According to Wikipedia, the “Great Divide” describes the Atlantic/Pacific continental divide, a mountainous ridge that separates the watersheds that drain into the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. And the “Great Divide” of the World of Avatar is the exact opposite, a canyon analogous to the real-world Grand Canyon, that divides America into two parts. But the “Great Divide” that I am referring too in this article is a “Spiritual Divide” that is dividing the people of America into two parts between those who love the Truth of God and those who love the Lies of men.
For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.. Hebrews 4:12
As you can see from the above passage, the living word of God, the Holy Spirit, is the “great divider”. The Holy Spirit is able to lay bare before Almighty God the true intentions of a person’s heart. We only see the outward behavior of a person but God see the inward motive that drives a person’s behavior. God knows those who have received His forgiveness of their sin by accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and God know those who are only going through the motions of “playing church” and in their heart they reject His Son as Lord of their life. And in a believer’s life, God knows when a believer’s actions are driven by faith in Christ (denying self and glorifying God) or when the believer’s actions are driven by the old sin nature (to satisfy self and pride).
The main issue is that once a person accepts Christ as their Savior, the Holy Spirit begins to reign in the heart of that person and that person begins to “Spiritually hear” God. The person “enters” the Kingdom of Heaven, they are “born again” and become a new creation in Christ Jesus, a believer of Jesus Christ. And when that person become a believer, that person understands that like he once was, all people are judged by God for their the sin nature that they are born and only by being Spiritually “born again” can a person have “eternal life” with God and overcome the judgment of “eternal death“.
Like a light switch that is turned on, a believer suddenly understand that “saving people from the sin penalty of eternal death” is the most important issue in the world and all other issues, including wars and climate chance and over population and hunger are secondary to issue of a person’s salvation in Jesus Christ.
And this my friend is why there is a “Great Spiritual Divide” in the world … those who have become believers in Christ know that the #1 priority of life is to “let others know that the only way to eternal life is through Jesus Christ” … and those who are not believers in Christ think that the #1 priority of life is to “let everyone coexist peacefully and tolerate whatever a person wants to believe“. This is “root reason” why there is conflict among people, believers of God are trying to obey God, proclaim the truth, restrain evil and give God the glory while non believers are trying to make a Government where sin is legalized and truth is suppressed and man gets the glory.
For an unbeliever this is the only Heaven he will ever know …
but for a believer this is the only Hell he will every know.
An unbeliever is trying to make this world a place where he legally satisfy his sin nature and feel proud about sinning and even be cheered on for it as long as he has breath in his body! While a believer is trying to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ with a message that we can be free from sin and one day “get out” of this world of sin and have a resurrected body of glory that lives forever and will have no desire to sin. The #1 priority of a believer of Jesus Christ is diametrically opposed to the #1 priority of a non-believer. This is why believers and non-believers do not and should not exist together in peace. This is the reason why there is a “great divide” among Americans. And this is reason why there is a great disagreement about the purpose of government. Believers think Government should be “minimum” with just enough to protect our God given Life and Liberty by passing laws that are moral and fair so we, the people, can pursue holiness. While an unbeliever thinks the Government should be big and intrude into every area of our life such that it is able to somehow fulfill the desire of every person’s sinful heart, even those unwilling to work.
A Believer is suppose to be tolerant of an unbeliever because except for the grace of God we were once in the dark about God’s love and mercy toward us. Believers also have to be tolerant of other believers too as far tolerating differences in skin color, culture and personalities and preferences. When a believer sins, he confesses his sin to God and/or apologies to the person he sinned against. But believers are not suppose to the tolerate the practice, acceptance or approval of sin. We are not suppose to live “at peace” with our fellow man, in that we don’t commit violence or bigotry against them but we not to be “at peace with the sin”, We are called by God to speak out against sin that keeps our fellow man captive to their sin and eternal judgement for sin. This is why even “peace” is misunderstood between believers and unbelievers. The angels announced at Jesus’ birth that Jesus was born as a gift of God’s peace and good will toward men,
Luke 2:14
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased. – NASB
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom His favor rests! – BSB
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. – KJB
The angels were declaring a great thing that God was doing for man through the birth of Jesus. The angels declared that Jesus is God’s gift of peace for man. The world is in conflict and turmoil because of sin but God loves man and wants man to know His peace, so He sent the Prince of Peace from Heaven to earth.
For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. – Isaiah 9:6
But peace didn’t suddenly blossomed on earth at the birth of Jesus. This is not the message the angels where declaring. The angels are declaring the Jesus is the way for men to have peace with God, not just with each other. The angels declared that God wants to restore peace with man and restore the”goodness in man” that was destroyed by sin in the garden of Eden.
God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. – Genesis 1:31.
Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it’;
Cursed is the ground because of you;
In toil you will eat of it
All the days of your life. Genesis 3:17“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” – John 3:16
You see, God’s favor and good will are toward men. God sent His only begotten Son so no one would have to perish because of sin.
