“Who” do you value as the most important person in your life (yourself, your parent, your wife, your child, a friend, a mistress, Buddha, Allah, Jesus/God) or “What” do you value as the most important thing in your life (house, car, money, talent, your intellect, your job, a smoke, sex, music, booze, drugs)? Whether you realize it or not, by answering this question you are worshiping this person or thing! Man is created to worship God but because of sin man substitutes the worship that is due God and worships everyone and everything but God, including himself.
Perhaps you think the question is bogus because you don’t value anything not even your life. But if this your attitude then you are lying to yourself because the Bible says that no one hates his own flesh (Ephesians 5:29). In fact those that commit suicide don’t do it because they hate themselves but because they love themselves so much that they would rather die than admit that they need something that they can’t provide for themselves. In other words, they would rather die than admit to themselves or others their insufficiency and their need to be loved and accepted. And they can’t blame God for not loving them or demonstrating His love toward them, because the Bible says that God’s eternal power and divine nature are clearly revealed to each person so man is without excuse for refusing to acknowledge that God can provide for his need. (Romans 1:20) So you see, the person who says that he values nothing, is really saying that he values his own reasoning above God’s ability to give him what he needs.
“Pity and Jealousy” are really the twin brother of “Pride and Greed”. The brother “pride” thinks he deserves something and the brother “pity” pouts because he doesn’t get it. The brother “Jealousy” thinks he will be satisfied if he has what his neighbor has and the brother “Greed” sets out to get it by any means necessary. So you see pity is really a selfish reaction to this world that says, “hey, I don’t deserve to fell dissatisfied in this world” but in reality the problem is that you have not correctly assessed the pervasive nature of sin in the world and the fallen nature of sin that is within each person. The truth is that we are born sinner who have no regard for God’s perfect moral standard or the way to live a life pleasing to God. We therefore naturally transgress the moral laws of this world and suffer the consequences of the sin that destroys us and destroy this world and make us dissatisfied with the world. But, the good news is that God has made a way for a person to be saved from the sin of selfish reasoning, a way to be reconciled with God and a way for person to deal with the sin of this world. We are to turn to Jesus Christ for our need and worship Christ who is able to provide for our need. “Pity” is really worship that we pour out on our self by not acknowledging that God is able to help us.
Look, I sure hope you are not contemplating suicide because I have been in that depressed and disillusioned state of mind before. This crazy world and all the evil in it only makes sense from a Biblical understanding that “this world is corrupted by sin and it is not your home”. You are made for a purpose by God and your peace and assurance is found in trusting Jesus Christ to guide you through this sinful world and give you eternal life with Him in the world to come. God is the giver of your life on earth and He alone has authority to rule over your life and take your life from this earth, whether you choose to believe it or not. Unfortunately, it usually takes some kind of tragedy in a a person’s life for that person to realize that this world is messed up and that crisis causes the person seeks for the real meaning of life … that is the way it happened with me.
However, for the most part, people do everything they can to avoid thinking about the dissatisfaction and evils of this world and the reality of their immortality and certain death. They busy them themselves the best they can to think about someone or something that they imagine will make them happy or satisfy their desire for significance and give meaning to their life. Most people busy their life doing “works” that they think “justify” them before God for the way they lived their life or give them security and comfort in this world but in reality they are really just wasting time serving Satan. You see that is Satan’s main weapon against salvation is to keep people busy and occupied trying to overcome the cares of this so they won’t look to God for His provision for their cares and His salvation for their soul. You can even spell it out “Being Under Satan’s Yoke” – BUSY. You see man is naturally “religious”, thinking there is something he can do to justify himself before God. The issue is not whether man believes there is a god, for all men believe there is a god, even an atheists believes in God, he is just in denial of the God he doesn’t want to meet … that is why he spends so much time trying to disprove God’s existence. The issue is “are you ready to meet God who demands that you live a perfect life?”.
Jesus has an encounter with a rich young ruler who went to Jesus to confirm his own assessment of himself, that he was a morally good person deserving the approval of God (Matthew 19:16-22). And though Jesus knew that the rich young ruler was a sinner (since all men are sinners), Jesus didn’t challenge the rich young ruler about his “vertical” thought life toward God (Commandments 1-4) or his “horizontal” thought life “covetousness” toward other men (Commandment 10) but Jesus asked him if he “acted” morally toward others, Commandment (5-9) which the young ruler said yes. Then Jesus told him to give away all his riches to the poor and follow Him. At this rebuke, the rich young ruler hung his head and walked away because he was very rich. His response revealed that he valued his money and “rich and high” status among men more than his relationship with God and his concern for his fellow man. Jesus knew that the rich young ruler was guilty of disobedience to God’s moral attitude (Commandment 10 and probably a few others) and disobedience to the moral authority of God (Commandments 1-4) but instead of directly pointing out his sin, Jesus challenged the rich young ruler to personalty evaluate his own motive to determine for himself did he worship God or Mammon (Money)?
