The Last Trump!
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1 Corinthians 15:52 “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.”

The “last” Trump is a well know Biblical phrase referring to the trump that is sounded to bring the Church home to Heaven, in the “Rapture”.  It is reasonable to expect that this New Testament event will occur on the same day that the Old Testament event that foreshadowed it occurs, which I believe is the “Feast of Trumpets” or Rash Hosanna, the Head of the Year which begins the Jewish civil calendar.  I know what your thinking, “no one knows the day or the hour” and I am one that doesn’t know for sure when Christ will return, just like everyone else.  I am suggesting, like many others have, that it makes sense that the OT feast of Trumpets will finds it’s NT fulfillment in the “Rapture” of the church, just like the first three Jewish feasts (the Passover, Unleavened bread and First fruits) are found in the (Crucifixion, Perfect Life, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ).  Of course, I don’t know which “year” Christ will return but the signs of the times make me believe it is very soon … more on that later.

The Jewish festival of trumpets occurs in the fall of the year, in the seventh month of the Religious calendar, which is around mid September on the Gregorian calendar.  The blowing of the trumpets was understood to be a call to repent and prepare oneself to stand trial before God who would execute His judgment ten days later on the Day of Atonement.  Then on the 15th of the month there was a “Feast of Tabernacles” to celebrate God dwelling with His people, which concludes the seventh and final feast of the Jewish Religious year.  The importance of the “Feast of Trumpets” is indicated by the fact that the Jews anticipated its arrival on the first day of each month (new moon) through short blasts of the shophar (Num 10:10; Ps 81:3).  These short blasts each month were an anticipation of the long alarm blasts to be sounded on the new moon of the seventh month.

According to Jewish tradition, the blowing of the shofar is the clarion call to perform teshuvah – to search our deeds and mend our ways before the awesome day of judgment.  It is a warning and reminder of our need to confront our inner selves just as God confronted Adam with the Spiritual question, “Where are you? (Gen 3:9) after Adam and Eve had sinned by eating the forbidden fruit.  God confronted Adam for his sin, as God confronts every man for his sin.  Fortunately, it is understood from scripture that Adam repented of his sin and God killed the first innocent animal (probably a lamb), the first blood sacrifice which temporarily paid the price for Adam’s sin (Genesis 3:21) and foreshadowed the lamb of God, Jesus Christ who came and “died and paid the price for all sin” (John 1:29).  Then God clothed Adam and Eve with the skin from the animal, as evidence that He covered their sin with His righteousness through salvation.

The Shofar Announces the Beginning of the Trial.  The blowing of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah was understood by the Jews as the beginning of their trial before the heavenly court, a trial that lasted ten days until the Day of Atonment (Yom kippur).  The Jewish “traditions” taught that when a person died, the Heavenly court would judge a person by his or her deeds to see if they were worthy of eternal life or due eternal death.  But this concept of judgement is completely un-Biblical.  The decision concerning eternal life or eternal death is made while we live and breath on earth.  If we put our faith in Jesus Christ then we have eternal life, if we rejected His salvation for our sins then the wrath of God remains on us and we have eternal death and separation from God.

There are however, two Judgments that do occur in Heaven, (1) the “Judgement seat of Christ” where believers in Christ are judged for their good works of faith done on earth (after salvation) to determine the rewards the will receive in Heaven.  This judgment is not to determine entrance into Heaven, that decision is made on earth if the person of his own free will repents and accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior.   And (2) the “White Throne of Judgement” where un-believers are judged for their evil works to determine the degree of the punishment they will receive in the Lake of Fire.  This judgement is for people who rejected Christ as their Savior while they were alive on earth.  There is no chance to be saved once you are dead.  You will have had ample time and opportunity to make that decision while you walked the earth.  God knows those who have put their trust in Christ and those who have rejected His Son.  I do however believe that those have never reached the age of accountability on earth before they die (like a baby of a child or a person who has a mental conditions that make them child-like), then these people will get to make a choice if they want to stay in Heaven and I think they will all say “yes!”.