The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. – 2 Peter 3:9
The peace that God is offering to men is peace with Him. It is the peace of salvation in Jesus Christ. Adam declared war on God when he disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. And we inherit this sinful rebellious nature toward God. We can’t have peace with God and overcome our sin nature and the death penalty we are due by our own means. We have no goodness or works worthy of to offer God so we can be free from sin. This is why God made a way for us to be saved by His Son. Our responsibility is to accept the free gift of peace with God by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Striving to have peace with men without having peace with God is “missing the mark” in life … it’s a life lived in vain … ending in eternal death and separation from God. This is not the purpose of the peace that Jesus came to give us. Jesus himself made this clear when He said the purpose of His ministry was not to bring peace but a sword, the sword of the Lord, the sword of the Holy Spirit of division.
Matthew 10: 34“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35For I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. 36a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’
37“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.39Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Jesus is putting into perspective the importance of “first” making peace with God through Him. If you love your self or your family more than Jesus then you are declaring war with God. You cannot put anything, even peace with your family, above obtaining peace with God. The United Nations and Beauty Pageant contestants think the number one thing we need to do is “strive by human goodness to achieve world peace among men” but they are wrong! The number one thing we need to do is proclaim like the angels did that we can have “peace with God” through salvation in God’s Son, Jesus Christ.
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. – John 14:6
Perhaps many of you are agree with Burt Bacharach that “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love” and it’s true, we need love but not the kind of love the the song describes. It’s not a love of tolerance or a love of diversity or a love of equality that brings lasting love but it is a love of the Truth! The world needs the love of Jesus and we need to demonstrate the love of Jesus. Jesus is the truth! Jesus is the love people need, not some phony baloney manufactured love that man is trying to produce and sell. Peace among people is vain and worthless, unless there is “first” peace with God. Those who do not have Christ will live an eternity in the Lake of Fire separated from God. What good is “world peace” if it only allows you to die without war yet you die eternally separated from God where you live without peace for an eternity.
Seriously, the world is so deaf, dumb and blind from a Spiritual standpoint. All the screaming about who’s opinion is right and who’s political candidate is better or who loves this country more or who loves the children of this country more or who loves their mother more … is just a tactical smoke screen of confusion that serves Satan’s purpose and keeps us from discussing “who loves God“. We should be discussing what does God’s want? What does God’s word say? What is God’s will for my life? How can I be more like Christ? How can I proclaim the truth of Christ better? How can I glorify God in my life? Focusing on these questions and living your life for Christ will bring a blessing now and have eternal rewards in Heaven.
As Franklin Graham points out to people, “Donald Trump didn’t create this divide in America”, he has just finally provided a voice to those who have been suppressed by Professional Politician and the Liberal Mainstream Media. Those who love God and love the truth that this nation was founded upon have been silenced by Liberals who have hijacked the “land of opportunity” and made it a “land of promiscuity”. I find it amazingly ironic that Liberal protesters are shouting in the streets that Trump is a fascist while they are “paid to protest” by George Soros who is #1 outspoken fascist on the planet. Over the years George Soros has backed the Progressive Liberal movement in order to make the government bigger and more intrusive into people’s lives with the plan to make government replace God, while Soros (Satan’s wing man) pulls the strings of government.
The bottom line is “don’t waste your time trying to be at peace with people who are not at peace with God“. Being silent about sin in order to have peace is Satan’s plan, so he can drag as many as possible into the Lake of Fire with him. Instead spend your time trying to bring the message of “peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ”. As a matter of fact God often allows division and darkness to increase so the light of His truth shines all the brighter and the victory by His hand is more evident and the glory is His alone! So don’t be alarmed at the divide or expect to go away any time soon. Instead, get used to seeing the sea gulls circle the Ship of Life while they cry for food to feed their sin nature. Remember, the best food for a hungry world is the “bread of life”.
– Rogersings
Pager University explains the fundamental difference between the left and the right concerning how to improve society.
Maybe you are like me and you can’t quite figure out who is the victim and who is victor, I mean oppressor. Well there is a Liberal “Identity Counsel” that meets to defined these labels and Andrew Klavan explains the irrational process they use.
I think political commentator Tomi Lahren and Combat Veteran Staff Sergeant John Burk explain the great divide better in few minutes than I do with my many words and articles.
If you want to educated yourself concerning the agenda of George Soros watch this video:
In comparison, watch the payers to God being offered for Donald Trumps leadership “in Jesus name”:
The Trump protesters have been called “snowflakes” by conservatives who use the label to point out how fragile their life is when something doesn’t go their way they have a “mental melt down”. This video shows the beauty and wonder that God has created in a real snowflake. Yes, I am a conservative but I am not trying to deepen the divide I am trying to narrow it in Jesus name. I like the analogy that each “snowflake” person is uniquely created by God and each person can find who God created them to by surrendering their life to Jesus Christ.