. Once again, this is what makes these two unlikely groups bed fellows in crime … they both hate God more than they hate one another.
Let me try to make myself clear here, I am not Islamophobic. I don’t hate Muslims and I think only a few want to purposely destroy America. I know that most Muslims are good law abiding citizens of American and they like the life they have in this country. The Muslim people are not the danger but they have bought into an ideology that is corrupt and it is taking America and the whole world into corruption. The key issue is that Allah can’t save anyone because Allah is “Satan” in disguise. Allah doesn’t exist but he is a merely a means to worship and honor Satan and fulfill Satan’s agenda, which is to keep people lost in their sin. Muslims are like all other unbelievers, except they are taught that God does not have a Son and Jesus is just a man, a prophet of God like Mohammed. Muslims have a strong bias to overcome concerning who God is and who Jesus is so it takes a lot of Christian love poured out on them to help them see the real Jesus. Unfortunately, this is something the lukewarm Christian church of America doesn’t do very well. I pray that Muslims will know the truth about Jesus and be saved by asking Him to be Lord of their life. Muslims are like “Saul of Tarsus”, they are not the enemy but the “harvest” of believers in these last days!
Here’s a video from a committee investigating the Benghazi tragedy, when a Muslim lady asks why people are upset about peaceful Muslims. This is a must see:
Here are several videos of Muslims who left Islam and found eternal life in Jesus Christ!
The second issue is that once the Muslims reach a majority in a country they implement Sharia law which eliminates freedom of speech and freedom of worship. Just look at the nations where Sharia law is the law of the land such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. There is no freedom of speech in these countries or freedom of expression in the arts or freedom for people to worship as they please. This is the simple truth of the matter and the plague of Islam is spreading and slowly taking over the world. Do your own research, look around and see what is happening in the world. http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia/sharia-europe.html
The Muslims are looking for their Islam Messiah Mahdi to come set up his kingdom on earth but this kingdom and and the description of the Mahdi match that of the Antichrist. A kingdom where people will be controlled by the mark of the Beast and the edge of the sword, not a kingdom where the prince of peace, Jesus, reigns and rules in peace. We need to wake people up to the death of freedom that Islam brings and the coming reign of terror by the Antichrist who will preside over the Islam kingdom on earth.
It is the same way with the poisonous teaching of the Catholic Church and it’s abominable history. Just like with Muslims, there are mostly good moral people in the Catholic Church. As a matter of fact my observation is that most Catholics are much more obedient to go to Mass and observe good moral behavior than those who go to Protestant Churches. But I am not arguing about the merits of being morally good or obedience to religious laws. What I am trying to expound is that the leadership of the Catholic Church is corrupt because it doesn’t teach that they only way to Heaven is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Those who think they are going to Heaven because they take bread and wine from a Catholic priest are deceived by the lie of the Catholic Church. A Catholic priest can’t save anyone, not even himself! It is Christ alone that can save and the Catholic leadership needs to GET OUT OF THE WAY of keeping people from God or they will face the wrath of God, like when Jesus overturned the tables in the Temple. The Jewish priest at that time were making a profit by selling animal sacrifices at high prices to increase their pocket books which kept poor people from being able to afford to give a sacrifice to God.
This is what the Catholic church did until the 1500’s when you could buy an indulgence to lessen your time in Purgatory or lessen the time of a loved one spent in Purgatory, as though man can “Buy a stairway to Heaven” or God needs our money. Money can’t save anyone and the love of money is the root evil. Money entices a person to believe he can be his own master but really it is the money that he is serving instead of serving God. The practice of selling indulgences was discontinued as a result of the “reformation” but the Catholic church still puts many man made laws on equal footing with scripture, contending that the Pope is infallible and still receiving revelation. At one time the Catholic church ruled Europe’s kings, just like Islam does today in the countries that are ruled by Sharia law. And at one time the Catholic church put to death people who did not submit to the Catholic church just like Islam does today in the counties where Sharia law is practice.
