The bumper sticker “Coexist” is displayed on a person’s car to express the belief that all beliefs are equally true, so there is no sense in arguing over which belief is absolutely true or which belief makes the most sense. The implied message of “coexist” is that you should just “shut up” and keep your opinion about your belief to yourself, especially if you are a Christian, so you don’t annoy and upset anyone who believes differently than you do. The people who display this message think they are bringing a pious message of peace and harmony to the world but they really have a pompous agenda with a totalitarian message to control the free speech so they do not have to hear about God, Jesus and repentance from sin.
The bumper sticker spells the words “coexist” using the symbols of the major belief systems of the world:
Letter – Religion | Symbol | Belief |
c – Islam | star and crescent moon |
Islam is a religion that began in Arabia and was revealed to humanity by the Prophet Muhammad. There are no official religious Islam symbols, but the most used and recognized symbol is the star and crescent moon. The symbol is not Muslim in origin, it was a polytheistic icon adopted during the spread of Islam, and its use today is sometimes controversial in the Muslim world. The crescent and star are often said to be Islamic symbols, but historians say that they were the insignia of the Ottoman Empire, not of Islam as a whole. One of Islam’s beliefs is that the Bible is corrupt. The Islam god is “Allah” and he has no son. To ta Muslim Jesus is just a prophet like Muhammad, Therefore, they do not believe what Jesus is God’s only begotten Son (John 3:16). There is no forgiveness for sin in Islam and salvation is all a matter of works righteousness to determine whether you will make it into the Paradise with Allah and enjoy sex with 70 virgin girls. By the way if you are a wife then your privilege in Paradise is that you get to watch your Muslim husband have sex with his virgins for eternity. Unfortunately, there is no sure way to know if you have done enough righteous works to appease the flicked Allah, but killing people in His name seems to help. Islam also believes in implementing a Theocratic social system of laws called “sharia”. The radical Muslims (or faithful Muslims) kill people and take over area to implement Shari law, while the passive Muslims (or carnal Muslims) out-birth the nation that they are welcomed into, and when they outnumber the native citizens they vote and implement Sharia law that way. Islam is a demonic manifestation to deceive men into serving Satan and waiting for the Antichrist to rule the world. Those who do not repent of repent of their sin and find reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ will be cast into the Lake of Fire. |
o – Humanism | peace symbol |
The religions of Humanism is actually a relatively new belief. No one before the 1600’s was dumb enough to believe there there was no God because they were too overwhelmed by the evidence of His creation and too convicted by the truth of His moral law, written on their heart. What initially began in the 1600’s as men of science searching for the “truth” of the universe in order to expose the ignorance of the Catholic Church and the lies the priests used to hold people captive to their traditions, transitioned in the 1800’s into men who called themselves scientist who no longer looked for the “truth” but they were looking to remove God from what He created and remove man’s accountability to God’s moral law. Largely based on the faulty reasoning of Charles Darwin, the world is being plunged into a New Dark Ages where the Scientist and Psychiatrist are the new priests of the New World Order. Humanistic sciences teaches that the universe is “self existing without a God” and the information in DNA magically appeared and increased in complexity over billions of years. This teaching is completely contrary to the scientific evidence which is postulated in the 2nd law of thermodynamics, that things don’t improve over time but all matter goes from order to disorder … :”rust never rests”. And humanist Psychiatrist teach that man is basically good and that man just needs to love himself more and reach inside himself to achieve his self-actualization which will result in happiness. The jest of humanism is that man is his own god and therefore man’s highest goal is to enjoy whatever deluded thought he can dream up as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. This selfish sinful ideology is successfully keeping man captive to Satan, lost in their sin, for it promotes the love of “self” over the love of the “truth”. Humanism is a dangerous fairy tale belief system and those who do not repent of their sin and find reconciliation with God through Jesus Christ will be cast into the Lake of Fire. |
e – No Genderism | male/female symbol |
