Wow, where do you begin on this issue. Can anyone tell what is real news and what is fake news anymore? The news media is busy spinning up news stories to satisfy the hunger of their bias anxious customer base, so much so that they are often times do not investigating the facts and truthfulness of the story. And at times they purposefully mislead their audience by only reporting on part of the story. Either way the final effect is “fake new”. The situation has gotten so bad that I have to stick my head out the door to validate it’s raining when the weather says so on TV. When the purpose of news is no longer to report fact but to persuade public opinion, then this is called “propaganda” which is how Hitler’s ran his regime. How does it feel to be called fake news?
If you don’t read the news you are uninformed. If you do read the news you are misinformed.
Most of the spin and fake news is from the Liberal camps but there there are a few punches and overreaches of the truth from the far right too. Can the left and right ever “stop spinning” long enough to actual discuss the facts and merits of an issue instead of dumping on one another with “fake news” because of a preconceived notion of the other person’s intentions? Well, if this were to happen it would take a miracle act of God or a common enemy to beat up on … instead of beating up on one another. But as I pray for “God’s will be done”, it becomes clearer to me that what is going on is a fulfillment of prophecy, a demonically increasing influence in the world to remove accountability to God and to remove trust in God and to remove evidence of God’s help to man and to remove glory to God and to remove God from America altogether.
This is the underlying reason for the hate and discontent in the world because God is being removed from the debate and accountability of what is right and what is wrong. Instead of studying God’s word and discussing the merits of an issue based on God’s word you have instead “a screaming match of human opinions“. And this is “unrest and division” in America is a foreshadow of what the world will look like as the “end” approaches. And the reason the Liberal left “fears” Trump is because he is restoring a culture of Godly values and Godly reasoning which is a “death sentence” to the “anything goes” cultural track that America has been on for a long time. This is especially true of liberal Hollywood actors and celebrates who make money by producing sleazy films and advertising their loose life styles,
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. – Matthew 24:7
Note, the cultural war between the “Godly Truth” and the “Liberal Progressive Lies” is primarily fought on battle field of the “World and the Flesh“. This kind of battle can largely be fought by Godly reason and Godly living. But there is also a “racial war” that is occurring in America due to an increasing Demonic Spiritual influence of “the Devil“. This war must be fought by prayer and can only be won by God’s Spirit changing the rebellious hurting heart. The reference from Matthew 24:7 that “nation will rise against nation” is a reference to one ethnic group will rise against another ethnic group. In other worlds, World War III will be both a war among nations and a Civil war that occurs within nations like America where there are mixed ethnic groups, This is what is happening in America today, we are witnessing a movement of bigotry and racism that is fueled by a Demonic approaching “end times” influence.
The civil rights movement of the 1960’s lead to a guarantees of equal opportunity for all men regardless of skin color, race, religion or sex under the law. But this movement today is not about ensuring “equal opportunity” but ensuring “equal outcome”. And here is where we run into our troubles. Imagine if a person tells you “I will guarantee you will be a success and have the things to make your life comfortable regardless of how you conduct your life” and another person says “there are no guarantees in life but working and taking responsibility for your life is the right thing to do”. Well would you join the “you are responsible for your life” camp or would you join the “you are entitled to everything” camp?
Now do you see the troubles, Those who believe “in God we trust” know we are supposed to “take up our cross and follow Jesus”. But those who “in Gov we trust” think it’s OK to “sit down on our butt and get free stuff”. In other words, for those who don’t have a Christian foundation and a true living faith, the religion of the world is “Liberal politics” and their message is “Prosperity by government entitlement” and their belief is “the Government will provide” and their motto is “In Gov we trust”.
How did we get here? Well Roosevelt started us on the slippery sloop to ruin with the advent of Social Security System and many others with “good intentions” have pushed the purpose of the government beyond what the Founding Fathers intended. Also there are plenty with “evil intentions” who understand that creating a “welfare state” is a means of controlling and ruining other people’s lives, which is Satan’s agenda.
For those without Christ, this is the only Heaven they will ever know. And for those with Christ, this is the only Hell they will ever know.
Look, I understand some people need help from time to time and Government programs that provide temporary relief to those in need are a great way to bridge the gap until relief from a situation comes. But expecting the Government to provide health and wealth for everyone, especially those who don’t want to work or those who are here illegally or those who don’t take responsibility for their lives to do the right thing … well that is crazy expectation, especially when the means used to pay for these entitlement programs is based on a unsustainable Ponzi scheme.
Robin Hood did’t rob from the rich and redistribute wealth to the poor. He took from the crocked and greedy what was due to the working people. Moreover, you can’t build people up by tearing other people down.
What I am pointing out is that the “compassion of politics” should be about creating a fair playing field so people can succeed based on their ethical hard work. But the belief that the government is “God” and it has unlimited resources to provide a “hand out” to everyone regardless of ethics or regardless of their effort is a “foolish and dangerous dream”. This is not the vision of our Founding Fathers or the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. had for America. King anticipated a world where the content of character matters more than skin color.
But let me say this, I do think people of black skin color and minorities do face disadvantages in building a good character, more so than most white skin colored people in America. The absence of a father and/or the absence of family support causes a terrible disadvantage for making you way through this word. It’s not an excuse to riot and steal but it is a reason for those who had the advantage of a good family or a good standard of living to help and show love and understanding to those who face tough circumstances. God can use tough circumstance to build Godly character but he expects those to whom much is given to give to others, We all need to pray and help one another not act in fear or pity or oppression or apathy.
Look, I understand the temptation to believe the lie that “money grows on trees” and the lie that man can have peace on earth without peace with God but this “stinking thinking” stems from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve ate from in the garden of Eden. This is what got us into this mess in the first place. A Self Indulgent Nature (SIN) causes us to act on what “seems” good to man instead of what “is” good for man based on God’s word. What is good for man is to trust and obey God. And in order to trust and obey God you must first be Spiritually “born again” by Jesus Christ so you can hear God. The progressive liberal idea that government should run people’s lives is a drug that makes a person delusional with thoughts of unrealistic grandeur and once you start drinking that kook-aid you just can’t stop. And this is the lie that is propelling the world toward a Global New World Order where politics is the religion and the Government is God!
The “Media-nites” and the Government elite aren’t the ones who decide what is “fake news” and what is “real news”. Real news is what is real, what matches reality, what is TRUE. Governments can make laws that oppose God’s moral word and they can spew propaganda about what they say is right but a nation, like people, are ultimately held accountable to God. Nothing is hidden that won’t be revealed and nothing is done that won’t be accounted for “fairly” by God Himself, either in this world or the next. Remember how the media supported and stood in awe of Obummer, yet now they are doing everything possible to destroy Trump … what’s the real reason behind this situation? Those caught up in Satan’s agenda of bringing together the world into a Global New World Order (GNWO) are opposing Trump and those who want to glorify God and righteousness are supporting the new presidency. Don’t misunderstand me, Trump does not act very godly but because he is not a puppet operating under the delusion of the GNWO he is being attacked by his own intelligence agencies.
You can’t change the truth but the “The Truth” can change people.
Get ready. The Spirit and the Bride say come. Christ is coming soon for His Bride, the Church. The rapture is near. The Groom is on the way. Come Lord Jesus, Come!
– Rogersings