2 Timothy 3: 1But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. 2For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, 4treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; Avoid such men as these. 6For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses, 7always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
The prevailing wisdom of the world today is that if man discovers and learns enough about himself and his enviroment he will find meaning and purpose for his life. This is essentially what Maslow’s hierarchy of needs teaches that the highest need of man is for “self actualization” … to be all that he can be (see the pyramid picture at the top of this article). Even the Army uses this mantra to recruit people … “be all that you can be, in the Army!”. Sure, on the surface this sounds like a great and worthy goal, the only problem is that you can not “be all you can be” until you first know who you are created to be. God created each person with a purpose and plan for their life but you cannot fulfill God’s plan for your life unless you first are reconciled to God so you can receive the knowledge of His plan. Otherwise you will simply waste your life trying to be who you create yourself to be. Worse still, when you die you will be unable to connect to God and become the person God created you to be. You will be eternally separated from God and tormented by your own deluged thoughts of grandeur in the Lake of Fire.
The primary killer of people today is not war, disease or natural disaster but it is the deception of the pernicious lie, “the belief that man is basically good”. Based on this ideology, people sincerely think they are basically good and they just need to bring out the good that is within them. Based on this ideology, people are trying to be a good person by sincerely doing good works or by sincerely following their heart’s desire or by sincerely honoring everyone’s opinion of what is true no matter how deadly or demented that opinion may be. It is the mindset that believes that man’s highest objective is to “get through this world without offending anyone”. I won’t rock your boat and you don’t rock my boat and we will float through this world in peace to the other side … Kumbaya.
Yes, we should try to live at peace with our fellow man and we should tolerate everyone’s right to their opinion and defend the freedom of speech to express it but it is foolish to think that when it comes to dangerous ideas that we should tolerate them. On the contrary we are obligated to challenge bad ideas and defend good ideas so people’s minds don’t become polluted, deceived and held captive to bad ideas. The reality is that bad ideas lead to bad consequence and even death. Ideas that are morally wrong give way to actions that are destructive and deadly. It is because people didn’t stand up for what was morally right that Hitler’s sincerely evil idea that a person of the Aryan race was superior to other races was tolerated by the masses. Because good people were silent and tolerated a morally evil idea, that idea then grew to be accepted and then acted by those who it benefited. Millions of hard working Jewish German citizens were systemically murdered like cattle by their fellow Aryan German soldiers who said they were “just following orders”. Do you think something like this can’t happen again? Well, then you underestimate the sin nature of man and deadly hand that tolerance plays in aiding and abetting a sincere, yet evil agenda.
As a matter of fact, the same kind of deception is sweeping over society today because people honor tolerance and sincerity for an idea over truth and righteousness of and idea. Like Hitler’s society, people today are more swayed to follow what a person “sincerely” think is the best for them over what is “objectively” the best, especially if it benefits their personal agenda. Sincerity of motive that is not founded in the truth is just a “numbing agent” that is used to ease the troubled mind of a person who is choosing to do something morally wrong. For instance a decision to abort a baby and or a decision to choose a same sex partner has a deadly and destructive effect on society. The one decision kills the conceived life and prevents the blessing from God that is found in that life while the other decision prevents the conception of life and therefore frustrates God’s plan for man and mocks God’s design of man and woman.
The simple fact of the matter is that “truth and morality” are absolute for everyone, even for those who sincerely believe there is no absolute truth. And our founding fathers believed that there was an absolute moral truth that was given to us by an absolute moral God. They referred to the absolute moral truth as “Nature’s law”. They believed everyone inherently knew this moral law was true and everyone was subject to this law, just like everyone knows the law of gravity to be true and everyone is subject to the law of gravity. The phrase “Nature’s law” is used in the Declaration of Independence and it is the “reason” the British Colonies of the new world justified their action to separate from Britain.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”
Unfortunately, today people are more familiar with the expression “Mother Nature” than “the Laws of Nature” and people are more concerned with following our “flounding” fathers than they are our founding fathers. You see people today are not only separated from the love of God because of their sin but they sincerely think there is no God, there is no absolute truth and there is no sin.
When Billy Graham preached, thousands of people were convicted of their sin before God and they came down the isle in repentant faith saying “Just as I am” and they left singing “Amazing Grace”. At that time, the Holy Spirit was moving in the hearts of people who were searching for the meaning of life and the Holy Spirit lead them to God and salvation in Jesus Christ. But today people are not searching for the meaning of life because they are convinced they have found the meaning of life by sincerely following their heart’s desire. Today people are not concerned or aware that their self indulgent nature (sin) is keeping them separated from the love of God because they are too busy indulging in their self indulgent nature (sin) in order to make them self’s a god that they can love. Today people are not concerned or convicted that their sin is keeping them from finding the meaning of life but they are convinced that they must sincerely follow any and ever self indulgent motive in order to find happiness which to them is the meaning of life. In other words, they are lost in their sincerity to sin … i.e. they are “Sincerely Lost”.