And this is the ultimate question that each person must answer to God, Who or What do you worship? In other words, Who or What has authority over your life? For perhaps, like the rich young ruler you are justifying your life before God by your “good works” and trusting that the money you have will keep you from becoming a beggar dependent on God’s grace for your daily bread and dependent on the good will of others. In other words, do you think your “good works” are what have authority over your life to provide for you? Do you think that you are totally responsible for your success and for providing for yourself? Do you think God can provide for you if you lost everything you have? Do you think God is the One who has give you the ability to achieve success or do you take all the credit? Do you give God the glory for the blessing and experiences in your life? Do you not see that you are a “Spiritual beggar” in this world who needs the love of God in your life to give you meaning and a purpose for life?
Remember what happened to Nebuchadnezzar when he claimed that he was the one who made Babylon great. Ol’ Neb attempted to take upon himself the worship and glory that was due God. And while the words of his vain boasting was in his mouth, both his physical nature and his soul nature was made to look and act like an animal for seven years. Fortunately, after seven years he repented and gave God the glory. But in the case of Herod, when he failed to give God the glory, he was smote by the angel of the Lord and immediately died right in front of his audience.
Daniel 4: 30 The king reflected and said, ‘Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?’ 31“While the word was in the king’s mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, ‘King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you, 32and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.’ 33“Immediately the word concerning Nebuchadnezzar was fulfilled; and he was driven away from mankind and began eating grass like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair had grown like eagles’ feathers and his nails like birds’ claws. 34“But at the end of that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.”
Acts 12: 21On an appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them. 22The people kept crying out, “The voice of a god and not of a man!” 23And immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give God the glory, and he was eaten by worms and died.
But these two king/rulers were unbelievers and it is impossible for an unbeliever to give glory to God since they worship their own self and serve/worship the god of this world, Satan. Note, I do think Nebuchadnezzar became a believer after suffering from seven years of “boanthropy”.
My main concern for writing this article is to question those who say they are believers in God/Jesus Christ yet they give their worship and allegiance toward a “god” that is not Jesus Christ. By the way if you call yourself a believer of Jesus Christ but you are a Jehovah Witness or Mormon then you are really an unbeliever because you don’t believe in a Biblical Jesus that is both fully man and fully God. The Jesus that a Jehovah Witness or Mormon believe in can’t save them from sin because he doesn’t have the power of God to save and he doesn’t exit, so you are still an unbeliever. Also, if you are a Calvinist who thinks that God has predestined some people for salvation and you can’t know if you are saved and you therefore think you are not responsible before God to make a decision to give you life to Jesus Christ, then you are probably an unbeliever too.
Did you know that Joseph Smith who founded the Mormon religion was a Mason and he incorporated a lot of the ritualistic ceremonies he learned in Freemasonry into the practice of Mormonism. In case you would like to hear a fairy tale, watch the video below to learn about the “god” that the Mormon’s worship. It think Joseph Smith contrived the religion of Mormonism under Demonic influence and “enlightenment”, the same way that the pedophile prophet Muhammad received the Demonic “enlightenment” concerning the religion of Islam.
And if you are a Catholic who thinks a priest is able to grant you salvation by giving you bread and wine then you are probably an unbeliever too. And if you are a member of a “Christian” church that teaches that Jesus came to earth only to make people “good” and give them “health and wealth”, then you are probably an unbeliever too. Jesus came to earth to make “dead” people, alive. He came to Spiritually connect people to God by making them “born-again”. And and one last thing, if you are a Christian and you doubt that the Jesus you believe in is able to keep you saved no matter what you do or think then you may not really be saved or you may not understand what Jesus is able to do for a “born again” believer, at the very least you do not have the joy of His eternal security. “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6
Wow, it is hard to weed out the wheat from the tares in the church of Jesus Christ because there is so much deception in the church and there is so many distractions in the world (distraction+deception=delusion/). Look, I am writing this article is to address “born again” believers who profess to be saved from sin by Jesus Christ and have the Holy Spirit living inside of them, yet they participate in prayer and worship to the god of this world, Satan. It is the Holy Spirit that lives inside the believers that enables the believer to worship God in Spirit and Truth. A believer worships “in Spirit” by confessing in his heart that he is a sinner saved by grace and His every need is dependent on God’s and “in Truth” by acknowledging in his mind that God is able to provide for his every need based on the saving work of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Only the God that came to earth as Jesus Christ and who rose from the dead is worthy of man’s worship and every knee will bow and confess this one day!
Now there are some very powerful stories in the Bible about individuals who would not worship anyone but the God of the Bible. Perhaps the most power story is about Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego when they were told to compromise their worship and bow before a gold idol (Daniel 3:1-30). They disobeyed the king’s command and were thrown into a fire, yet they did not burn. Daniel was thrown to the lions because he would not bow to a false god and God honored his faithfulness and rescued him from the mouth of lions (Daniel 6:1-28). Their intense love of God and faithfulness to God gave them courage and strength to stand up for whatever the world could dish out against them.