The Catholic church has nothing to do with “real Christianity”, which is based on”Christ alone” and “Scripture alone”. A “real Christian” condemns the Catholic church for the lie they teach concerning how a person can be saved by taking bread and wine from the hands of a Catholic priest. This is blasphemy and the doctrine of devils! Plus the Catholic church has never apologized for their past acts of terror they have committed in the name of Christ. People should not associate the Catholic church as a representation of true Christianity, it’s not. Essentially, Catholicism is more similar to the teaching of Islam than Christianity. And I think the religion of Islam + Catholicism or “Chrislam” will be the religion of the Antichrist’s kingdom. I am sounding the alarm to wake people up to the danger and death of Chrislam, so they can be saved by Christ and escape the coming night.
The point is that we are not fighting a war on crime or a war of terror that just a few Americans are involved in but we are fighting a war of ideology that the silent majority of Americans have accepted, an ideology that threatens the foundation of our American liberty and our way of life. Ironically, it is the First Amendment right to speak our mind that allows people to promote deadly ideologies that threaten to take away our freedom of speech and many other freedoms. We are fighting a war against many deadly ideologies such as Islam, Humanist, Catholic, LGBT community, Black Lies Matter, White Lies Matter and Money is all that Matters. The American way of life is founded on a “Christian” world view that respects and defends the freedom of man to speak his mind because we believe Godly ideas and blessing will occur when Godly people are free to speak and act. God is the reason for American exceptionalism and God is the reason for America’s greatness but that greatness is fading fast. I wrote this article to mainly expose the poison of the Muslim agenda but read this article to learn more about the deadly poison of the Humanist agenda, The New Dark Ages.
The point is that we are under attack by poisonous ideologies and we must publicly confront and expose the error of their reasoning in order to free those enslaved to it’s ideology and to save American from it’s future demise. We must debate the fallacies of Muslim ideology openly and honestly, in truth and love, and not with hate or threats against those who think differently than we do. For this was the fault of John Calvin, the Christian reformer, who thought he was serving God when he testified against people that held a different Christian view from his. But, Calvin’s purpose was not just to expose faulty theology in God so a person would be convicted and convinced to change their opinion toward God but Calvin’s purpose was to testify against a person’s belief so that those who held a belief in God different from his would be executed by the state … and some were even burned alive! What kind of Christian love is this? And this same perverted justice was practiced by the Catholic Church during the inquisition when they murdered people if they would not confess allegiance to the Catholic Church.
HERE’S A NEWS BULLETIN CHRISTIANS, to kill others because they do not believe in Jesus Christ is completely contrary to what Jesus Christ taught. It is because of deeds like what Calvin and the Catholics practice that the name of “Christian” has a bad reputation in the world. Did you know that the Catholic Church backed the Nazi regime of Hitler … well look it up, it’s true and it is just one of the many atrocities that the Catholic Church has never apologized for? A real Christian is called to follow the example of Jesus Christ. A Christian is to make know the love of Jesus and the forgiveness of sin found in Jesus but if a person is not convicted of his sin unto repentance, this is not a matter of human justice that we are to act upon but it is solely a matter of justice between the person and God, period. For God has a White Throne of Judgment to meet those who don’t accept Jesus as Lord of their life and Lake of Fire that he will cast these people into for all eternity. The punishment for those who don’t believe in Jesus is a certain eternal existence of torment, therefore we are to do all we can to call people away from the judgment of death without Christ.
Open your eyes, America is fast becoming a Muslim/Humanist nation. Like I said, the Muslims simply out-birth the non-Muslims and they are winning the world for Allah by biological jihad. And it is very hard for a Muslim to leave the Islam faith because doing so brings shame on the person and the whole family, plus the person is outcast from his family and the Muslim brotherhood. And Humanist and Atheists seldom leave their fold because their worth is based on the pride of their intellect and enjoying their standing among their peers and looking down on the “foolishness of Christ”. I am trying to sound an alarm for Christian to pray and expose the dangers of this approaching storm. God is in charge and He is mighty to save and if His people pray He may stay His judgement upon America like He did when Jonah preached to Nineveh.