To tell you the truth, I am sincerely saddened by the stories of people who are oppressed but they find a way to reach “within” themselves and move on to a better life. I remember doing this myself at one point in my life, where I had been a state of depression and paranoia for the last two years of college and I mentally convinced myself to ignore the nagging doubt of my conscience mind that something was wrong with the world and just “go with the flow”. I think God was trying to reach me at that time of my life but I was running from the hand of God. So I understand the conflict of the soul, the nagging unresolved questions like “why am I here?”, “why did this happen to me?”and “what am I looking for?”. However, now that I am a born again Christian I deal with the nagging question of “Am I living right for Jesus?” and “When is He coming to take me home?”.
Look, you can cry a river of tears but unfortunately sincerity of motive is not a virtue worthy of honor when you are not honoring God. Truth is the highest virtue whether you sincerely believe this or not. For example, if I told a person that the “Self” bridge was out on the road up ahead and to turn around and take the “Christ” bridge but that person sincerely thought the Self bridge was OK, they would be sincerely wrong as they plunged to their death. And this is what is happening today with the many with good sincere motives in people’s hearts, they are denying the truth that their bridge of “Self” will not get them to God and eternal life. The decision to turn around and take the “Christ” bridge must be made while a person lives and breathes now, today is the day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2). Jesus is the only One who said He would rise from the dead and actually did rise from the dead. Jesus is the only “bridge” to eternal life.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. – John 14:6
And many people say that it is not loving to crush a person’s ego and dreams by telling a person that what he believes will not give him the eternal happiness he seeks. Well, is it more loving not to tell a person the truth and let that person die in their sin, eternally tormented in the Lake of Fire when the “truth of Christ will set that person free from this punishment”? Those born again in Christ Jesus have tasted the truth and goodness of God. They have the Holy Spirit dwelling in them and giving them the joy and assurance of their eternal security and eternal life in Christ. Those who have the light of Christ within them, simply cannot contain their joy. To a born again Christian, telling others about Christ and becoming more like Christ is the purpose for their life. Sure it will hurt to hear the truth that you have been striving your whole life only to please yourself but it will hurt even more to not turn from your self indulgent nature (sin) and be born again in Christ. My friend says it this way, “the truth will set you free but it will piss you off first”.
Look many people who have not seriously read the Bible misrepresent the life and purpose of why Jesus came to this world. Jesus didn’t come to make bad people good or good people better but He came to make dead people alive! You are judged as deserving death by God because you have a self indulgent nature (sin), a nature that wants what is good according to “your standard and understanding” not according to God’s perfect standard and understanding. Without the God’s Spirit in you to connect you to God, your way is simply not good enough. You cannot build a bridge to God or buy a stairway to Heaven or prove you are good enough no matter how sincere your motives. You must deny your way and accept the way to eternal life through Christ or die eternally separated from Christ, tormented by your false sense of sincerity concerning what is good.
John 3:35 “The Father loves the Son and has given all things into His hand. 36“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
And most people want good things like world peace, an end to sickness and death but they don’t want to acknowledge the creator of good things, which is God. They do not want to acknowledge that God created everything, including them, and therefore He knows what is best for them. God alone has the right and means to rule over everything, including man. God did not design you to rule over your life or the life of any one else but He designed you to have peace in knowing that He is in charge and He is able to rule over your life and give you His peace, love and joy. The heavens declare the glory of God’s handy work (Psalm 19:1) and man is without excuse for not acknowledge the awesomeness of His creator (Romans 1:20).
Seriously, even the mind that ignores God and the body that glories self is created by God for His glory not yours. Our brain is not who we are but it is like a computer that processes input from our senses and sends this input to our mind (our soul) where we reason and decide what to do based on our free will. Man is not a robot or an animal driven by instinct but man is a three part being; body, soul and Spirit. Our body is dying but our soul is eternal. Our soul was created by God and put in our body while we were in our mothers womb. Where our soul lives after our body dies depends on the condition of our Spirit (also called our “heart”, not our physical heart but our Spiritual center that is supposed to direct our life).
Because Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden, we inherit a fallen sin nature like Adam and Eve. Our Spirit is born empty and separated from God, this is why we chooses self (sin) all the time. If we turn from self (sin) and ask God to reign in our heart we will spend eternity with God and reign and rule with Him. This is what it means to be saved from sin and to have eternal life. Jesus is the example of who we will become when God is on the throne of your heart. With God dwelling in your heart you are concerned about God’s will and God’s Kingdom, not your will and your stuff. However, if you are not Spiritually “born again” by grace through faith in Jesus Christ then you will spend eternity separated from God and tormented in the Lake of Fire.
If you are are already a born again Christian than this information will help you understand that the unsaved person today is not going to understand that they need to be saved from sin. They are not going to think they are separated from God’s love and they probably don’t even think the God of the Bible is for real. They are not going to understand that their self indulgent nature (sin) blinds them so they cannot see how much God loves them and wants to give them His love. The unsaved are not so much hostile to the gospel as they are apathetic and indifferent towards it. After all, if you think you have the answers for life in your head and the key to happiness in your heart, the message of salvation from sin is pointless to you. Essentially, the unsaved today expect everyone to sincerely honor their belief as highly as you honor your Christian belief, which of course defeats the purpose of evangelism. If all beliefs are the same and there is no sin to repent from why did God have to send His only begotten Son to die in our place? Ravi Zacharias summed up the result when all beliefs are considered equal in his book “Deliver Us From Evil”.