I think the “10” days of judgement that is part of the Old Testament “Feast of Trumpets” has it’s New Testament fulfillment when judgment is poured out on the “10” horns of the seven headed Beast that rises from the Sea (Daniel 7:7, Revelation 12:3, 13:1, 17:3) and on the “10” Kings who conspire with the Antichrist for power (Revelation 17:12).  The Antichrist uses the number “10” to rebel against the 10 commandments of God.  God’s judgement and wrath is poured out on earth during the last 3 1/2 years of the seven years of Tribulation.  And these days of God’s wrath will definitely be “days of awe”, a time unlike any that has ever occurred on earth or ever will occur.  At then end of the 3 1/2 years of judgment, Christ will come with His Saints for the battle of Armageddon, the fulfillment of the “Day of Atonement“.  The day when “all” un-believers on earth, the “goat nations” will be killed by the sword from Christ’s mouth and their soul will in confined hell for 1,000 years before they appear at the “White Throne of Judgement” for their degree of punishment in the Lake of Fire.  Meanwhile, on earth for 1,000 year, only “believers” will remain on earth, both Gentile and Jew, and they will enjoy a time of peace and dwelling with God, a “Feast of Tabernacles” for 1,000 years (A Millennium). 

This is serious stuff.  God has spoken and His will, will come to pass.  How exactly it will come to pass is not for us to know for sure but we can see signs of a growing hatred of God and a growing hatred of God’s people and we see the blatant disrespect for God’s moral laws.  We see nations rising against nation, wars and rumors of wars, we see that knowledge has increased and the ability to travel quickly to and fro has increased.  And we see the nations conspiring and using lies about the earth’s environment to form a “One World Abomination”, a “New World Order”, a new “Tower of Babel” that glorifies man, not God.  These are signs that were prophesied to occur before the great and terrible day of the Lord.  (Daniel 12:4)  Man’s desire to manufactured a “peace” without God is not going to save man from  judgement for his sins.  And Technology is not the answer to man’s problems but just another way to distract people and control people and keep people held captive as slaves to Satan.  God created everything and He alone has the authority to rule over everything.

Even the stars in the Heavens are lining up to fulfill Revelation 12:1 on September 23, 2017.  Could this be the date that marks the begging of the seven year Tribulation Period when the Antichrist makes a seven year covenant with Israel (Daniel 9:27)?  Could this be the time that God turns his focus back to Israel in fulfillment of Micah 5 ? Will the Feast of Trumpets (Rosh Hashanah) that occurs on Sept 21, 2017 be the date the Church is raptured home to Heaven or how about Rosh Hashanah this yeaz on Oct 2, 2016?   It is very provocative idea and these are very interesting times that we live in.  Jesus is coming soon, like a thief in the night to get His bride, the Church, and take her to Heaven before the great and terrible day of the Lord (1 Thessalonians 5:2).   Don’t be left behind to face God’s wrath and the strong delusion that will fall upon the earth.  For the Antichrist is going to come onto the scene after the “restraining” influence of the Church is gone.  With signs and wonders, he will convince the world that he is the Messiah of the world and that the Christian’s where taken in judgement by Allah.  He will make a peace treaty with Israel for seven years and he will conquer the world for Allah and bring it under Sharia law.  This is all prophesied to occur in the near future.  Read Daniel and Revelation, it’s all been recorded for our edification thousands of years ago and the stage is being set right before our eyes.

Forrest TrumpBut what about the events that are happening in America today?  Is America prophesied to play a role in ushering in the Antichrist?  What does a man named “Trump” have to do with the sounding of the “Last Trump” that calls the Church home to Heaven?  Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?