And we should have this same intensity of faith toward God and even more so since we have the Holy Spirit living in us that enables the believe to worship God correctly and also convicts a person if he offers worship to anything but the true God. Actually, everything a believer does should be done in worship to God and His Son Jesus Christ! Our life is not our own but it has been bought and redeemed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ … “Jesus paid it all and all to Thee I owe”. And many Christians today are on the front lines for Jesus and trenches of Spiritual warfare, willingly confessing their love and faith in Jesus rather than to compromise their faith and bow down to the god of Allah. However, there are many Christians that seem to have no discernment about how they live their life before God. And I am not talking about believers that pray and give something over to God but then they work independently from God to solve problem on their own. This is an ongoing problem that every Christian struggles with … to learn not to struggle but to trust God. Thank goodness, we can confess our sin and start again (1 John 1:9) But the “Christians” I am seriously concerned about are those who say they love and worship the God of the Bible but they willfully engage in worship that honors the god of this world, Satan.
Let me be clear, this world belongs to Satan at this time. God has given Satan permission to rule over earth in a limited way for a limited amount of time, primarily because Satan was able to deceive Adam in the garden of Eden and thus all man become Satan’s prisoner at his birth. But Satan’s days are numbered. One day Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented eternally (Revelation 20:10), along with the fallen Angels and all the people who have remained his slave. Satan has no way to be redeemed from the curse of sin because his free will is “fixed” to do evil all the time (when he first “decided” to sin) but man can be redeemed from sin and man can be “freed” from the grip of Satan and from the “Lake of Fire” death penalty by repenting of his sin and believing that Jesus paid his death penalty. This fact may surprise you because you think you are a good person and you don’t anyone, especially the devil. But if you have not “acknowledged” Jesus as Lord of your life then you belong to Satan. And if you claim that Jesus is your Lord but you do not “lead” others to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ then you are serving Satan! “The truth will set you free but it will piss you off first.”
Satan’s purpose is to keep men blind to the saving grace found in God’s only begotten Son and his tactic is to keep men busy trying to find significance in the things of this world. If you have become a “born again” believer in Jesus Christ then your “eyes have been Spiritually opened” and you have become a “child of God”. In other words you have been freed from being a slave to Satan and you are forevermore a “servant of God”. You have been granted eternal life and you will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven when your mortal body passes away or when you are taken to Heaven by the “Rapture”. The good news is that a “believer’s” entry into Heaven is guaranteed by the blood of Jesus Christ but there is also more good news because a believer has the ability to earn “rewards” in Heaven by their good works that are done in Jesus’ name. This is the reason I am writing this article is to call believers beyond a “saving” relationship with Jesus Christ and into a “working” relationship with Jesus Christ so that his works will matter and he will be rewarded for them in Heaven.
We have already discussed how all men are born “slaves” to sin/Satan but there are degrees of sin and of disobedience to God that men do as slaves to Satan. One act of disobedience that is very serious is to make a make a vow of loyalty to a fraternity or organization where that person pledges to abide by their standard above God’s standard. This is a serious sin because no one is above God’s standard and no standard of man can protect another man against sin and judgement from God. The Bible warns that we should not make oaths because they are based on what man want’s to accomplish and they presume upon God’s grace. James 5:12 “But above all, my brethren, do not swear, either by heaven or by earth or with any other oath; but your yes is to be yes, and your no, no, so that you may not fall under judgment.” This is Satan’s scheme, to deceive men into thinking there is something secret and important that men do for God when they gather together and swear oaths to one another to achieve it. Luke 8:17 “For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, nor anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Yes, there are important things we can do for God and the most important thing we can do is live a life of uncompromising faith submitted to Jesus Christ and equally important we are to make it known publicly that Jesus is God’s Son and He is the only way to be saved from sin.
The most well documented organization/fraternity where oaths are made in secret is the Freemasons. Now, the public face of the Masons is one that attracts members because they do a lot of good works and they convince their members that the works they do in the Masons are offered to the “god” that the person chooses to worship. The Mason motto is “Making good men better”. The square reminds Masons to “square” their actions by the “square of virtue,” and the compasses remind them to “circumscribe” their passions. On the surface, their facade is good and righteous. A big appeal of the Masons is to businessmen because the organization gives them a network to fellowship in and support one another in business, which is a good thing. And they do a lot of charity work, which is another good thing. However, below the surface and behind their walls the Mason organization deceives Christian into thinking that the allegiance they give to the Masonic Lodge glorifies the God of the Bible when in fact all works offered in Freemasonry are given to the god of this world, Satan.
The most obvious red flag that proves the Freemasonry is set against Christianity is that the name of Jesus is forbidden to be mentioned as the means of salvation to a fellow Masons. This is the fundamental reason that Jesus came to earth, to save the lost by His precious blood. And this is your duty toward God as a born again believer in Christ to make Jesus’ know so the lost can be saved. Therefore, how can you say you are following Jesus Christ if you join an organization that forbids you from following the purpose of Jesus Christ? It is illogical and impossible for good works in the Masons to count toward Christ when you are forbidden from giving Christ the glory. Another subtle deception is that Jesus did not come into the world to make “bad men good or good men better”, He came to make “dead men alive!” Men are dead in their sin toward God. If you can’t mention the saving grace of Jesus Christ to another member, how can you share the good news of salvation with a Mason member and how can you honor Christ as a Mason? Quite simply … YOU CAN’T!