This really is not a religion but an idea that precipitated from the religion of Humanism. Since man is his own god, there is no God given gender and no God given role for that gender, so a person can believe and do whatever they want concerning their gender. If you are born a man and want to dress and act like a woman, you can be a Transvestites in LGBT. And now there is legislature in some state that let’s guys use girls bathroom facilities and shower! If you are born a woman and want to dress and act like a man, well that really isn’t much of an issue anymore but the term “lesbian” is applied to woman who prefer the sexual company of other woman. And “gay” refers to men who prefer the sexual company of other men. And if you can’t make up your mind who you prefer to have sex with then you are “bisexual:, It’s all a big confusing mess of uncontrolled and unrestrained sin, peddled under guise of civil rights. I don’t know where the madness will end but when I can marry my ball point pen and get a tax break … count me in. Don’t misunderstand me, the temptation to sin and deny God’s role for your God given gender is real and difficult to deal with but giving in to that temptation or not seeking God’s forgiveness for giving in to temptation is devastating! There will be many people afflicted with sexual sins in the Kingdom of Heaven who did repent of their sexual sin and were reconciled to God but unless you repent of your sin and find reconciliation through Jesus Christ you will die in your sin and be cast into the Lake of Fire. |
x – Judaism | the six point star of David |
Judaism is the practice of the laws that God gave Moses in order to be God’s witness to the world that He exists and the offering of animal blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin, served to foreshadow the perfect lamb of God, Jesus Christ who would come and offer Himself as a sacrifice, fulling the law of Moses. Christ sacrifice on the cross ushered in a new Dispensation of grace where a believer of Jesus Christ has the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. For a Jew, it was not just going through the motion of offering an animal sacrifice that took away your sin before God and gave you a “relationship” with God but it was the recognition that you were a sinner incapable of being perfect that accompanied the sacrifice that took away your sin and made you a believer of God. Being born of Jewish decent does grant you divine “protection” by God in this world but it does not grant you His divine “presence” in your life and the world to come. As I have stated before, any Jew and anyone past or present who has ever come to God has done so by faith in the belief of a Messiah that would come and the Messiah, Jesus Christ who did come and take our sin penalty. The Jewish system of laws was been fulfilled by Christ and ceased to be practiced by the Jews in AD 70 when the temple was destroyed in Jerusalem by the Romans. Jews who ignore the sufficiency of Christ’s sacrifice to take way their sin are unbelievers in God’s eyes and unless they repent of their sin and find reconciliation through Jesus Christ they will die in their sin and be cast into the Lake of Fire. But God is not through with His chosen Jewish people. There are seven more years of judgement to come for them, called the Tribulation period” revealed in the book of Revelation. After this period the Jews who remain alive will look upon Jesus whom they pierced and believe. |
i – Paganism | Wiccan, spiral goddess of life |
Where Humanism is the believe that there is no god, Paganism is the believe that God does exists but I am not accountable to Him. Humanism believes in the the pernicious lie that man is inherently good and therefore Humanist for the most part try to be good and do good toward their fellow man by their own subjective reasoning of “what is good” while Paganism are more in touch with the truth about man, that he is inherited evil and they try to serve #1, themselves and generally care less about their fellow man. Some even take their sinful passion further and worship the god of evil, Satan. A pagan is considered to be one who, for the most part, has no religion and indulges in worldly delights and material possessions; someone who revels in sensual pleasures; a hedonistic or self-indulgent individual. Another, more modern term is neo-paganism, which refers to some of the contemporary forms of paganism such as Wicca, Druidry, and Gwyddon.. Paganism is the second oldest belief system (after Christianity). Paganism was instituted by Cain who killed his brother Able because Able brought God a blood animal sacrifice to indicate he was a sinner who needed God forgiveness. Cain brought God a sacrifice of his works from the field to show God he was good enough and didn’t need His forgiveness. Cain foolishly though he could silence the truth of how God wants man to be reconciled to Him by silencing his brother. But as God pointed out to Cain in Genesis 4:10 “your brothers’s blood cries out to me from the ground”. Also from Luke 19:40, Jesus pointed out as He rode into Jerusalem under the shouts of Hosanna “save us”, if the people didn’t cry out in praise the rocks would! Unless a Pagan repents of their sin and find reconciliation through Jesus Christ they will die in their sin and be cast into the Lake of Fire. |
s – Taoism | the Chinese yin/yang symbol |