No, I don’t think Donald Trump is the Antichrist.  But, like it or not I do think Donald Trump will most likely be the next president of the United States of America elected in 2016.  Is Donald Trump more judgment from God because America has rejected God?  No, I don’t believe Donald Trump is  judgment from God for America’s sin.  However, I do believe Barack Obama is judgement from God upon America because I think O’bummer is a closet Muslim who is bought and paid for by George Soros to promote a New World Order controlled by the Illuminati (click on this link to find out more about this story).   And America deserves to be judged by God for removing God from the classroom and for removing God from the public spaces and for legalizing abortion and gay marriage.  Some have said that if God doesn’t judge America, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Yes, America is deserving more judgment from God but I think Trump is judgment from God against the world.  There is nothing specifically prophesied about America in the Bible, but I think that God will use the Trump presidency to make Israel and America a catalyst that unites the world against them.  Trump is like a lighting rod of common sense values that resonates with Americas who are sick and tired of their government legislating immorality and caring for illegal citizens instead of their hard working legal ones.  Some liberals are promising to leave the country if Trump is elected and some conservatives are calling for his assassination.  But as passionately as he is hated, he is also passionately liked by hard working Americans, who see Trump as America’s “last chance” to restore some sense of moral order, reason and respect to America. 

If Trump is elected president, I think he will reverse unfair trade deals, stop illegal immigration and restore our partnership with Israel.  But as a result, Trump will make the world hate America and Israel (even more than they do now).  And if Daniel Matson’s prediction of the stars in Heaven are correct and the “Rapture” occurs in September 21, 2017 (click here for more info), this will create a sudden vacuum of power and America will be in a panic just like the rest of the world and they will fall to the Antichrist.

Will Donald Trump be “Raptured”?  Honestly, I don’t know because I can’t tell if he is a born-again believer of Jesus Christ.  Donald Trump says he is a Christian and he supports Israel.  He doesn’t drink or smoke which are good moral attributes but he acts very immature at times and is boastful most of the time which is not a sign of a person who has surrendered their will to Christ and is trying to give God the glory.  He also has spoken in a demeaning sexual way about woman and displayed inappropriate advances toward woman.  He has apologized for these indiscretions and said they are not who he is now.  To Trump’s credit, he is hard working and has worked successfully within the free Enterprise system of America to become a successful businessman.  He doesn’t appear to be indebted to any Special Interest groups or politicians or big money companies or Secret Societies which is very refreshing and very unusual.  And this is what infuriates all the elite who have bellied up to the bar of special interest politics, they are mad because they can’t buy or black mail Trump to control him.

However, there are some serious character flaws with Trump concerning his arrogance and petty name calling behavior.  Some think he is reckless, vulgar and crude.  Trump has great passion to “Make America Great Again” and he rallies people with shouts of patriotism and American exceptionalism which is a good thing but at the same time his supports at times act hateful and violent toward others, which Trump does not try to correct.  A Christian is to “hate” the sin, point it out and show the better way in Christ but he is to “love” the people  The philosophy that the “End Justifies the Means“, is a dangerous one to pursue and is the calling card for the “The Third Reich – Nazi Germany”, “The Black Panthers”, “The Islamic Fundamentalist” and “Killary Clinton”.  That’s right, Hillary’s favorite book is “Rules for Radicals by Saul Alinsky.  In the book Alinksy teaches how to tear down democracy and transform a nation into a liberal-socialist-progressive one through acts of civil discourse and terrorism.  Alinksy dedicates his book to “Lucifer“, the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (God) and did it so effectively that he won his own kingdom.  Oh, my!

To read more about the “8 Levels of Control” that you put in place to control the “useful idiots” click on this link:   “8 Levels of Control” .  Most people think Saul Alinksy wrote these 8 levels of control in one of his books but this appears to be false .  I can’t find who wrote these rules but it looks like something that spawned from Satan since it directs people to put their trust in Government instead of God. It also looks strangely familiar to what is happening in America and the downward spiral into a Socialist State that we are experiencing. 

1) Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people

2) Poverty – Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.

3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.

4) Gun Control– Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income)

6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to – take control of what children learn in school.

