For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart. – Hebrews 4:12
California is the first (and hopefully only State) to legally recognize a gender type of “non-binary”. In California you can legally register as a male (M), female (F) or non-binary gender person. According to those who support this madness SB 179 “is at the forefront of ensuring the dignity and safety of its transgender, non-binary and gender-non-conforming residents.” The problem, according to supporters of this Bill, is that if you put a “M” on your driver license this means you are identified with a sense of adventure and if you put an “F” on the form you are identified as a someone who has to stay at home and do chores. If you put an “X” on the form then you are NOT identified with these predetermined social roles and you are “free” from the burden of these labels upon your life.
This of course is nothing but a lame excuse and reason to thumb your nose at God for creating you with a genetic assignment of male or female. Putting an “X” on a form does nothing to change your real genetic identify and who you are in the eyes of God. Sponsoring this madness only serves to plague the rest of society with having to deal with the madness that has infected the few with this disease.
“With Governor Brown’s signature on this bill, transgender and non-binary people will now be able to identify themselves as they are, not as who society tells them they should be,” said Wiener, in a statement.
It is not society that makes the rules that govern our life but the giver of life, God, has put desires in a man and woman to allow them to complement and complete one another in marriage, raise a family and pass along a moral foundation to the next generation … so the human race can live and prosper. Woman and men can find equally fulfilling lives of adventure when they pursue the adventure that God has planned for their life. However, when you go against God’s design for your life you are in effect destroying your life and destroying the foundation to build a future generation. In other words, legalizing the sin of gender identity kills mankind which ushers in the judgement of God that is reserved for the End Times … the Day of the Lord!
Dr. Michelle Cretella explains that biology is reality … not bigotry. To indoctrinate a child into thinking that he or she is born into the wrong body is “child abuse” that can do permanent mental and physical damage.
From a physical standpoint there is a DNA genetic difference between men and woman which accounts for a difference in their sexual reproductive system and differences in hormone output, estrogen vs testosterone which naturally gives men more upper body strength than women. For a physician to treat a man as a woman because of that person’s gender preference basically constitutes malpractice. DNA genetics make people different in size, shape, skin color, hair color and eye color and putting an “x” on a form doesn’t make you taller. Society wants to divide people based on race and gender but in God’s eyes there is only “one” race … the human race.
Every person is a sinner in need of the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. At the cross “+” we are all equal, not bases on the “X” of genetic identity.
I remember when I was a boy, and I answered an advertisement on the back of an comic book which guaranteed that if I sent Charles Atlas 10 cents that he would send me the instructions on how to have muscles. Well, I followed the instructions that Charles Atlas sent me but after 4 weeks I was still as puny as before. So I sent Charles Atlas another letter and told him that I finished his course and asked him to please “send me my muscles” as he promised. Sure, this is a funny story but it’s not funny to be under the delusion of thinking that you have changed your sexual identity because you put an “x” on a form.
Opening up the door to acknowledge this “make believe sexual identify” starts us down a slippery slope of no return. For example if I identify myself as a “B” Ball-Point Pen, that’s what I want to put on my drivers’s license. Someone else might be a “C” cat or a “H” hat or maybe a “T” for that. Eventually, the reality of what the term “gender” actually means becomes meaningless and we suddenly find that we have no way to meaningfully express ourselves to one another, and everyone is plunged into a state of isolation, despair and confusion. As my father use to say … “the first liar doesn’t stand a chance” and if you keep telling “fish stories” sooner of later the fish become so big that it swallows you and everyone who is caught up in the foolishness of believing the lie.
If I told someone I didn’t like the parents who bore me and wanted to identify as a child of Bill and Melinda Gates, do you think putting a “x” on a piece of paper will make me their child instead of my birth parents? If I go around telling people that I’m their child, do you think this obligates the Gates to adopt me and raise me? Do you think a court will rule in my favor? Of course not, yet this is the kind of ludicrous claim that people make when they claim they can change their God given sexual identity.
The battle cry from the left is “unity” under the banner of deception and delusion and they ask the question: “What does it cost any of us to refer to people as they want to be recognized? It’s just the right thing to do.” The motto of those who are caught up in the madness of the world is “don’t be a divider … be a uniter” and “love over bias”.
But is it loving to let a person die in their sinful delusion? It’s probably the easiest thing to do but doing what is right is not about doing what is easy. The truth is that people are dying from sin. They are dying from the delusion that they have no sin or are not accountable to God for their sin.
A Christian’s job is to “rescue” those perishing from sin … not ignore sin, tolerate sin, accept sin, celebrate sin or participate in sin. The “right thing” or righteous thing to do is confront sin and turn to Him, Jesus Christ. We are to live a righteous life in Jesus Christ, acknowledging our true God given identity in Him, not our “make believe” identity from the sin and delusion of self.
Most people misquote and misrepresent Jesus Christ. He unifies under the banner of “Truth”, and the Truth is the person of Jesus Christ (John 14:6). You must accept Him into your life to be born again into the truth of who you really are. Otherwise, you are opposing Jesus and Jesus recognized this battle. Here are Jesus’s words about peace and unity.
Matthew 10:34Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. 35For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. 36And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. 37He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. 39He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.
A person must first have “peace with God” before they can have peace with their fellowman. And peace withe God is found in acknowledging that Jesus is the “Truth, the Life and the Way”. You must first come to a born again relationship with God through Jesus Christ before you can know how to rightly treat your fellow man or woman. Therefore, as long as I am able to breath and think soundly in Jesus, I will not be responsible for leading someone to eternal damnation and death by acknowledging the lies of man, especially this gender identification madness!
Supporting the delusional madness of genetic political correctness is “not” the right thing to do. Lord, may I be found a “divider” of the Truth of God from the lies of Man … just like You.
Rogersings +8^)