Taoism is an ancient religion from Chinese tradition. The symbol of yin and yang represents achieving perfect harmonic balance between the two opposing forces of the Universe, passive-yin and active-yang. This is essentially a religion of doing good works “yang” to live in harmony with others or avoiding worry “yin” so you can enjoy a stress free life on earth. The premise that you can live in harmony with others and stress free is very appealing idea. And Christianity teaches something similar to this but Christianity does not teach you to ignore and remain passive about the evil of the world but to cast your cares upon Christ and “trust” in Christ to give you strength so you will have His peace while you deal with the evil of the world. Taoism doesn’t really have a position on what is after life or meeting their Maker. “Live and be yourself. Afterlife is not even a concern to a true Taoist in the Chuang-Tzu.” This is where the idea of “nirvana” is where you try to achieve a state of mind where you need nothing and concerned about nothing. But man does have a “real” need. Man has a need to be loved by His creator and it is in Christ that we find God’s love. Taoism does have some good moral teaching and some common sense but it also has a lot of crap too like “Give evil nothing to oppose and it will disappear by itself”. Apparently, ISIS doesn’t understand the wisdom of Taoism, because their evil grows in strength by ruthlessly killing unarmed people. Practicing Taoism will not save you from your sin and it will cut short your life if you live near the evil of ISIS and deal with evil by the way Taoism teaches. Unless a person repents of their sin and find reconciliation through Jesus Christ they will die in their sin and be cast into the Lake of Fire. |
t – Christianity | the cross of Christ’s crucifixion |
Unlike what some people think Christianity is not a religion but it is a “relationship” with God. A religion is a man made set of rules for how to be reconciled to God by doing good works, while a relationship is a God revealed way to be reconciled to God by “believing” in the work done by God’s only begotten Son. Jesus Christ. And Christianity is not a new religion that appeared when Christ arose from the dead. This is just the victory and proof that what God said He would do in the Old Testament, He fulfilled in the New Testament through the life of Jesus Christ. Christianity was first practices by Adam and Eve after they sinned in the garden of Eden. They came to God for forgiveness of the sin of eating the forbidden fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and God killed the first innocent animal, a blood sacrifice and clothed them with the skins of the animal to show His righteousness covered their sin. Coming to God has always been about believing that God forgives sin through His Son Jesus Christ. Noah believed, Abraham believed, Moses believed, the prophets believed that a Messiah would come and be the sacrifice for the sin. And now that Jesus Christ has arose from the gave, a Christian believes in the Messiah that has proved He lives! And let me clear something up, most denominations that claim to be Christian are NOT Christian because they add “mans works” to what it takes to be saved by Christ or they add new revelations about God which God proclaimed to John in the book of Revelation that there is nothing to be added or taken away from His word. This list includes Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons, Jehovah Witness and churches that adhere to a doctrine of Calvinism. It can be a confusing mess of deception so read the Bible for yourself and honestly seek God … He will reveal Himself to you. Coming to Jesus Christ and receiving Him as your Lord and Savior is the only way to obtain eternal life and avoid the Lake of Fire. And there is even the good new of assurance of your salvation because once you are Spiritually born again in Jesus Christ you can not loose your salvation.. You can not be unborn Spiritually any more than you can be unborn physically … it is a logical impossibility. So enjoy the grace of knowing God and drawing close to Him. When you do sin, “confess your sin and start again”. (1 John 1:9) |
Yes, I understand that most of the arguing people do when they compare their belief to other person’s belief is annoying and counter productive, especially when you don’t really understand the tenets of your belief or the other person’s belief and you get all emotional and frustrated trying to defend your belief or angry trying to rain down on their’s. But, the simple fact of the matter is that for something to be “true”, the thing in comparison to it must be “false”. And some beliefs and ideas are dangerous and the truth about them needs to be discussed and exposed! We therefore need to “contradict” the false ideaa and elevate the “truth” ones!
Click on this link for an explanation of the symbols above and for products displaying this message: https://contradictmovement.org/pages/what-are-the-religious-symbols
The definition of “truth” means that it expresses “real facts about something” that applies equally to everyone. Truth corresponds to reality and despite the delusion that some people operate under there is only “one” reality on earth that applies equally to everyone.
