Here is a video of a 3 year old boy, arguing with his mother because he does’t get his butt popped at Grandma’s house for doing the same things that he does in his own house. This kid has the makings of a good lawyer and neither person is listening or trying to understand the argument made by the other person.
Yes, I understand, a mother doesn’t have to debate her 3 year old son but to me this would be a good opportunity to discuss a higher form of justice, in that God has given the mother the responsibility to teach her son about right and wrong … kind of the way Andy Griffith did it on his show.
As far a correcting the thinking of a young boy, both parenting methods have merit and probably work equally well depending on the situation to drive home the message that a young boy’s thinking needs to have a filter of correction from a parent or guardian. But the issue I want to discuss in this article is the failure of people to be able to communicate (listen and speak to one another) in the language of God … His Word and His Grace.
“What we have here is a failure to communicate … and I don’t like it any more than you men.” This is the hard ball method of communication, “you must comply or else you’ll die”. It’s the more serious version of the pop-pops on the butt from the mother to her 3 year old son. Yes, the move “Cool Hand Luke” has some funny moments and symptomatic moments for Luke because the warden is unnecessarily cruel at times when he reacts because he is personally offended but Luke is no hero, he’s no Christ like figure of suffering as a martyr for righteousness sake. Luke is an example of a fool who suffers for his own stubborn pride, in order to be seen by his friends as the example of how to life the “life Raleigh”, which towards the end of the movie he admits is all a lie.
Hellywood make plenty of these “fake” hero type movies, where they glorify bad guys, and this adds to the overload of sinful deception and noise today where people claim to be victims of some “self perceived” oppression and they demand Government reparations or entitlements for their suffering. The clinical name for this social farce is called “Intersectionality Sociology“. It is taught to our youth in our colleges as the reason why people don’t have to take personal responsibility for their life decisions … they can just blame others and demand that the Government take care of them. Here are two articles where I discuss the issue of this public protest and outcry for people to agree to sin, not repent from sin.
The truth is that we live on a “prison planet” because we are prisoners of sin and Satan is the warden who lies to us telling us that we are not guilty of crimes against God and we should just serve our time here, enjoying this place the best we can. This is why the world is full of protest and outrage over things that are “unfair” … it’s because of sin … the world is subject to the fallen state of sin and it’s a place of unfairness, suffering and death!
The insidious and pervasive nature of sin and unfairness and damage of it’s footprints upon the world should drive a person to their knees in prayer to God, desiring to be free of their sin and desiring to be free from this world of sin but instead we have everyone doubling down on what they think is wrong with the world and how they think we can fix the world. All this arguing over the unfairness in the world and how to make the world better is really a result of the deception from the voice of the warden, Satan, who has told the lie that our primary purpose in life is to make this world into a paradise and we can do this if we agree to live in peace with one another by judging right and wrong by a man made standard – a New World Order.
Actually, to a degree, all this arguing over the unfairness in the world and what is the best way to run the world is a “good sign” because it proves we are NOT under the total global tyranny of the New World Order run by the Antichrist … yet. However, we are experiencing the “birth pains” of the new world normal … through the implementation of Medical Martial Law (mask wearing, testing, tracing and vaccination) directed by the “communist” World Health Organization under the guise of “pseudo science” in order to destroy individual rights of humanity, private property and community based living. Unfortunately, most people aren’t awake to the danger of the approaching NWO because each person is busy “doubling down” on their narrative of what they think is wrong with the world and their narrative is just noise in the ear of the other person who is also doubling down on what they think is wrong with the world … and the only agreement among everyone is that “you’re no listening to me!“.
The bottom line is that there is no way for man to “fix” this world. The only meaningful “fixing” that can be done is this world is to “fix” yourself by turning from your Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) way of thinking and being “born again” in Jesus Christ, receive His Holy Spirit way of thinking and eventually be rescued from this world and given an un-corruptible body that is free from sin. Therefore the best things we can do now is abide in Christ and tell others about Christ until Christ comes to reign and rule over this world!
Once you understand you cannot fix the word with human reasoning … then you are listening to God … and with God’s Grace you will be able to endure the troubles of this world because we cast our cares upon Jesus. And we may be able to lead someone else to God so they can be saved from their sin and listen to God. Each time you try to fix the world by your own reasoning it’s like jumping out of high flying airplane without a parachute. As someone once said, it’s not the fall that kills you but the landing. Yes, you may feel exhilarated as you plummet to your death but the reality of gravity tells you “fly or die!“. Only, those who are born again in Jesus will fly away from this world of sin.