Actually, the fact that “worship” is a key part of Freemasonry should be a big red flag to a Christian because a Christian already belongs to a worship organization, it is called the “body of Christ”, the Church. Worship is due to Jesus alone but in the Mason organization you are forbidden to worship in Jesus name. You must offer worship to a “god” but you must not mention Jesus name. How can a Christian think he is honoring God when he offers worship that is not in Jesus’s name? HE CAN’T I find it alarming and disturbing that there are “Christians” who participate in this organization and worship this way. Quite frankly I do not think a person can be a born again Christian with the Holy Spirit living in them and be at peace with God if they are practicing worship in the manner a Mason demands.
The deception that entices men to join the Masons is that they will be “enlightened” with knowledge so they will learn how to be morally good and pleasing to God. This was how Satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden by telling them if they ate of the forbidden fruit they would gain the knowledge of good and evil. However, it is not knowledge that enlightens that sets us free but it is the “light of the word” in the person of Jesus Christ who sets us free from the sin of our own selfish reasoning (John 8:12). The “enlightened one” is Lucifer, the god of this world. Lucifer masquerades as a god of light, tempting people to gain knowledge from the world in order to have victory conquering worldly circumstance. But Jesus is the true “God of Light” who offers people “victory over their sin”, not just to conquer worldly circumstances but to overcome sin and “rise above” worldly circumstances by faith in Jesus Christ!
God calls a person into a personal relationship with Him in order for that person to learn to be like Jesus. We are to read God’s word and pray to God and allow Him to change us into the image of His Son. As an example of this Godly method, look at David’s life and read the Psalms to see how God spoke to David one on one. David didn’t run out and join some secret society in order to learn how to be a man after God’s own heart. He went directly to God in prayer for his every need. Of course David had his failures, David was a sinner just like us, it is not that David never failed God but that “he never failed to repent“. This is what made David a man after God’s own heart. David’s desire was to honor and glorify God in all things … and when David “messed up”, he “fessed up”. And the same is true for us today, we don’t need to join some secret society to learn about God. We are to go directly to God in prayer and we have the Holy Spirit of God in us to communicate with God and allow Him to guide us. Plus God created the Church, to help equip His Saints and give us a place to do His good works. The Church is God’s “body” on earth, the place where Christ “body” dwells on earth. And the only way to serve God on earth at this time is through His body, the Church.
2 Cor 4:5-7 (NLT)– “You see, we don’t go around preaching about ourselves. We preach that Jesus Christ is Lord, and we ourselves are your servants for Jesus’ sake. For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ. We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.”
The Mason entice members to join their organization with the promise that they are being “enlightened” with knowledge to become better people, even more Godly. But knowledge puffs up a person with selfish pride of accomplishment while trusting in “the truth” of Christ builds up a person to be of humble character like Christ. We are called by God to walk by faith in “obedience” toward God, giving Him the glory and victory over our sin. We are not called to “sacrifice” much effort in order to master our sin, claiming the “victory” by our good works. An attitude of “obedience” is oriented unto God, while an attitude of “victory” is oriented toward self (1 Samuel 15:22). This is a subtle, yet profound difference in the way a Christian is to live his life toward His Savior verses the way the natural man “thinks” he is to live his life. So ask yourself, is Jesus reigning and ruling over your life? Or are you striving to prove your worthiness to God by your works? Our “victory” is in trusting Jesus’ work on the cross, not in trusting our ability to do good works. It is God and Christ we are to turn people’s attention to when they notice our good works, not our “degrees” of accomplishment we have acquired in an organization. So how can a Mason’s works glorify God if Christ can’t be mentioned? THEY CAN’T!
Some people get confused about good works because of the AWANA program for children which the name is derived from 2 Timothy 2:15 “Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed“. They think the “approved workman” is working to be approved. But you see from the scripture itself “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth” the emphasis is on being a workman who studies God’s word of truth to be approved, not on being a workman who does good works to be approved.
Perhaps the best book, besides the Bible, that tells us how to be approved by God is “The Pursuit of Holiness” by Jerry Bridges. I recommend you read this book to find your significance in God instead of finding significance in a Scottish rite of passage. Man is naturally religious and Satan knows this so he tempts man with ceremonies and religious activity to appease man’s sense of being significance by mastering these activities. However, real Christianity is not a “religion” of mastering activities but a “relationship” of trusting the “master” God in every aspect of a person’s life. It is God, who is reaching down to lift us up to Him, day by day, minute by minute, thus we are to surrender our will to Him in a “relationship” of prayer and fellowship. In contrast, a “religion” is a bunch of steps that are contrived by men in an attempt to build a “stairway to Heaven” in order to reach God.
Yes, good works are important in a person’s life and God has prepared good works for us to do but we do are not justified by our good works and we don’t have to seek out an organization to teach us how to do good works or provide a place to practice good works. We can do our good works in the Church and in our family and in our work place and in all places and in all things that we do. 1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” More importantly, we definitely should NOT join an organization that will not let us mention Jesus name to other members in the organization. There is something serious evil at the root of an organization where there is an overriding rule like this. Even in my secular job, I am allowed to evangelize a person for Jesus if the person approaches me or is receptive to a discussion about faith.