If things continue on the path of American Politically correct speech we will soon be without our Liberty of free speech. The right to debate religion will be denied and called hate speech. Preaching God’s word about the evils of homosexuality will get you arrested and pointing out the evils of Islam will soon get your hear chopped off. This is the path that America is on and only God can save us from this future. And it is going to take “Godly” leadership to turn this nation around but Godly leadership can not lead people who are more interested in the “self” interests than God’s interest. We need to pray for God’s will to be done, not that the will of some political party or a special interest group will be done. Without, God in charge and getting the glory we are just digging a hole deeper into the world, making one group of people a little happier for a few years while they steer the Titanic toward the iceberg.
Lastly, a Christian should not be wise and defend against a threat to his life or his family’s life. Jesus told us to take up His word and a sword. We are to foremost use the sword of the Lord to proclaim Christ and pray in Christ for salvation and righteousness but we are also to use the sword of the world to defend our self and our family against any real physical threat. A day is coming when Jesus will rule with a rod of iron and He will immediately dole our justice against the unjust but until that day we are not to take justice into our own hands. Vengeance is mine saith the Lord … this is God’s promise to those who suffer injustice from the world in Jesus name.
– Rogersings
Open you eyes and educate yourself. Here is a list of Islamic Terrorist attacks committed in the last 30 days. The numbers are shocking! If this groups gets anymore peaceful there will be no one left standing in their way.
Statistics of killing done by the religion of “peace”
June 12, 2016 – Orlando, Florida United States
On June 12, 2016, a gunman killed 49 people and injured 53 others inside Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States. It was both the deadliest mass shooting by a single gunman and the deadliest incident of violence against LGBT people in U.S. history. Pulse was hosting a Latin Night and most of the victims were of Hispanic descent. The massacre was widely denounced as an act of terrorism and a hate crime.
The assailant was Omar Mateen, a 29-year-old American. He was killed by Orlando police after a three-hour standoff. Witnesses said he was a regular patron of the nightclub and had used gay dating websites in the past, although the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is skeptical of such reports. Omar claimed that his act of terrorism was done in the name of Islam to advance ISIS but reports are coming forward that although Omar was a Muslim, his motives for the killing were in revenge for being shunned by the gay Puerto Rican community.
This horrific act as lite up the air waves in America for those who want to impose “gun control” on American, to those who want to impose a ban on Muslim immigrants, to Christian’s who call this an act of God against homosexuals. Homosexuality is a sin against God and only God has the right to judge, not a lone gunman. The sad thing to me is that instead of homosexuals reflecting on this tragedy and evaluating their life style, they have been embolden all the more stand up in pride unafraid and unashamed of their sinful behavior.
April, 4 2016 – United States
The following article warns of the growing presence of Islam in America and the changing “motive” of those who commit jihad. A Muslim that fails to practice the “5 pillars” of Islam has to do a penance of so many days of fasting and helping the poor. This article points out that there is a growing number of unfaithful Muslims who haven’t prayed in years and their “penance penalty” is so high that they seek a way out by “jihad” – blow something up for Allah. The new Muslim jihadist is not so much trying to advance Islam in conjunction with a terrorist group but he is acting autonomously trying to save his ass by blowing it up!
2,000 Ticking Time Bombs in US and counting
March 22, 2016 – Brussels
Two explosions, at least one caused by a suicide bomber, in the departure hall at Brussels Airport killed some 10 people just before 8 a.m. local time on Tuesday, or 3 a.m. Eastern time.
About an hour later, an explosion at the Maelbeek subway station in central Brussels, not far from the European Union’s core institutions, killed about 20 people.
More than 230 others were wounded.
This commentary, likens ISIS terror to a child seeking attention and suggests that the world should just ignore these outbursts and wait patiently for the child to grow up.
So what do you do when your child misbehaves? According to the Bible, Proverbs 13:24 “He who withholds his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him diligently.” Do you not realize that Jesus is coming to rule the world with a rod of iron during the Millennium period on earth. By His example, we are to deal with sin by “confronting it and resisting it”. Yes, we are to sympathize with those effected by sin and we are to pray for those who commit these evil acts of terror. But we are not to ignore sin, compromise with it, approve of it or by legalizing it! For these reason, the judgement of God is coming upon the earth.