7) Religion – Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools

8) Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Alinksy did write “Rules for Radials” and dedicate it to Lucifer and Killary did write her college thesis about his book which essentially is a grass roots means to change and tear down the moral restraints of society. 

Alinsky’s 13 “Rules for Radicals” are:
1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.
2. Never go outside the experience of your people.
3. Whenever possible, go outside the experience of your enemy.
4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.
5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
8. Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.
9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
10. The major promise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through into its counterside.
12. The price of a successful attack is a contructive alternative.
13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

If you would like read more about the dangers of the Progressive Liberal agenda click on this link: “The Virtuous New Nazis

Yet, I can understand the frustration that people have with our “do nothing for the people” politicians.  It is obvious that our career politicians have instituted a system that serves them, not us.  So I can understand the enthusiasm to get behind and promote someone who says what needs to be done in Washington … “Drain the Swamp“.  Hard working American have had to march to the beat of the broken political system for too many years now, while each party just kicks the can further down the road.  “Black Lies Matter” and now that those lies are being exposed and the agenda of the Liberals is being exposed and the agenda of Big Money bought politicians is being exposed.  Yes, there is panic in the streets over the prospect that their days of government abuse will soon be over.  

Like I said Trump is trumpeting what most common sense Americans are thinking …  America is broken and we on the wrong course.  Trump supporters want to return to an America that was exceptional, where the world looked to America to right the wrongs of the world.  Their slogan is “Make America Great Again!”  And this is a good motive but their reasoning of how to make America great is wrong.  America was great and exceptional because it’s leaders and people looked to God and honored God, not because we were financially affluent or we kept bad people out of America.  Yes, America needs to get a handle on it’s debt problem and we need to find a way to prevent those who want to come here to destroy America.   But honestly, for that matter we should be doing a better job of exposing those who are already here and they want to destroy America but that is a touchy subject, since this includes those who hold a “Socialist” political view and that would mean about a quarter of all America should start packing.

The church needs a new slogan:  “Make God Great Again!”

When Politician use the code word “together”, this is usually an incitement to “sin”.  This is Killary’s motto “Stronger Together”.  It is a plea for people to honor a human “want” above a God given law or truth.  It is a subtle call that promises “prosperity” without hard work or “freedom” without responsibility or “equality” without honoring God given distinction.  “Together” is the deep sincere cry of those suffering under the delusion of their own sin nature, in an effort to raise their voice above the truth of God.  People unitying under the banner of “Together” usually operates under the insanity of desire without regard for common sense and reason.  Only the influence of the Holy Spirit can restrain those who desire to “suppress the truth”.  There is Spiritual warfare that is being fought that is the underlying force behind all political bickering and social conflicts.

Listen to a black women explain the real issues in America.  When you have a job and you are “working” you don’t have time to rob others and complain about not getting enough “free stuff”.  Idle time is the Devils’ workshop. 

Read about America’s early experiment and failure with “socialism” and the development of a “Free Market Capitalism” based on “Godly principles” that shaped the American Constitution and lead to the expectionalism of American.  

Franklin Graham has got it right.  He is making a tour to all fifty state capitals to ask the people of this great  nation to turn back to God to make it great again.  This is our real hope if we are ever to be exceptional again.  “In God We Trust” is on all of our U.S. currency but in reality American’s acts as though our motto is “In Gov We Trust”.  For we are not praying to God, seeking His face and trusting Him but Americans are now lobby the goverment for favor as Special Interest Groups or protest in the streets for more government handouts.  Over 50% of Americans now receive some form of governmenchart of entitlement spendingt “entitlement”, which include Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, children’s health insurance, food stamps, school lunch programs, welfare, unemployment insurance, the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit.  Unfortunately, this kind of America is not what the Founding Father’s envisioned but what they strongly warned against.  As you can see, most entitlements go to the elderly, who for the most part were hard working people who paid something into the government system, but the social security is a “ponzi scheme” that has no way to be sustainable.  And many Americans know this and that’s another reason they are “up in arms” because our government does nothing to solve this problem but continues to “kick the can down the road” until some other country we owe money too comes and “kicks our ass out of America“.