I’ll fly away, oh, glory
I’ll fly away
When I die, Hallelujah, by and by
I’ll fly away
Of course gravity doesn’t argue with a person … gravity is true whether you want to believe it or not … and gravity is like God’s word … it is true whether you want to believe it or not. God’s word is like gravity to those who chose to ignore it or contradict it (you will die in your sin – you will die a soul death of judgement after your physical death in the Lake of Fire) , yet God’s word of Grace and Salvation in Jesus Christ is like a parachute to the one believes and receives God’s Son (the person born again has eternal life and will not face judgement from God for their sin).
People can’t change the truth but the truth can change people.
Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. – Psalm 119:105
And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth. – John 1:14
God’s word is expressed in His begotten Son … Jesus. So who are you trusting to justify your life before God … for the words you speak and the reasoning you keep?
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path. – Proverbs 3:5-6
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12:2
The message of the Bible is perfectly clear, we are to trust in the Lord only and NOT our reasoning … His world should illuminate how we think about things and direct the way we walk in this world. Yet, unfortunately often there is a disconnect between “Christians” who say they are following the Lord but think, say and do things contrary to the word of God. When you bring up this inconsistency to them and how this could be an indication that they have not believed in Jesus, who is God’s word … or that they could ship wreck their faith by contradicting God’s word, they say you are attacking them like a wolf.
There is a spirit of “offense” that permeates the times we live in today. People are offended because others don’t agree and approve of what “seems right” to them and they don’t want to discuss their “opinion” of what seems right in light of what “is right” according to God’s word. The standard of God word and His only begotten Son, Jesus is no longer held up as the light of the world for how we judge right from wrong (John 8:12).
People operate in a spirit of “offense” and think they are under attack from bible believing Christians because they want others to acknowledge there is “good” in what they do or that their “good intentions” justify them before God and before men. In other words they want people to agree that a person is justified by their good works or their good intentions or by their suffering or by the pious prayers. They think they must push back against others in this world, fighting and struggling for a position in this world and to earn their eternal inheritance – like Jacob – but in fact this is only vanity of thinking which leads to tiredness, the end of one’s strength and a displaced hip. However, if you do truly reach the end of yourself, you can see who you truly need and call upon Jesus and be saved from your sin (self indulgent nature)!
The truth is (a) there is no good in man (b) this world is not our home (c) you must be born again in Jesus to escape your spiritual death sentence and go to the home God has prepared for those who love Him (d) our rewards and inheritance is gained by resting in Christ.
There is plenty of “you’re not listening to me” in the world and also in the body of Christ and both the world and believers need to listen to Jesus Christ! Yet, I think much of the debate in the body of Christ needs to be heard … at least those debating and defending the gospel of Jesus Christ! It’s true believers should be united but we shouldn’t be united under a gospel that doesn’t save anyone! Some Christians even think they can “override” God’s word by their “experiences” or their dreams or their feelings. Quite frankly, I don’t think many Christians read God’s word … they may read a devotional or follow what a pastor says but most Christians are not Bereans who search the scripture to see if something is true!
Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. – Acts 7:11
Ultimately, it comes down to the word of God, belief in it and understanding what it says. Trust in the Lord with all your heart is to trust in God’s word. The Holy Spirit reveals all truth (John 16:13) but this is not a “truth” that is contrary to God’s word. When people cling to what men say is “true”, apart from God’s word … this is a “cult”, a damnation not a condemnation.
The reason I wrote this article is to explain a “Grace Family Feud” on YouTube, where a few YT channels said they had a dream that a person who had another YT channel was not saved (I will call him DB). In other words, a group of dreaming Christians (DC) trusted their “dreams” to determine who is save and not saved, even though the person in question clearly gave a testimony of believe in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus for his sin.
The real jest of the story is that DB quested one of the DC group about the teaching of “hyper dispensationalism” … but instead of discussing the issue or taking the correction, the DC person contacted her DC friends and they agreed to slander and discredit the DB person, saying he was an unsaved wolf among the sheep. This reminds me of the type of things that happen in “clicks” in high school but I suppose these kinds of things happen all the time and it explains the reasons for Church divisions or new Christian denominations and cults.
The bottom line is there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1) but when you put your reasoning or dreams or visions above God’s word, then you have condemned yourself. If you are a Christian you will suffer lose of rewards at the Beme seat unless your confess your sin and reconcile with your brother or sister. If you are not a Christians then you will suffer in the Lake of Fire eternally for your Self Indulgent Nature (SIN).