The Mason propaganda tries to argue that Masons do not offer worship in their meetings “http://www.masonicworld.com/education/articles/PRAYING-IN-LODGE.htm” and those who attend the meeting are simply like a person attending a sporting event that is blindsided by an opening prayer. This is a ludicrous comparison because those at a Masonic meeting are not just uninvited guests in attendance but they are members who have professed a belief in a “god” of their choosing and then at some point they are required to pray to that god in a meeting but you can not close the prayer with “in JESUS NAME”. Most Mason meeting display the Bible during their meeting (if that chapter agrees to display the Bible) but you must remove the name of Jesus or Christ when you read it. They try to dance around the issue by quoting from the Old Testament where the name of Jesus is not referenced but come on Christians, we know Jesus came, He died for our sin and He lives! We are to proclaim the truth of Jesus to the world not cover it up.
Matthew 28:16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful. 18 And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
The Masons have fancy ceremonies with long robes and repeat liturgy of Christ-less prayers, similar to the way the Catholic priest conduct their ceremonies and they way Mormons conduct their ceremonies. This is just a performance of smoke and mirrors in order to keep people blinded to the salvation that is offered in Jesus Christ alone. It reminds me of a spooky performance from the wizard of Oz who doesn’t want you to look behind the curtain and see that it is Satan who is the puppet master of their show. These ceremonies don’t honor Jesus Christ or represent the truth of fellowship with Jesus Christ but they simple play to your pride by giving you a false sense of importance and significance among men. This is actually the purpose of all the “degrees” of learning that you earn in the Masons … it’s just a smoke screen of “good works of men” to make you feel good, important and worthy but they are worthless and meaningless in the sight of God.
And the Masons like to point to all the prestigious men who have embraced their organization; presidents (George Washington), leaders, important business men, and even clergy members as if to say, “hey these are good guys, follow them“. But we are not to follow men, we are to follow the risen Savior, Jesus Christ. And Jesus didn’t join any secret society in order to serve or keep His message a secret from others. Jesus proclaimed His Father’s message clearly and in public and He told His disciples to do the same. It is to Jesus that we owe our life and our eternal life. We are therefore to honor Jesus Christ with our life and make Him known to others, to shine like a light upon a hill for Jesus (Matthew 5:14). However, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ is a serious offense and a forbidden activity of the Masons. If you are a Christian you simply cannot reconcile this obvious and blatant conflict concerning the purpose of Christ vs the purpose of the Mason organization. The purpose of the Mason’s is to undermine the name of Christ and keep Him hidden from the world. This is why it is so important to the Masons that Jesus Christ not be evangelized and glorified in their organization. The Mason’s fear Jesus because the Mason’s leader, Satan, fears and trembles at the name of Jesus!
Plain and simple, making oaths to support men in their business affairs and build a New World Order is Satan’s agenda, not God’s. You are not honoring God or being faithful to God when your first priority is toward “your Mason craft” to build a utopia on earth based a manufactured peace and prosperity conjured up by men. God’s first priority is to building lives of faith in His Son Jesus Christ. God is building the body of Christ, “the church” and calling people into His Kingdom of Heaven by publicly proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ! God is building a Kingdom with “living stones” which represent the life of each believer and Jesus is the chief corner stone (1 Peter 2:5). But the Masons are building a kingdom on earth now of brick and mortar, a New World Order, the future kingdom of the Antichrist which is Satan’s agenda. The Masons organization deceives men into thinking they are doing something important to build God’s Kingdom on earth but GOD IS NOT BUILDING A KINGDOM ON EARTH AT THIS TIME. This is the same thing Jesus told His disciples over and over again, “the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand”, “seek ye first the Kingdom of God” and “I have come to proclaim good news on earth of salvation in My Name, not judgement from a Kingdom that I am setting up to reign and rule over”. In many ways the Masons are like the Pharisees of Jesus time who thought their good works justified them before God but Jesus warned the people not to follow them along the path of condemnation and Jesus pronounces “woes” of judgement upon them (Mathew 23:1-39).
Jesus said “My Kingdom is not of this world” (John 18:36). Yet, it was the Jewish leaders who twisted Jesus’ words and made Him out to be a king of this world so he would be judged as an enemy to Rome and they could have Him crucified by Pilate. Jesus came to build a Kingdom in Heaven based on lives of faith in Him and this work continues today. Yes, Jesus will return to earth and then He will set up His Millennium Kingdom on earth. But Jesus’ Millennium Kingdom will not be established until after the Church age is complete and He raptures His Bride, the Church, to Heaven and after the Tribulation period where Jesus disciplines the Jews for seven years while at the same time He judges the world for sin for seven years!