For instance, the force of “gravity” is true and acts upon each person equally according to your weight. If you jump off out of a window believing you can fly but you have no provision that enables you to fly, then gravity will abruptly bring you to the ground with a rude reminder that “what you belief” is foolish and deadly if it is not based on the reality of “what is true“. As my friend says “it’s not the fall that hurts or kills you, it’s the landing”. Therefore is it important to uncover the truth about where we are going to land, once we stop falling through space on this little blue ball called “planet earth”. The truth is that when our life physical life ends on earth we will continue to live in a “soul” state in a Spiritual world. We will still be able to think and feel like and know who we are, as we do now but “where” our soul resides in the Spiritual world to come depends on our belief about God and our decision to act on that belief NOW!
If a person believes that Jesus Christ (God’s only begotten Son) can save him from his sin penalty of eternal death and separation from God, and that person asks for God’s forgiveness to be saved, then that person is granted eternal life by God. And when that person’s body dies, it will be as though that person is granted “eagles wings to overcome the gravity of death and the grave” … just like Jesus demonstrated. The song “I’ll fly away”, implies that we will fly away into Heaven to forever be with Jesus for those who have but their faith in Jesus.
If however a person does not believe that they sin or that Jesus can save them from sin, then that person is in effect rejecting the “truth” of what Jesus claimed He can do and who He is. When this person physically dies in this state of “unbelief”, his soul will “fall into the pit of Hell“, a Spiritual place of darkness where that person will await judgment of the degree of punishment that he will receive forever in the “Lake of Fire“.
Now, do you see the danger of “coexisting” with false beliefs when your future is at stake and the future of your fellow man is at stake. Is it a loving act to be silent about God’s truth and let people die in eternal agony, separated from God? Of course not. Would it be loving if I knew the bridge was about to collapse up ahead on the road you were traveling and failed to warn you? Of course not. So you see it is necessary that we agree not to “coexist” with dangerous and deadly ideas but expose them and do what we can not to follow them.
The root issue that nags at our soul is the fact that we are born a sinner, Spiritually separated from God’s love, which makes us by nature restless and rebelliously towards God and yet at the same desperate for His love to come and satisfy our restlessness. We try to numb the nagging guilt of our soul which is calling us to make peace with God by trying to make peace with the world. Pursuing peace in the world seems like a reasonable and worthy pursuit but it doesn’t truly satisfy the nagging of our soul and it doesn’t satisfy the desire of God for us to know Him and know His love.
And hearing God’s voice calling us to repent and come to Him so He can receive His love is made even more difficult to hear because the world relentlessly bombards us with messages of obtaining peace and satisfaction by our own means, such as “ embrace your inhibitions” or “don’t worry, be happy” or “follow your heart” or “be true to yourself” … whatever that means. Disney movies are especially geared to show us how the evil villains of life are overcome by being a hero who “believes in yourself and your ability”. Every girl wants a Prince Charming and every boy wants a Sleeping Beauty but this brings us back to the root problem, we are not born with the ability to be a “Prince Charming” or a “Sleeping Beauty”. We are born sinners as a “Prince Selfish” and “Sleeping Bombshell”. We are not able to hold it together and do good all the time. We aren’t suppose to be a hero. The solution is not to embrace your failures but confess them to God. God is not excepting us to “impress Him” with our righteousness but He is waiting for us to abide in His fellowship.
Yes, I like the Disney movies but the songs that are meant to lift us above our struggles in this world really only serve to mislead us into believing that there is some good work or good intentions on our part that will give us the happiness we seek. But the simple truth is that only by making peace with God though His Son Jesus Christ will we be granted “eternal life” and know the way to pursue “holiness”. It is by living a “life of faith in Jesus Christ” that we are blessed with God’s joy and the peace the passes understanding.