Look, I am not talking about vigilantly justice to right the wrongs of the world but God has ordained “nations” to dole out His justice. There are such things as “righteous” wars that must be fought to honor God, just like David stood up to Goliath. Yes, wars are a terrible thing but the unrestrained hand of evil is a worse thing. Of course the war against terror is like the war against drugs … it is so pervasive and entrenched within our boarders and life. No physical wall can keep Spiritual evil out, only people “walled in” by a heart sealed with the Holy Spirit can keep Spiritual evil out.
No nation can end terror or evil in this world … this will not happen until Jesus creates a New Heaven and Earth that is free from sin, after the 1,000 year Millennium age, which is after the 7 years of Tribulation. But, nations need acknowledge that it is the fundamental teaching of Islam that incites followers to commit acts of terror in order to appease the Demonic god of Islam, Allah.
Feb 11, 2016 – Fox News Report
This shows the humiliation received by US prisoners in Iran and the Obama administration thanking our enemy for it.
Dec 2, 2015 – California, United States
The latest advance of Islamic terror occurred on America soil by “self radicalized” Muslims who initiated contact with Islamic terrorist organizations for guidance and encouragement on how to commit an act of jihad in America.
San Bernardino Shooting Kills 14 and Wounds 21; Two Terrorist Are Dead
ISIS Has Apocalyptic Intent to ‘Steal Away Our Way of Life’
Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has interrogated hundreds of Taliban, al Qaeda, and other terrorist operatives in his former role as President Barack Obama’s director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.
“You talk to these individuals and they have a deeply rooted belief in Sharia law,” Flynn told CBN News. “These are true believers, this is not a criminal organization, this is not a cult. This is an organization that has a deeply held religious belief and it is apocalyptic … this enemy has the willingness and intent to steal away our way of life.”
Nov, 13, 2015 – Paris, France
(Friday the 13th): This article was posted after the Paris ISIS terrorist attack.
Don’t Believe The Lie That Anyone Is Actually Trying To Stop ISIS
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced that he has intelligence reports that reveal the top 40 countries that finance ISIS and some countries are G20 members.
October, 2015 – Hannover, Germany
This mass migration of Muslim immigrants into Europe is occurring because people are fleeing Syria due to the increasing war, violence and terrorism in that area. This video was recorded in October of 2015. German citizens watch in panic as Muslim migrants march through Hannover and claim Germany for Allah.
Merkel says we’ll make it!”
“Yes we’ll make it! We’ll make it to our collective doom!”
In Detroit, Michigan, USA, they are now allowing Muslims to pray in school. Incidentally, Detroit has the highest Muslim population in the US. While Christians can’t pray in school, Muslims as of two years ago are provided a prayer place.
April 2015 – Libya
This video records the tragedy as ISIS executes Ethiopian Christian in Libya.
Retired four-star U.S. Navy Adm. James A. “Ace” Lyons controversially claimed that the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group has managed to infiltrate every U.S. security agency under President Barack Obama’s guidance.
In case you went to sleep in 2008 and are just waking up, you probably don’t recognize America any longer. Obama and the President of Turkey, Erdogan are slated to open the new $100 million dollar Mega-Mosque together in Lanham, Maryland.
I don’t like it when people try to identify the Antichrist but many think that Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the president of Turkey could be the man of perdition, although quite frankly due to the agenda and deception of Obama, he is in the running for the job.
This article exposes Erogan’s appeal to homosexuals and pedophiles:
This article reveals Erogan’s “God like” status and appeal:
- Last year during a political rally, as a woman fainted, Erdogan gestured to the crowd to carry the woman up to the platform, where he touched her, causing her to shake out of her spell, shouting, “Allah Akbar!” The headline at Vocativ.com read: “Prime Minister ‘heals’ sick woman on campaign trail.” (Watch video of the “healing” here.)