Look, let clear up something right now, the Masons and Satan and any man or Angel has NO power unless God allows it. God knows that Satan is building a future kingdom for the Antichrist, just read Revelation to see how that kingdom ends. It is not sinful to build great and beautiful things in the world. On the contrary, we are made in the image of God, the great creator and maker of beauty. We are following in our Creators’ footsteps when we are creative and put effort and thought into what we do. The most beautiful art work and buildings known to man were offerings of worship by believers to God. And God is still working today through believers, the question is “Who are you working for? Who get’s the glory … God or Satan?”
I work in Information Technology building computer systems that allow people to be identified by a “chip” in card. This sounds very similar to how people will be identified by the Antichrist with a “mark of the Beast” so they can buy and sell during the Tribulation. The difference between the way I approach my work and a Mason approaches his work is that my boss does not ask me to make vows to men or require that I offer worship to a Christ-less god before I do my work. I worship God at my church and in my home and offer my work to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I do the best I can, to build computer systems that work and provide a service people can use effectively. My work is offered as worship to Jesus Christ for God’s glory and for rewards in Heaven, even if it the work I do at some point in the future is used to support the Antichrist kingdom.
I do not believe like the Amish that the machines and technology of man is inherently evil. The invention of the printing press first brought God’s word to the every day person and TV and Internet “can” be used and “is” used to spread God’s word and bring Him glory. And this is what I am trying to do here by writing this article and making this web site “Die2Live”. It is just that the majority of information that comes at us over the air waves and through out computing devices is used to distract us with advertisements and testimonies of what we “think” we need and deceive us from seeing our real need, which is the love of God found in Jesus Christ. But all information system are not evil, they can be used to edify people with knowledge of how things work, which glorifies God, the creator of how things work. It is not the information system or technology that is sinful but man who uses these means to glorify man instead of God.
There is nothing really “secret” in what the Masons are doing but the fact that they operate with oaths of “secrecy” is a calling card that they do not serve God and Jesus Christ. For Jesus Himself warned against practicing things in secret in Luke 12: 2“But there is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. 3“Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms will be proclaimed upon the housetops.
God has not ordained or established the Masons and He does not need need them, other than to use them as one more bad example of what NOT TO DO in order to please God. God is calling men to come to Christ and to lead other men to Christ. This is God’s agenda. God is building a Kingdom of lives of faith in Heaven by publicly proclaiming and glorifying the name of Jesus Christ alone as the means of salvation! It is Satan who is building a prosperous Kingdom on earth and he doesn’t care what you think about Jesus Christ, just as long as you don’t publicly proclaim that Christ alone is the exclusive way to the God the Father. And Satan does have power in the Spiritual realm that can be manifest in the Physical realm on earth but it is limited by the permission of God and the book of Revelation clearly shows how Satan’s kingdom of earth ends for those who follow the Antichrist and use his power.
The Masons are simply enjoying the unrighteous fruits of fellowship and prosperity on earth by pledging their allegiance to one another to build a kingdom on earth that glorifies man, not Jesus Christ. If a Mason is a “born again” Christian, the good works that he has does under the authority of the Masons will be “burned up” at the judgement seat of Christ and he will get no reward for them but the good works of faith alone in Jesus Christ will be rewarded. Regardless of his rewards, a born again Christian will be welcomed into God’s Heavenly Kingdom. If the Mason is an unbeliever they will be judged by their works at the White Throne of Judgement to determine the degree of their punishment in the Lake of Fire.
The evidence of the Satanic root of Mason worship is overwhelming, as expressed by it’s most prestigious leader, Albert Pike.
No matter what you believe you must allow that England in the 17th century was fertile ground for the growth of Freemasonry. Does Freemasonry really have it’s roots in western Europe or has there been such an organization existing under a variety of names within civilization since the time of the Egyptians? Can we say with any certainty when Freemasonry really began? Albert Pike in the lecture of the 13th Degree of the Scottish Rite states: “But, by whatever name it was known in this or the other country, Masonry has existed as it now exists, the same in spirit and at heart, not only when Solomon built the temple, but centuries before–before the first colonies emigrated into Southern India, Persia, and Egypt, from the cradle of the human race.”
A secret knowledge of “Freemasonry” was NOT involved in building the temple of God during Solomon’s reign. The temple of God is really just a stone cut version of the tabernacle of God that the Jews carried and set up while they traveled for 40 years in the wilderness. Solomon asked Hiram, the King of Tyre (1 King 5:1) to help build the temple because he was a friend of his father, David, and Hiram rejoiced over the opportunity to help build the temple. Also Solomon asked Hiram to help build the temple because the forest of cedars belonged to the king of Tyre (1 Kings 5:6), and this is why the men of Tyre were more skilled in wood working than the men of Israel. In other words the men of Tyre did not have a secret knowledge of wood working but they had a more proficient knowledge than the Israelite because of an applied use of this skill. Later we read that the Israelite worked along side the men of Tyre so they did not cover up secrets of their trade but freely shared them (1 Kings 5:18).
