Watch out Trump is Coming! Well at least some people can find some humor by exaggerating the fears many people have concerning the new president.
All Republicans are racists and all Democrats are wonderful people … can I have another glass of Liberal kool-aid please.
We are a seriously divided nation and what the Liberal Left don’t seem to understand is that crying and labeling everyone who doesn’t agree with them a racist and a bully isn’t solving any of the problems that divide us. The divide is fueled in part by Liberal Hollywood actors who look down with indifference toward the issues that plague hard working Americans while they piously insists that hard working Americans are responsible for supporting those who don’t want to work. Look here’s a new flash to everyone who wants the government to fix their problems … it cost money to fund government entitlements and that money comes from hard working people. I don’t see the Hollywood actors giving their money to these government entitlement programs or working to find any real solutions to sustain them. What we have here is a bunch of children calling each other names while the rest of us watch the Titanic head toward the iceberg of financial and social ruin.
BTW, Trump was not making fun of a reporter’s disability during a rally since he didn’t know the reporter. Trump was demonstrating what it looks like to be a “groveling” reporter who caved into pressure from his peers to retract a story he wrote after 9/11. The reporter “Kovaleski”, wrote that Muslims were celebrating on roof tops in New Jersey after the 9/11 attack but when Trump quoted the story to George Stephanopolous in an interview Nov, 2015, the media said Trump made up the story. The Washington comPost even printed an article saying Trump doesn’t check the facts. Well the fact is that a Kovaleski wrote the story in the Washing comPost Sept 18, 2011, This forced the reporter to print a retraction of his story, Here are the facts about the incident if any liberal are interested in “fact checking” before “pulling the trigger” on Donald Trump. https://www.catholics4trump.com/the-true-story-donald-trump-did-not-mock-a-reporters-disability/
Don’t these self proclaimed “visionaries” who live in a bubble apart from the struggling working class understand that their bias opinion are the root of what is causing our American sickness and divide. It’s not just that “Obama-don’t-care” but he is delusional in thinking that money grows on trees or flow like a river from the pockets of hard working Americans. When a big name no-one get’s up on a stage and make a stand about how pious their opinions and intentions are, and then they label everyone who disagrees with them a bigot or a racist, how are you suppose to debate an issue of find common ground in order to heal the wounds of division. Unfortunately, you can’t. What you get is a self fulfilling prophecy. You want a divorce or you want your spouse to “drop dead” and that’s what you get … a dead relationship.
President Lincoln was right to question whether a nation “conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” can long endure. Family member fought against family member in the Civil war because they believed their way as the right way of life. Yet, the Civil divide is not whether all men are created equal but whether we men deserve an “equal outcome” in life, guaranteed by the government. This may sound like a great and noble idea but where did this mentality come from? It’s not Biblical. Job questioned his sudden misfortune but he didn’t petition the government to restore his fortune and position, instead he went in prayer to God. This my friends is the issue! And this my friends is the issue is it ‘In Gov We Trust” or “In God We Trust”?
The women all around the globe marched on Jan 21 2017 under the pretense that they want to advance equal rights for women but if you look a the signs they were carrying most of were marching in protest to Trumps presidency and to continue to legalize the sin of abortion and same sex marriage. If you were a women who is pro-life and supports traditional marriage then you were allowed to march in the protest but you were not given a platform to speak and in some cases women who held pro-life signs were harassed and marginalized.
Yes, the “tolerant left” is doing what they know best … dividing and pressuring people to accept sin and be one of them. This is the same tactic Black Lies Matter uses for blacks who don’t agree that black are unfairly treated in America. If you don’t agree with the message of BLM you are considered a racist and bigot. In the same way if believe in traditional marriage between a man and a women and are pro-life then you are considered a homophobe and a misogynist. I didn’t even know what this word meant at first I thought it was somebody that likes massages.
Of course white godly men are the #1 enemy of the Liberal left so we are use to the hypocrisy of their message and lunacy of their actions. You see, this march isn’t about advancing or protecting the civil rights of woman because this has already done in America. This march is about promoting the sin of abortion and same sex marriage, so if you are a godly women who believes God’s word then you have to turn in your woman card. It is because of this BS attitude of the left that woman voted for Trump. Ironically, one of the key notes speakers was an Islamic woman who was demanding the justice for women, yet she is a known advocate and spokes person for implementing Sharia law in America. The fact that an Islamic faction was one of the organizers of the Women’s March is laughable at best. Islam is responsible for the worst abuses of women and children not only throughout history, but at present day. Islamic supremacists who wish to impose Sharia law in America have infiltrated various leftist movements in order to appear as an oppressed minority.. Don’t be naive about the kind “justice” Muslims want, educate yourself then see if you support their cause:
White privilege is a myth and a narrative of the BLM terrorist organization. People need to start taking personal responsibility for what they do … oh no, anything but that!
The Congressional Communist Black Caucus has created a ghetto hell hole that no one wants to live in:
Respect the law, give Trump a chance. This black pastor exposes the lies of the Democratic Liberal agenda
Obummer’s legacy = a nation out of work, out of money, polarized, traumatized and sexual unidentified.
The Demon-rats are now blaming Russia for the reason that they lost the election. It is hard to tell who hacked the DNC server and finally spilled the beans about how the DNC rigged the Democratic primary so Bernie would loose and Killary would win, Julian Assange at Wikileaks has said the source was not Russian and some have proposed that it was a DNC insiders who were Bernie friendly that spilled the beans. Obummer said that Reagan would roll over in his grave because of the way Russia influenced our election process.