From a Biblical perspective, Donald Trump is really more like a King Saul in the Bible, the first king of the Jews, but what we need is a King David, the second king of the Jews and a man after God’s own heart.  King Saul was tall and handsome and a man of arrogance and pride.  Saul’s undoing was that he acted on his own reasoning to offer a blood sacrifice to win a battle when he knew he was suppose to wait for Samuel the priest to come and make the sacrifice.  This is where the Bible makes it clear that it is better to “obey God” to please Him than “sacrifice your own efforts” thinking you are pleasing Him (1 Samuel 15:22).  

But as bad as king Trump may be for American he is 100 time better than Queen Hillary or Bernie the Freeloader.  Yet, the lying wonder of of the world, Hillary Clinton could be elected if the Republican party is stupid enough NOT to endorse Trump as their candidate if he is the winner of the primary race.  This will divide the Republican party and throw the election to the Democrats.  Of course, many people think that Donald Trump if nominated would not unite the Republican party and he would not appeal to Democrats in order to swing some of their votes in order to defeat Hillary in the election.  And unless, Trump tones down his offensive, childish and divisive rhetoric, he will defeat himself. 

The reason I am writing this article is not to talk about the “last trump” that will call and take the Church home but to talk about the last “Trump” that will most likely rule America.  Donald Trumps’ rise to political power is fulfilling end time prophecy, not in a good way that honors God but more like the way Hitler untied his “Mother Land” Germany to stand up and be great.  Let me clear something up, unlike Hitler, Trump does not have an agenda against the Jews, just the opposite is true, Trump has made it known that he is a big supporter of Israel.  However, I think Trumps’ zeal to support Jewish Zionism and to bring back American Exception-ism  is based more on his own reasoning than sound wisdom from God.  Trump reminds me more like the foolish and exuberant Peter, who walked with Jesus “ready, fire, aim”.  Therefore, I pray that Trump will be transformed to become the bold and passionate “Rock” after he was filled by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

Jesus loved Peter a whole lot and I think Jesus loves “the Donald” a lot, too.  I think Jesus sees the untamed enthusiasm and zeal in Donald Trump and Jesus is waiting to re-channel that zeal under His yoke in these last days.  Either way, whether Trump is pouring himself out in obedience to God or whether he is doing it by his own selfish reasoning, like Nebuchadnezzar, God will use Trump and America to do His will and get the glory.  These are exciting times we live in, yet depressing too because there so many who remain lost in their sin and they are digging in their heels of disobedience even more toward God.  They want a worldly leader who will free them from their accountability toward God, the Antichrist, not Jesus Christ who frees them from sin and brings them into a loving relationship with God.

And in this political quagmire it is hard to know what to do politically if you are a born-again Christian.  Part of the camp of Evangelicals has been lost because they already compromise with the “Liberal” world.  These Liberal believers accept sin and no longer preach repentance of sin.   But their can be no “turning to God’ until there is a “turning away from sin”.  And now part of the Evangelical camp is lost in their pursuit to support Trump.  They want to bully people to conform to a “Legalism that brings economic prosperity”,  rather than to press up people their obligation to seek forgiveness from God and do His will.  These Trump supporters are not discussing the issues that divide America and trying to find a way to bring all American together through repentance and Godly moral principles but they want the power to shut up those who disagree with them.  This is a recipe for riot and disaster, unless some cooler heads and hearts step up and prevail.

So for those Evangelicals who are not in either camp, it is our duty to continue to cling to the Lord for His goodness … continue to pray, trust and obey and “trump” the alarm to return to God and seek His blessings.

I welcome your comments and questions, so please reply below.

+8^)  Rogersings


I'm a born again child of God loving and serving my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

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