There is nothing magical or secret about the construction of the temple. Like the tabernacle, the mystery and beauty of the temple is not in “how” it was built but “what” it signifies by the items in the temple. The Temple Solomon built is a copy of the Tabernacle Moses built which is a copy of God’s temple in Heaven. The bass altar represents where a blood sacrifice for sin was offered and accepted by the “fire” of God’s judgement. The golden lamp stand in the holy place represents Christ Spirit and life that never goes out and the show bread on the golden table represents Christ’s provision for believers. The golden altar of incense represents the prayers of the saints which are sweet smelling incense burned using the fire from the brass altar. And in the Holy of Holies, God resides on the mercy seat which rests on the arc of the covenant between two cherubim, all covered in gold.
But on the other points, I agree with Albert Pike the roots of Freemasonry lie in the efforts of man throughout history to build a New World Order by the hands of man, apart from God. This idea deceived Nimrod into building the tower of Babel in order to reach God and prove that man does not need God. The roots of deception actually go all the way back to the garden of Eden, where God originally planned for man to build a Kingdom on earth to reign and rule with Christ. But Satan tempted man to sin against God and man was destroyed by sin along with the earth and God’s plan for the earth. Of course God knew that man would sin and He had predestined a way to “redeem” man, redeem earth and redeem His plan, through a life of faith in Jesus Christ. Therefore, God has put His building plan for earth “on hold” while He saves people from sin and builds lives of faith in Heaven.
Satan uses the original building plan idea that God had for man to deceive man into building a Kingdom on earth now. This is really all Satan can do is “copycat God’s plan” and deceive men so they think their good works in the Masons are building something for God but the truth is that good works apart from faith in Jesus Christ alone are as filthy rags to God (Isaiah 64:6). The unregenerate man cannot know God’s will because man is born a sinner, he is born with a self indulgent nature (SIN), Spiritually disconnected from God. You must first be Spiritually “born again” in Jesus Christ before you can know God and know His will and do “good works” in His name. This is the God’s honest truth, so simple that a child can understand it, yet so profound that those who embrace salvation in God’s Son will forever be growing in the wisdom and knowledge of God and doing good works that glorify Him.
Many of the founders of America were Freemasons and they left plenty of testimony of their purpose is to build a New World Order. Just look at your dollar bill it has a pyramid and the pagan all seeing eye on top with the Latin phrase “NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM” under the pyramid is translated into “a new order of ages”. The all seeing eye is the pagan god “ISIS” of Egyptian and the Latin phrase were put there by Masons. The Latin inscription “E Pluribus Unum” (one composed of many) is a phrase that indicates brotherhood to the Masonic fraternity, not an phrase of American heritage.
But there were also some “born again” Christian founders like John Adams, Samuel Adams and Alexander Hamilton. Like I said, men work side by side, one offers his work to Satan and the other offers his work to Jesus Christ. America is blessed when it’s leaders have hearts devoted to God over men. Prosperity is not the measure of a nation’s greatness but righteousness towards God is what exalts a nation. God knows whether a person heart is listening for God’s will and doing God’s will or whether the person is wanting to be approved among men. God knows a person’s motive for what he does and God knows the person better than the person knows him self.
My pastor points out the the woman freely followed and served Christ on their own but with the men Jesus had to call to follow Him and serve. You must be willing to be humble your self and deny your self to follow Christ but this is something that at the “core of men” it is so difficult to do, especially American men. We are raised to think we are urban Cowboys who can master the world on our own but this is such a foolish and pointless game. Christ calls us to deny our self and do good works that shine for Christ, which the Truth of Christ can convict people of sin and make them uncomfortable or hostile to us. While, the Masons give men a way to do good works with a Cowboy mentality, building up their own reputation without convicting others of sin. Its just a bunch of “good ol” boys doing a good ol’ job … or is it?
Every candidate of Freemasonry on his initiation is required to declare that his trust is in “god”. He who denies the existence of a Supreme Being is debarred from the privilege of initiation, for atheism is a disqualification for Masonry. But the simple truth is that the Supreme Being that the Masons serve and worship is Satan not the God of the Bible. For God’s purpose is to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, while the purpose of the Masons is to deny the preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ and deceive men, including Christians, into doing good works that glory the Mason organization. Like I said before the Masons are nothing but an organization that is keeps men BUSY – Being Under Satan Yoke, building a New World Order without Jesus Christ, the future kingdom of the Antichrist. If you are a member of this organization I pray the God of Jesus will save you and deliver you from this evil. Your allegiance should be to Jesus Christ and your Christian Church … NOT the Masonic Lodge!
– Rogersings
“Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.” Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)
Dwight L. Moody said, “I do not see how any Christian, most of all a Christian minister, can go into these secret lodges with unbelievers. They say they can have more influence for good: but I say they can have more influence for good by staying out of them, and reproving their evil deeds. Abraham had more influence for good in Sodom than Lot had.”
For this, D. L. Moody was challenged, “If you talk this way, you will drive all the members of secret societies out of your meetings and out of our churches.”
To this the bold pastor proclaimed, “But what if I did? Better men will take their places. Give them the truth anyway, and if they would rather leave their churches than their lodges, the sooner they get out of the churches, the better. I would rather have ten members who are separated from the world than a thousand such members. Better one with God than a thousand without Him.”