But, what has Reagan rolling over in his grave is the path of ruin that Obummer and the Demon-rats have lead this nation toward. The Progressive Party of insanity has allowed the deadly ideology of Islam to go unchallenged, disrespected the military and police who have died to bring peace and freedom to the world, supported immorality, divided us over race, put us on the path to bankruptcy by offering government entitlements of health and wealth fare without a means to pay for the process and now you are trying to provoke a war with Russia because the lying progressive agenda of the Democratic party has been exposed to the world. BTW, Merry Christmas … Jesus is the reason for the season! You”re Happy Holiday White House greeting card just isn’t cutting it anymore.
Thank God, the destructive agenda of the Progressives Liberals has been exposed. Lord help us Make America Great Again and give You the glory.
By the way, if you are feeling the “burn” because old Bernie was mistreated by his own party perhaps you would like to know what he really thinks of Christians and their belief.
Then again if your job is to spin the facts you simply say that the majority of the people in America at one time believed owning people like Black slaves was right according to the Bible but later they were proven wrong, therefore any belief of the Bible will eventually be proven wrong. Unfortunately, this kind of logic is why we have the culture of the day that believes you can’t believe that anything is true, which ironically is a truth belief …. in nothingism! Yet, each person wants to be valued and affirmed for what they believe, even if it is the belief of nothingism. But God is not mocked by man’s pointless riddles and each person will be held responsible for the reality of their sin and how their sin held His Son upon the cross! This not a truth that man changes over time but truth that changes a man over time.
Safe Space or Free Speech? Should College Campuses create a “safe space” where free speech is denied? Is America safe or freedom safe where certain ideas are not allowed to be discussed? Isn’t it the purpose of a college to open up for discussion the ideas in the world so people can critically discuss them and think them through to a logical conclusion? The very purpose of a Universities “at one time” in America was to study and learn the “truth”, which people understood to be God’s word of truth!
Russian Hacking? This is the best information I have found concerning who “hacked” the DNC server.
At least one or several computers used by DNC coordinators were compromised by the a well known malware software called APT 28 (Fancy Bear) and APT 29 (Cozy Bear). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fancy_Bear This software has been around since 2005 and used successfully to compromise system and gain confidential information. This malware was originally written by a Russian source and used by Russians but this “old version” of the malware that was found on DNC computers could have been obtained by anyone through dark web. It is impossible to say with certainty based on this information alone that the Russians were behind this breech of security. Moreover, the malware in the email left too many clues to the creator’s source which is kind of like a red flag that proves it was not professionally done by a spy. It would be like a robber breaking into a house and leaving his business card on the table. John McAfee the creator of McAfee Antivirus software tries to explain the ridiculousness of blaming the Russians.
To me the most alarming thing in this “investigation” is that the FBI or CIA never examined the DNC computers but rely on the report of a third party Computer Security group for their information. Who owns the email account “no-reply@accounts.googlemail.com” which is what John Podesta and several others at the DNC clicked on? The link takes the user to a server in the Netherlands where the malware is downloaded and infects the computer but this server is a generic hosting site which is not traceable as to it’s owner. Of course it may be that Podesta’s gmail account was compromised by the fact that he actually entered his password at the web server link provide in the email. In this case the hacker’s don’t have to use their fancy malware to establish remote control operations on the users computer and download the users files but they can simply enter his gmail account and password and then download all his emails. Let me stop a minute here … is the use of a “gmail” account considered a government secure email method? I work for the Navy DoD and we sure can’t use gmail for official government business. But then again the DNC is not a government entity … so is the information that is owed by the DNC something the government is responsible for guarding. Is the government supposed to declare war if my gmail account get’s hacked by a foreign government? I’m so confused.
Here’s the real RUSSIAN agency that is responsible for this mess: Real US Stupidity Ignorance & Arrogance
This Democratic Congressman claims Russia was behind the hacking of John Podesta’s email but when Tucker Carlson asks him to definitely state this is true on camera, he won’t do it. This is a dangerous position to “accuse the Russian government of hacking the DNC emails” but then have no facts or balls to declare this is true. This is the same reason we went to war with Saddam Hussein but never found any weapons of mass destruction. “Fool me once … shame on you” … “Fool me twice … shame on me”. I am so glad Tucker Carlson is replacing Megan Kelly on Fox News, maybe we will get some actual reporting of facts now.
Or perhaps you fear for you life because Donald Trump is going to institute some law and order in America:
Obummer is now making record appearances around the world to announce how wonderful his globalist agenda was and denounce a Nationalist movement in America. However, the real reason for Obummer’s discontent is that America is turning from the direction of a Humanistic Global New World Order that he supported and Trump is trying to return us to the “Godly moral principles” that made us great and exceptional in the world. Obummer is so smooth in the way he spins the Globalist agenda as a force of good in the world that he could very well be the Antichrist. Not to mention he has just “sold out” Israel in the UN as his last act of desperation.
Executive Action speech by Donald Trump
This Newsweek reporter has a meltdown on the Tucker Carlson show:
This is funnier that an Abbott and Costello routine but also sad. This is proof that many times the big News media writers do not have any objective investigative facts to back up their reports, yet ironically they blame Americas who read “fake” news as the reason for Trump’s victory. Thanks to their lack of integrity, I now have to stick my head out the door to verify it’s raining after the weather man on TV tells me so.