Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, are you watching and waiting for Jesus to appear in the air and take you home? Is your heart longing to be with your “first” love? The Lord has awakened His Bride, the Church, for such a time as this. He is near … He is right at the door!
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. – Revelation 22:17
– Rogersings +8^)
The Groom to the Bride
Awake my love, Awake with a kiss
It is I, your first love, your Savior and King
I am coming for you
I am right at the door
Arise and make yourself ready
Bath yourself in holiness
Adorn yourself with praise
I have bought the ring
I have declared the appointed day
I have prepared a place for you
and My Father is well pleased
Your faithfulness is what I seek
I desire to hear you call My Name out among the nations
Make a fast and sing a new song that I have put in your heart
Don’t turn back, Don’t look away, Don’t loose hope
Wait and receive My promise
I have poured out an extra measure of My oil of grace upon you
Trim your lamp and burn it brightly
So others will see that you are mine
And I am yours
The marriage of the Lamb has come