The “Order of the Eastern Star” … the woman’s answer to the cult of the Mason’s.
In Matthew 2:2, the A.V. 1611 text does not say “eastern star.” It says “star in the east.” The phrase “Eastern Star” has a specialized meaning in occultism.
It refers to the star, Sirius, which is the most significant star in Satanism! It is sacred to the god, Set. Remember Set as the evil Egyptian god who killed Osiris? Set is probably the oldest form of Satan! The Eastern Star is the star of Set.
Set (Lucifer) is the acknowledged god of Masonry. Thus, what does it mean for a Christian woman to be adopted into the Star? She is submitting herself to the spiritual authority of Lucifer. She may not know it, but in bowing before the altar of the Star, the inverted pentagram of Baphomet, she has surrendered herself (however innocently) to the gods of Masonry. And if she is not a born-again Christian, sealed by the Holy Spirit, she has givens Satan an entry point into her life.
There is plenty of information that proves the Satanic agenda of Freemasonry:
Bill Schnoebelen was delivered from the spell of Freemason and exposes the demonic agenda of this organization. Just to enter and join the lodge you first say you are in “darkness” (if you a Christian this is blasphemous to your faith in Christ) then you knell at an altar and swear an oath unto death (which you are commanded against taking a oath as a Christian and you are also swearing to allow someone to kill you if break the vow, which is murder).
http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/freemasons-masonic-lodge-worship-lucifer-light-bearer-skull-bones/ – Very comprehensive study of the Satanic agenda of Freemasonry and it’s link to Mormonism
http://www.bibleprobe.com/freemasonry.htm Freemasonry is incompatible with Christianity
http://www.ephesians5-11.org/gllink.htm – “Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them” Ephesians 5:11
http://www.cuttingedge.org/free11.html Masonry proven Conclusively to be worship of Lucifer, Satan
http://masonicgathering.net/Masonic%20Dollar%20Bill.htm Masonic influence and signs on the Dollar Bill
http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/32nd_degree_ritual.htm 32nd degree ritual from the Authentic Scottish Rite Ritual
http://crossbearer-brian.tripod.com/id26.htm Who is your “Worshipful Master?” And who is your “Worshipful Grand Master”?
And here are personality testimonies of those who left the Masons to follow Jesus (click on link to read their story):
Testimony of Tom Hilton, Ex-Masons for Jesus In reading the books about cults, one name kept cropping up – Freemasonry. I said, “Aw, don’t worry about that; that’s just a witch hunt. There’s nothing true about that. Yes, some of what they say may be true – – there’s some fact there – – but n-a-a-h, don’t worry about that.” …
Testimony of Pastor and Ex-Mason Harmon R Taylor The day came when a Christian brother and former Mason, had the courage to risk our friendship. He opened up his Masonic bible and shared the Light as he there had found it in Jesus, the Light of the World. That Light showed the light of Freemasonry to be darkness and deception. Each verse he shared brought out Masonic debris like “Salvation by Works” from the closets of my life. …
Testimony of Jim Shaw, a former Mason I turned away and walked into the parking lot, knowing that I would never return. As I walked into the deepening darkness of that springtime night, I was walking into the growing light of the living God. As the natural darkness closed around me, the supernatural light welled up within me. With every step I took, as the Temple receded behind me, I was more free. … “Masonry, contrary to popular belief, is NOT based upon the Bible. Masonry is actually based on the Kabala (Cabala), a medieval book of magic and mysticism.”
I pray for anyone that is held bondage to deception of Freemasonry. If you honestly examine the evidence presented here and want to know and grow closer to Jesus, call on Jesus and He will reveal the truth to you and deliver you from the grip of this organization. I have no “ill will” against the Masons. I know a few Masons personally and we agree to disagree. One of them did leave the Masons in order to draw closer to Jesus. God has convicted me of the way I am to follow Him and He is the one who convicts and judges every man.
As my roommate in college once said to me, after he accepted Jesus as Savior “the truth will set you free, but it will piss you off first”.
Still not convinced of the evils of Freemasonry, watch this:
The truth of Jesus Christ will set you free, the Masonic Worship will put you in a snare that will be hard to get out of! I am glad to hear that someone is willing to tell the truth of this Organization Of the World Order. I have read extensive facts about this, from numerous authors giving up all of the excuses that man can bring to the table trying to defend this abomination. I have experienced first hand what this memorization of the degrees can do to a fellow human being and it is not a pleasant sight. When confronted by the truth all you will get is anger and resentment from the person that you care about enough to tell. It is as you have said, a form of self worship, putting Jesus below it and in the background! No man, whatever he gains by way of these things will benefit, in the long run, and if they continue, they stand the chance of losing their eternal salvation. These secret organizations are not clean in the Lord’s sight. The Church on the other hand is not an organization it is a organism, built up by every one that has bowed his heart to the Lord. They are the Body of Christ, and Christ is the head of the body. Speak out boldly and with conviction when confronted by these fellow imposters, trying to make something good, bad. If you ask one them if they would bet their eternal soul on it. You will only get a blank stare, and excuses.