Secularization – no public agreement of a God given moral standard – no shame
Pluralization – no public acknowledgement of a God given absolute truth – no reason
Privatization – no public application of a God held personal belief – no meaning
If you sincerely think that God is only relevant inside a church setting (Secularization) then you think you can do what every you want in public and you have no no shame before God for your actions. This leads to irreverence of God, no judgment of bad behavior, violence and debauchery. If you sincerely think everyone’s opinion is equally valuable (Pluralization) then you undermine God’s absolute standard and there is no reason for doing one thing more than another thing. This leads to anarchy, war, tyranny and chaos. If you sincerely think that your thoughts are all that matter in this world (Privatization) then you can offer no explanation on how the world came into existence and there is no meaning for your life or anyone else’s life.
I sometimes watch day time talk shows and the people are very sincere about their desires and what they think is going to satisfy that desire. People often think they are being responsible in they world by taking charge of their life and directing it toward a goal or fulfilling a desire. Now, we are supposed to take responsibility for our actions but we are not created to be “in charge” of our life because God created us for His purpose and our joy is found in fulfilling His purpose. Therefore, we must first be reconciled to God before we can know God’s purpose for our life and follow His will for our life. Each of us is born with a God sized hole in our heart that yearns for God’s love but we also have a man sized ego on the throne of our heart that wants to sincerely fill that hole with self achievement … “I did it my way”.
Though out the ages, man has struggled with his accountability toward God but about 100 years ago Darwin introduction the concept that God does not exist and therefore man is not accountable to God for what he does or what he believes. Darwin came up with a theory that the cosmos always existed and that life created itself from non-living matter. Darwin proposed a theory that a very simple life form magically came into existence from the interaction of non-living matter and then over time that simple life form evolved into more complex life forms like insects, fish, animals, bird and then into a human form … “from goo to you by way of the zoo.” This idea was instantly popular with intelligent minds who did not want to acknowledge an intelligence greater than them self, in spite of the fact that the theory that things “improve” over time contradicts the 2nd law of thermodynamics that they know to be true. The only evolution I have seen in man is that he is getting fatter!
The theory of evolution has always been false but ever since the discovery of the information contained in DNA a scientist today has to believe in evolution by “blind faith” not by the evidence of science. In computer terms it is estimated that there are 1.5 billion bytes of information contained in each DNA stand that is inside each cell. Information is created by an intelligent designer and God is the Intelligent Designer who created DNA and created life. Furthermore, the archaeologically findings indicate that “all species” came into existence at the same time. The bones of dead species from ages ago, do not validate a pattern of evolution of species but they validate that all species suddenly came into being, which is the way the Bible describes how God did it. The point I am making is that the teaching of evolution has infected society today so that man is no longer struggling against God but he is deceived into thinking there is no God and there is no sin.
Darwin’s false theory has flamed the fire of deception over the years until the majority of people are blinded by the light of man’s reasoning, and can not see the light of the world, which is Jesus Christ (John 8:12). The psychiatrist have taken over the mantle of acceptable human behavior and they justify the sin of adultery and homosexuality as something good for man. Then the courts legalize the finding of the psychiatrist by making “no fault” divorces and granting homosexual marriages. So you see with the help from the priests of the New World Order (scientist and psychiatrist), many people today are no longer ashamed of their sin, but they proudly and publicly parade their sin without reverence for God or a fear of His judgment. And it’s not enough that sin is legalized but those sincerely lost in sin want everyone to participate in the orgy of sin and stop mentioning God’s word concerning sin.
However, God is not mocked or surprised by this escalation and acceptance of sin today. God is not dead but He is coming soon to judge the world for sin and set up His Kingdom Come. Today is a day to serve Christ if you are His born again child or today is the day of salvation if you are not a born again child of God. As long as the Church is on earth we need to preach the message of God’s grace and forgiveness of sin in Jesus Christ. But be aware that the resistance to God’s grace is increasing as the hour of Christ’s appearing draws closer. Therefore, before you step on to the mission field each morning be sure to do a lot of praying for the provision and power of God to do His will. Put on the armor of God to stand against the apathy and self absorbed interests of the day and take up the sword of the Lord so you can destroy the pernicious lie that keeps people “Sincerely Lost”.
– Rogersings
Ephesians 6:10-17 10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
A life without God is no life at all, only eternal separation from him and eternal torment. The words spoken here in this article are true, righteous and good for the soul. It is always a pleasure reading the truth, and if you find yourself ignoring the truth, you will pay the ultimate price. There can be no true joy without the Lord, here on this earthly plane and if you think there is, would you bet your eternal soul on it?