A Critical Theory or a Critical Spirit or the need for Critical Thinking
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Here is a Ratio Christi article in understanding and addressing the “works-based gospel” of Critical Theory influencing secular and religious Progressivists today.


This is an excellent article and for what it’s worth here is my two cents on what I call the “Victim Mentality Doctrine/Disorder” being taught in our Liberal schools and universities where “the biggest looser is the one who is perceived as oppressing others the most” and “the biggest winner is the one who perceives that he is oppressed the most.”  In other words the goal of Victim Mentality Disorder is to convince yourself and others that you are a victim of life and therefore you have an excuse not to act responsibly for your life and others have a responsibility to take care of you.  I don’t know if I’m applauded at this scam or jealous that I didn’t think it up.

Everyone is oppressed and a victim in this life because we are each a victim of a “sin nature” that we inherited from Adam and Eve … but a “sin nature” is not something that society can fix by government legislation or man can cure on his own and it is not our highest calling to try and fix the injustices of this world.  Our highest calling is to love God and love our fellow man by proclaiming the truth that Jesus is the cure to the sin nature of man that oppresses each of us.  Social Justice Warriors are very sincere but for the most part they are sincerely wrong, addressing the “symptoms of sin” and ignoring the  “root cause of sin“.

The article, posted on the Ratio Christi web site (above) calls the problem “Critical Theory” but it is also called a “Critical Spirit” that puts the blame for sin in the world on someone else instead of taking personal responsibility and accountability toward God for sin … this is not a new phenomena but the original excuse for sin that Adam and Eve used, Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the Serpent but God blamed them.  What they need to teach in Universities is “Critical Thinking” … which is how to find the root cause of a problem.  This is something I learned from my Kepner/Tregoe training that stuck and served me well throughout my computer programming/analysis career (click on the link at the bottom of the page for more info).

Of course unfair prejudice and unfair circumstances are present in society and some people have greater oppression to deal with in life.  They also have greater rewards in Heaven if they choose to deal with the oppression by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.  And it is Christians who have done the most to help the oppressed, the sick, the orphans and the widows.  Christians are to be good steward of planet earth, love our fellow man and be advocates for social justice and righteousness.  As Mercy Ships practices … it is the two hands of the gospel that works the best to save people from sin and bring relief from the  symptoms of sin.  People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care … a hungry stomach has no ears.

I am concerned about Generation “X” or the Millennium generation but to a certain extent their actions are the normal youthful rebellion to a conservative evangelical doctrine.  And many of us from the hippie generation recognize that authority when challenged confirms that God is ultimately in charge (Romans 13:1)  What recently caught my attention is that the latest “Z” generation is actually rebelling against Liberals and Progressives by embracing more conservative values of free speech and they are mocking the Generation “X” for what they consider to be hate speech.

And so “the beat goes on” until a person is saved from their sin and the Lord reigns and rules in their heart or until the Lord comes and reigns and rules over the sin on this earth!

The Beat Goes On:  https://youtu.be/bS3O5zg290k   – written by Sony Bono 1967

If someone wants to protest over something they should protest and make sure these coats that Sonny and Cher wore don’t come back into fashion, even the cows in this video seem to be perturbed and protesting that the beat goes on!   The beat of sin goes on but it won’t go on forever for God has appointed a day to judge sin.

“Therefore having overlooked the times of ignorance, God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent, because He has fixed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness through a Man whom He has appointed, having furnished proof to all men by raising Him from the dead.” – Acts 17:30-31

This is no joking matter … the  truth is that for a long time America’s education system has not been teaching people to think but the purpose of modern education is to teach people “not to think outside the box” and stick with the narrative of the Antichrist spirit.  Jacob Prasch exposes the honest truth and danger of the education system in this video “Indoctrinating the Masses“. 

If there is news that threatens the narrative of the Antichrist spirit it is mocked or ignored.   It doesn’t matter what the facts say or reality indicates … only the narrative matters.  The lastest thing the education system teaches is a Victim Mentality.  As long as you make a person think that he is not responsible for his own actions or decision, then you enable them to remain a slave to their circumstances and they will vote for the person that sympathizes with them and they remain a salve.

One of the indoctrination methods is what George Orwell called “New Speak” or we call “Political Correctness” … you redefine things.   You replace the term “sex” which is biological with the word “gender” which can vary in the construction of a sentence.  It’s always the narrative … but it’s not God’s narrative … it’s the narrative of the cosmos … the world.  

If you repeat a lie often enough people will think it’s the truth.  The “Ministry of Truth” is one of the most important agencies in George Orwell’s dystopian novel “1984″.   The purpose of controlling the narrative is to deconstruct the meaning of words and set the stage for the Antichrist and false prophet and this deconstruction has invaded the Church!  When people in “Word Faith” churches that follow the money preaches use words like “faith” and “victory” and “prosper” they mean something different then what is taught by the scripture! 

You will see a betrayal of left wings Jews condemning believing Jews and you will see a betrayal of the body of Christ by the left wing Christians against true born again Christians.  The stage is being set for the Antichrist in society, in Israel and in the Church!  Most will be deceived but praise the Lord, there will be a faithful constituency of the Church and Israel who will not believe the lie but hold fast to Jesus who is the truth! 

We know that we are from God, and the whole world lies in the power of the evil one. – 1 John 5:19

I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, so that no one will take your crown. – Revelation 3:11

Blessings and Maranatha – Roger


Traditionalists Boomers Gen X Millennials
Age 1901-1945 1946-1964 1961-1981 1980-2000
Socialization Workers are separate from the boss Don’t respect position alone Don’t trust corporations, can be skeptical Embrace diversity, multiculturalism
Expectations Loyalty for hard work Work centric. Want flexible route into retirement Care less about advancement than about work/life balance Looking for meaningful work and innovation
Technology Know-How Adapted, personal and written communication preferred Acquired, written & email Assimilated, email Integral, email,
IM and texting
Contributions Experience, organization, discipline Goal oriented, independent Objective and will tell you what they think Well educated, sociable, optimistic
Motivators Recognition and respect for their experience Being valued, needed Flexibility in scheduling Flexible schedule, working with bright people
Communication Style Quiet, respectful of authority Respectful, open, direct style Direct and immediate Wants lots of praise and feedback
Leadership Style Hierarchy, Command-and-control Consensual, collegial Competence, Everyone is the same, Fairness Achievers, Future leaders TBD
Top developmental areas Skills training
Computer training
Team building
Skills training
Computer training
Skills training
Problem solving, decision making
Skills training
Work is… An obligation An adventure A challenge,
a contract
A means to
an end


I'm a born again child of God loving and serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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