Look, I don’t expect for you to believe me. If you are practicing your “coexist” motto, you will simply say “OK, you think I need to make peace with God and I think I am already at peace” … “let’s agree to disagree and coexist … which translated means please shut up!“. And really, you are right. I am a person like you, “my opinion” is really no more valuable than your opinion. But I am not asking you to believe what I say is true based on my opinion but to believe what “Jesus said” is true” based on His life, death and resurrection!
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. – John 14:6”
Jesus was more than just a good moral teacher. Jesus said some very radical things and a lot of people wanted to shut Him up because of what He said. And they tried to shut Him up in a grave behind a stone but death could not hold Him! Hallelujah! Jesus poses a “quad-lima” of choice about who He was. Jesus is either a “liar, a lunatic, a legion or Lord“.
Jesus claimed to be “the truth”, “the life” and “the only way to the Father”. These are radical claims and much more than just good moral teaching. Someone who claims He is is God in the flesh and can rise from the dead is either a liar and He cons people into thinking he can rise from the dead but he knows he is not able too, or he is a lunatic who is deluged into thinking He can rise from the dead but he doesn’t do it, or He is a legion and His resurrection was a story that was “made up” by His followers to save face over their leader who was crucified on a cross. Yet the ministry of Jesus is a well documented historical fact and those who lived in Jerusalem during the years surrounding Jesus’s life and resurrection were unable to produce evidence of His dead body in order to refute His resurrection. And what made it even more impossible to refute the resurrection of Jesus was that He was see by more than 500 people “after” His death on the cross. There is only one plausible explanation … Jesus is Lord!
Jesus didn’t preach a message of “coexist and believe whatever you want” but he preached a message of “Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” (Matthew 4:17) and “and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die” (John 11:26). Jesus made some radical claims like “He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:39). Jesus is the only man to claim to be God (John 14:9) and also back up His claim with proof by performing many miracles and rising from the dead! (Mark 16:9)
You see the issue is not that “my” opinion is better or worse than “your” opinion, so let’s just shut up and coexist but the issue is “What are you going to do about Jesus?“. Jesus came contradicting and arguing with people over the philosophies and beliefs of His day. And He expects His followers to do the same. He made exclusive and radical claims about who He is, what to do and what to believe. He came to make people uncomfortable about who they are in sin until they discover and make the choice to be who they were created to be in Christ! Most people are familiar with what Jesus said in John 3:16, “that God so loved the world” but few are familiar what Jesus said next.
16“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. 17“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. 18“He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 19“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20“For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and does not come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. 21“But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”
Do you see what Jesus said in John 3:18? “he who does not believe has been judged already“. We are born judged guilty of sin because we are born sinners. There is only one way to overcome this judgement and that is to be “born again” by the Spirit of God.
Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” – John 3:3
This is why Jesus came to earth, to bring us the good new of salvation from sin and to be perfect sacrifice that paid for our sin penalty so we can be saved by believing in Him!
“so that whoever believes will in Him have eternal life.” – John 3:15
But to those who ignore and reject this good news, there is some serious bad news.
“And if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” – Revelation 20:15
Look, you do not want to be “coexisting” in agony in the Lake of Fire that burns your soul forever. Jesus has made a way to join Him in Heaven, the Kingdom of God … be born-gain by the Spirit of God by receiving Jesus as Lord of your life. Here is how Apostle Paul explained:
8 But what does it say? “THE WORD IS NEAR YOU, IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART”—that is, the word of faith which we are preaching, 9 that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; 10 for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. Romans 10:8-10
Once you have confessed Jesus as Lord of your life and believed He can save you from sin, you will experience the peace and joy of God in your life, as the Holy Spirit indwells your life. You will be reconciled with God and you will start to see life the way God see life. You will see that God has a plan for you to “coexist with Him” and that plan is through His Son, Jesus Christ. In other words, you must first “exist” in Christ as a “born again”child of God before you can “coexist with God” and know how to “coexist” in this world and the world to come.
+8^) Rogersings-
Can you pass World Religion 101 test?
Just because there are many religions there are not many God’s. There is One True God, that has been revealed to man by His Son, Jesus Christ. Other gods and religions are falsehoods that are derived from either Satanic/Demonic visions/influences (such as Islam and Mormonism) or from man mad delusions of sin such as (Hinduism and Scientology).